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Thailand to the United States | Ties


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Al Gore, President of the United States of America> Odinson
From: <>
Subject: Bilateral Relationship between Thailand and the United States
Security Type: NSST Protocol + Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service


I am writing to you today to express Thailand's sincere desire to engage in constructive dialogue towards normalizing our bilateral relationship with the United States. As we approach the 186th anniversary of our diplomatic relations in 2004, Thailand recognizes the enduring foundation of our partnership, built upon shared values of democracy, security, and stability. While the past decade has presented challenges, Thailand believes that our long-standing relationship, dating back to the first formal diplomatic arrangement between the United States and an Asian nation, provides a strong basis for renewed cooperation. From the early 20th century, when Thailand entrusted an American advisor with its foreign affairs, to navigating the complexities of the Cold War, our two countries have fostered a close relationship and strategic partnership. Thailand is committed to working collaboratively with the United States to address any outstanding issues and identify mutually beneficial pathways for advancing our partnership in the years to come. We believe that open communication and a shared commitment to our core values will pave the way for a stronger and more productive relationship between our two nations.

Thailand remains firmly committed to its longstanding bilateral relationship with the United States. We acknowledge that the global landscape has presented challenges in recent years, and we are prepared to engage in constructive dialogue to address any outstanding issues. Thailand recognizes the enduring value of our historical ties and remains committed to maintaining strong ties with the United States, our valued partner in the West. Looking towards the future, Thailand believes that our two nations share significant opportunities for collaboration. The global economic slowdown necessitates a coordinated response, and Thailand is eager to work together with the United States to address this shared challenge. Furthermore, Thailand prioritizes environmental protection and combating climate change, and we see collaboration with the United States as crucial in addressing these critical issues. Additionally, Thailand remains committed to cooperating with the United States on security matters, building upon our long history of partnership in this domain.

Thailand firmly believes that mutual respect and understanding are essential foundations for constructive and effective diplomacy. We acknowledge that differences in worldview and ideology can sometimes lead to challenges in international relations. However, we are confident that these challenges can be overcome through open and honest dialogue conducted with a spirit of mutual respect and understanding. Thailand believes that our diverse perspectives can be a source of strength, allowing us to approach complex issues from different angles and identify innovative solutions. We are committed to engaging in constructive dialogue with the United States to identify common ground and build a stronger partnership for the future.

Thailand is committed to taking concrete steps to rebuild trust and strengthen our relationship with the United States. We propose the re-establishment of regular and high-level diplomatic dialogue channels, including increased communication between leaders, diplomats, and officials. This will enable us to foster a deeper understanding of each other's positions and concerns, and work collaboratively to address any outstanding issues. Thailand is confident that it provides a safe and secure environment for the continued operation of the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok. Additionally, we remain unwavering in our commitment to countering terrorism globally and collaborating with the United States on this critical issue. As a further demonstration of Thailand's commitment to a renewed bilateral relationship, we would be honored to host a state visit to the United States. This visit would serve as a symbolic gesture of our desire to build a stronger partnership and collaborate on issues of mutual interest. We believe that a joint statement issued by our administrations, reaffirming our commitment to a positive and productive relationship, would be a significant step forward in this process.

In closing, Thailand reiterates its sincere desire to forge a renewed and stronger partnership with the United States. We look forward to celebrating the 186th anniversary of our diplomatic relations next year as an opportunity to reflect on our shared history and build upon the strong foundation of our longstanding partnership. We are confident that, through mutual respect, understanding, and open dialogue, we can overcome any challenges and chart a new course for a more productive and collaborative relationship between our two nations.


Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018



TO: Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of The Republic of Thailand ( Bossza007 )
FROM: Al Gore, President of the United States of America

Prime Minister,

Thank you for sending that kindly-worded and well thought out message.

I have made it one of the primary tenants of my administration - sometimes to the detriment of my political popularity - that the State Department maintain cordial relations with the governments of any nation that desires to cooperate and work together for the greater good. This approach has worked more often than not, especially with larger countries that we have some cultural or historical ties with. Unfortunately, diplomatic relations between our governments have degraded over time because of Thailand's repeated attempts to use its armed forces to interfere in the affairs of Europe and the New World, multiple instances of the Thai armed forces acting either unprofessionally or overreacting in ways that could inadvertently initiate a kinetic conflict, and the failure of your government to protect our embassy in Bangkok. If your government continues to peruse a foreign policy of uninvited and armed responses in the West, then we will continue to see a degradation of relations between Thailand and the United States. This would inevitably lead to a scenario in the future where one of us - it doesn't really matter who - makes a simple mistake that has catastrophic and irrevocable consequences that will lead to an unimaginable and unforgettable series of events that neither one of us will be able to stop once it is started. We have already come close to such a scenario in the Pacific and the Mediterranean.

I hope those two instances are remembered in the future humorously because of how productive and beneficial the mutual relations between our countries become. I like to imagine a future where a Thai Prime Minister and an American President are laughing together over scotch and cigars about how foolish it was that our governments were working in seemingly blatant opposition of one another. We are unfortunately not at that point yet, and a proverbial battleship is heading directly towards an iceberg. Everything that we do to normalize relations and stop antagonizing one another turns that battleship a few degrees off-course of hitting the iceberg, while everything we do to work against each other either turns the ship back towards the warship or increases its speed.

I appreciate your message and I take it as a sincere attempt to mend what has been fractured. However, while words are powerful, actions and their consequences are more important. I appreciate your offer for a state visit in Thailand, but that is not something that the United States would be able to accommodate because of upcoming plans. However, there are other avenues we can take to build a working relationship. While a meeting between you and I would be symbolic, I do not think it is what is warranted right now. What we need is a series of diplomatic victories for both of our governments which make it clear that we are not working in opposition of each other, or the international community. Quite frankly, at this point, a very simple victory we could achieve is not having our armed forces in a tense situation for the next six months.

I look forward to hearing back from you.​


Al Gore
President of the United States


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Al Gore, President of the United States of America> Odinson
From: <>
Subject: Bilateral Relationship between Thailand and the United States
Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax


Thailand deeply appreciates your candid and open communication with my office. We consider your correspondence thoughtfully and assure you that we are actively exploring concrete steps to strengthen Thailand's relationship with both Europe and the United States. We commend your constructive and insightful contribution to this discourse, and I personally express my gratitude for your time and engagement.

Since December, I have engaged in comprehensive consultations with my cabinet and the National Assembly to understand and address concerns regarding Thailand's foreign policy. We recognize the need for alignment with the global aspirations of our people, particularly regarding humanitarian efforts. Consequently, Thailand is undertaking a strategic realignment of its foreign policy, and we are engaged in open dialogues with European nations to explore a significant reduction in our overseas deployments. While discussions are ongoing, some nations and partners have expressed support for Thailand maintaining a cooperative presence of approximately two frigates or one destroyer in specific regions. We believe this demonstrates our commitment to taking concrete steps towards improved relations. Looking ahead, my administration remains committed to fostering global well-being in 2004 through collaborative investments with various countries around the world.

Thailand remains committed to de-escalation and preventing any further tensions between our respective forces. We understand the concerns regarding past instances of military intervention in Thai politics. My administration is actively engaged in addressing this issue and has made significant progress, including the historic election of the first civilian Defense Minister. We are working closely with the Defense Minister to strengthen civilian oversight and checks and balances within the Thai government. Regarding the current controversy involving Thailand and Russia, the Thai government and its Armed Forces have submitted to the legal process, both domestically through the Thai Judiciary and, potentially, through the International Court of Justice. We believe in the independence and authority of our judiciary and hope for a fair and impartial resolution. While I personally value constructive relations with all nations, including Russia, this commitment is contingent upon adherence to international law and respect for sovereignty.

Recognizing the challenges in our bilateral relationship, particularly concerning recent tensions between our naval forces, Thailand remains committed to taking concrete steps towards improvement. While we understand your cautious approach and decision to await demonstrable progress, I would like to propose an additional measure to advance our diplomatic engagement. Acknowledging the temporary limitations posed by the bombing of the American embassy, I believe that utilizing video conferencing technology could facilitate a productive dialogue. I propose that the respective Defense Ministers/Secretaries and Chiefs of Staff engage in a video conference to foster mutual understanding and explore avenues for de-escalation. Given the current circumstances, such a virtual meeting presents an efficient and timely opportunity to address the concerns stemming from military tensions and potentially pave the way for future face-to-face interactions.

Once again, I thank you for your candid and constructive approach in communication with me. I will be looking forward for your correspondence.


Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​

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