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The Campaign Trail


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Full transcript of a speech delivered by the Leader of the Opposition at the campaign launch of the Popular Party for the upcoming elections.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you for being here today. We stand at a crucial crossroads in our nation's history. The choices we make in the upcoming elections will define the future of Spain. We gather here as proud members and supporters of the Popular Party, united by a common purpose: to restore integrity, prosperity, and true democracy to our great nation. Today, we launch our campaign not just to win an election, but to reclaim Spain from the clutches of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party, whose tenure has been marked by incompetence, mismanagement, and disregard for the Spanish people.

For far too long, the government has led us down a path of instability and social division. Under their governance, we have witnessed the erosion of our economic foundations. Unemployment rates have soared, businesses have struggled, and families have found it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. This is not the Spain we envision. The government promised prosperity but delivered only poverty. Their economic policies have stifled growth and innovation, leaving our industries in disarray. Small businesses, the backbone of our economy, have been neglected, and entrepreneurs have been left without the support they need to thrive. Instead of creating jobs, the government has created uncertainty.

But their failures go beyond the economy. The PSOE's approach to national unity has been nothing short of disastrous. Their reckless handling of regional issues has sown discord and division among our people. Rather than fostering a sense of unity and pride in our national identity, they have pandered to separatist movements, weakening the very fabric of our nation. We, the Popular Party, say enough is enough. It is time for a government that prioritizes the interests of all Spaniards, not just a select few. It is time for a government that understands the value of hard work, enterprise, and innovation. It is time for a government that will stand firm in defense of our national unity and sovereignty. Under our leadership, Spain will experience a rise of economic growth and stability. We will implement policies that encourage investment, support small businesses, and create jobs. We will restore confidence in our economy and ensure that every Spaniard has the opportunity to succeed.

We will also reaffirm our commitment to the unity of Spain. We will not bow to separatist pressures. We will uphold the rule of law and work tirelessly to strengthen the bonds that unite us as one nation. Spain is stronger together, and together, we will build a brighter future. Pedro Sanchez has had his chance, and they have failed. It is time for change. It is time for a government that listens to the people, that respects the values that have made Spain great, and that is committed to a future where every citizen can thrive. Join us in this fight for a better Spain. Stand with the Popular Party as we work to restore prosperity, unity, and pride in our great nation. Together, we will prevail, and together, we will build a stronger, more prosperous, and united Spain. Thank you, and let us march forward to victory!

¡Viva España!


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Full transcript of a speech delivered by Gabriel Rufián, the leader of the Republican Left of Catalonia party at their campaign launch in Barcelona for the upcoming elections.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Thank you all for being here today. As we stand on the cusp of a new chapter for Catalonia and Spain, it is imperative that we reflect on our journey and envision a future that resonates with the aspirations and dreams of our people.

Today, we find ourselves in the midst of a snap general election. This is a pivotal moment, a chance for us to reassess our course and ensure that our voices are not just heard but heeded. Our journey has been long and arduous, marked by moments of triumph and tribulation. Yet, through it all, our resolve for a free and prosperous Catalonia has remained unwavering.

First and foremost, I want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Pedro Sanchez. His leadership in granting amnesty to those separatists who were accused over previous bids for independence is a commendable act of courage and reconciliation. This amnesty is more than just a political gesture; it is a step towards healing the deep wounds that have marred the relationship between Catalonia and Spain. It acknowledges the legitimacy of our cause and the sacrifices made by so many in our pursuit of self-determination. For this, Pedro Sanchez, we thank you.

However, while we recognize and appreciate this significant step towards justice and reconciliation, we must also confront the stark realities that face our nation. The current government, despite its commendable actions in some areas, remains out of touch with the everyday struggles and aspirations of the Spanish people.

Our country is grappling with profound challenges on a domestic scale and international scale, social inequalities, and a political system that often feels distant and disconnected from the lives of ordinary citizens. The cost of living continues to rise, wages stagnate, and too many of our fellow citizens feel left behind by an economy that seems to favor the few over the many. The voices of our rural communities, our working-class neighborhoods, and our youth are often drowned out in the halls of power.

It is time for a government that listens, a government that acts with empathy and urgency. We need leaders who understand that true progress is measured not by the prosperity of the elite but by the well-being of every citizen. We need policies that prioritize affordable housing, quality education, healthcare for all, and a fair and just economy that provides opportunities for everyone.

The Republican Left of Catalonia stands ready to be that voice of change. We are committed to building a society where every individual, regardless of their background or circumstance, has the chance to thrive. Our vision is one of inclusivity, fairness, and justice. We believe in a Catalonia that is free and self-determined, but we also believe in a Spain that is united by its diversity and strengthened by its commitment to equality.

In this election, we have a choice. We can choose to continue down a path where the voices of the many are overshadowed by the interests of the few, or we can choose to chart a new course. A course where every voice matters, where every community is valued, and where the promise of our nation is fulfilled for all its citizens.

As we embark on this campaign, let us carry forward the spirit of hope and determination. Let us honor the progress we have made, but also commit to the work that lies ahead. Together, we can build a future that reflects our highest ideals and aspirations.

Thank you, and let us move forward with courage and conviction.

Visca Catalunya!


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Full transcript of a speech delivered by Santiago Abascal, the leader of the far-right party at their campaign launch in Valencia for the upcoming elections.

Today, I stand before you as leader of the VOX Party, a party that is unflinching in its dedication to preserving the unity, strength, and sovereignty of our great nation. We gather here at a crucial moment in our history, a moment that demands clear vision, resolute leadership, and an unwavering commitment to the principles that define us as a people and a nation. The current government has betrayed these principles. In an act of sheer political cowardice, they have chosen to grant amnesty to the Catalan separatists, those who sought to tear our country apart, who defied our laws, and who spat in the face of our constitution. This is not just a political misstep, it is an unforgivable act of treason against Spain and its citizens.

Our nation is under threat from within. The separatists who orchestrated the illegal referendum and protests in Catalonia did so with the intention of fracturing our country. They disregarded the will of the Spanish people, the authority of our institutions, and the integrity of our nation. And now, the current government rewards their sedition with amnesty, setting a dangerous precedent that lawlessness and rebellion will be met with leniency and pardon. This amnesty is a slap in the face to every Spaniard who believes in the rule of law. It is an affront to the countless citizens who have worked tirelessly to build a unified and prosperous Spain. It is a betrayal to the principles of justice and order that our society is built upon.

We in VOX say, no more! We will not stand idly by while this government dismantles the very fabric of our nation. We will not tolerate the erosion of our sovereignty. We will not allow Spain to be divided by those who seek only to weaken us for their own gain. Our message is clear, Spain is one, and it will remain one. We will fight to protect our unity, our heritage, and our future. We will restore the rule of law and ensure that those who seek to undermine our nation face the consequences of their actions. Under a VOX government, there will be no amnesty for separatists. There will be no concessions to those who defy our Constitution. We will defend the integrity of Spain with every measure at our disposal, ensuring that our nation remains strong, united, and indivisible.

Our policies will reflect our commitment to a strong Spain:

- We will bolster our national security to prevent any further attempts at secession.
- We will invest in our regions to promote unity and prosperity for all Spaniards, ensuring that no region feels the need to turn against the nation.
- We will enforce the rule of law, ensuring that justice is swift and certain for those who seek to undermine our country.
- We will promote a patriotic education that instills in our children the values of unity, pride, and love for Spain.
- This snap election is our chance to take a stand. It is our chance to reclaim our nation from those who would see it divided. It is our chance to restore pride, dignity, and strength to Spain.

Together, we can and will defend our nation. Together, we will ensure that Spain remains a beacon of unity and strength in an increasingly divided world. Together, we will make it clear that the Spanish people will not be betrayed, and our nation will not be divided.

Viva España! Viva la unidad de nuestra patria!


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Full transcript of a speech delivered by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez at his campaign launch in Malaga for the upcoming elections.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I stand before you today to launch our campaign for the future of Spain. The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party has a rich history of fighting for social justice, equality, and the well-being of every citizen. Today, we continue that legacy, standing firm in our commitment to a prosperous and fair Spain. In this crucial election, we face a choice that will determine the direction of our beloved country. On one side, we have the Popular Party and Vox, who represent a step backwards for Spain. Their policies threaten to undermine the progress we have made, stifling the rights of workers, women, and minorities. Their vision for Spain is one of division and regression, where the rich get richer, and the vulnerable are left behind.

In contrast, our party has consistently invested in public services that benefit all Spaniards. One of our most notable achievements is the expansion of the high-speed rail network, which recently launched new routes connecting our cities and regions like never before. This investment not only modernizes our infrastructure but also creates jobs, reduces travel time, and helps our environment by decreasing reliance on cars and planes. It is a testament to what we can achieve when we prioritize the public good over private profit. We are not afraid to acknowledge our mistakes and learn from them. The recent situation between Spain and the United States over Puerto Rico was mishandled, and we take responsibility for that. It is a reminder that diplomacy and careful consideration are essential in international relations. We promise to engage more thoughtfully and strategically on the global stage, ensuring that Spain's interests are protected while fostering strong, positive relationships with other nations.

Our vision for Spain is clear, a country where everyone has access to quality education, healthcare, and social services. We will continue to champion workers' rights, fight for gender equality, and protect our environment. We will invest in innovation and technology to ensure Spain remains competitive in the global market, creating opportunities for our youth and securing a sustainable future for generations to come. This election is not just about choosing a government; it is about choosing the kind of country we want to live in. We ask for your support to continue the progress we have made and to build on our successes. Let us reject the politics of fear and division. Let us choose hope, unity, and a better future for all.

Together, we can build a Spain that we are all proud of, a Spain that leads with compassion, justice, and innovation.

Thank you, and onward to victory!

¡Adelante! ¡Viva España y viva el Partido Socialista Obrero Español!


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Full transcript of a speech delivered by Inés Arrimadas of the Ciudadanos party at their campaign launch in Barcelona for the upcoming elections.
Today, I stand before you not just as a member of Ciudadanos, but as a proud Spaniard who believes in the limitless potential of our great nation. I am honored to have the opportunity to speak with you about the future we can build together—a future of unity, progress, and prosperity for all.

Our beloved Spain is at a crossroads. We face significant challenges: economic uncertainty, political polarization, and the ever-present need to ensure that every voice in our diverse country is heard and respected. Ciudadanos is here to offer a new direction, one that embraces the core values of democracy, transparency, and equality. We need a government that is transparent and accountable. Corruption and inefficiency have no place in our public institutions. Ciudadanos will push for reforms that ensure integrity in politics and restore trust between the government and the people. We will fight for a justice system that is independent and impartial, so that everyone, regardless of their status, is equal before the law.

Education is the cornerstone of our future. Every child in Spain deserves access to high-quality education that equips them with the skills and knowledge to succeed in life. We will work to modernize our education system, support our dedicated teachers, and ensure that no student is left behind. By investing in education, we invest in the future of our country. But our vision for Spain goes beyond economics and governance. We dream of a society that is inclusive and respects the rights of all its citizens. Ciudadanos stands firmly for gender equality, LGBT rights, and the protection of minorities. We believe in building bridges, not walls. We reject the politics of division and embrace the strength that comes from our diversity.

As we stand at a pivotal moment in our nation’s history, it is crucial that we address not only the issues within our borders but also how we engage with the world beyond. Our foreign policy is a reflection of our values, our ambitions, and our commitment to fostering a peaceful, prosperous global community. Today, I want to talk to you about our vision for Spain's relationship with three important countries: Thailand, Australia, and the United States of America.

First, let's talk about Thailand. Thailand is a vibrant and dynamic nation with a rich cultural heritage and a growing economy. For Spain, fostering a strong relationship with Thailand is not just about economic opportunities but also about cultural exchange and mutual understanding. We envision a partnership where Spanish businesses can thrive in Thailand, bringing innovation and creating jobs both at home and abroad. Moreover, we want to enhance our cultural ties, promoting tourism and educational exchanges. By doing so, we not only strengthen our economy but also build bridges between our people, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of our respective cultures.

Moving on to Australia, a country that shares our democratic values and commitment to human rights. Australia is a key ally in the Asia-Pacific region, and it is imperative that we bolster our relationship with them. Our focus will be on collaboration in areas such as renewable energy, technology, and education. Spain is a leader in renewable energy, and by partnering with Australia, we can advance our shared goal of combating climate change. Additionally, we aim to enhance our academic exchanges, encouraging students and researchers to work together on projects that benefit both nations. By strengthening our ties with Australia, we are not only securing a prosperous future for our country but also contributing to global stability and progress.

Lastly, the United States of America, one of our most crucial allies. Our relationship with the United States is built on a foundation of shared values and mutual respect. We must continue to work closely with the United States to address global challenges such as terrorism, climate change, and economic instability. At Ciudadanos, we believe in the importance of a robust transatlantic partnership. We will advocate for stronger economic ties, ensuring that Spanish businesses have access to the vast American market, and vice versa. Moreover, we will collaborate on security and defense, ensuring that our nations remain safe and secure. By standing together with the United States, we can tackle the challenges of today and build a better tomorrow.

In conclusion, our foreign policy is driven by a commitment to collaboration, innovation, and mutual respect. By strengthening our relationships with Thailand, Australia, and the United States, we are not only securing a brighter future for Spain but also contributing to a more peaceful and prosperous world. At Ciudadanos, we believe that by working together with our global partners, we can achieve great things. We are committed to leading Spain with a vision that is open, inclusive, and forward-looking. Together, let us build a Spain that is strong, prosperous, and respected on the global stage.

Ciudadanos offers a path forward that is based on hope, unity, and progress. We are a party that listens to the people, that values your input, and that will always fight for your best interests. We believe in a Spain that is fair, just, and full of opportunities for everyone. Together, we can overcome the challenges we face. Together, we can build a brighter future for our children and for all the generations to come. Join us in this journey. Let us stand united, as Ciudadanos, and make Spain a beacon of democracy and prosperity.

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