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The Quitandinha


The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019

Quitandinha Palace, Petrópolis, Province of Rio de Janeiro.

The Quitandinha Palace is a well-known tourist attraction in the Rio de Janeiro Province, constructed in 1944 under the leadership of Brazilian Entrepreneur Joaquim Rolla and designed by Italian architect Luis Fosatti, it was one of the most luxurious hotels in Brazil and one of the biggest casinos in South America.

The Palace was known for receiving people such as Errol Flynn, Orson Welles, Lana Turner, Henry Fonda, Maurice Chevalier, Greta Garbo, Carmen Miranda, Walt Disney and Bing Crosby. As well as Harry S Truman in 1947. The Palace was also the location for the declaration of war from the American nations against the Axis powers.

With the outlawing of Casinos in Brazil by President Dutra in 1946, the Casino suffered, with the Hotel rooms not being enough to pay for the building's Upkeep, Since 1963, the Hotel has been converted into a luxurious condominium.

Until today...The Royal Family has recently shown interest in buying the property and restoring the building to its Hotel status.

A meeting has been scheduled between the Crown Prince and the current owners of the Palace in the coming weeks to talk about the possible deal.


The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019

Quitandinha Palace's Interior.

The Day finally came for the meeting between the two parties over the fate of the Grand Hotel and Former Casino, Quitandinha Palace.

The Crown Prince arrived at the palace's front gate's, both civilians and media alike had come to watch the Crown Prince's arrival, which he did through the Brand new Railway system that connected Brasília to Rio de Janeiro, the ride was calm and gave Dom Bertrand much time to think of how to convince the current hotel owners to agree into transferring the property's ownership to the Imperial Family.

Upon his arrival in Rio de Janeiro, the Crown Prince received a warm welcome from the population, which he returned with handshakes, pictures and a short exchange of words, to the headache of his security guards.

The rest of the trip would be made using the roads leading up to Petrópolis, where he received a similar welcome, Media figures had positioned themselves near to capture footage of the Prince entering the Hotel.

The Crown Prince would be given a room in the hotel and a general tour of the property, It was quite beautiful, and it was a shame that it was in such a state.
Finally, Dom Bertrand would sit down with the owners of the property and begin talks behind the closed doors of the Quitandinha Palace.

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