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Treaty of Amity between the Republic of Thailand and the Gandhi Empire


I am From Thailand
GA Member
May 4, 2021

Treaty of Amity between the Republic of Thailand and the Gandhi Empire

APRIL 21 2005

WE, the Republic of Thailand (hereinafter referred to as "Thailand") and the Gandhi Empire (hereinafter referred as to India),

DECLARING our intention to foster and establish a working and cooperative relationship based on principles of sovereign equality, non-interference, and peaceful co-existence,

REAFFIRMING our shared interests in political, economic, and security cooperation between our countries to create an environment conducive to mutual prosperity and peace of our people and the global community, re

RECOGNIZING the necessity of bilateral cooperation to address regional challenges including climate change, economic inequality, and social injustice;

HEREBY agree to the following provision for the establishment of the Treaty of Amity between the Thailand and India (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties").

Article 1: Trade Agreement
  1. India shall reduce the tariff to 5% rate of the following goods imported from Thailand:
    • Industrial automation systems
    • High-precision machine tools
    • Human machine interface (HMI) panels
    • Sensors for industrial automation
    • Smart Televisions
  2. Thailand shall eliminate all tariff barriers of the following goods imported from India:
    • Copper Cathode
    • Copper Wiring
    • Rubbers and Plastics
  3. Thailand shall export the following goods to India with lower-than-market price of at least 2% and up to 10%:
    • Industrial automation systems
    • High-precision machine tools
    • Human machine interface (HMI) panels
    • Sensors for industrial automation
    • Smart Televisions
  4. India shall export the following goods to Thailand with lower-than-market price of at least 1% and up to 6%:
    • Copper Cathode
    • Copper Wiring
    • Rubbers and Plastics
Article II: Visa Agreement
  1. Thailand shall ensure the safe, swift, and predictable passage of all Indian passport holders through:
    • The issuance of 90-day visa on arrival to all Indian passport holders upon their legal and documented registration of intention to stay at the Thai Custom.
    • The equal treatment of all Indian passport holders in Thailand as equivalent to Thai citizenship holders.
    • The assurance of necessary civil liberties required for uninterrupted legal conducts in Thailand such as freedom of expression, freedom of movement, right to peaceful assembly, access to legal representation, due process, and other rights as protected by Thai laws to Indian passport holders.
  2. India shall ensure the safe, swift, and predictable passage of all Thai passport holders through:
    • The issuance of 90-day visa on arrival to all Thai passport holders upon their legal and documented registration of intention to stay at the Indian Custom.
    • The equal treatment of all Thai passport holders in India as equivalent to Indian citizenship holders.
    • The assurance of necessary civil liberties required for uninterrupted legal conducts in India such as freedom of expression, freedom of movement, right to peaceful assembly, access to legal representation, due process, and other rights as protected by Indian laws to Thai passport holders.
Article III: Joint Military Communications
  1. The Indian Armed Forces shall assign an officer of (Navy) Commander or equivalent to act as a communications liason between the Armed Forces of India and Thailand.
  2. The Republic Thai Armed Forces shall assign an officer of (Navy) Commander or equivalent to act as a communications liason between the Armed Forces of India and Thailand.
  3. These personnel shall be contactable at all times by their counterpart.
Article IV: Amendments
  1. This Treaty may be amended by mutual, written consent of the Parties.
  2. Amendments shall enter into force upon the ratification by the Parties
Article V: Duration and Withdrawal
  1. This Treaty shall enter into force upon the ratification and remain in effect indefinitely
  2. Members may withdrawal with one year’s written notice while fulfilling existing obligations
Article VI: Final Provisions
  1. This Treaty is conducted in the spirit of sovereign equality, pragmatic international obligation, and betterment of the Parties’ population
  2. Disputed shall be resolved through dialogue and peaceful means, where each side must establish an arbitrary panel composing both sides’ representatives equally
  3. The official languages of this treaty shall be Thai, Indian, and English. In prospect and circumstance of differing interpretation, English-based interpretation shall prevail.
SIGNED on 21st day of April 2005, in New Delhi


Surakiart Sathirathai
Minister of Foreign Affairs


Shyam Saran
Head of External Affairs Department​

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