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[Turkey]: Arab World Conference, Operation Ambush


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021



ARAB WORLD CONFERENCE, Istanbul Turkey 1999


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia VBCFan, Arab Republic of Egypt Thomas R. Jones


Government of the Republic of Turkey

Security Classification-Top Secret-Encrypted by NIO L5+

Last Updated: 1999

Dear Saudi & Egyptian Governments,

Turkey would like to welcome your respective heads of State to an Arab Conference in the City of Istanbul. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt are the most powerful nations in the Middle East and it has been deemed proper by the Newly Appointed President and Prime Minister Mesut Yılmaz to bring together these three nations to discuss the retaliation agaisnt the fraudulent State of Israel. Israel, is and always has been the enemy of the Arab World, for decades we have fought battles against their Jewish armies that know only to destroy and bring hate to the world. Now once again after years of relative peace Israel rises again and threatens the stability of all of the Muslim Nations of the World, they have tried to turn our allies against us and play the victim while silently plotting to destroy us. Israel hasn’t just damaged our religious influence, they have damaged our economic stability. As of June 1999, the Middle East is the most in debt region worldwide by far And it is all down to a single factor, Israel. Turkey and Egypt are alike, we Have built great armes in order to defend our peoples but this has come at a great cost, billions of dollars of debt, debt that I’m sure we all fear Will only continue to accumulate to a point where the Middle East become the Next Economic Crisis. Therefore Turkey calls the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt together for a meeting like no other, we invite the King of Saudi Arabia and President of Egypt to Istanbul, a city symbolic as it was once the stronghold for the western christians only to be turned against them in stunning Muslim Crusades that united us. The Entire Turkish Ministry of Defense Cabinet, The National Secuirty Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, representatives from various Turkish Arms manufacturerors, and The Top Generals from the Turkish Branches of the Armed forces will be present.

Security will be only the finest and any security detail that your nations request will be accepted, additionally we will have hundreds of Turkish Armed forces Personell across Istanbul, Thousands of Turkish Police, and SADT Defense Corp operatives to make sure that nothing but total protection is provided to your respective heads of State. The location of the meeting will be Istanbul Çağlayan Justice Palace, with accomidations for all of your diplomatic staff. The Meeting will be 3 days in total and Saudi/Egyptian Diplomatic staff will be accommodated in the waterside, 5 star Ciragan Palace Kempinski Hotel as well as the Shangri-La Bosphorus Hotel. These will be heavily guarded and your own armored escort will be provided for all staff unless your respective nations bring their own vehicles. IATA Airport will be heavily guarded by the Turkish Army and Air Force Security for your Aircraft and 3 F-16A/B Multi Role Fighter jets will be stationed at the airport in order to provide aerial cover during landing and Takeoff. Please let us know of any and all questions your governments may have and a detailed PP will be linked to this message with details regarding rooms and exact security numbers.
We look forward to hosting you, King Abdulaziz Al Saud and President Hussein Tantawi.

Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Ministry of Defense
Republic of Turkey

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