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[Turkey]: Call to the Kingdom of Sweden


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021


Pan-Turkist Government of Turkey
56th Government of Turkey official Communication to the Kingdom of Sweden

Security Classification: Top Secret L4+ Access NIO Encrypted

Sender: Zeki Eker, MHP Official Foreign Minister

Subject: Support to the Current Swedish Administration and Apology for the Actions of the 55th Government.

Recipient: Swedish Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström
Newly Employed Foreign Minister Zeki Eker would make a phone call to the Swedish Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström via a encrypted and secured line inside the secured MHP Government headquarters. This call would be recorded under the 1999 Turkish Security act if needed for further reference.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Unfortunately the Secretary of Foreign Affairs was presently on a call with the United States Department of State and for this reason the call would be diverted via the switchboard to Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs Isabella Lövin. The call would be received in her private office and naturally encrypted and recorded by the National Security Office in line with the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995, although t was not actively monitored by any third party. The switchboard operator would introduce the Foreign Minister on transfer:

"Good afternoon Minister Eker, I suppose I should first congratulate you on your recent appointment and success of your party. How are you keeping?"



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Afternoon to you as well Secretary, I’m doing quite fine as of now, a busy time as I’m sure you can understand right after accepting a new position but it has so far only been up! How are you today Secretary lövin?”
The Minister would wait for the response before continuing.
”Very good, well Ms. Löven I believe we shpuld get right down to the point, yes? Well I first would like to extend the gratitude of President & Prime Minister Yilmaz for accepting our call today after the hasty actions of our GA Representative who acted against the will of the Turkish People and was under direction by the former more central government. The Prime Minister would also like to apologize on behalf of the entire government for Abassador Aytug’s behavior to Ambassador Kvet which was completely unacceptable and I hope that Mr. Kvet learns that he has since been relieved of his position. Furthermore we will be rejoining the session shortly with our new ambassador, Ertuğrul Apakan who will act much more reasonably in GA sessions. Anyway this leads to my primary concern of this phone-call, Secretary Löven, Turkey has an offer for Sweden that you may or may not accept though we ask that you keep private. You see, our newly elected government as I’m sure you have heard is looking to expand our influence and defend the Interests of the Turkish People at all costs and one of the largest threats is the State of Israel, which is rapidly arming itself and has made no major effort to communicate with our Government which could be a sign of a coming war against Turkey. You see, we want to conduct a… preemptive strike against Israel But we need a supportive partner outside of the Arab World. Logrolling, this is want I ask of the Swedish Government. We support you if you support us, how does this sound?”
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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I am very well thank you."

She pauses, the rapid provision of information coming as a shock but quickly analysed for relevance prior to her response.

"Please return my respects to the President and Prime Minister; we are keen to ensure that the relationship between Turkey and Sweden remains in a strong level playing field for the betterment of both of our political stances. I believe that whilst we have a rocky past, there is much we agree on and there's almost certainly areas we can collaborate. South Africa is a complex issue and our stance has very much remained unchanged; whilst the international community may not like the fact we have a presence there, we are undeniably there lawfully and with the demand of the South African people. No nation or international organisation has the power or the right to tell a population what decisions are right and wrong.

The situation in the Middle East is of growing concern and I have received numerous reports from the relevant bureau's informing me of relevant intelligence to this situation. Conflicts like this are rapidly evolving and information is often overlooked. What exactly are these pre-emptive strikes Turkey intends to make?"



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
”I‘m afraid that the details are highly classified and cannot at the present be shared with your government since we haven’t nearly established solid relations between each other but I have been authorized to tell you some of the details on the matter. Firstly we plan to establish a ’Quarantine‘ zone around the Israeli waters(International) in order to prevent the import of weapons and other vehicles of death from entering the Israeli region that of course will then be used against the Israeli people. We also are going to be in the coming months deploying highly advanced UAVs that will be monitoring the region and conducting survaliance over Palestine and the rest of the rightful Palestinian land including western Jerusalem. Our marine forces are also in the process of receiving new domestically produced advanced amphibious vehicles and we have several landing ships planned that will increase
Our capabilities to deploy forces to the Palestinian West Bank in order to enforce any claims by the Palestinian people. In fact we have already completed four landing ship tanks and two logistics ships capable of carrying thousands of marine and army personnel.
This is of course to ensure stability in the region and prevent the Israeli government from trying anything that could harm the Muslim population of the Middle East. We as you can assume are also working with the Saudi Arabian Government and the Egyptian government to assist in this operation, with the Saudis supporting our claims by sending vessels to assist in the Quarantine zone that will be established momentarily. Now, we know that Sweden is very close to going to war with half the GA over the South African situation which our governments both know was a very gray annexation though you don’t need to deny or accept that comment but at the same time Turkey is looking to likely commit similar actions may or may not be gray in order to ensure protection of the entire region just as Sweden looks to protect the previously oppressed South African peoples. Therefore we will support Sweden Militarily and diplomatically as mentioned before in your efforts to protect your Antarctic and South African claims if you support our claims to protect Palestine and eliminate the Israeli State.
We additionally will allow the Swedish government access to all Roketsan, TAI, and Aeselan A.S. Products even though we are now the majority owner or partner with your government, this even includes the J600T line of missiles that we just found were bought by the Swedish government. We could also allow for Swedish aircraft and vessel to resupply in Turkey and we could send one of our Kardienz class power ships and FASU divisions to South Africa to benefit communities not yet with access to basic infrastructure due to the previous government’s mismanagement of the land. It’s a win win situation for both of us, yes?”


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Classifications and confidentiality makes this situation extremely difficult for us Minister, especially when Sweden has the eyes of the globe beaming down on our every move... at the moment we cannot so much as breathe without intelligence being collated. Whilst Turkey is in a prime and key global position on the globe we can say with a fair degree of certainty that your decisive and very public action against Israel will ruffle some feathers. We've already had our fair share of governmental attacks, we're on the brink of economic sanctions, two nations in the Americas issuing complete travel bans and an armed conflict looming. Needless to say our foreign policy and strategic defensive decisions are the only things keeping us afloat at the moment. The Turkish-Swedish relationship has been complicated and we're working on the theory that trust is not a given.

There is no grey areas with our activities in South Africa, the foundation of which has been laid our clearly in the Global Assembly for all to see. We have acted lawfully and we continue to act with the interests of a democratic system in place governing our every move - a democratic system managed by South Africans, without Swedish interference. I cannot be clearer.

I intend to work out a way we can cooperate in one another's activities but it appears your method is one I am struggling to approve of...

Sweden has been a major shareholder in Roketsan, Turkish Aerospace Industries and Aselsan for a number of years, you have us to thank for the fact the globe does not have access to your products because whilst under Argentine governance, that was their intention. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Ambassador Yaşar Halit Çevikfor publicly announcing an investment amongst shareholders... something which undoubtedly breaches not only civil contractual law but potentially on an international scale? Perhaps you think the outing of the purchase of the J600T ballistic missiles as a way to undermine our government in a sly and vindictive way? Sweden has a long and strong history, something which has been built independently from the ground up; many along the way have attempts to blackmail our government into supporting their various endeavours over the year but perhaps not so brazenly as the Turkish. Stockholm does not get blackmailed.

You cannot afford a war, your economy is in the most substantial amount of debt we have ever seen outside of the Russian Economic Crisis a few years ago. I can tell you with a high degree of certainty that if you do not fix your issues at home before you start running for greener grass you will end up with famine, collapse of health and social care, lawlessness, poverty...- hell you could even be looking at civil war. This is not a request for support - you're pleading for our support because without it your operation crashes just like your economy already has.

So the real question, Minister, how are you going to make reparations for the your damages to Sweden before we commit ourselves to aiding your operation?"

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People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Blackmail? Minister, I will remind you of the present fact that the entire GA is currently opposing your government right now and we are by no means trying to blackmail your government in any way shape or form, it was supposed to be a mutual agreement for the benefit of both parties but you for whatever reason decided to twist it. The very fact that you mention this after we give your government information into our matters as a gesture of good will is disgusting, I see that your government is by no means one that is a reliable ally to any and we will not do business with those who disparage our Great government. We have means to solve our current issues and the Crisis will be avoided after we wrap up our work in Israel, in fact we are planning a rail line that will bring in billions of revenue and link the entire Middle East and it‘s fuel so that we will surpass your pitiful opportunist monarchy.
And you speak of illegal activities? We have broken GA law time and time again yet Nobody cares enough to do anything and we by no means fear any repercussions the GA might hand down after what has transpired during your… disgusting, illegal, and certainly completely revolting occupation that was by no means legal whatsoever no matter how hard you try to gaslight It to the rest of the world.

Considering this negative turn I‘m going to end this conversation here, we wont be giving your government any reparations and you can enjoy your time dealing with the Americans and Koreans in South Africa. Good Night.”

With that Minister Eker would hang up without waiting for a response and begin a detailed report to be sent to the Deputy Prime Minister promptly on the situation and suggested actions against Sweden including the closing of the Straits to any and all Swedish Vessels.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
It was clear to the Deputy Secretary that the government of Turkey was bitter, stressed and under the overwhelming cloche of pressure in their attempt to pursue significance on the world stage - whilst it was not disputed Turkey was ballsy, the lack of consideration for their domestic affairs and the ridiculous attempt to blackmail Swedish diplomats had metaphorically landed on their doorstep, tied in a small black bag...- much like dog faeces. The Deputy Secretary put the phone down with a smile on her face, once again a blackmail attempt had failed.


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