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UK | 1998 Floods


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Weather Alerts across the United Kingdom continued to fluctuate between the four warning categories; Severe flood warning - danger to life; Flood warning - immediate action required; Flood alert - flooding possible, be prepared; Flood warning no longer in force. Those in Severe flood warning areas would receive text and guidance from local councils on moving personal belongings upstairs where possible and, if suitable, to stay with family relatives who may be in a safe area. In preparation for the increased rain and predicted flooding, counties across the United Kingdom had begun a roll out of sandbags to the areas likely to be effected which allowed residents to collect a number or for those more vulnerable (Such as those over certain ages) would have these delivered by council.

Throughout this period, the rain fall was consistent and displaying accurately to what was reported in the alerts, fortunately time was on the side of the residents that would be affected across all four countries. Video footage of streams moving at unusually fast rates were broadcast. Across certain parts of England, rising water levels had already caused much disruption which had resulted in the closure of train lines, the breaching into houses and engulfing farm lands. In response, Emergency Services including that of HM Coastguard were seeing an influx of calls in their home counties but also mutual aid for the more impacted areas. The environment agency have also confirmed their involvement as monitoring and assisting where possible. It was expected that the increased amount of rainfall was to increase and flooding worsen over the next few days.


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