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GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Operation Directive, June 1995
Security Classification: TOP SECRET

The 1995 Defence Summit provided the Ministry of Defence of the realisation of the lack of power Britain has across the globe, with no standing deployments since 1994 with the exception of Operation Bolus. This huge reduction in standing deployments has left the Navy with the inability to respond to an area in the event of conflict or disaster.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

[1] HMS Invincible (Invincible-class Aircraft Carrier)
[650] Royal Navy Personnel
[350] Fleet Air Arm Personnel
[100] 4-2 Commando, A Company
[16] British Aerospace Harrier II GR.9A (802 Sqn, [A, B, C, D] Flight)
[2] Westland Sea King ASaC7 (882 Sqn, A Flight)
[2] Westland Sea King ASaC7 (700 Sqn, A Flight, [WOLF001, WOLF002])

[1] HMS Sheffield(Type 42 Destroyer)
[253] Royal Navy Personnel​

[1] HMS Birmingham(Type 42 Destroyer)
[253] Royal Navy Personnel​

[1] HMS Solent (Type 23 Frigate)
[185] Royal Navy Personnel​

[1] HMS Valiant(Type 23 Frigate)
[185] Royal Navy Personnel​

[1] HMS Trafalgar(Trafalgar-class Submarine)
[130] Royal Navy Personnel​

[1] RFA WaveRuler(Wave-class Tanker)
[80] Royal Navy Personnel​

[1] RFA Fort Victoria(Fort Victoria-class Replenishment Oiler)
[264] Royal Navy Personnel​

Dead: 0
Wounded: 0
Dead: 0
Wounded: 0


CSG Maritime Group I JUNE1995 - JULY1999Readiness DeploymentSuccessful
Operation Patwin APR1996 - SEPT1996Disaster Relief for Black TideSuccessful
Operation Achilles NOV1996 - FEB1997UK Strike Operations against the Iraq RegimeSuccessful
Exercise Iron Trident APR1997 - JUNE1999Exercise with the Swedish NavySuccessful

Complements were loaded onto their respective naval craft, each one fully armed, fueled and supplied for their mission. Ensuring everything was accessible, safe and a route confirmed that would grant them access to resupply at Gibraltar, Cyprus and/or Diego Garcia as needed.
Following Route IO>IN>IM>JM>KM>KL>KK>LK>MK>MJ. Although only just departing, the Egyptian Authorities (Naio90 ) were informed of the deployment and requested access through the Suez, highlighting the intent is a naval visit for training to Diego Garcia, a British Oversea Territory. This may also be used to support the crisis in Madgascar.
It would be made aware that the deployment was still some time away, but if refused by Egypt, it could divert course before reaching Gibraltar.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

In private, the Egyptian Government would be given a manifesto of what was contained within the fleet, providing full information on required supplies (Foods, drinks, toiletries).
However, only the words 'Military Hardware' was included, as opposed to giving a full list of military goods. This was identified as a threat to national security and it was hoped this was something Egypt would acknowledge. Identifying the fleet only has air assets with some companies of Royal Marines but not giving a full in-depth list of any military items within. The journey has been straight forward thus far, those on the fleet spending downtime focused on the gym, practice in a maritime environment and constant equipment checks. A number of vessel types were given along side the tonnage. But no type, however, a weight combined of all military vehicles and equipment was sent across.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

The proposed price was ridiculed in private by the British Authorities, a formal response was given to Egypt thanking them for the price but given the average price for a vessel sailing through is an average of $465,000. The price of 23 million was seen as especially steep. They had requested a full price breakdown to allow the British Government to understand the costs for any future passages through the canal. Confirming the UK will take the long route around in this case due to it only been a patrol. With that in mind, the carrier strike would divert its course. Returning to Gibraltar where all ships would resupply (fully refueling) before beginning to make their way around. Working towards Ascension Island for a further refuel, they could (with the exception of the destroyers) then make it all the way to Diego Garica. As they pass South Africa, the destroyers could then receive ship to ship refueling from the Wave Class and Fort Victoria Class to allow them to finish their journey. Their route now following: JM > IM > Resupply at Gibraltar > HL > HK > IK > II > IH > JG > JF > KF > LF > LG > MH > MI/MJ


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Fully supplied and operational from Diego Garcia, Maritime Group One were informed via private communication of their orders to deploy to the East China Sea with the intention of participating in Exercise Sea Dragon with their Chinese Counterparts. The intention was to set the foundation to communicate, work and progress the relations between the United Kingdom and China. Departing from Diego Garcia, the fleet, maintaining their presence in international waters (MJ>NJ>OJ>OK>PL>PM). During this journey, all defensive measures remained active and weapons at the ready in the event of any problems. This was normal procedure, and wasn't for any Chinese vessels but the possibility of pirates or other indigenous threats against the fleet. This movement itself was done quietly, whilst it wasn't a secret the purpose and movements weren't specifically made public so it would have to be seen to know that the fleet was on the move. It's destination, unknown to the public eye. The Senior Officers of the Carrier Strike Group had forwarded information onto the Chinese Navy to inform them of their departure and expected arrival. Apologising for the delay but experienced technical problems prior to leaving the base.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Following the collapse of the Chinese Government, the Maritime Group One Fleet has been given the orders to exit Chinese Waters and return to Diego Garcia where they were stationed. Abiding these, and following Maritime Procedure within China, the fleet led by an Invincible-class Aircraft Carrier departed national waters, avoiding any others and ensuring it kept in International Territory. Fortunately, the Chinese Navy had ensured the fleet was fully re-supplied before the government collapsed which only helped the vessels return back to the UK base in the Indian Ocean. With the unexpected turn of events with relation to China, the focus of the Royal Navy had returned to been a standing task force in the scenario of a response required in the region to protect British Interests.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

With over a year behind them, the crew of Maritime Group 1 have been informed of the intention to do a crew swap, exchanging the current personnel to allow them to return home which would see the deployment of the CSG deployed for an extended year. With a combined count of 2,450 troops currently on station, the fleet was to make port at Diego Garcia where the change of crew would take place.

From the United Kingdom, two Lockheed Martin TriStars were allocated to make the flights, delivering personnel from the Navy to Diego Garcia and returning with others. It was known that with the quantity of troops needing to be transported that approximately 14 flights would take place. 7 to each aircraft and would take place over a week. This would consist of COYOTE001, also known as ZK1062 and COYOTE002, officially designated ZK1063.

Aside from Navy personnel, 4-2 Commando, A Company would be replaced by B Company. These trips were to begin immediately, using Cyprus as a staging area if they needed to land to re-supply or in emergencies. Otherwise they would begin a route directly to Diego Garcia, avoiding the current area of operations for Iraq.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

It took approximately five days for the full shift change to take place, with the Maritime Group One deployment coming up to its year and a half of been at sea. A major milestone for the Royal Navy's latest strike group. Personnel from the first year were now returning home via Lockheed Martin TriStars to return to their families and enjoy a few weeks of been on-leave prior to returning to their respective Naval Bases in the United Kingdom with the new arrivals to Diego Garcia taking positions across the fleet. It wasn't long until they received orders, though. The situation in Iraq is something the CSG had been monitoring for some time given the large amount of deployments that were taking place of British Troops. However, the Ministry of Defence had confirmed that Maritime Group One is to deploy to the Persian Gulf to provide support to the coalition force in the region. Their mission, which has no determined end date, would consist of launching Harrier Jets to support ground forces and utilizing the frigates and destroyers to ensure the coalition ships are protected from any hostile forces.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Over the past months, tension in Africa has been increasing to the point that within the proximity in Zimbabwe, Congo and Madagascar, there has been an increased threat level due to events taking place on the ground that may pose problems for Britons in the region. In spite of this, and under orders from the Ministry of Defence, Maritime Group One has been raised to immediate readiness in the Indian Ocean to highlight Britain's capability to be in theatre in short notice. Despite there been no intention, official or otherwise, the Royal Navy has expressed their commitment to having the carrier strike group available to respond to a change in scenario as Africa becomes the continent that many are now looking too. During their time at the staging area, all weapon systems, radars and general self-defence functions were actively monitoring the area as per procedure with the flagship, HMS Invincible, having A Flight of four harriers armed and ready for immediate launch in the event of a quick reaction alert, each harrier held their two fully loaded 25mm ADEN cannon pods, 4 AIM-9 Sidewinders each and 2 LAU-5003 rocket pods armed with 19 CRV7s each. All this was in readiness for any threat coming from the African continent but with an increased readiness, the mission itself retained its role of been a forward operating base for the Royal Navy.

Rumor had begun to spread around the fleet that Maritime Group One, as current, is to return to the United Kingdom in September subject to operational requirements. No confirmation has been received but if so, it would be the first time in two years since the vessels where back in the United Kingdom.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

The conclusion of Exercise Iron Trident was the final aspect of Maritime Group One that, on conclusion, saw the vessels and crew begin their return journeys to the United Kingdom. After the period of travel, they entered sight at their respective naval bases, the larger crowds visible from Portsmouth as friends, families and spectators had all lined up to see the return of the Royal Navy vessels that had been at sea for the last 4 years. Royal Navy heads marking it as a "successful and worthwhile deployment that has shown the importance of having maritime groups deployed internationally, to respond to any disaster at short notice." The latest crew, following their arrival back home, were given leave for up to 4 months before possibly been called back to deployment. Maritime Group 1 officially came to an end.

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