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(UMSS) Call to Argentina


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Agosto Lupé would make a call to the Argentinian Foreign Affairs office on a secure and encrypted line.



Oct 1, 2021
Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Agosto Lupé would make a call to the Argentinian Foreign Affairs office on a secure and encrypted line.


Minister of Foreign Affairs Santiago Andres Cafiero will accept a call from Agosto Lupé and will ensure that it is on a secure and encrypted line.


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Secure and encrypted

"Good day Minister Cafiero I am calling today to establish diplomatic ties between our countries. I would like to discuss trade, cultural relations and military cooperation, along with anything else you wish to add."

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Oct 1, 2021
Secure and encrypted

"Good day Minister Cafiero I am calling today to establish diplomatic ties between our countries. I would like to discuss trade, cultural relations and military cooperation, along with anything else you wish to add."

Secure and encrypted

"Deputy Lupé, it is great to hear that you come bearing good news. I believe that we will be able reach an agreement that brings both of our countries great benefits."


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Secure and encrypted

"We currently have a shipping fleet being produced by the Republic of Korea. Currently we have 31 vessels on order, we don't have a current delivery time yet. Once the ships are produced I will get with our Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare, to begin shipping Mexican goods to Argentina, and picking up Argentinian goods for the return voyage.

As for Cultural relations, I feel an open line of communication between our great nations is key to success. I propose open borders for our countries, with special lines at all airports, and docks for our citizens to allow ease of access into our countries. The only problem currently with my plan is my governments exclusion zone, which was put in place due to the ongoing cartel issues. However your citizens would have free rein to roam Mexico within the protection zone. The protection zone stretches from Mexico City to the southern most point of Mexico, and to the Pacific coast. Anything north of Mexico City is off limits to foreigners, for their safety and protection. Also The Gulf coast is off limits to foreigners with the exception of the major tourist cities. We have fence lines built just outside the cities to warn foreigners not to travel beyond those points.

As for Military cooperation, I propose a Defence Pact. I can get with the Ministry of Defence to draft a treaty and ensure both of our nations safety and prosperity. For more information I would have to direct you with the Ministry of Defence. I was only asked to bring this up.

Is there anything beyond this that Argentina would like to ask of Mexico?"



Oct 1, 2021
Secure and Encrypted

"We are excited to see what goods you will have to offer. We currently have a Bahia Paraiso Antarctic Supply Vessel on order. Once we receive a delivery date for that we can also start transporting goods to Mexico. As for the expedited travel for either of our citizens, I believe we should establish an agency to pre clear and check individuals that will have an ease of access to both countries. I believe this should be a joint agency so that both of our citizens have equal opportunity for employment, along with avoiding a bias towards either side. As for the idea of a Defense Pact, I will have to get with the Ministry of Defense so that they can discuss terms."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Secure and Encrypted

"Mexico offers many goods, our top exports include:

1. Vehicles
2. Plastics
3. Vegetables & Fruits
4. Livestock
5. Beverages (Beer & Liquor)


However I'm sure we could come up with a free trade agreement to avoid any tariffs. As for the joint agency to allow our citizens equal opportunity, I see no reason why this could not be arranged. I will bring this information to the government to have trade and employment treaties drafted. I would also have to get with the Secretary of Defence for a Military Treaty, I was only to bring the idea up during our conversation. This should allow our nations to grow stronger and closer together. If I may ask, what does Argentina offer as exports?"



Oct 1, 2021
Secure and Encrypted

"Argentina's Top Exports that may interest you are,

1. Livestock $2,500,000
2. Fish $2,000,000
3. Precious Metals/Gems $2,800,000
4.Mineral Fuels $1,800,000
5. Machinery $3,600,000

"I believe that it can be arranged to have a free trade agreement. I have spoken to the Ministry of Defense to arrange a meeting with your Secretary of Defense in order to draft a Military Treaty. They would like to propose a stay in Argentina in order to have an in person meeting to discuss terms for the Treaty. We hope that this will build a better bond between our countries."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"I will begin drafting a free trade agreement, as far as resources from Argentina, Mexico would be interested in Fish, Precious Metals/Gems, and Mineral Fuels. I will pass the information to the Secretary of Defence, to have a meeting with your Ministry of Defence. I will inform them that you wish to have the meeting in Argentina. I'm sure this will strengthen our relationship. I've also taken notice of the recent GA emergency proposal. If I may ask, what is your take on that situation? Mexico is quiet concerned with Swedish aggression. The President has placed an SF Battalion on standby in the even Mexico needs to protect its interest."


Meanwhile at the Secretary of Defence a fax would come through, with a notification that the Argentinians want to arrange a meeting on Military Defence. Assistant Secretary of Defence, Jose Cabrera would take a look at the talking points and the mission guidance board. He would ponder and take notes.

"Argentina and Mexico are the only two non GA members at the moment. I'll have to play this carefully as to not startle the rest of the world. This treaty needs to be built on peace and cooperation, as well as peacekeeping and nothing further."

He would go back to his office and make a secure and encrypted call to the Argentinian Ministry of Defence.



Oct 1, 2021

"I will also begin in a draft for a free trade agreements so that we can find equal terms. I feel that the Swedish aggression will continue if left unchecked. While the GA has taken a notice of the aggression, I do not think that they will force Sweden to stop. In the event you are in need of assistance Argentina is willing to assist with 1 TR-1700-Class Submarine."


A phone rings in the Ministry of Defense, Minister of Defense Agustin Rossi and Chief of the Joint General Staff Lieutenant General Juan Martin Paleo Answer for a conference call.

Agustin: "Buen día camarada, esperamos que esté bien." (Good morning comrade, we hope that you are doing well.)

Gen Martin: "Good Morning sir, Hopefully all is well. We hope to arrange a meeting in order to build better relations between our countries."


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"I agree if left unchecked, Swedish aggression will continue. Also if nothing is done, this is giving a clear sign that Sweden can ignore any nations sovereignty. How long will it be before they try to claim other nations? I have advised the President to open lines of communication with Sweden, however he fails to take my advice. Instead he orders an embargo on Sweden. It is clear the GA wants to kick Sweden out, however there is little they can do, without force. I feel South Africa could learn a thing or two from Hispanic Countries, in the ways of Guerilla Fighters. Mexico's SF Battalions are perfect for this role. They specialize in insurgency fighting, and creating insurgencies. As for the assistance, I do not feel it will be necessary. Not to disrespect your Navy, but 1 submarine wouldn't even put up a fight against the Royal Swedish Navy. Mexico would also lose that fight, which is why we are staying neutral, and only allowing Special Forces if necessary to act. I have forwarded further communication to the Secretary of Defence so that our military's may talk. I feel that us Latin countries need to stick together. Speaking of which, what are your thoughts on Columbia and Brazil?"


"Good day Gentlemen, my name is Jose Cabrera, I am the Assistant Secretary of Defence for Mexico. I was informed that you wish to speak with me. From the notes I gathered, Argentina wishes to make a military alliance of sorts with Mexico?"



Oct 1, 2021

”Mr. Cabrera, pleased to make your acquaintance. You are correct, we would like to draft an agreement between our militaries. While we are not actively trying to participate in any wars, we are prepared to protect our interests. We have interest in participating in joint training and we would like to set out guidelines between us for how each country will respond in support of the other.”



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"Si, Si. The pleasure is mine to speak with both of you. I know Argentina and Mexico haven't seen eye to eye in the past, but perhaps we can start over. I currently do not wish to sign any military treaties, however, we can proceed with the exercise and go from there. It would be... interesting to see how your military fairs. I do have a few questions. Where would this exercise take place, in Mexico or Argentina? How many personnel will be committed to this exercise? Is this for the entire armed forces or a specific branch?"



Oct 1, 2021
"We would like to host part of the training here in Argentina, but believe that it would be beneficial to have part of the training take place in Mexico. This will create a more diverse training for all of the soldiers involved. We would optimally like to have all of our branches send soldiers to the training, but that will have to be determined closer to the training date. Also I do have a draft of terms from an earlier discussion of free trade/travel. I will send it over to you shortly so that you can review it and add Mexico's terms."
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Oct 1, 2021
Office of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Santiago Cafiero

Mr. Lupé, I am writing this to propose terms for a free trade agreement between Argentina and Mexico as well as to propose a solution to the free travel between countries.

Free Trade Agreement

  • Argentina will provide necessary goods to Mexico without Tariffs.
  • Mexico will provide necessary goods to Argentina without Tariffs.
  • Argentina and Mexico will both ensure that equal amounts of shipments are moving between countries.
  • All goods will be quality checked to ensure that the goods traveling between countries is of the proper quality.
  • No illegal goods will be transported between countries on these shipments.
  • Shipments of goods will not be used to move permanent personnel between countries.
  • Minister Cafiero and Secretary Lupé will teleconference Bi-Monthly to discuss the goods that will need to be shipped between countries.
  • Any discrepancies with shipments will immediately be reported to both Secretary Lupé and Minister Cafiero so that they may track the severity and frequency of the issue.

Free Travel
The idea of having free travel for our citizens is quite enlightening as it will increase travel to both our countries; I have the concern that some individuals will want to abuse this idea. I propose that we create a joint agency that will employ both countries' citizens.

  • This agency will have access to all public records for both countries so that they can create a no travel list for known criminals and potential threats.
  • The agency will be linked to both countries' law enforcement agencies so that incidents can be reported immediately to both parties.
  • Citizens would apply through the agency to be approved for free travel. At the time of application a background check will be conducted to ensure that the citizen has no disqualifying factors to prevent travel.
  • Once a background check is complete, an ID card will be issued identifying the citizen by photograph, name, date of birth, eye color, hair color, height, weight, sex, country of citizenship, and countries cleared for free travel.
  • The ID and free travel can be revoked at any time for felony convictions and/or the suspicion of any terrorist activities.
  • All citizens possessing a free travel ID will have the right to be expedited through security, but is not exempt from security check, to include metal detections/X-rays, randomized security measures, and in times of crisis 100% checks.
  • A free travel ID can take the place of a passport between approved countries, but will need a secondary ID to accompany it for travel.
  • Citizens possessing a Free Travel ID will be able to purchase travel at a reduced price.
These are the proposals that I would like to present to you. I will await your response before drafting a final copy so that I can integrate your terms and ideas.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Santiago Cafiero
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United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"We would like to host part of the training here in Argentina, but believe that it would be beneficial to have part of the training take place in Mexico. This will create a more diverse training for all of the soldiers involved. We would optimally like to have all of our branches send soldiers to the training, but that will have to be determined closer to the training date. Also, I do have a draft of terms from an earlier discussion of free trade/travel. I will send it over to you shortly so that you can review it and add Mexico's terms."

"This could be arranged. A military exercise could prove to be beneficial. I shall set up arrangements with the Secretary of Defence to draft a proposal for this exercise."

Free Trade Agreement

  • Argentina will provide necessary goods to Mexico without Tariffs.
  • Mexico will provide necessary goods to Argentina without Tariffs.
  • Argentina and Mexico will both ensure that equal amounts of shipments are moving between countries.
  • All goods will be quality checked to ensure that the goods traveling between countries is of the proper quality.
  • No illegal goods will be transported between countries on these shipments.
  • Shipments of goods will not be used to move permanent personnel between countries.
  • Minister Cafiero and Secretary Lupé will teleconference Bi-Monthly to discuss the goods that will need to be shipped between countries.
  • Any discrepancies with shipments will immediately be reported to both Secretary Lupé and Minister Cafiero so that they may track the severity and frequency of the issue.

Free Travel
The idea of having free travel for our citizens is quite enlightening as it will increase travel to both our countries; I have the concern that some individuals will want to abuse this idea. I propose that we create a joint agency that will employ both countries' citizens.

  • This agency will have access to all public records for both countries so that they can create a no travel list for known criminals and potential threats.
  • The agency will be linked to both countries' law enforcement agencies so that incidents can be reported immediately to both parties.
  • Citizens would apply through the agency to be approved for free travel. At the time of application, a background check will be conducted to ensure that the citizen has no disqualifying factors to prevent travel.
  • Once a background check is complete, an ID card will be issued identifying the citizen by photograph, name, date of birth, eye color, hair color, height, weight, sex, country of citizenship, and countries cleared for free travel.
  • The ID and free travel can be revoked at any time for felony convictions and/or the suspicion of any terrorist activities.
  • All citizens possessing a free travel ID will have the right to be expedited through security, but is not exempt from security check, to include metal detections/X-rays, randomized security measures, and in times of crisis 100% checks.
  • A free travel ID can take the place of a passport between approved countries, but will need a secondary ID to accompany it for travel.
  • Citizens possessing a Free Travel ID will be able to purchase travel at a reduced price.
These are the proposals that I would like to present to you. I will await your response before drafting a final copy so that I can integrate your terms and ideas.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Santiago Cafiero

Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Agosto Lupé


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