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[UMSS] Call to Russia


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
A phone call would be made to the Russian Government. The call would be secure and encrypted, only the receiving end would see that it was coming from the Mexican Embassy in Moscow. Ambassador Lorenzo Garcia would be waiting for a response as the phone began to ring.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Aleksey Meshkov, Deputy Foreign Minister, would answer the phone call using an encrypted line from his empty office.

"Deputy Minister Meshkov speaking, how can I assist you?"



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

Garcia would clear his throat attempting his best to speak Russian. It was clear he wasn't fluent, and what he didn't know he spoke in Spanish and English.

"Uh yes, hello. This is Ambassador Garcia. I wanted to talk about the current situation in Russia and how Mexico may be able to assist. I am not to well versed in Russian Politics. I also wanted to establish a friendly line of communication between Russia and Mexico. Our two countries have had an interesting relationship. The United States to our north has always limited our communication, but with the new government in Mexico, the United States and Mexico don't exactly see eye to eye on politics."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Your desire to help is appreciated, Minister, however we are hoping to keep foreign intervention in this situation to a minimum. For now, the best Mexico could do for Russia is to support the Russian Empire to assure that none of the terrorists receive recognition as a 'state'. But, as for an update on the situation: the communist terrorists that are spread throughout Siberia are in open conflict with Russia, primarily near the Ural Mountains. While Russia is making steady gains, the mountains are slowly progress... But I cannot disclose much more without risking national security, I hope you understand.

Russia is always hopeful in beginning new diplomatic relations with other nations, having Mexico on good terms with us would be very much beneficial for both of our nations, I'm certain. Is there anywhere specific you wished to begin talks?"



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"Well I can assure you that Mexico does in fact support the Russian Empire as the legitimate government. If Russia requires we could use our many factories to produce goods at a cheaper rate, and supply resources to help support your cause. Mexico is no stranger to communism. The communist party in Mexico recently gained traction, however the government settled for Democratic Socialism. Mexico does hope that Russia can pull out of this trouble in tact and with your government taking full control once more. During your troubles, Mexico would like to provide free trade to help alleviate spending, and Mexico will pay any Russian Tariffs."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"That is reassuring to hear, Ambassador.

The Empire currently holds the majority of Russian factories for military production and the chances of the terrorists getting their hands on them is slim to none, meaning we currently hold the means to produce equipment for the war. However, we would be very happy to sign a free trade agreement with Mexico, Ambassador. We know that Mexico exports both livestock and vegetables and fruits... with war seemingly to stay for a while here, farmers have greater worries than working their farms and eventually food will run out and famine will take hold, unless we tackle the problem now. We would want to import these products, Ambassador. In return, Russia can export the following to your nation: Mineral fuels, oils, and distillation products; iron and steel; machinery, nuclear reactors, and boilers; wood and articles of wood, and wood charcoal; and fertilizers.

We would, of course, be willing to offer a hefty discount to all of our exports to Mexico."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

We would be more than happy to provide Russia with livestock, vegetables and fruits. I will have my government draft a trade agreement and present it to your government once we finish with our call. I have received word that President Zedillo has publicly denounced the terrorist in Russia and even compared them to the Cartels in Mexico, for us that is as low as a human as you can be. It would be comparing them to animals. Your country offers much in the way of resources and Mexico would like many of your good, however not if it would hinder the Russian people. Iron and Steel is a must for our growing infrastructure, as well as machinery. Mexico does have plans for cleaner energy, in that of nuclear reactors, however our budget is to small at the current moment, perhaps that could be a future import. Wood and Lumber is a must for us as well. Our tree population has diminished greatly ever since the construction of the Hoover Dam by the United States, it took away one of most important rivers. I do appreciate the offer of a discount, however during Russia's troubling times, Mexico would like to pay full price and offer our goods free of charge, at least until your country can get back on it's feet. Besides food products, Mexico also offers these items:
1. Vehicles
2. Plastics
3. Beverages (Beer & Liquor)

If anything else interest you please let me know. I will get to work immediately on setting up a trade agreement and trade routes. Speaking of routes, where would you like the products to be delivered?"



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"It's good to have your support, Minister. The more nations support the proper government of Russia and the least chance there is of this situation becoming far worse than it currently it. As for the resources that Mexico is interested in, Iron and steel comes to an export price of 3,000,000.00$, wood and lumber is 2,500,000.00$, and - if interested, nuclear reactors would be 2,800,000.00$. With Russian nuclear reactors being accessible to your nation, construction nuclear power plants would become far cheaper than any Western alternative.

If interested, all three will come to a cost of 8,300,000.00$ or 5,500,000.00$ if you'd like to still exclude nuclear reactors. All Mexican exports will have to come into the port of St. Petersburg, our safest port at the moment. I assume Mexico will be able to take Russian exports from there to bring back to Mexico?"



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"Yes of course our ships shall take the goods, to and from Russia. I do have a couple more questions. How often will this payment need to be sent and is there another port we could access during the winter months. With these questions answered, I should be able to draft up a suitable trade agreement, and get the products moving."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"The payment depends on how often your ships come and go from Mexico to Russia, Minister.: bi-weekly, monthly, and so on. As for a winter port, please use Kaliningrad."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"Very well, I shall arrange for monthly shipments. I will ensure that Russia gets it's supplies and make arrangement for the payment of Russian goods, once our first shipment arrives. In the meantime while Mexico's shipping fleet is being constructed I will draft a formal Trade Agreement and fax it to you to look over. When everything is signed and done, we will proceed by sending our goods and picking up Russia's."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

"Everything looks to be in order and our ships are set to send you goods. You shall receive payment soon for the Russian goods. Now on to my next topic, Mexico is in need of rebuilding it's armed forces and particularly it's equipment. I have a rather large order of Russian Military equipment that Mexico would like produced. My counterpart in Defence has looked at your storefront but saw many of the products that Mexico requires. However he expressed concerns over lack of aircraft shown. He was wondering if the MIG-29s are currently available for sale. If so Mexico would like to add those to our list of Military Equipment to purchase."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"We are currently not exporting aircraft, Minister. If you would like I could forward the list of equipment in which Mexico is interested in and I can get back to you with that which is and isn't available. But as far as my knowledge goes: if it isn't on the storefront it isn't being exported."


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