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United States | 2004 Presidential Election


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

2004 Presidential Election
Fitzgerald|Edwards vs. Sinclair|Blumenthal vs. Sharp|Thune

After long campaigns and two presidential debates, it had come time for the election between former Secretary of State Jackson Fitzgerald, retired Marine Corps General Henry Sharp, and Vice President Benjamin Valentine Sinclair. All three candidates had travelled across the country from Puerto Rico to Guam, from Alaska to Florida. These campaigns for president were complicated by the introduction of an independent candidate, Vice President Sinclair, which was an unusual, but not unprecedented, occurrence in American politics. The campaigns for all three candidates had worked tirelessly to earn the trust of the American People, but now it was out of their hands and in the hands of the American People to choose who would be President of the United States for the next four years (as well as who would be Vice President). While the Democratic ticket had the benefit of a very popular outgoing President, the Republican ticket had a charismatic strongman who did his best to appeal to the average and disadvantaged American, while the independent candidate strived for what he believed to be true apolitical objectivity and patriotism. Now it was up to the American People to vote. The full story and context of this election can be viewed here.

"Rekindle America"


Presidential Nominee | Jackson Conor Fitzgerald (D-MA)

Vice Presidential Nominee | Johnny Reid Edwards


FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Global Diplomacy, For The World.
Strongly supports Global Assembly & GA reform,
Strongly supports special relationship with the United Kingdom,
Strongly supports a military relationship with Canada and Australia,
Strongly supports non-proliferation of strategic weapons,
Supports relations with Ethiopia, Poland, and smaller nations,
Supports international free trade agreements,
Supports expansion of the Coast Guard,
Supports nominal expansion of the Navy and Air Force,
Supports nominal reform of the Army and Marine Corps,
Supports the Gore Doctrine,
Somewhat supports TASA Membership,
Somewhat supports normalization of relations with Thailand.

DOMESTIC AFFAIRS - Liberal, Moderate Government Intervention.
Strongly supports raising taxes on wealthy,
Strongly supports regulating fast food industry & increasing FDA regulations,
Strongly supports healthcare reform,
Supports subsidizing higher education,
Supports path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants,
Supports government subsidization of new housing projects,
Supports more "Restore America" projects,
Somewhat supports more secure border.
"American Renaissance"


Presidential Candidate | Benjamin Valentine Sinclair (I-ME)

Vice Presidential Candidate | Richard Blumenthal


FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Global Leadership, American Exceptionalism.
Strongly supports special relationship with the United Kingdom,
Strongly supports a military relationship with Poland and Australia,
Strongly supports a Big Stick Diplomacy,
Strongly supports non-proliferation of strategic weapons,
Strongly supports the Gore Doctrine,
Strongly supports expansion of the Air Force,
Supports building American-Russian relations,
Supports reorganization of National Guard and Marine Corps,
Supports moderate expansion of Navy and reactivating two battleships,
Supports a military relationship with Canada and Korea,
Supports Global Assembly & GA reform,
Supports expansion of the Coast Guard and Lighthouse Service,
Opposes most international free trade agreements,
Opposes communism and socialism.

DOMESTIC AFFAIRS- Moderate, Pro-Union, Economic Protectionist.
Strongly supports regulating food production,
Strongly supports unions and domestic manufacturing,
Strongly supports a secure border,
Strongly supports urban revitalization and "Restore America" projects,
Strongly supports amending constitution to remove money in politics,
Supports realistic environmental solutions,
Supports reforming American education system & physical fitness in schools.
"Powerful America"


Presidential Nominee | Henry James Sharp (R-AR)

Vice Presidential Nominee | John Randolph Thune


FOREIGN AFFAIRS - Interventionism, Nationalism.

Strongly supports doubling the size of the Navy & strengthening Marines,
Strongly supports non-proliferation of strategic weapons,
Strongly supports the Gore Doctrine,
Supports special relationship with the United Kingdom,
Supports military alliance with Poland,
Opposes the Global Assembly,
Opposes expansion of the Coast Guard,
Opposes TASA Membership,
Opposes normalization of relations with Thailand,
Hostile to communism and socialism.

DOMESTIC AFFAIRS - Conservative, Laissez-faire.
Strongly supports tax cuts as well as tax relief for physically fit Americans,
Strongly supports hardline stance on illegal immigration & border protection,
Strongly supports relaxing environmental regulations to bolster economy,
Supports physical fitness in public schools,
Supports shrinking the size of the Federal Government,
Opposes more regulations of almost any kind,
Opposes social safety nets and welfare,
Opposes government interference in free market.



Man of The World - Core Trait
Jackson Conor Fitzgerald has lived all of the world and gotten to know people from all over the planet. He has friends in every corner of the world and has a solid knowledge of the traditions and customs of many peoples. He has a strong belief that the world must come together, diplomatically, to solve its differences and that there can be common ground found between every country. While other American leaders may shy away from working with certain countries because of the optics of it, Fitzgerald wants to bridge the gap with some of the most hostile and outlandish nations in the world as he believes that would be the best way to ease global tensions and prevent war. The urge to find common ground with others and bring the international community is innate to him, and comes from serving for years in the U.S. Foreign Service. As Secretary of State he was the only cabinet-level official to survive the attack on the Capitol Building in 1997 because he was the designated survivor, and he served the full term of Al Gore's presidency. He desires to use diplomacy as a chief tool of geostrategy and politics and is hopeful for the future of mankind.

Machiavellian - Unique Ability
Fitzgerald is an empathetic person, but professionally he is not above manipulating or deceiving others if the ends justify the means. Despite his utopian globalist views for the future of an international community made of peers and colleagues, he is a patriotic American and will put his country first before others in dire situations or if it is for the general betterment of his country. He has balanced relationships with numerous different politicians and diplomats, including people that he personally disdains, just to be able to use them in the future, and it has paid off repeatedly.

Diplomat - Identity
Fitzgerald's time spent in the U.S. Foreign Service convinced him that the massive diplomatic apparatus that is the United States Department of State is the most important tool that the American government has to influence foreign policy and change the world for the betterment of America, and mankind as a whole. He is not a pacifist, but if military action is ever needed - which he wouldn't shy away from using - he probably sees it as a failure on the part of the government for allowing it to get to that stage. He has the ability to see the good in all people, and more importantly he strives to recognize what people want and what motivates people.

Calculating - Personality
Fitzgerald overthinks everyday things, as well as professional tasks. Sometimes this is an extreme benefit to him while other times it bogs him down in asking "What if?" He has been known for coordinating complex traps that have led to his rivals turning against each other or his enemies joining forces with him to face a threat that he secretly created.

Hot Head - Flaw
Despite his long-time dedication to the State Department and diplomacy in general, he has a temper problem. While he is excellent at making plans and is more than capable of negotiating, he suffers from high blood pressure and on rare occasions frustration can manifest into rage for him. He can also lose his temper when his plans collapse around him if it is because of a mistake he made or an important detail that he overlooked. He has taken anger management classes and has tried to find healthy ways to cope, but he is not always successful.


Father of The Nation - Core Trait
Benjamin Valentine Sinclair is an elected leader, a descendent of American patriots and British nobility, a veteran, and a national hero. Virtually every demographic in the country can see himself in Sinclair in some way because he has lived both a life of tragedy and incredible adventure. If he had to be compared to other figures, one could say that he is a cross of George Washington, Winston Churchill, and Teddy Roosevelt. He is the only person in American history to be award the Medal of Honor - for exceptional acts of valor in the Korean War - and the Medal of Freedom - for heroic acts to stop rioters from overrunning the United States Capitol Building. He is a pilot, he has scaled mountains, he was a spy, he was struck by lightning, he survived being shot numerous times, and he is a war hero. As an independent politician belonging to no political party, he has successfully worked with politicians from both sides of the aisle and has repeatedly gotten them to work together. Even if a voter does not support Sinclair for the presidency, it is widely agreed around the country that he is a true American and deserves recognition for a life of service to his country.

Courage - Unique Ability
Sinclair has engaged in numerous courageous acts throughout his life, and it courage remains an impulsive reflex that he often cannot control. Courage nearly killed him countless times and led to injury just as often. He is not a coward and he stands by his beliefs and principles, even if he is alone. At many times, courage has made his life more difficult, but it has also allowed him to remain true to who he is and what he believes. Sinclair has a crystal-clear understanding of what is right and wrong, and he feels morally bound to stand by that.

Statesman - Identity
Sinclair has been a politician most of his life and he enjoys it. He comes from a wealthy family and he is wealthy, but he is more often seen as an intellectual or a politician than a rich man. He is comfortable in the company of presidents and kings. He was once described as "The Master of the Senate" because of his ability to whip even the most stubborn senators into supporting, or opposing, legislation. As president, he would have immense connections and influence in congress, and especially the United States Senate. He is the definition of presidential.

Stoic - Personality
Sinclair is often calm during times of crisis or uncertainty. He is able to think carefully and clearly when others are panicking. As part of his New England personality, he personally distrusts people who wear their hearts on their sleaves and, in certain settings, he can come off as cold. He is not emotionless, but he strives to not be controlled by his emotions and feelings. He always tries to use reason, or rationalize things with his faith, before he lets himself be overcome with emotion, but he isn't always successful.

Somber - Flaw
Sinclair's life has been both one of incredible feats and accomplishments as well as Shakespearean tragedy. His pregnant wife was murdered a year after they married, and his brother died in his arms from a car accident while Sinclair was driving. He lost countless comrades in Korea and still has nightmares about the war, what he had to do to survive, and the mistakes that he made. Both indirectly - from intelligence he gathered - and directly - from fighting directly on the ground - he is responsible for the deaths of thousands of enemy combatants. He is not a depressed man, but he often reflects on the mistakes he made, the people that died because of him, and why he has been spared horror while others around him have suffered immensely.


Natural Leader - Core Trait
Henry James Sharp has spent most of his life in the United States Marine Corps and he is the definition, or at least he thinks he is. He has led men into combat and he has made extensive plans that have helped the Marine Corps and the country win battles. While many people who know him may not liking him personally, they cannot deny that he was excellent at his job as a general and before when he was lower ranking. He knows how to motivate men and he knows how to demoralize and humiliate enemies. He enjoys leading others not for the glory but for the overwhelming joy he gets from the feeling of success and winning. He always puts himself in a position to be in charge, even when there are others who may be better suited for the role. He has always respected the chain of command, but he does not always work well with others who have the same authority as him, as he tries to give them commands as well. He makes up for that by often being able to impress them with his leadership capabilities and his military prowess.

Intimidation - Unique Ability
Sharp can be an overwhelming figure to be around, let alone be the adversary of. He is loud, he is large, his strong, and he has killed men with his own hands. He is not afraid of anything or anyone and he is not afraid to say whatever is on his mind. Instead of taking criticism for this, he often humiliates whomever he offends for being a pansy, and it often works. He doesn't make threats, he makes promises, and he always keeps his promises to his friends and his enemies.

Strategist - Identity
Sharp is able to make a lot out of nothing and he enjoys finding unique solutions to complex problems, especially when he is at a disadvantage. He is not an intellectual, but he did graduate from the Naval Academy which made him the first person in his family to graduate from college. He has made strategic plans in war that led to Americans winning decisive victories while they were outmanned and outgunned. The Marine Corps itself, which often gets hand-me-downs from the Navy and other branches of the military, breeds these kinds of servicemen. If he could live ten more lives in the Corps he would, and he would take the same route every time. He is cunning and an excellent planner.

Red Blooded - Personality
Sharp is what someone from England would expect an American to be. He has been compared to John Wayne and, jokingly, Napoleon (someone he greatly admires) by his detractors. He likes his steak rare and he occasionally smokes cigarettes even though he knows they are bad for him - but he sees addiction as weak and does not let himself get consumed by nicotine. While not everyone likes a macho tough-guy, he is surprisingly charismatic - at least to most other Americans - and he often finds strangers seeking his approval. He is tough and can even be brutal in the right situation, be he is also fair. He is honest no because he thinks lying is wrong, but because he doesn't fear what other people will say in response to his bluntness. Men often admire and envy his strength and he has never shied away from a fight or an argument in his life, even when he is wrong.

Vindictive - Flaw
Sharp remembers those who have wronged him and he never forgets who they are and what they hold dear. He has ruined the careers of men and women that have seriously hurt him, or people he cares about, professionally and personally. He has helped the military hunt down gorilla leaders and warlords decades after they killed Americans in order to give them often swift deaths. To him, revenge is a dish best served cold. As president, this trait would extend to his political practices as well - though the consequences of wronging him wouldn't be literally deadly.

Jackson Conor Fitzgerald
Experience & Education

United States Secretary of State

United States Foreign Service

Harvard Law School
[Graduated with J.D.]

Harvard College
[Graduated with A.B. in Government]

Johnny Reid Edwards
Experience & Education

U.S. Senator

Various Law Firms

Clerk for Federal Judge

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
[Graduated with J.D. with honors]

North Carolina State University
[Graduated with B.A. in Textile Technology]

Benjamin Valentine Sinclair
Experience & Education

Vice President of The United States
[Awarded the Medal of Freedom with Distinction in 2002]

U.S. Senator

U.S. Congressman

Instructor at U.S. Air Force Academy

U.S. Air Force
[Awarded the Medal of Honor in 1951]
[Awarded the Purple Heart in 1951]

U.S. Army
[Army Air Forces]

United States Military Academy
[Graduated with B.A. in Military History]

Richard Blumenthal
Experience & Education

U.S. Senator

Attorney General of Connecticut
[Awarded the Medal of Freedom in 2002]

Connecticut State Senator

Connecticut State Congressman

U.S. Attorney for the District of Connecticut

Various Law Firms

Yale Law School
[Graduated with J.D.]

U.S. Marine Corps Reserve

Trinity College, Cambridge
[Fiske Fellowship]

Harvard College
[Graduated with A.B. in History]
Henry James Sharp
Experience & Education

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Naval Academy
[Graduated with a B.A. in History]

John Randolph Thune
Experience & Education

U.S. Senator

U.S. Congressman

Executive Director of South Dakota Municipal League

Railroad Director of South Dakota

Executive Director of South Dakota Republican Party

Aid to U.S. Senator

University of South Dakota
[Graduated with MBA]

Biola University
[Graduated with B.A. in Business]

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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

Dyce Head Lighthouse
November 2, 2004
11:45 P.M. EST


Benjamin Sinclair was sitting in an old wooden chair in the lantern room of his lighthouse - the top where the massive light is that shines through clear panels out to the open ocean. It was about 35 degrees outside, and it wasn't much warmer in the lantern room of the lighthouse. He was wearing a dark blue suit, white shirt, and a dark navy tie. On top of that, he was wearing a wool overcoat. He was facing out towards the ocean as he quietly puffed on his pipe. A massive beam of light shined from behind him and out to the waters where it guided mariners home. The only thing that Sinclair heard were the mechanisms that kept the light rotating, an occasional burst of brutal Maine wind brushing against the glass panels on the outside, and the dull crashing of the waves on Dyce Head. Downstairs, in his home, were his campaign staff - who resembled a skeleton crew compared to the massive campaigns that his Democratic and Republican opponents had - as well as a handful of state officials and also one of Maine's two United States senators, Olympia Snowe, who Sinclair was in a relationship. She was a widow and he was a widower - the two of them got together remarkably well.

Sinclair could see lights out at sea. They were quite possibly the Coast Guard who had been heavily patrolling Penobscot Bay. There were a good number of them, though it wasn't unusual. Then, the sounds he had grown accustomed to hearing over the past twenty minutes were interrupted by the sounds of various different ship horns. One sounded, then another, then another, and then another all at once. The vessels, who were likely manned by local lobster fishermen who were returning home, were relatively far away, but their blaring horns could be heard. Sinclair took out an antique spyglass from an interior pocket of his outercoat, opened it up, and looked out to get a better look. He could clearly see that they were local vessels, a few of which he recognized. Then, he head dull cracking sounds coming from his left. He turned his head and saw a firework bursting in the air over Castine, and then another. There was a great deal of chatter going downstairs as well.

A trap door in the lantern room, which led to a ladder that went down into the tower of the lighthouse's tower, opened up. Sinclair looked and saw Olympia. "Good, you won't miss the show," he said, and then puffed his pipe as he pointed to the fireworks.

Senator Snowe made it up the ladder and into the lantern room. She shivered and then walked over to Sinclair, and smiled at him. She was holding a cellular telephone in her hand, which was a secure line. The elder stateswoman put her hand on Sinclair's shoulder and watched a few more fireworks pop off.

"Any news?" Sinclair asked.

Olympia gently nudged Sinclair so that he would scoot over in his chair, and she sat on the edge of it. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips. "Benjamin Valentine Sinclair, you have just been elected President of the United States of America."

Sinclair smiled, though he wasn't sure if it was from the kiss or the news. There is no other way he would have wanted to find out.

"Fitzgerald and Sharp are both on the phone and would like to speak with you. Who do you want first?" she asked. Sinclair blinked a few times and then asked for Fitzgerald.

"This is Sinclair," he said into the phone.

"Mister Vice President, this is Jackson Fitzgerald. I am calling to concede the election to you, and to congratulate you...."

"........Thank you, Jackson. I hope that... Well, we will talk soon. Get some sleep."

The phone call ended and then it was Sharp's turn. "This is Sinclair."

"Mister Vice President, this is Henry Sharp..... Sir, congratulations on your win. I... wish you all the best, I am conceding the race to you."

"Henry, thank you for the call. Sleep well tonight."

Sinclair and Olympia spent a few more minutes in the lantern room, watching the fireworks, before they both ascended downstairs into the house to find campaign workers and other guests cheering and celebrating, and the volume only turned up when everyone saw Sinclair. Senator Blumenthal, who had a big smile on his face, approached Sinclair and shook his hand firmly. "Congratulations, sir... You do it."

"We did it," Sinclair said back to him as the television screen in the living room showed a map of the country, a huge swatch of which had voted for Sinclair and Blumenthal.


A small stage had been erected in Castine, on the off chance that Sinclair won the election. There were a few hundred people gathered there. The Secret Service took Sinclair, Blumenthal, Olympia, and some others there for Sinclair to make his victory speech. On the way there was another phone call for the Vice President on the secure line. Sinclair's limousine rocked back and forth as they went over a bumpy road.

"This is Sinclair," he said, not knowing who was on the other line.

"Mister President-Elect, congratulations," Al Gore said on the other end. Sinclair felt butterflies in his stomach and lost his ability to speak for a few moments as he had a knot in his neck.

"Thank you, Mister President, it is... it is wonderful to hear from you, sir."

"I know you're busy, so I'll let you go.... I can't wait to see you back in Washington, we will celebrate before your big day, I promise."

"Thank you, Mister President. Good night, sir."

Ten minutes later, Sinclair stepped behind the stage in town. Olympia straightened his tie and cleared his throat. Blumenthal was already on stage and was introducing Sinclair.


"Ladies and gentlemen, the President-Elect of the United States, Benjamin Valentine Sinclair!"

The crowd, which was assembled in near-freezing temperatures, gave a tantalizing cheer. Over half of the people were local, and much more than half were Mainers, which contributed to their excitement. Sinclair walked out from behind the curtains and up to a podium. Behind him, on the stage, were of course the dark blue curtains as well as numerous American flags. The crowd kept cheering and cheering as Sinclair smiled and tried to calm them down. Television crews from all of the major networks were set up and broadcasting the event live.

"My fellow Americans... This past year has been an incredible journey for me. I have seen the entire nation, from sea to shining sea. From Puerto Rico to Hawaii, from Alaska, to Texas. I have met Americans from every background that you can imagine - old and young, rich and poor, and of every color in the rainbow. This culmination of that journey is here tonight, right now, as I am standing here before you. I have so much to be thankful for tonight, but what I am most thankful is for our republic - that we live in a country where we settle our political disagreements peacefully, where the ballot box is our battlefield. I spoke with Secretary Fitzgerald and General Sharp a few minutes ago. I want to thank them for their kind words and for the spirited campaigns that they led. While there was much that we did not agree on, I know with every fiber of my being that they love our country just as much as I do. I also want to thank Vice President-Elect Blumenthal for the hard work he has put into this campaign, along with my campaign staff, and everyone else that has supported us... And finally, I want to thank Senator Olympia Snowe, who has been by my side and supported me since I was sworn in as Vice President.

"I would not be here today, and our country might be quite different, if it wasn't for my friend President Al Gore. He led our country through its most difficult moments since the Civil War, and he has taught me so much about leadership and courage. It is my highest hope that we see more men and women like him enter into public office - if they do, then we will be in the best of hands. I have faith in our republic, and I have faith in you, the American People... I graciously accept your decision to elect me as the President of the United States, and I swear on my sacred honor to uphold the values of our country, so help me God...

"An American Renaissance begins on January 20, 2005. We will take the reins of our country and ride forward into what will be remembered as another American century. We are going to bring back good jobs, we are going to raise the standard of living, we are going to rebuild our infrastructure and our schools! We are going to help the poor and clean our rivers, we are going to support our troops and keep our country safe! We are going to hold our heads high again, because there is nothing that our country cannot do, and we are going to do it together!"​
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