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United States | Communique to Poland


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018



TO: The Office of His Majesty King Stanislaus Grabowski ( ManBear )
FROM: Joshua Glizda, United States Ambassador to the Kingdom of Poland

Good afternoon,

On behalf of the President of the United States and the American People, I offer my sincerest condolences to His Majesty the King and the Polish people for the loss of Polish servicemen in New Caledonia. I have spoken with President Gore and Acting Secretary of State Charlie Price, who are both in London right now. They have directed me to request an audience with the King as soon as possible. I would like to discuss exactly what has occurred as well as what the Polish response will be, and what the response of the international community will be. I offer want to discuss what the United States can do to help the remaining Polish troops stationed in New Caledonia.​


Joshua Glizda
United States Ambassador to The Kingdom of Poland


GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Joshua Glizda; American Ambassador to Poland Odinson
Subject: New Caledonia Response
Security: Secured and Encrypted TOP SECRET by POSP
Ambassador Glizda,

Thank you for reaching out to the Office of His Majesty King Stanislaus Grabowski. We humbly accept your condolences regarding the loss of life by the New Caledonian terrorists.

In regards to an audience, His Majesty will be available for a few hours prior to his briefing of the Council of Ministers to discuss Poland's response to the New Caledonian issue and the United States' role in that response. If you can be at the Royal Castle at three P.M. he shall see you within the royal study to discuss these issues with you.

Szymon Borkowski
Royal Aide to His Majesty
Kingdom of Poland


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

After receiving a response from Borkowski, the ambassador's office sent an encrypted response stating that the Glizda would be at the Royal Castle promptly at 3:00 P.M. Ambassador Joshua Glizda waisted no time. He put on his signature grey suit, combed his hair, and started going over some paperwork and documents that had been securely sent to him from the State Department (some of which had securely and indirectly come from the Pentagon as well). As he looked over these documents, he puffed on a small cigar until he was told that his drive was ready to take him and two Diplomatic Security Service agents to the castle. The Ambassador arrived on time to the castle and promptly presented his diplomatic papers, though this was just a formality since the Polish staff no doubt knew who he was and why he was there. Ambassador Glizda would walk to the Polish King's study, presumably escorted by some member of staff, and enter when deemed appropriate.



GA Member
May 22, 2020

As the Ambassador's car arrived outside of Castle Square they would see a bustle of people moving throughout the square. Normally a place frequented by tourists and officials alike, the Ambassador would notice that the entire area had been cordoned off at some point during the morning to allow ministers, soldiers, and other officials to freely travel throughout the square without hindrance. Mounted and dismounted soldiers bearing the ceremonial armor of the Hussars and Tatars were directing tourists away from the area to other historically important areas. At the site of the diplomatic plates on the vehicle, two uniformed members of the Office of State Protection would leave their posts to approach the vehicle, and the Ambassador, to look over the papers presented to them.

A quick radio call to the agent in charge, located inside the castle, the Ambassador and the two Diplomatic Security Service agents would be escorted into the building where they would be escorted to the royal study of the King.


Having been the conference room for prior monarchs before the establishment of the first Republic of Poland, the room has since been established as the Royal Study but it featured a round table situated in the middle of the room, rather than a desk, and the king sat there awaiting his newest appointment. A laptop sat on the table as well as several folders and bundles of paper sat orderly upon the table. At the site of the Ambassador and his two DSS agent protection detail, the King would stand from his position and walk around the table to greet the man with an offered handshake. The King wore his beard short and well trimmed while he wore a basic black suit, tie and shirt that would lead to believe the American that he was in mourning.

"Good evening, Ambassador. I do apologize for the tense situation around here at present but I am sure you can understand the cause. First let me humbly accept your nation's condolences personally. I was informed by my personal aide that you wish to discuss Poland's response to the unwarranted attack on our servicemembers and what the expected international response is to be?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

Ambassador Glizda noted the deserted public spaces that were normally teaming with tourists. His gray suit and black tie fit him almost perfectly (it was perhaps just a bit too big for him, since he had lost ten pounds). The DSS agents waited outside as Glizda was permitted into the study. He cleared his throat and gave a short, respectful bow before shaking the king's hand.

"Your Majesty, yes, please let me express again on behalf of the President and the American People my sincerest condolences for what has happened. I have been briefed by the State Department as well as.... some of our other sources, but I wanted to come here, in part, to make sure that there were not any details that we were missing about this attack and what happened. Is there anything that hasn't been made public that the United States government should be made aware of? And is there anything that we can do to help, at this time? The Secretary of the Navy is preparing a deployment of the USS Nimitz and her strike group into the Pacific.

"Have you and your government formulated a response, yet? What do you think will be the most appropriate response to take? I assume that the Australian government and some other Pacific and Asian nations may want to see a Polish withdraw," he asked.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
"Details are within the eye of the beholder it would seem in this instance. There has been limited contact with our forces within New Caledonia to insure they maintained their operational security. I know news will be limited from the islands of New Caledonia but what I can confirm is the primary port has been reduced inoperable by three explosions. The regional airport was attacked the night following the beginning of the attack. First a passenger aircraft was destroyed on the runway, there have been no reports of casualties, and it has been seized by a group of militants. Several key government buildings have been seized as well. The local gendarme were no helpful in the attack but that was to be expected for a police force where their toughest crime has been theft. Our forces on the ground that can be categorized as combat troops are a force of fifty odd special forces operators and they are supplemented by naval security forces who have had basic combat training but were not prepared for open conflict.

As for our response, we have currently tasked the flotilla that was operating near Singapore to provide assistance to the Polish contingent. There is a sizeable force of special operations operators on board the vessels as well as an amphibious assault ship carrying armed helicopters. This would be the same task force that assisted the American Carrier Strike Group first to Guam then to the Canadian coastline during the French-Canadian War so I have no doubt on their resolve to defend their fellow servicemembers.

As for the international response, I can certainly expect Australia to attempt to intervene as well as Thailand that still held a sizeable humanitarian force on the island. Right now communication with the Thai forces has disrupted by the combat but forces on the ground will be attempting to get in contact with them. As far as I am aware they are almost entirely unarmed and would be at the mercy of the insurrectionist forces, however the additional one thousand or so personnel the Thai have on the island would put unbelievable strain on the already beleaguered main base. From the email I received from the Thai Prime Minister they have stationed a Carrier Strike Group one hundred kilometers from the coast of the Island and are offering whatever assistance than can for the Polish contingent. I feel it would be necessary for our forces to focus on repelling the attacks of the insurgents and have the Thai forces to evacuate foreign nationals and citizens wishing to flee the conflict. We do have a Mercy-class hospital ship docked at the Island which is where we were performing the more complex procedures such as surgeries and imaging before the attack but we feel the unarmed ship would be an attack of opportunity for the insurrectionists and may need to be removed from the theater to protect those souls on board.

As for what the United States can do, I feel I must explain the difficult situation we find ourselves in on the island." The King would retrieve a piece of paper] from the neat piles on the table. "This is a direct communication to my Minister of Foreign Affairs from the French Minister of European Affairs that dictates that until some time in the future that Poland is no longer required, Poland's commander on the ground as unilateral command over all forces involved in New Caledonia. Including Thai and French forces. While many at home wish us to leave the island and the French to their own devices, we have been given a job to do and we do not blindly abandon our duties at the slightest hint of trouble. The difficult situation we find ourselves in is to whether or not to accept additional foreign aid into New Caledonia, which I personally feel would only worsen tensions with the insurrectionists. What I wish to see is a peaceful end of tensions with the insurrectionists and the arrest of those in charge of the attacks. Especially for Kapitan marynarki Mieczysław Gromek." Once again the King pulled a few papers from the pile of papers on his desk before holding them up. "Before you take these I want to warn you they are not for the faint of heart."

The papers held in the Stanislaus' hand told the report on the location and state of the dead Captain's body after they found him. Naked and covered in bruises on his arms and legs. Dislocated jaw and fibers located in his teeth told that he had been stripped and held down while the insurrectionists sliced through his esophagus and carotids arteries. Cause of death was a combination of exsanguination and drowning.

"They let his drown in his own blood, Ambassador. They held him down naked and let him drown. There was no compassion or remorse for this action. It was purposeful and an attempt at causing fear amongst Polish and Thai personnel. The Pole in me wants to exact revenge for this young man who was undoubtedly terrified as he felt his life fade away. The politician in me wants to look at the bigger picture and sue for peace. The father in me, however. The father in me wishes I could salt the earth."

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GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

"If there are any places on the island that you would like us to collect aerial photography we could certainly help, in that regard. Also, if there are any hostages that have been taken, we can directly assist by deploying special forces... Your Majesty - and I say this with the utmost respect - a lesson that my country learned in Vietnam is that sometimes others need to be allowed to fail. If you need assistance with a full withdraw from the island at any time, we can assist you with that as well. I hope that you will let me know if there is anything that the United States can do - I am at your service," he said.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
"I respect the advise you have given my, Ambassador. I truly do. While it may be true that the French may be required to fend for themselves in the future, Poland has given its word that it would protect the innocents on New Caledonia from attacks and reprisals by the insurgents and I'm sure you can understand that a someone's word and how they keep it dictates what kind of person they are. As for what assistance you can provide for the Polish forces on the ground, with your carrier strike group being stationed off the coast, our own Amphibious Assault Ships currently lack ground attack aircraft aside from a handful of helicopter squadrons. If given the need, I hope we can count on the American navy to provide air strike capabilities to the units on the ground. As for your special forces, we are unaware of any hostages currently but there are several personnel that are still listed as MIA. Roughly twenty or so. Unfortunately the forces missing are comprised chiefly of unarmed medical personnel and are unlikely to have survived any kind of combat situation. The doctors and nurses on New Caledonia were chiefly a volunteer force and required no orders to deploy there.

Should the need arise to withdraw from the island, I will be sure to contact you to acquire your assistance in that as well. I don't think I need to say that any American involvement should remain as little as possible due to the stance of France and foreign nations intervening in New Caledonia but as the ones in command, we have the final say while the French government is not communicating with us."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

"The deployment of our special forces with our carrier fleet is Top Secret," the Ambassador said back. "These forces, if deployed into the field, can operate independently or alongside other special forces... What I am saying is that they can be there, in person, unofficially and without acknowledgement of either of our governments, if the need arises from your side. I was told to specify that to you directly, sir.

"Thank you for taking the time to talk to me about this situation. Our carrier group will not be directly in the backyard of New Caledonia - we are happy to give you and the French as much breathing room as you need. We are just there to help in case you need it," he said.

With that, if there was nothing to discuss, Ambassador Glizda thanked the king for his time again and returned to the American Embassy. He would securely inform the State Department how the conversation with the king went.


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