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United States | Jeju Summit


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Baek Jeonghee, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea ( Jay )
Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ( HeadlessSeeker )
FROM: Jackson Fitzgerald, Secretary of State of the United States of America

Foreign Minister Baek Jeonghee,

The United States and Korea have made significant strives to improving our international relationship. The White House, and I believe the entire world, is exceptionally impressed with what Korea has been able to do in regards to the reunification of the Republic and the DPRK. What Korea has done is something that most of the world did not think was even possible. I believe that this has, in part, inspired the United States and Vietnam to hopefully be able to settle our differences and the conflict we had in the past. After careful discussions between the United States and Vietnamese governments, we have decided to hold high level talks between our vice presidents. We have considered several places to meet and have decided that Korea would be an excellent neutral ground for our leaders to meet - specifically Jeju Island. We would be very thankful if your government would be willing to host us at Jeju island at a location that you think would be suitable for such a meeting. If your government finds this acceptable, we would very much appreciate the opportunity to send inspectors to the site, and I am sure both of our governments would like to privately discuss security protocols with your government.

We understand that this is a significant request, but we hope that your government would be willing to help our nations reconcile just as your nation has managed to do.


Jackson Fitzgerald
Secretary of State


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Jackson Fitzgerald, Secretary of State of the United States of America < Odinson >
CC: Cầm Nguyễn Mạnh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam < HeadlessSeeker >


Subject: RE: American-Vietnamese Summit Proposal

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Esteemed Secretary Fitzgerald & Minister Cầm,

The Republic of Korea is humbled by your praise and support. H.E. President Kim appreciates the efforts of the United States in addressing and re-defining its role in the new age that we find ourselves in. H.E. President Kim hopes that attention drawn to Vietnam over their mass development campaign can be a case-study for future developmental projects in the world.

H.E. President Kim of course is happy to see the recent rapprochement between your two governments. A reminder of diplomacy to achieve the wider goals of every government should be the collective values of humanity. H.E. President Kim would be happy to host the honorable Vice Presidents of Vietnam and the United States. We would like to propose a number of venues, and respect the desires for it to be held on Jeju Island. We will open discussions with the regional government to find a preferable venue. We would like to offer the Jeju Dream Towers, Lotte Hotel, The Shilla Hotel and Jeju International Convention Center as possible venues for the delegation. Additionally, we would be willing to host your officials in Seoul at the Blue House or in the Naver Connect One complex in Chuncheon both on the mainland Peninsula.

On a technical aspect, I hope it could be clarified the role Korea would be playing in the talks. Would you like Korea to play a mediating role, and is that role passive or active. Would you simply like to be hosted in Korea and the majority of the talks happen between your two parties. With our willingness to accept, I hope that the portfolio of items can be shared so that we can better familiarize ourselves with your respective topic matters and be informed to contribute meaningfully in the discussions as a third-party. Unless you would prefer we remain ambivalent and stick mainly to the discussions and base our resolution mechanisms through that.

With this said, when a location is set, we would welcome advanced teams of your respective security and personal protection agencies. Whilst the venue will be secured by the Presidential Security Service and Korean National Police Agency, any specific measures you would like to be adopted can be accommodated to the best of our ability. Director Yoo will be ready to provide in-depth security discussion with your agencies upon confirmation of these technical matters. Additional requests such as media access, press conference, publicity, and leisure activities can be accommodated as needed. If your government has a specific location on Jeju Island or else where on the Mainland, we would be happy to accommodate it as well.

Signed with sincerity,
Baek Jeong-hee
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Baek Jeonghee, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea ( Jay )
Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ( HeadlessSeeker )
FROM: Jackson Fitzgerald, Secretary of State of the United States of America

Foreign Minister Baek Jeonghee,

I am happy to hear that the President is willing to host our delegations in Korea, and on Jeju Island as well. The locations that you proposed are all acceptable and we would be happy to choose from among them. However, even if it may just be a small gesture to the people of Jeju Island, perhaps it would be more meaningful to them if we held it at one of their universities - such as the College of Law and Political Science at Jeju National University? Furthermore, I think that we would see Korea playing the role of passive moderators, or that of present hosts. While the discussions will be between the United States and Vietnam, I think that it would be important for Korea to be present as there is potential for political and diplomatic activity between our three countries in the future - depending on how these negotiations go, of course. With that being said, I see no issue with us sharing our discussion topics with your government so that you know what we are going into. Once we decide on a location, we will assign a liaison from the Secret Service to begin security discussions from the American point of view.


Jackson Fitzgerald
Secretary of State


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Jackson Fitzgerald, Secretary of State of the United States of America < Odinson >
CC: Cầm Nguyễn Mạnh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam < HeadlessSeeker >


Subject: RE: American-Vietnamese Summit Proposal

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Esteemed Secretary Fitzgerald & Minister Cầm,

I apologize for the delayed response Secretary Fitzgerald. I have been in conversations with the Jeju Governor Woo Geun-min regarding the proposals you've listed. Alongside the President of the University and our Security Agencies planning has begun to best provide an optimal route for both of your Vice Presidents and ensure a smooth transition. We will be able to discuss in-depth arrangements for venue if it is the mutually shared venue by you and our Vietnamese counterpart. The Governor of Jeju is also hopeful to entertain your visit and expressed his support to make it an eased and enjoyable visit as is the custom of the Jeju people.

While hosting it one of the other venues is more easy on logistics due to proximity to the airport, security infrastructure, we can make your venue choice work. I would like to ask if you have any intention of speaking to the students or residents of Jeju Island whether through a seminar or lecture offered to students and residents to attend. Perhaps a mixture of lecture with questions asked by the audience to both your Vice Presidents. Though not necessary, may take advantage of your time in Jeju and allow the globe to get a glimpse through the session on the progress and wishes of both your countries.

We are happy to play the role of passive moderator and be present to facilitate discourse and as needed step in to ensure the talks continue even in moments of tense disagreement. I hope that both parties will recognize our impartiality to both your positions and desire to see Vietnam and the United States reconcile to become strong partners and friends to build a better Asia.

If you would like to discuss a trilateral meeting following the bilateral talks, of course hopefully, as a result of a positive discussion, we would be happy to participate and will bring the necessary staff and persons to ensure the negotiations progress. If our Vietnamese counterparts agree with the JNU Campus for the venue, we can begin to share and discuss our security arrangements as needed with your agencies.

Signed with sincerity,
Baek Jeong-hee
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Vice President of Vietnam Nguyễn Thị Bình would initiate a phone call with Baek Jeonghee, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea using a private and encrypted line. They would do this from the safety their office and await for the Korean Foreign Minister to pick up. Their door was locked for privacy and they would be flipping through a report on the progress on the upcoming meeting. There had been a stall, and he wanted it fixed, one way or another.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Foreign Minister Baek drove past Unification Road as she returned from North Hwanghae on a personal visit. Her vacation would be cut short unfortunately. In their little cabin, she and her husband got ready to return to Seoul as the ASEAN summit came closer. Due to her business related matters for departing Incheon, the government would prescribe her a motorcade. Outside her cabin, the motorcade would be waiting as she put on her coat and entered her vehicle. Inside the vehicle she and her chief secretary would talk. The Chief Secretary briefed her on the current matters she would have to be aware of.

Kim Seokja "Madame Minister, the President wants a briefing on the situation in the Antarctic. The Office piled this information," she said as she handed her a binder "The Apartheid Regime has outlined that its antarctic territory is being illegally occupied by the Swedish." The Minister nodded as she read that portion alongside a map and graph of the Antarctic Treaty. "Surprisingly the GA has somehow lost their copy of the treaty." The Minister sighed as she turned to another page. "They always seem to lose things for certain nations." The Minister smiled to Seokja as she responded, "Even monkey's fall from trees Chief Secretary. Let's not waste any time on this. Have the office ready a phone call to the Swedish Foreign Minister. I'll take it on the plane." The Chief Secretary nodded as she inscribed onto a notebook. She looked at the minister and asked, "What will you say?" The Minister shrugged "Ambiguous stuff, keeping it cordial, not raising our support for their colonial actions nor acting as though the Apartheid regime has any legitimacy to its own militaristic actions on the Antarctic." The Chief Secretary nodded as she flipped the page for the Minister, going on. "The Japanese Government has returned, the President wants to make sure that they do not take similar actions as the previous administration. Normalization of relations would be consistent with previous basis on an apology." The Minister nodded as she flipped the page, the Chief Secretary went on "The President hopes you can prepare some language so we have something prepared. Though, he does not want to waste time on them." The Minister looked at the desired wording, "I'll work on it on the plane as well." The Chief Secretary waited a moment before continuing, "Then there is the ASEAN summit. The President hopes that we can have a major breakthrough with ASEAN. The benefits would be extensive. With us being apart of the process, it would be beneficial. Trade Minister Yoo's initial reports were positive. The ASEAN+ framework would allow us to push a comprehensive regional free trade agreement." The Minister bit her lip as she flipped through technical pages with trade Analysis and five year trends, "Let's schedule a meeting with trade. Get them to explain the basic points and then into the technical matter. We shouldn't go to Hanoi empty handed."

The Chief Secretary nodded as she wrote that down to her list. As she did, her phone rang. She read the message before turning her phone to the Minister. "The Vietnamese Vice President is calling, should we take it now or ask to call later?" The Minister shook her head. "Let's take it now. We still have forty minutes till we arrive at Incheon. Besides. It's better than looking at the trees to be honest." The Chief Secretary smiled as she had the call routed to the vehicle, using the encrypted installed phone in her vehicle she'd take the call. "Hello Vice President Nguyen. How are you doing today, I hope everything is alright with the preparations of the Hanoi Summit."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Private & Encrypted

"Hello Foreign Minister, and yes things are going well on that front. But, that is not why I am calling you today. This is in regards to the Vietnam-USA summit your nation was to host. Momentum for a multiparty system in Vietnam is starting to slow, and without that summit I am afraid it will be lost. The USA was to handle the arrangement, but based on the emails we were CCed in they didn't seem to complete the arrangements? I would like to get a firm date for the summit."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Baek Jeonghee, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea ( Jay )
Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam ( HeadlessSeeker )
FROM: Jackson Fitzgerald, Secretary of State of the United States of America

Foreign Ministers Baek Jeonghee and Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm,

I apologize for the delay in helping organize this summit. The tense situation in Russia sidelined many of our crucial foreign affairs objectives including the summit between our Vice Presidents. I regret that this happened, however we are now ready to move forward with the meeting. We would like to make the meeting date Monday, February 15, 1999 (8/6/2021). In attendance for the United States will be Vice President Sinclair and myself, as well as a delegation from the Department of State. While this meeting will be strictly between our Vice Presidents, I will be at Jeju Island to accompany Vice President Sinclair outside of the meeting itself.

Minister Baek Jeonghee, please let us know if the date I put forward is acceptable. Also, the Secret Service will be dispatching Special Agent Amanda Knox to Jeju Island in order to make security arrangements for the Vice President. We will be sending those details to your office shortly.


Jackson Fitzgerald
Secretary of State


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Yes Vice President, I completely understand. Thank you for the call. I can begin to push more onto the Americans to get a more concrete date. If I could have your views on the summit taking place February or March, I can pass this further up the chain to get a firm date and venue assigned. We can take a more active role in the summit planning, as we have largely left this aspect to your respective governments as part of our desire to be as accommodating and not imposing."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Private & Encrypted

"February would be best, as time is of the essence. I have only stepped in as progress had stopped being made, and as the host nation we need a firm date. As we cannot expect to be accommodated if we arrive on a random date. We do not require you to take a more active role, or to interject yourself. But sometime, a push is needed. Regardless, thank you for answering my call."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Completely understood Vice President," The Minister read the email that the Chief Secretary showed her, "Secretary Fitzgerald has informed me that..., February 15 would be the date they suggest. Is this suitable for you?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Private & Encrypted

"Very suitable. Thank you for your time. I am glad we could get in touch and get things moving along again. I look forward to being in Korea for that summit. It shall be historical, just as the ASEAN summit shall be. Until next time." he would say before ending the phone call. Hanoi being rife with activity in preparation for the ASEAN summit.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Thank you for the call, I look forward as well to the Summit in Korea. Until then, thank you Vice President Nguyen." The Minister nodded to her Chief Secretary as the phone line was ended, handing the phone back to the her as it was stowed away in its compartment. "How much longer till we are in the air?" Her principle looked at his watch before responding, "25 more minutes ma'am." The Minister nodded, before adding, "Schedule the call with the Swedish when I am in the air, and, we'll also respond to the American email once we arrive." The Chief Secretary nodded as she added them into the agenda.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Baek Jeonghee, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea ( Jay )
FROM: Robert Carter, Director of the United States Secret Service

Foreign Minister Baek Jeonghee,

Good afternoon. The Secret Service has begun preparations to have Vice President Sinclair and the Secretary of State at Jeju Island. Because the Vice President and the Secretary of State will both be travelling there, this requires an above-average amount of security. We are dispatching Special Agent Amanda Knox who will oversee security from the American point of view. While there will be Diplomatic Security Service Agents sent, as well as some Air Force pilots, the Secret Service will be the lead agency in providing protection for the American delegation. A brief summary of some of our plans can be found here. At this time there are no plans for our delegations to stay over night, which should simplify this process. We presently project that a total of 250 special agents, in addition to pilots and other personnel for transport, will be sent to Jeju Island. This will include three counter-assault teams and three helicopters. Would your office be willing to share with me the security measures that are being taken on the Korean side?

With your permission, we will begin flying in the Vice President's motorcade and other security personnel as soon as possible. Please let me know if there are any security matters you would like to discuss. I am more than happy to explain anything.

Best Regards,

Robert Carter
Director of the Secret Service

Special Agent Amanda Knox boarded a flight from Los Angeles to Korea as soon as possible with her passport, government ID showing that she worked for the Secret Service, as well as a special agent from the Diplomatic Security Service and a few other individuals who were part of her spearhead security team. She would travel to Jeju Island as soon as possible. The travel plans of these individuals was of course kept secret and done discretely (they flew by air on American Airlines) but the Koreans were informed of their every move. If the Koreans preferred it, they would travel via Korean-government vehicles/transportation once they arrived into the Korean nation.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Robert Carter, Director of the United States Secret Service < Odinson >


Subject: RE: Arrangements for Jeju Summit

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Director Carter,

Due to the sensitive of the topics of our discussion, I hope we can discuss them with relative comfort of each agencies desire to ensure a secure and safe event for our guests and principles.

We have reviewed the suggested material by your agency with regards to the standards for overseas trips by official dignitaries and high ranking officials of the United States Government. Thank you for the relevant information and briefing documents. With regards to our security arrangements, the Presidential Security Service operates on a ring-based system. Primarily the ring-based system means that the principle which the P.S.S. is protecting is kept within the inner circle, the first layer is made up of P.S.S. agents. The second layer is made up of uniformed officers. The exterior layers are made up of P.S.S. specialized units including snipers, watchmen, and surveillance personnel.

We are accustomed to working closely with the Secret Service over the course of the P.S.S.'s foundation with high level visits by numerous U.S. President. We will continue to act in the same professional manner and be accommodating as needed. With matters pertaining to our President, I hope you will be likewise cooperative and respective of our priorities and protocols.

All firearms and personnel must be declared prior to entry including documents for vetting and entry into the Republic of Korea. Under no circumstance may personnel not priorly approved be allowed entry into the Republic of Korea or in the presence of the President. Firearms will be permitted on the campus for those with approval. The Vice President will be protected as you have inscribed by the Secret Service with assigned liaison officers of the P.S.S. present for technical assistance where required.

The security of the site will be the primary responsibility of our agency. The Campus Space will be secured by the P.S.S. with sniper teams, counter-surveillance, and physical barriers manned by P.S.S. Personnel. We can if insistent, the P.S.S. may cooperate with Secret Service counter-action teams, however, the primary party responsible shall be our agency.

Venue Halls and Summit facilities will be guarded by the P.S.S. with both Vietnamese and American agents allowed personal details to their respective principles, and to canvas the area for searches and planning an emergency exit and clearing specific places alongside a P.S.S. liaison team. Within the inside layer of security arrangements, the P.S.S. will be the primary agency, and address matters of concern and importance, as the host nation. Any issues or concerns which pertain to the venue and securing it will be channeled in a timely manner through the P.S.S. and its liaison personnel.

Our current plan of action is the deployment of the P.S.S.

Summit Day Plan of Action
1. Secured Transportation provided by Presidential Security Service for dignitaries is required;
2. Police Motorcade/Escort provided by Korean National Police;
2a. Motorcade Escort Provided by P.S.S. including necessary armed personnel
3. Monitoring of on-site communications to be conducted by Presidential Security Service;

Pre-Summit Plan of Action
Monitoring persons of interest to be conducted through President Security Service on information and intelligence provided by the United States and Vietnam
Campus Venue will be secured
Screening of event participants and guests
Screening of university students present on campus for the day
Monitoring of medical and hazardous material on campus facilities

Security Arrangements
1. Route alternation for Vietnamese and American Vice Presidents
2. Counter-Assault Team deployed, four teams, with three teams covering 15 miles at each point of the travel time to the campus
3. Counter-Surveillance Unit deployed around campus
4. Jamming Emitter deployed on Campus for ready-use
5. Counter-Sniper teams and ground-level surveillance patrols
6. Bomb and IED sweeps of campus

Equipment for the Vice President and Secretary's arrival can begin to be delivered. We do not have any permanent facilities on Jeju Island that the P.S.S. uses. We can however coordinate with the ROK Air Force presence inside Jeju International Airport within the Air Force portion of the airport to allow for secure storage of necessary aerial and ground equipment.

I will have Director Kim Yumin of our surveillance and operations team assist Agent Knox. Please provide a list of persons of interest, concern, and need of monitoring during the Vice President's arrival. We will increase our intelligence operations against persons with possible risk of causing harm to participants and will conduct our due diligence.

Vice Minister Yoo Yeon-sang
Director of Presidential Security Service

Republic of Korea
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018




To: Jackson Fitzgerald, Secretary of State of the United States of America < Odinson >
CC: Cầm Nguyễn Mạnh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam < HeadlessSeeker >


Subject: RE: Summit Date

Security: Private and encrypted Protected by the NIS and MoFA DPB
Dear Secretary Fitzgerald and Minister Nguyễn,

I have relayed the dates in a phone call with Vice President Nguyễn and confirm that the proposed date is acceptable. We look forward for the summit date and will do our best to be accommodating and supportive of the necessary technical arrangements before the venue. If there are specific amenities, lunch items, or dietary restrictions, please inform me in advance so that I may relay this to our relevant department. Please review the proposed itinerary below. I look forward to your revisions and views.

1. Arrival on Jeju International Airport
2. Flight line ceremony
Governor Woo Geun-min, Vice Minister Chae Song-ha, and Chief of Protocol Kim Eun-ha will welcome the arriving dignitaries in order of arrival, the respective dignitaries of the visiting nations will be invited and welcome their respective Vice Presidents
3. President’s arrival
The Motorcades will arrive at Governors Residence in order of arrival, where President Kim will greet the guests, take photos, and welcome them into the Governor's office, President Kim will remain at the venue entrance awaiting the second visiting guest, once all guests have arrived, President Kim will return inside the Governor's office.
3. Welcome
After an exchange of greetings, the President and Vice Presidents will with be invited into the private residence for tea and private exchange of words, gifts, and other matters.
4. Opening Remarks
After the private session, Vice Presidents shall at their discretion, be invited to speak to journalists and deliver opening remarks,
7. Procession
Governor Woo Geun-min will invite the two Vice Presidents to sign and register in the guestbook after delivering opening remarks, and exchange gifts with the visiting dignitaries
9. State Luncheon
President Kim and Governor Woo will welcome Vice President Sinclair and Nguyen to a state luncheon alongside visiting diplomats, member of the American & Vietnamese community in Jeju, and invited guests.
11. Jeju Vietnam-US Summit
In the afternoon, the President will invite the two Vice Presidents to JNU campus for the summit and will alongside the relevant ministers, persons, and dignitaries invited into a venue hall for the event. The summit will talk about several agendas as prescribed by the two parties.
12. Jeju Vietnam-US Summit Cultural Event
Vice President Sinclair and Nguyen will be invited to the JNU Theater Department where Korean traditional music and dance will be performed for the visiting guests, respected composers and performance crews will be invited for the occasion.
13. Post-Summit Events
Vice President Sinclair will be invited to Jeju Island Coastland for a dinner with President Kim next to Red & White Horse Lighthouse on Jeju. Vice President Nguyen will be invited to Jeju Dream Towers for a dinner with Governor Woo, Prime Minister Jo, and Defense Minister Park.
14. Tours
With the completion of the summit, the Government of Korea will make every arrangement to allow the visiting Vice Presidents any visits across the Peninsula and Island for personal leisure, security and liaison assistance will be provided as needed.
15. Departure from Jeju International Airport
The respective leaders will leave on their order of departure, with Governor Woo and Vice Minister Chae bidding farewell to respective guests.

Signed with sincerity,
Minister Baek

Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
All information is protected from release by the Diplomatic Communications Security Act 1997
Authorized viewing is limited to those directly emailed, cc'd, and bcc'd​


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Vice Minister Yoo Yeon-sang, Director of the Presidential Security Service ( Jay )
FROM: Robert Carter, Director of the United States Secret Service

Vice Minister Yoo Yeon-sang,

Thank you for your timely and reasonable explanation of the plans that the P.S.S. has for the protection our leaders and diplomats at this summit. I feel reassured that your agency will be able to provide more than adequate protection for the delegations that are on the island that day. In addition, we request that there be some kind of anti-air defensive weaponry located on the island. If this is not possible, the Secret Service can arrange for hand-held Stinger missile-launchers to be brought along with our agents. We will be sending our agents, as long as an encrypted list of their names and the weapons they will be bringing with them - along with the serial numbers on each weapon, how much ammunition they're bringing, and what weapons are assigned to what agent. I am happy to hear that we can expect a clear and equal channel of communication between each other so that we can work together to protect all of our representatives. I will be sure to pass on to the White House that the P.S.S. has been exceptionally cooperative and accommodating.

Best Regards,

Robert Carter
Director of the Secret Service


Special Agent Amanda Knox, once in Jeju, would go to the secure place that the Koreans had designated for the American command center on the island (even if it was a shared facility with the P.S.S. which would be acceptable). She would lay out the plans of how the Air Force was going to transport the Secret Service and State Department personnel and equipment as well as the timetables and what was expected. Finally, she also would be the one the coordinate exactly when Vice President Sinclair would arrive to the island, and how. Specifically she would outline what the Secret Service believed to be the best route for Vice President Sinclair's motorcade to take from Jeju International Airport to the campus - she would of course take the advice of the Koreans into consideration. With permission from the Koreans, the route would be pre-driven in discrete vehicles and thousands of photographs would be taken along the way. Measurements would be taken to ensure that the Vice President's motorcade would be able to easily make it through and that the roads were wide enough, the grade was not to steep, and there were no other artificial obsticales that would make travelling the road difficult for the limosuines. Also, any potholes would be located with GPS coordinates and a request would be made for them to be filled in (if there were any) and any manhole-covers along the route would be noted and a request would be made for them to be welded shut while additional requests would be made for post office boxes or similar drop-off boxes along the route on the roads to be temporarily removed - this was to prevent the use of any kind of explosives. Allies or quaint dead-ends along the route would also be noted, and it would be request that the Secret Service, the P.S.S. or local police be located there to deter any kind of negative actors. While there would be a heavily armed presence of Secret Service in the Vice President's motorcade, a request was made for local Korean police to escort the motorcade with motorcycle police as well as block off intersections in advance. Finally, a list of every American that was being sent for the event was handed over to the P.S.S. in a secure manner - it was emphasized how critical it was that this list was kept secret. It included Secret Service Agents, D.S.S. Agents, Air Force pilots and Air Force Security Forces, diplomatic and White House staff, diplomats, the Secretary of State, and the Vice President of the United States. This was, of course, all requested and done secretly.

If the following was approved by the P.S.S. and the Korean government, it would take place:

Five C-5B Galaxy aircraft were properly and fully fueled with the appropriate fuel, standard pre-flight checklists were done, they were manned with U.S. Air Force pilots, loadmasters, and the standard amount of crew, and the following was loaded between the five aircraft:
1. The Vice President's motorcade which includes: two 1993 Cadillac Fleetwood limousines (with bullet-resistant and blast-resistant glass and armoring, a blast-resistant undercarriage, a satellite phone, and a secure space to keep two liters of the Vice President's blood-type on ice in the event that it was needed) and four black Chevrolet Suburbans.
2. Two liters of the Vice President's blood type which were stored and transported in the proper way to ensure that blood remained good and in a stable condition.
3. Three UH-60V Black Hawk helicopters.
4. The weapons and ammunition for the Secret Service, the D.S.S. Agents, the Air Force Security Forces, and for the Blackhawk helicopters.

All of these things were distributed among the five aircraft so that none of them had a cargo weight of more than 120,000 pounds. The items were loaded and secured appropriately so that the aircraft could safely take off, travel, and land without incident. All normal Air Force safety procedures would be followed. All of the aircraft and pilots were properly flown to LAX where they were loaded, the pilots and crew came onboard (all done as previously described). Finally, they would individually take off with about a 45-minute spacing and flown to Daniel K. Inouye International Airport in Hawaii where they were refueled. The 45 minute spacing would be maintained and they would be flown to Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport in Guam where they were once again refueled. Finally, they were flown to Jeju International Airport and would land there when given permission by the Korean ATC. These flights would take place at normal cruising altitudes and speeds considering the cargo being carried, and would be done so that the aircraft of course did not run out of fuel over the Pacific. These aircraft would only fly through American, British, or Korean air space (if flown through British air space, the British would be notified in advance).

At the same time, the Secret Service chartered three Boeing 747s to fly the Secret Service, D.S.S. Agents, and U.S. Air Force Security Forces to Jeju Island. The three 747s, which were flown by American Airlines pilots who had been pre-screened, were properly flown to Jeju Island in a similar fashion with the appropriate fuel, stopping at the appropriate American and Korean airports, and flying at the appropriate speed and altitude. These aircraft would only fly through American, British, or Korean air space (if flown through British air space, the British would be notified in advance). Between these aircraft, the following personnel were onboard:
250 United States Secret Service Agents
50 Diplomatic Security Service Agents
75 Air Force Security Forces (from the 90th Security Forces Squadron)
6 Air Force pilots and 6 additional Air Force Security Force gunners (all for the Blackhawk helicopters).

All of these aircraft would arrive forty-eight hours before the Vice President. The Secret Service worked with the Koreans so that they could have a secure section of Jeju Island to keep the American aircraft. If necessary, the five Galaxy aircraft could be flown back to Guam and could return to Jeju Island to retrieve the aforementioned American equipment once the summit was over. Regardless, once the secure sector of the airport was declared, the Secret Service would coordinate with the Koreans everything that is mentioned below in this paragraph. The 75 Air Force Security forces, who were uniformed United States Airmen and were armed with (each): x1 M4 Carbine and 1 loaded clip, x3 spare clips, x1 Beretta and 1 loaded clip, x2 spare clips, and (if the Koreans were not able to provide anti-aircraft weaponry) there would be a total of twenty hand-held Stinger missile-launchers brought by the Security Forces. There would be 37 armed Security Forces personnel who kept a physical perimeter around the aircraft at all times. The troops, who could clearly be identified as American servicemen, would take 8 hour shifts guarding the aircraft. They would of course be supplied with water and refreshments when necessary while on-guard, but would be armed the entire time. The off-duty soldiers would be allowed to bathe, decompress, sleep, and engage in recreational activity amongst themselves at the American command center at the airport - however they would be on-call while off-duty in the event that anything happened. Their weapons, when they were off-duty, would be secured by the Security Forces under lock and key and under 24-hour armed guard by at least two of the airmen.

The Secret Service and Diplomatic Security Service Agents, meanwhile, had a different mission. All of the agents were armed with at least SIG-Sauer P229 double-action/single-action pistol chambered in . 357 SIG with one full clip inserted and two loaded clips on their persons. All of these agents were in "plain clothes" meaning that they were wearing conservative dark suits. Among the Secret Service agents were three counter-assault teams; each team consisted of ten agents who would switch into their tactical gear and weaponry the day of the arrival of the Vice President. Two of the counter-assault teams would need to be placed at the university (in coordination with the Koreans where they saw fit) while the third was stationed at the airport. The remaining agents would cooperate with the Koreans in order to provide adequate protection of the Vice President. The fifty D.S.S. agents would also act in a support role of the Secret Service, while a handful would wait at the airport to act as personal security for the Secretary of State.

If there were no issues with any of this, Vice President Sinclair and Secretary of State Jackson Fitzgerald would board VC-25 Presidential Boeing 747 aircraft stationed at Andrews Air Force Base, in addition to 50 more Secret Service agents (armed and dressed the same as mentioned before), along with American members of the White House press pool, diplomatic staff, assistants, aircraft crew, and of course the necessary Air Force pilots for the aircraft itself. Once the Vice President stepped on board, the callsign of the aircraft officially became "Air Force Two". All pre-flight checklists were done, the plane was appropriately fully-fueled, counter-measures were loaded into the aircraft, and a secret flight plan was made to give "AF2" the quickest route to Anchorage's International Airport in Alaska. This flight took place at the appropriate speed and altitude for such a flight and was only done within American airspace or international waters. After landing in Alaska on the appropriate runway, Air Force 2 was "topped off" with the appropriate fuel. Secret Service and local police grounded all departures and landings while Air Force Two landed, was at the airport, and once it took off again. Once again, Air Force Two had a secret flight plan that only the Secret Service and Air Force knew of, flew at the appropriate speed and altitude, and flew to Jeju International Airport in Korea. Russian and Japanese airspace were specifically avoided and the route specifically went south of the islands of Japan so that the aircraft had an almost direct northerly flight path to Jeju Island from about (26.273098, 125.519715). Throughout this journey Air Force 2 exclusively went through American and Korean airspace (and British, only if necessary, and if necessary they would be informed in advance in a secure manner). The Secret Service informed the Koreans in advance that in order for Air Force 2 to travel to Korea, incoming and outgoing flights would need to be grounded or diverted for 45 minutes in advance of the landing - the flight would not happen if this could not be agreed to. When the aircraft was 100 miles from Jeju Island, the Air Force Security Forces and Secret Service at the airport were put on high alert for the arrival. The Vice President's motorcade was prepared and waiting at the spot where the Vice President and Secretary of State would depart the aircraft from.



First, the press and most of the diplomats and staff departed from the smaller external exit of the aircraft which was a small staircase that led to the tarmac. If the Koreans were able to provide one, a large mobile staircase would be brought up to allow the Vice President, the Secretary of State, and other important officials to depart from the front. From there, the Secret Service on the plane would have already departed and would be keeping a careful eye on the surroundings and all who were there. Normally there would be some kind of welcoming committee from the host nation. Whether there was or not, the American delegation was ready to move forward with the aforementioned plans. The Secretary of State first departed from Air Force Two and then Vice President Sinclair. Both men were wearing dark suits with small American flag lapel pins and looked to be in a very spirited and hopeful mood. This opportunity that the Koreans had helped facilitate was incredible and it would surely not be forgotten. It was the hope of the White House and the State Department that the United States and Vietnam would be able to find common ground and begin to heal old wounds.

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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Vice President of Vietnam Nguyễn Thị Bình, Colonel general Lê Khả Phiêu, Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm, Ambassador Le Van Bang, and Colonel general Lê Khả Phiêu along with their aides and other assistants diplomats from the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam would board a Bombardier Global Express 6000 aircraft crewed by Vietnamese airforce pilots after having been serviced and fully fueled by Vietnamese airforce ground crew at Noi Bai International Airport. Accompanying the Vice President was a team of four Vietnam People's Public Security bodyguards who were unarmed. Everyone brought their travel papers, a few days worth of clothes, and some required reading on the situation.

The Bombardier Global Express 6000 would take off from the airport safely before going to it's cruise speed and altitude and making it's way for
Jeju Island and in particular Jeju International Airport. The Koreans would be informed that the aircraft was on it's way and requested permission to enter Korean airspace. If granted the aircraft would safely land at the airport and the taxi to a approved parking spot to park and await a stairway.

Odinson Jay


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The P.S.S. would work in close cooperation with Special Agent Knox. Director Kim Yu-min would welcome Agent Knox at Jeju. Although the Director was not a native of Jeju, three of the five agents were. The six Korean service personnel would be with Agent Knox throughout the preparation stage, alongside a pre-arrival team of some fifty P.S.S. personnel. At the airport, Director Kim welcomed Agent Knox and would waste no time as she was brought to a section of the airport where the ROKAF stationed a squadron of aircrafts. The premise itself was secure, barbed wired fencing surrounded the perimeter with land-based C-RAM Phalanx Air Defense and Korean anti-air missile platforms such as the Pegasus and Biho. The facilities would not be large enough to house the 8 large US aircrafts however, a matter which would be made aware to the Special Agent. The airbase itself would be able to hold the three 747s, however, the C-5s would either have to taxi into the civilian portion of the airbase or relocate to the mainland and stay at a close by airbase in Busan or Daegu.

Director Kim would review the plans for the route for Vice President Sinclair’s route. It would have minor adjustments with the Secret Services approval and would otherwise be approved. Korean agents would monitor the roads and areas to be crossed in their own preparations as a separate team monitored the US secret service in their preparations to be made. The Jeju Self-Administering Province agencies would be discreetly notified of needs to suspend certain operations or planned actions over a week period which began before the summit and would end after the summit as to not give an exact date of arrival or place of passage. The island itself would not have any potholes, manholes were secured at various points on the island. All drop box areas would be temporarily moved back indoors. In Alleyways, the P.S.S. and the Korean National Police would secure important ones as noted by the US Secret Service. In this regard, Korean Police in plain clothes would be located at some points while uniformed officers would be on patrol along zones of importance to react.

The P.S.S. would screen and conduct their own review of every US and Vietnamese persons excluding high-level officials through their own databases and if additional information was requested through the relevant security agency. It was noted for the purposes of the reception, storage, and handling of materials supplied, all would be done in confidentiality of person(s) employed or specifically contracted by the Korean Government. For its part, the P.S.S. would be closely monitoring five ex-North Korean intelligence personnel who had arrived on Jeju two days before the summit. P.S.S. intelligence teams tracked and monitored their movements and would remain on their trail for the next few days. Additionally the P.S.S. monitored a number of foreign nationals from a variety of nations as the summit neared and coordinated with the Korean National Police.

At Jeju Air Base, the ROKAF would assist in storing the give C-5B Galaxy aircrafts with the bases’ barracks being temporarily opened on a non-agreement basis for US airmen for the purposes of this trip. Due to this non-agreement stay, the expectations for etiquette, conduct, and accommodation would be relayed to senior officials to relay to their subordinates in avoiding any incidents that may cause complications. When it came to handling the US Government assets, ROKAF personnel would only play an auxiliary role, not touching anything unless instructed by US personnel, providing guidance, technical assistance, and storage spaces. The aircrafts and helicopters would be placed inside separate hardened aircraft bunkers, while if possible, for space, the aircrafts would be left on the side portion of the runway to ensure future aircrafts could land and be stored.

For its part, the ROKAF would ensure its own equipment was not used or misappropriated. ROKAF F-15K and TA-50 aircrafts would be stored away and not seen unless conducting training missions. ROKAF weapons, munitions, communications, command, and other infrastructure on the Island would not be accessible unless approved prior. The Secret Service would be given necessary secured communications and satellite/geospatial intelligence through a liaison officer and their quarters that were pre-agreed would be respected on the conditions of respect for the laws of Korea and the code and ethics of the ROK Armed Forces which governed the airbase.

As more US personnel arrived, the Korean Government would offer accommodating lodging as needed, which would be external to the airbase. As personnel arrived, P.S.S. agents and Korean Customs officials with specific clearance would overview official documents, confirmation of equipment, screening of objects which were not considered diplomatic cargo and not screening those declared as diplomatic cargo. Sniffer dogs would still be present and Korean Customs officials would on any probable cause temporarily prevent and request permission to further inspect cargo it considered possible contained illegal or controlled substances as defined by Korean Law. The C-5B Galaxies would be offered to be redeployed to Daegu Airport to ensure that the US aircrafts could be securely kept in the air force portion of the airbase, otherwise, a designated hanger would be provided from the civilian portion of the airport for the use of the Secret Service.

The P.S.S. Counter Assault Teams would be deployed in teams of four detachments, with one at the airport, two to escort the motorcades, and one at the campus. P.S.S. Counter Assault Teams would be armed with the standard K2 Rifle, with others equipped with heavier equipment including machine guns, grenade launchers, explosives, and small and light LAW weapons. Designated persons would have grenades and smoke equipment on their body for use if needed. Armored Escalade vehicles and heavy duty larger vehicles would house P.S.S. CAT personnel. P.S.S. personnel would be wearing suits, with their body armor, Beretta 4x4 sidearm, MP5, MP7, and UMP submachine guns, on their bodies. The P.S.S. would be deploy its own agents on patrols while CAT teams concentrated on their focused task. On rooftops of the campus, P.S.S and CAT personnel would unbox their sniper rifles, anti-air MANPADs, and counter-surveillance/electronic equipment. This done away from ground-level view and ensuring the P.S.S. maintained full vantage over the campus and ‘dead-zones’ duly noted for all Vietnamese, American, and other Korean agents to be avoided. P.S.S. would outsource dead-zones to the Korean National Police for patrol and protection.

The day was warm in Jeju. The island’s climate breeze and cool. The air flowed peacefully as he curved around the island’s mountains, chasing the waves as they crashed into the beautiful beaches, and moved the eye catching clouds around the island. Here its residents called it home and its guests wishing for it to be their home. On the island, the bustling airport was meeting the demands of Koreans seeking an escape from their urban city life. Relaxing on the island, eating Jeju black pigs and oranges, both only found exclusively on the island. But, the cities were different this time. Where Korean flags often hung on the street lights, US and Vietnamese flags in alternation hung alongside the Taegukki. On the island, a billboard read on its sign, “Jeju Summit” welcoming the US and Vietnamese officials.

At the ROK Air Force base on Jeju Island, the radar teams were on extreme vigilance for the visiting delegations. The ROK Air Force base down from the mountains itself was housing equipment for the US Vice President, while the radar stations higher in the mountain scanned for possible threats or long-range missiles. The systems would detect the US Vice Presidential Aircraft, code-name Air Force Two as it neared southern Japanese airspace. On schedule and as relayed to the P.S.S the aircraft was monitored as was Japanese Aerospace.

As the aircraft got closer and as a precaution following previous Japanese intrusions on Korean Airspace and unsafe in-air actions, the ROKAF scrambled four F-15K aircrafts armed with air-to-air ARAAM missiles. Fully fueled and well maintained. The F-15Ks would depart the airbase and fly through international airspace to reach the proximity of Air Force two.

The ROKAF and Korea Presidential Security Service would keep in close contact with the US government, informing them of the relevant information for in-air safety and preferable airways that were less turbulent and fluctuating. The F-15K would fly at a safe distance away from the views of the windows as to not alert the press or cause them panic. The F-15K squadron would monitor their own radars and act quickly to ensure any aircraft within the proximity of Air Force Two was removed from the bubble. Excluding any emergency flights needing special attention, arrivals into Jeju would be delayed appropriate to Korean and international law and as agreed with the security services of foreign nations.

On the island, the ROK Navies third fleet and the ROK Marine Corp’s 9th Marine Brigade (White Dragon) and 1st Marine Airmobile Battalion were on short-notice for emergency deployment if the situation required. The fleet and its marine infantry on regular patrols would continue as usual with a sense of alert with the security provisions of the island.

The day was warm in Jeju. The island’s climate breeze and cool. The air flowed peacefully as he curved around the island’s mountains, chasing the waves as they crashed into the beautiful beaches, and moved the eye catching clouds around the island. Here its residents called it home and its guests wishing for it to be their home. On the island, the bustling airport was meeting the demands of Koreans seeking an escape from their urban city life. Relaxing on the island, eating Jeju black pigs and oranges, both only found exclusively on the island. But, the cities were different this time. Where Korean flags often hung on the street lights, US and Vietnamese flags in alternation hung alongside the Taegukki. On the island, a billboard read on its sign, “Jeju Summit” welcoming the US and Vietnamese officials.

At Jeju International Airport, Vice Minister Chae, Governor Woo, and the Chief of Protocols Kim of the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs were waiting on the tarmac. Governor Woo in his grey three piece suit with a green tie would be the first to greet the Vice President followed by Vice Minister Chae in her turquoise dress with a dark grey blazer, and the third being the Chief of Protocol in her floral skirt and black blouse. A Korean translator would stand behind the three while around the perimeter US secret service agents and Korean presidential security service agents secured the area. The Presidential Motorcade would as the US maneuvered be readied. The Korean Customs Service would deal with the non-diplomatic personnel such as press and the Presidential Security Service and their Customs liaison staff dealing with the diplomatic personnel as their items and documents were checked and stamped. The Vice President’s documents would equally be handled with great care and sensitive as the White House officials and Blue House officials ensured the documentation was approved and returned privately. The three Korean officials would greet Secretary Fitzgerald followed by Vice President Sinclair. The staircase would be extended and at the bottom a red carpet where the three Koreans stood waiting. Governor Woo welcomed the two men to Jeju island and wished them well on their negotiations. Hoping for prosperous and peaceful coexistence in Asia. He would exchange some small talk with the Vice President while Vice Minister Chae welcomed the two men and exchanged small talk with the Secretary. The Secret Services agents would to their own protocols ensure the US high level officials were brought to their vehicles while the three Korean officials walked along. The Korean P.S.S. would only secure the exterior keeping a few meters between themselves and the US vehicles. The Korean National Police escort and P.S.S. CAT team would move ahead and trail the motorcade respectively.

At Jeju National University and around the island Korean police units were deployed. Sniffer dogs and auxiliary support were being pooled into the island. The permitter of the university was secured and the road leading into the university had checkpoints manned by the Korean Police and P.S.S. On the campus a number of roaming P.S.S. and uniformed police officers could be seen. On rooftops various P.S.S., Secret Service, and Vietnamese security agents would not be easily observed. Present with anti-air, jamming, surveillance, and counter-sniper equipment and weapons.

As the Vietnamese aircraft completed its pass through the straits and neared Korea’s AIDZ, four F-15K would arrive and provide an escort at a safe distance. Aside from the cockpit, the F-15Ks would not be known or visible and not disturb anyone on the plane. The Bombardier GE 6000 would be escorted into Jeju Airspace where the F-15Ks would break and perform patrols over the island while the summit continued. When Vice President Nguyen landed, the three Korean officials would be waiting on the tarmac with a translator present. Governor Woo would warmly welcome the Vietnamese and thank them for your arrival. Vice Minister Chae welcomed the delegation and exchanged her best hopes for the visit. She would take the time to detail her private visit to Hanoi some time before and how much she enjoyed it.

The Governor would join the Vice President in the Korean motorcade consisting of five Cadillac Escalade, two Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, and three Mercedes Benz E-250 with the Korean and Vietnamese flags were displayed. The motorcade would depart once all were inside, the larger Sprinter vehicle was capable of carrying the Vietnamese luggage and items while another was used by the Counter Assault Team. The Presidential Security Services would provide complete security and ensure the delegation was well protected as they drove to the Governor’s residence.

For the two visiting leaders and perhaps their staff, the arrival at the Jeju Government Complex may have been surreal. Inside the developed and developing city center with skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, the down to earth and historical feel of the Hanbok village style of the Governor’s residence would be comforting. Specifically taking this venue to host the guests before the summit, the hope was for a refreshing and welcoming atmosphere. Into and around the Governor’s residence the tri-flags of Korea, the United States, and Vietnam hung.

Into the complex the Korean P.S.S. would secure the premise and the motorcades would be brought in one by one on order of arrival. The US motorcade would arrive first and President Kim would exit the office of the Governor and wait at the front of the entrance while the US officials were brought inside and taken into the court yard. There the President would bow slightly as his guests arrived and extended his hand. Welcoming Vice President Sinclair and then Secretary Fitzgerald. A translator just behind him as she relayed the President’s words.
“Welcome to Jeju gentlemen. I hope the flight was not long. I know our agenda is large and we have much to discuss. I am excited for what can be achieved. It is my hopes we will seed the grounds for blossoming opportunities for your people and the people of Vietnam. Thank you for coming to Korea in good faith and readiness to negotiate and find a consensus.” A photographer would take photos of the exchange and then a proper photo of the three men. After an exchange of words the two men and their staff would be asked to move inside as President Kim asked, “Please, if you would care to follow my chief of staff inside to the residence while I welcome our guest Vice President Nguyen.”

The President would return to a secure area near the entrance. When the second motorcade arrived, the President would greet the Vietnamese officials and Governor Woo. President Kim would likewise open with pleasantries, “Welcome to Korea Vice President Nguyen. Please,” he gestured to stand next to him as photos were taken of the four men. “I am extremely honored to welcome you to Jeju and thank Governor Woo for allowing us to use his office. I hope your flight was well and that you are finding the accommodations and arrangements we have provided well. I hope that as Minister Baek informed me, we can begin the foundations of a strong Asia and hold side discussions on building the basis for the century of Asia. I am excited for the future of our two peoples.”

After they finished their exchange the President would walk back with the Vietnamese into the private office. The President would of course take the time to explain the items they passed including a number of Jeju Dol Hareubang statues which he explained were gods that protected against demons from entering the complex. As they entered inside, only the essential and required persons would be brought into the private area of the Governor’s residence. Persons not security agents or essential would not be allowed inside the Governor’s residence.

Within the residence, only the Vice Presidents, President Kim, and Governor Woo would enter the tea table for a private exchange of words. Governor Woo would of course welcome the guests and President Kim with tea from a selection of refined Korean and Asiatic selections and a number of familiar tastes to a western palate. Governor Woo would also provide an exchange of gifts wrapped in a Bojagi. Inside Jeju pebbles, Dol Hareubang statues, Hallabong (jeju oranges) and Hallabong honey. The valuation of the gifts would not exceed $200 and the Dot Haerubang statues would be created by skilled artisans on the island and the oranges produced from well respected farmers on the island. Inside the bag of the Vice President of America, a gift of two twin miniature Jeju island horse-shaped lighthouses one red and one white would be included. While in the bag of the Vice President of Vietnam, a gift of three ceramic objects, a hammer, a sickle, and a paint brush that which was present in Pyongyang. The contents unless opened by the Vice Presidents would be handed for inspection and for the protocol of each government. While the four men would converse, in a nearby room the Foreign Ministers and other high ranking officials would be sitting and provided tea and side dishes as their superiors spoke.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Vice President of Vietnam Nguyễn Thị Bình, Colonel general Lê Khả Phiêu, Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyễn Mạnh Cầm, Ambassador Le Van Bang, and Colonel general Lê Khả Phiêu would enjoy the warm welcome offered by the Koreans. Exchanging in pleasantries, with Vice President of Vietnam Nguyễn Thị Bình especially making sure to smile for the camera. He especially would thank both Governor Woo and Vice Minister Chae for the warm welcome and be very grateful for Korea allowing this summit to take place here on Jeju. Though before departing they inspected the motorcade, though not for security or anything. More in that they were inspecting the quality of the cars and had taken notice that these cars were not as dated as those in Vietnam. When the Vice President stated something about prosperity and seemed impressed Colonel general Lê Khả Phiêu would plainly state to him that these cars were not a sign of prosperity. Trying to downplay it to the Vice President further he would say that they had simply gathered these cars here to impress them. No doubt if they asked to visit a grocery store as well then they would be brought to one that had been pre-stocked to impress. The Vice President seemed unsure but dropped it as they joined the motorcade.

Though upon leaving the airport the Vice President took the words of the leader of the communist party less seriously as she saw how developed this city in Jeju, an island off of Korea was. With good infrastructure and skyscrapers that didn't have lines of rust. But what really brought a smile to their faces is when they came to the Jeju Government Complex. It sort of reminded them of places back at home where historical sites were nestled into urban sprawl, preserved as they had been for 100s of years.

Vice President Nguyen would upon arrival would greet the Korean President and happily take a photo with them. "As am I excited. We take our first steps in Korea and in Vietnam for securing the Asian century. A success for external, and internal affairs and diplomacy on both fronts. I am proud of the cooperation we have fostered, and have great hopes for what may rise from it."

Vice President Nguyen upon having it explained what the statues were would ask if she may leave a offering for these gods as one would at a temple in Vietnam. Whether or not he believed in such things one could not say.

Upon arrival at the table and taking a seat Vice President Nguyen would of course accept the gift and take some tea as well. "Thank you for this most warm of welcomes. I must say I am very impressed with Jeju Island. To be so developed, and yet preserve it's history is truly praise worthy. I can only hope that we are able to do the same."

Jay Odinson
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