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United States | Wire to the King of Italy


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: His Majesty Emmanuel Filiberto Umberto Reza Ciro René Maria of Savoy, King of Italy ( Joe )
FROM: Al Gore, President of the United States of America

Your Majesty,

A United States carrier fleet is currently in the Mediterranean in order to keep the peace between various states in the Middle East. Our local allies and friends have failed to render assistance, as they fear standing beside us may lead to uncomfortable political ramifications. In order for our fleet to stay in the Mediterranean Sea for a prolonged period of time, we must have a place for our ships to be able to replenish - both fuel and supplies. Our intention is not to take a side, but to preserve the peace and give both sides a diplomatic option so that a war can be prevented. With your background as an airman, I'm sure that you entirely understand that war is not something we should readily accept, and that it brings deadly consequences for the innocent... And as a fellow Christian, I'm sure you understand that a war in the Middle East with Israel, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia may surely lead to the destruction of great swaths of Jerusalem - this would not just be a religious loss to Muslims, Jews, and Christians, but a cultural loss to all of mankind. While we have not yet established formal diplomatic relations with your government, I hope that you can trust in me that the United States has righteous intentions and that we ultimately want peace and the preservation of life. I ask that you grant us a port to use in mainland Italy or Sicily for refueling and refinishing. If you are willing to accept, I will direct the United States Ambassador to the Holy See to act as our liaison to your government until we can get a proper ambassador appointed.


Al Gore
President of the United States
Last edited:


Aug 4, 2018
Upon receival of the letter, it would immediately be flagged as highest priority by the Intelligence and Democratic Security Service. The message would be sent to the Quirinal Palace for review by the King. The only issue was, it was 2:55 in the morning in Rome and the King, after going through another round of chemotherapy in secret, was undergoing bedrest and not to be interrupted by orders of the Queen. As a result, the message would fall on Prince Antonio, his young son who would finally get his first test at rule.

Giovanni Romano was the Head Butler and majordomo of the House of Savoy. Two decades of distinguished service in the Royal Navy as a steward to the King had earned him a permanent duty and a home at the Quirinal Palace. While his wizened grey eyes, tall ram-rod stature gave off a fearsome presence, it was his bear hugs and delightful smile that made him a fan favorite in the Palace. Giovanni had served as head butler and in turn, helped raise both the Prince since he was born as well as his childhood best friend, Princess Gabriella of Sicily.

The letter would be promptly given to him to deliver to the Prince in the dead of night. Quickly moving through the Palace's corridors, he arrived at the Prince's chambers and knocked on the door. Without so much as waiting and breaking every royal protocol, he opened the door and peered inside into the night.

"Your highness?" He prodded.

"G'way." A sleepy voice responded.

"It's important." Giovanni urged. "The President of the United States has sent a message from Washington."

Immediately, the bed creaked as Antonio sat up. Giovanni stared harder into the darkness. Was that another person in the bed? Could it be...?

He fought the urge to hide his smile.

"To my office." Prince Antonio said, swinging his legs to the side and standing up. No longer was this the sleepy young man. He was the Prince of House Savoy. He reached to the hook and wrapped a robe around himself, tying the sash to keep warm. However, before following Giovanni out, he leaned over to the sleeping mass and kissed it on the cheek. "I'll be back soon, my love.."

"Good luck." Gabriella mumbled sleepily. "Love you."

"Love you too," Antonio said, jogging out of the room and following Giovanni to his office. No words needed to be stated between the two except: "Not a word to my parents, Gio."

In his office, a response was immediately sent back, with zero frills.

"President Gore,

By order of the Crown, you and your ships will have access for 2 months to Naval Base facilities in Catania. Likewise, you will have access to Naval Air Station Sigonella for 2 months. If you require an extension on this lease, we can discuss it.

Good luck,
Prince Antonio of House Savoy"


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: His Royal Highness Antonio Emanuele Ferdinando Maria Gennaro of House Savor, Prince of Italy ( Joe )
FROM: Giovanni Romano, United States Ambassador to the Holy See

Your Royal Highness,

President Gore has asked me to be the acting-Ambassador to the Kingdom of Italy until a new Italian ambassador can be chosen and dispatched to Rome. On behalf of the American people, I want to sincerely thank you for allowing the United States to use your port for refueling. It is a rule of life that when things are tough, it is exceedingly rate to find meaningful help. People, and governments, are often too afraid to take a stand for something - or anything for that matter - because they're often too afraid that they may be remembered for something other than being a doormat. You have shown to the White House that the Italian Crown has a sense of morality. We look forward to working with the Italian Royal Family and the government as time moves forward. If your family or the Italian government need anything in the meantime, please feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,

Giovanni Romano
United States Ambassador to the Holy See


Aug 4, 2018
Under authority of King Emmanuel, Lieutenant General Alberto Rosso, Chief of Staff of the Regio Aeronautica, Italy's Royal Air Force, would contact Giovanni Romano in order to broker a potential deal to not only cash in on the favor of allowing the use of Sicily as a port of refuel, but to potentially extend a permanent lease for an American presence in the Mediterranean while also allowing Italian access to American firepower to expand it's air force.


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