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[US]: Phone call to First Choice


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The US Secretary of Defence would make a phone call, on an encrypted line, to the head office of First Choice.



Jun 20, 2018
[RE-ROUTED] The Phonecall would be transferred to the Temporary Headquarters of First Choice International, who would answer.
The Network and Telephone Line are Private and Encrypted @John

"Thank you for calling First Choice International. Our business hours are between 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday for Customer Support. If you know the extension number for the Branch you're trying to reach, dial now followed by the hash-key. For all other inquiries, please choose from the following options - For First Choice Defence Industries, please press (1), For First Choice Investments, please press (2). Otherwise, please press (0) to speak to the operator. Calls may be recorded for Training and Quality Purposes — Did you know, First Choice are the Leading Loan Provider, offering a very Competitive 20% APR Representative to all our First Time Borrowers. Our Service is Fast, Reliable and at no Extra Cost to you..."


Jun 20, 2018
"You're being Transferred to First Choice Defence Industries" — Queen, We are the Champions would play in the Background. @John

"We're Sorry! you're in a Queue. Your call is very important to us. Please stay on the line and your call will be answered shortly.
If you would like to bypass the Waiting Queue, you can press (1) to leave a Message or press (2) to have an Agent call you back — ” After 15 Minutes, an Operator would answer in a Thick, Indian Accent.

"Hello, You're through to First Choice Defence. My name is Muhammad. How may I help you?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes, hello. I'd like to speak to a Mrs Aimee Durand. Would that be possible at this time?"



Jun 20, 2018
"Yes, Sir. I'll transfer you to the Office of Mrs. Aimee Durand" — The Call would be Transferred and answered on a Private and Encrypted Line. @John

"You're through to the office of Mrs. Durand, the Company Executive Director of First Choice International. Unfortunately, the Executive is out the office until 01st March.
If your Request is Urgent, please contact Mr. Alexander Smith on 803-239-7441, Ext (1) or alternatively, leave a Voicemail and she'll respond to you as soon as possible"

The call to the US, Secretary of Defence would TERMINATE.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The next day, the SOD would again attempt to phone the First Choice, Mr. Alexander Smith



Jun 20, 2018
[RE-ROUTED] The Phonecall would be transferred to Mr. Alexander Smith, the Chief Executive of First Choice International — The Network and Telephone Line are Private and Encrypted

"Hello, Alexander speaking — May I help you?" @John


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
After realising a mistake, there would be a small pause after Alexander answers a little shuffling about as the SOD had a few members of his security team come in an encrypt his lines.

"Sorry about that.. Hello Mister Smith, Chuck Hagel here, the United States Secretary of Defence. How are you doing today?"



Jun 20, 2018
Alexander Smith would wait patiently for the Secretary to reply. Chuck would hear Beachgoers in the Background, and a Women shouting — "Who's calling? We're on our Jolly's Alex!"
He'd ask his Wife to stop interrupting, getting back to the Phonecall with the United States @John

"Very well, Chuck... But let's cut to the chase! Why is the US Secretary of Defence calling me?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I'm sorry to be interrupting you on your holidays, but this is something that could not wait. As you know Argentina and France have been involved in a conflict for a little while now and First Choice have just approved a sale of equipment to one of Argentinas closest allies, now, I know this is a big ask, but would it at all be possible that First Choice void this sale? I think it would be in the best interests of the world that this sale doesn't go in, as I think the Brazillians may get involved in this conflict and the equipment sold will make things ten times worse. Now I know that conflict is good business for First Choice, but I don't want to see any equipment fall in the wrong hands.. I hope you understand this?"



Jun 20, 2018
"Hmm? Good Business, indeed. Let's see" Alexander would scroll through the Company Sales on his Phone, spotting the Brazilian order @John

"Tell me how we are to justify this to the Brazilian Government? They've been a Loyal Customer to First Choice for many years.
Should we throw away our Good Reputation, or are the American's willing to compensate us? I may compromise on that."


Jun 20, 2018
Alexander would move the Phone from his ear, speaking to his Wife. Though, the Conversation can be overheard by the US Secretary of Defence "Gertrude, my Love. I have Chuck on the Phone asking me to Reject our Brazilian Client..."
"Chu--CHUCK?! Tell Chuck to do one, Hunny" After 5 Minutes of Squabble between the 2 Lovers, Alexander returned to the Phone call...

"Chuck, I would expect the United States will cover the Profits First Choice will lose from this Sale. Let's see, That's Er, $19,000,000,000.00" @John


Jun 20, 2018
"Well, Things are getting more serious so I suppose the United States deserves a Sincere Response" Alexander would leave his Wife, Gertrude to a more Private area of the Beach. @John

"First Choice are a Business, who may occasionally profit from War. Don't all Businesses? However grave the circumstances are, we offer our Services as fairly and impartially as we can.
While I understand that Brazil aren't the Kindest, nor winning any Popularity contest... They aren't the Government we deliberately try to upset. Unpredictable, and Reckless characters that they are.
How would we explain this, without damaging the Reputation we've managed to successfully upheld? And, I see Mrs. Durand has already accepted the Payment from their Government for the Weapon Procurement"

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