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[VT]: Call to the USA


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ambassador Le Van Bang who had been assigned to be the ambassador of Vietnam to the United Stated of America would initiate a call with the United States Department of Defense hoping to get a call connected to someone in the office via his encrypted phone. There were some matters he ad been instructed to discuss. They were matters of military, and recent matters. So it was important that he call them right away.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Charlie Price, the Deputy Secretary of State, would pick up the phone via a secure line in his private office at the Harry S Truman Building in Washington D.C. “Hello, this is Deputy Secretary Price. How mayI help you, Ambassador?” He asked.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Yes hello, I wanted to discuss the ongoing situations in the world with you. The situation in South Africa involving Sweden, the Situation in the Middle East, and the Situation in Russia. Starting with the situation with Sweden in South Africa we noticed that the United States is a co signatory of the current resolution in the GA. I am to infer that this means the United States is against Sweden's occupation of South Africa. We are also primarily against this occupation and would ask what the United States is planning on doing about the situation. I ask this because a partner and ally of ours is in South Africa, that being Thailand which has elected to deploy there."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
“Ambassador, I can tell you that the United States is is decidedly opposed to the Swedish occupation of South Africa. While we supported Sweden defending themselves when South Africa declared war on them, the permanent occupation and annexation of South Africa is beyond unacceptable,” he said.

“We plan to follow the Global Assembly’s resolution and lead the international effort to restore South Africa’s independence,” he said.

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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"That is something we can agree on. South Africa should not be permanently occupied. And while Apartheid had to go the most Sweden should be doing at this point is providing peace keepers for the South African government. But, they have gone beyond this from what we can tell and in our conversations with them they have no plans to leave any time soon, nor address the legacy of apartheid. It seems they have simply installed a president and intend to stay with their allies. This is very close to colonialism should it go further. In an effort to distract they have even attempted to sow discord between allies who seek to reform ASEAN. Trying to single out Korea while inviting in Thailand. Howeved, despite this should anything occur I ask that the United States not target Thai forces in the area. We are working on getting them to agree to pull out."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
“Ambassador, I appreciate your frankness and honesty regarding this situation. Once the resolution passes and peacekeepers are sent, I can assure you that we will do everything we can to avoid targeting Thai force. However, if they are there in violation of the resolution and opposed to GA forces by the time they arrive, then I cannot make any absolute guarantees. I hope that Vietnam and Korea, as members of the Global Assembly, will contribute peacekeeping forces once it is necessary. Please keep me updated on this situation and let me know if there is anything that the United States can do to help. Has the Swedish government made it abundantly clear to your government that they intend to permanently occupy South Africa?” he asked.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"They have not made it abundantly clear, and they have not made their deadline for leaving clear either. They are operating under a ambiguity as to ensure they are not held to account for their own words. However, they have seemingly made it clear they will not leave without a fight. This could of been their attempt to appear strong, but they have at the same time shown no respect for the GA and its rulings. Describing a GA peace keeping action as being a mess more or less. We had hoped Sweden would be reasonable, and act in the interest of friendship. But, clearly they value other things. We are not even sure this President they installed was done so democratically, but that would require further investigation. I believe that should a GA mission be set up certain things need and must be addressed. Land distribution must be addressed or else South Africa is in for a rocky internal future. Apartheid has left many scars with its fascist system."

"On another note, the situation in the middle east. Vietnam has elected to look neutral in the situation, as we are currently negotiating with Egypt in regards to the Suez. We've been led tk believe by Egypt they are involved. What is the stance of the United States on the situation?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"While it seems they have tried to remain somewhat vague with us, their Foreign Minister did inform the Secretary of State that they are staying put and have no intentions to leave. Should the Global Assembly authorize an international force as outlined in the resolution, we will act quickly. Our ultimate mission will be to remove all Swedish political, legal, and military influence from South Africa, temporarily bring South Africa under the control as some kind of Global Assembly mandate, allow democratic elections to be held, and once a new government is in control global forces would begin an organized withdraw and allow the nation to govern itself. I hope I have made it exceptionally clear to you, Ambassador, that we do not want anything from this potential South Africa campaign other than the liberation of South Africa. I know that the White House sees Vietnam as a future partner and friend, and I do as well, so I wanted to clear that up before Sweden tries to assassinate our character in the halls of the Global Assembly," he said.

"As I'm sure you are aware, the President ordered a 'No-Go' zone over part of the eastern Mediterranean Sea for a few days. We tried to organize peace talks in Poland, but it appears that Turkey intentionally or unintentionally sabotaged them. At the very least, it seems that the Navy's actions at least delayed the breakout of war, and possibly prevented it since the Israelis appear to be turning their ship, so to speak. Ultimately we are remaining neutral at the moment - we want to see a peaceful resolution in the Middle East," he concluded.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"You should know that they have already attempted to assassinate the character of the United States in private more or less, so The likelihood of them doing so at the GA is high. Shoild a forceful removal be necessary as deemed by the GA and should Sweden refuse to leave would the Swedish claims on the Antartic be challenged? I believe that while we have different opinions on what should be done with South Africa we can both agree that they should be free of colonial authority and free to have fair elections."

"How were these peace talks sabotaged? Is Turkey trying to deliberately escalate this into a full blown conflict?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"That is very worrying," Charlie said as he continued to take notes. "At this time our primary priority is the removal of Swedish political, military, and economic influence from South Africa - I don't think we need to reevaluate the Antarctic Treaty unless they seriously undermine global stability... but that has yet to be determined. And yes, we can agree that the South African people should be free of any outside influence and should be able to govern themselves without any kind of political influence from any other country. In regards to the peace talks, my understanding is that the Turkish aircraft heading to the peace talks had an excessive amount of security on board - it was excessive to the point that the Polish were uncomfortable with allowing them to deplane. I don't really know any details beyond that," he said.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Should it be determined Sweden is to be removed from South Africa, and refuses to leave you can rely on us to do our part. We would be willing to provide peace keepers in what follows, as well as provide shipments of food for the war struck country."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Thank you very much for letting me know. It's very comforting to know that countries from all over the world will be willing to help in their own way, and that so many nations are committed to helping the innocent. I will pass this information on to the Pentagon so that they can add this to any possible plans. We will be able to support peace keepers logistically and we will welcome an international presence," he said. He would be willing to continue the conversation, however if there was nothing else to discuss the phone call would be ended. The Vietnamese were continuing to prove that they not only had the potential to be a valuable international partner, but that they were actually willing to take action and not just make nice words.


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