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[VT]: Phone Call to Russian Far-Left Militants


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Colonel general Lê Khả Phiêu head of the communist party of Vietnam rom their office would initiate a phonecall to the leadership of the Russian Far-Left militants. The doors of the office were locked and the windows shut and locked with curtains drawn. Two guards were posted outside the door as he awaited pickup. On his desk was a copy of the treaty of friendship and cooperation signed originally in 1978 by the Soviet Union and Vietnam.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Finding time to withdraw from his affairs in attending to the front lines, Yevgeny Dzhugashvili would use an encrypted line from his office in Omsk to answer the call coming from Vietnam. Like many in his close cabinet, he was very interested in knowing just who was calling.

"Yevegeny Dzhugashvili speaking. Who is this and how can I assist?"

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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Colonel general Lê Khả Phiêu. Head of the Communist Party of Vietnam. I would like to know the current situation in Russia? I am in a position currently to render assistance due to certain circumstances."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Uh..." This was an unorthodox call to say the least. "Hello, Colonel-General it's... good to hear from you. I think it's obvious that Russia is in a civil war, one similar to the first: the people versus the elite. My forces have taken much territory in the Far-East, currently capturing the headquarters of this 'Resistance' of Nazis, Fascists, and other vile ideologies. We have taken the so-called 'Free Republic of Tuva' and we are currently in open conflict with the 'Russian Empire' along the Ural Mountains. Victory is on the horizon, Colonel-General, but the horizon is very far.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"I see, then I must say I am willing to lend said assistance. Currently there are two matters up for debate in the National Assembly. I can torpedo both of them if they do not go ahead with assistance to our comrades, you that is. We are willing to honor the treaty of friendship and cooperation signed originally in 1978 by the Soviet Union and Vietnam, and recognize your faction as the succesor to the Soviet Union/Russia. I can render assistance in the form of a well equipped volunteer force to help win the revolution, just as you helped us before during the war. Though, more directly. We have also persuaded the PRC, who while revisionist, have agreed to render assistance in the form of lend lease. We can provide a force of 28 battalions to start with attached support companies. As well as two air regiments of your choice."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Recognizing us, Colonel-General, as the proper Russian government would go a very very long way and aid us in asserting the revolution in Russia." Most people would jump onto the opportunity of having a nation's military backing during a conflict such as this, but Stalin's grandson would take a moment to think before jumping the gun. "While I will not say no to military support, I believe having foreign troops in Russia may cause a... reaction from other nations. After all, we wouldn't want the Americans or god forbid - the Swedes or British to get involved in any way. You said that China is willing to assist, do you believe they would allow your forces to be on 'stand-by' in Manchuria?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"I am fairly certain they will allow us to station troops in Manchuria. I do believe however there is a way to officially deny our involvement. But, that is up to you whether or not you are willing to facilitate it at this time. Sending them as unmarked volunteers that would nominally be under your control would help to keep them from too much notice. But, given the importance of the conflict it cannot be kept under wraps forever. The other option would be if we station troops there, and funnel weapons to you through Manchuria."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"No offense, Colonel-General, but a bunch of Asian flocking to the frontline isn't something that could be ignored by Moscow, even if you can deny your involvement. I believe stationing your troops on 'stand-by' in Manchuria and funneling weapons to my forces would be our best bet in assuring that this war doesn't go 'international'. I hope you agree?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Hmm, I suppose that it would be a bad look no matter how you slice it. If you were to say they were recruited from your local Asian populations people would wonder why they are segregated, and that would bring unwanted attention in itnof itself. Very well, for the time being I will agree to only funnel in weapons. However, if you start to lose to the point of concern, we will intervene. But! I am sure the revolutionary spirit will carry you forward. You have much work ahead of you."

"Let me ask something in addition to this. If you are victorious you will be in a prime position to reform the Soviet Union. No doubt nations will already try to intervene prior to that, so would you make the effort in undoing what never should of occurred?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Ah! I just thought of something easier to keep hidden until the time is right. We can send volunteers in the form of our air regiments. These volunteers would be that volunteers and once in Russia would be placed under your control. Thus, would so you wish fly your markings. This would be easier to hide then a number of battalions. "



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"If we begin to lose significant ground, Colonel-General, I'll have my people contact you - if I don't do so myself." The Soviet Union... now that was an interesting question: would he reform it? "That's a question I'll only be able to answer once the time comes, Colonel-General. For now the People must secure Russia and return the nation to proper function." Stalin's grandson had also made promises to his North Korean comrades to reinstate not only North Korea but to spread Juche to the entire Peninsula, bringing an end to the Western puppet state of Seoul. Whatever happened, his promise must be kept above all else. "As for air regiments, yes. That would help immensely. However, these units would have to be used extremely carefully - slowing down advancements and hitting strategic spots on the frontline. To use these units in an offensive manner would prove fatal as reports have reached me stating that the 'empire' has received a large number of S-400 missile systems, making their skies impenetrable."

Dzhugashvili would look at the map on his desk. "If you wish to send these units, Colonel-General, have them arrive in Omsk and in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. There we'll be able to use the units on both fronts."

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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Very well, and thank you for the heads up. I will have an air regiment dispatched to your specified location within one week of time. I do not know much of this S-400 system, but if it is an improvement on the S-300, then that is an issue that will need to be addressed at some point. Regardless, I look forward to aiding you in your movement. For the time being I will keep in touch but must go so I can put things in motion. Unless there is anything else you would like to discuss or add?"



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The man would think for a moment. "No, I believe that is all, Colonel-General. I thank you for your time and the aid you are providing to the Revolution."

If there was nothing else, the communist leader would hang up.


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