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A New Threat


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Munich, Germany - 1015hrs
Sigh. Viktor looked outside of the window as he took a long puff of his cigarette. Outside was just a wasteground. Munich had seen some sights for sure, Viktor thought. He moved through the kitchen as he took a seat on a wooden chair, he was deep in thought of what on earth was going on. Around him, there was a lot of activity. The building he was in was some sort of safehouse.
Not long ago, far right groups had smashed and tried to tear apart of the snap elections called by the NPD. Polling stations was filled with blood, tears and grief as the Polizei had struggled to contain the situation. Eventually the SEK and riot squads had moved in and contained the situation. Viktor however thought this action was not what he wanted, but rather a desperate attempt to keep the NPD in power. Even though he was not on the 'frontlines' as he would call it, he was in the shadows. The far right groups were a short term alliance of groups from all around Germany that was well known to the Polizei and German Intelligence Agencies, it was a ploy to keep the eyes of the law from the secret society as Viktor had been instructed by his superior above him when he argued what repercussions could happen from this riot. Viktor was right.

As he fixed his beige coloured suit, he took another a long puff of his cigarette followed by a chesty cough. Viktor thought of why was he chosen? Why was he contacted? Unknown to him, Viktor was seen a cunning man. He once was in fact on the other end. The far left. But a incident in 1989 changed that all for him. As he shook his head to avoid thinking about it, a man walked into the kitchen. He was donned in a black hoodie and black combat pants. "What do you want?" Viktor asked in a harsh tone. "Can't you see, I am busy?" Viktor another puff of his cigarette, as the man replied. "Here are the reports that you wanted. We're just waiting for orders, Hauptmann." Viktor sighed heavily, lashing out. "What orders? Do you see any orders? We've been stuck in this shithole for months. There's no orders other to STAY HERE." The man nodded as he disappeared, wanting to avoid Viktor's further temper.

As he disappeared, Viktor sighed again. He was fed up of the shithole he was in and fed up of orders. Suddenly his phone rang. As he answered and before he could even get a word in. "Time to get the washing out of the machine. It ends in five minutes." A voice beckoned through the phone, the line ended. Viktor's eyes lit up as he quickly got up from his chair and paced through the hallway of the Apartment and into the living room where three men were sat around watching television. "Get up! Destroy everything to do with the group. They're coming. Stefan, you're with me." As the three men jumped up they made way through different parts of the apartment. Stefan as instructed followed Viktor's orders. Five minutes is all what they had...


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Outskirts of Munich
Viktor paced up and down. He was frustrated and angry of what had just occurred. It was a very close call and too close he thought. His three trusted followers waited alongside him as all four men were on the outskirts of Munich in a derelict farmhouse. As Viktor anxiously waited, out of the shadows came a grey haired burly man. His face was dirty, but he was dressed for the occasion. Alongside him were two males who were taller and much bigger build to him. Viktor instantly recognised him. It was Karl Heinrich a disgraced ex-NSDAP party member. Karl had been forced to give up his position within the NSDAP after the previous NSDAP had taken power. Viktor knew he was dangerous, as for all he set all of this up in a quick space of time. He had everyone under his grasp and his links to the military, law enforcement and government were crazy to Viktor. But mistakes were bound to happen. "Is the place cleaned, Viktor?" Karl asked harshly. Viktor looked down towards him rather annoyed. "Yes. Burned. Including all the documents that were in there."

"Very well. We must make a move. Something to take a cut into these traitors." Karl replied. Viktor was confused, rather bemused in fact. "What? Now? You do realise the Police will be on our case no? The Polling Station attacks was a bad move Heinrich and you know that." Viktor spoke angrily, pointing in the face of Karl who laughed at Viktor. "Ha. You think it was a bad move Viktor? It was a chess move, you know it. Sure a few right wing sheep were lost within. But it needed to happen." Karl smiled. He walked over to Viktor patting him on the face. "Cheer up Viktor, you know what happened in '89 was the making of this.. second wrath. We know what we needed to do next." Karl smiled again as he walked back in the middle of his two men. "My removal from the NSDAP crushed my dreams.. It's time for everybody to pay."

"The French?" Viktor asked.

"No. no. That's too high profile." Karl replied.

"Bring back the Red Army Faction. You have the connections. Then you start high profile." Karl smiled once more.
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El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
June 18th 1989
"VIKTOR!" Pause. "VIKTOR! GET IN HERE NOW!" Squelching echoed through the halls of a old museum. Into the main came a young Viktor dressed in his brown uniform. He fixed his officer cap as he saluted his superior. Oberstleutnant Faulkner powered over Viktor. His strict green eyes looked down on Viktor as he spoke in a monotone aggressive voice. "Hauptmann, these figures are looking so good." He paused. "But the rumours of the wall may come crashing down in Berlin at ANY moment. We have capitalists rummaging through our country drawing people to their cause." Faulkner heavily sighed at the thought. "How is your contacts down in.. where was it now?" He'd pause thinking. "Ah, Rostock!" Faulkner gleemed at the thought as he turned back to Viktor. "Stefan? He is active." Faulker gleemed once more. "Ah, set up a meet. Please let me know in advance and I shall come with! We need to sort this mess out... before it becomes more powerful." The Oberstleutnant smiled as he saluted Viktor. Viktor did in return as Faulker disappeared through the corridors. Viktor was ambitious, he knew it was becoming a problem of all the protests and with the fall of the Soviet Union becoming inevitable. Stefan knew everything and everyone in East and to him he was the key.

Later that evening Viktor drove through Central Leipzig. Street lights beamed through the city as it was quite packed for a Sunday. Maybe it was the weather that was giving way. Stefan was in the car as he had been picked up from the Train Station. Viktor had been told the location to meet, it was a farm house near the outskirts of the city. Deserted and well away from the public.
"What does he want, Viktor? I am quite tense about this." Stefan remarked. Viktor turned as they waited behind a set of vehicles at a traffic light. "It is ok. I know the Oberstleutnant. It's just a bit hectic at the moment with what is going on." Viktor paused as he continued. "It'll be fine."
"If you say so." Stefan replied.

As the traffic lights turned green at the junction, the two cars ahead sped through the junction. Quite quickly the lights turned back to red as Viktor was just about to pass. "For fuck sake. These damn traffic lig-" Before Viktor could finish suddenly a white van sped in front of his vehicle. He instantly knew what it was and knew straight who they were. "Get your head down now!" Viktor tried to reverse his car but as he did another vehicle which was waiting to go through rammed into the back of Viktor. Viktor quickly turned his steering wheel to try and make the car move away from the transit van who by now several masked individuals exited with heavy weaponary ranging from a AK47s to Mini Uzis and Shotguns. But by this time, another vehicle rammed inside the drivers side as Viktor tried to make off. Viktor instantly went unconscious.

Headache and pain Viktor felt. Blood was dripping down his head which was on the steering wheel. His groggily looked towards his passenger seat which was now empty. He then looked again towards the left as he saw Stefan being dragged away by the masked group who have just attacked them. Viktor heavily breathed as he struggled to stay awake. One of the masked group looked at Viktor. "We'll leave this one." He remarked. Viktor struggling to stay awake, passed out once more.

Viktor opened his eyes, it was present day and he looked left and right then back towards Karl. "Do you remember that accident now Viktor? That.. was yo-" Before Karl could finish. Viktor chimed in. "Faulkner? Yeah I know."


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Rumours would soon be flowing around of the current German administration in talks with the French over a defence treaty and that they were going to accept it. The news would soon hit Heinrich and for Heinrich it was seen as a betrayal and treachery. In a effort to combat this, Heinrich and Viktor would spread the word to the 'group' It was decided to keep it under wraps for now, but it was time to strike against the treachery behaviour of the government. Heinrich declared secretly it would indeed put NDP under the spotlight further if found guilty but it would mean a measure needed to be taken for them to understand this is wrong.

After meeting with several members of the group. Two men would be chosen for their mission. Both were ex-military personnel who had left after the collapse of the NDP government, they had not long been in the German Army. But were well aware what they were asked to do. The two men were known as Kristoff and Muller.
The pair packed their bags with clothes, a laptop and more. To avoid suspicion, they used a fake identification to rent a vehicle from a rental company in Strasbourg. As they had, they would also load up what else needed.

In one of the gym bags was a Karabiner 98k rifle, attached onto was the ZF41 long eye relief optical sight. In the glove compartment, both men were also armed with Glock 17 handguns. Ammounition was low as they only had five rounds for the 98k and two magazines for the handgun. They kept all the firearms out of sight.

As they prepared to say their goodbyes, they left for the French border.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
At this stage in the negotiations between France and Germany despite the lack of a formal treaty being ratified there had already been a significant reduction in border security, all guard posts were still manned but in most there were only a handful of borderguards besides the customs officials. When the Germans approached their intended crossing they would encounter one of those lightly defended positions with three customs officials and two members of the Gendarmerie acting as security. Germans like most Europeans also didn't need to request visa in advance and would be eligible for a 180 day stay visa at any border crossing.

At the one lane border crossing the Germans would have to stop when arriving at a barrier right next to a small office. Once inside they would see a young French woman manning the customs desk. Once the Germans approached the desk she would address them in English, though she was also fluent in German.

"Bonjour gentlemen, please hand over your travel documents?"

Once the gentlemen obliged the young woman would begin inspecting the documents. While doing so she continued the standard questions. "What is your purpose for travelling to France? Do you have any goods to declare that would require special customs provisions or would be considered illegal in the Empire of France prior to baggage and car inspections?"

As she asked those questions two alerts would trigger in the computer system. "Notice spéciale DGSE - Accorder la gratuité du passage". The woman was surprised by the notice as it was usually reserved for DGSE employees returning home from deep cover foreign missions, and nothing in their travel documents showed any indication they were ever employed by the DGSE, but she knew this one was way above the paygrade of anyone at this border crossing and that in general arguing with special notices from the DGSE or DGSI was a great way to get a reassignment to the Andorra border crossing. "Pardon messieurs, bon retour" She said as she returned the documents to the two men and signalled the Gendarmes to open the barrier to let their car through.



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
As they approached the border, Kristoff would turn to Muller. "Keep your calm, we should ease this." He'd roll down the window as they both turned to the French woman. First attempting broken French, then in English. "Here are our documents." The documents were fake, but it'd take some time for the customs officer to spot this if inspected correctly. As the woman began to ask them questions. "We are visiting our grandmother, she is quite ill mad-" But before Kristoff could finish his sentence the customs officer would let them through, he'd nod and smile as they drove the rental Volkswagen Golf into now France.

As they both deeped further into the country, they'd take regular stops on the way at service stations. They'd oblige French traffic laws, in order to not raise any suspicion as they were on the way to Paris first.

Muller would book a hotel for the pair, where they would stop off when they eventually arrived. Though they began the scout to see on what way they both could cause mayhem once again in France.


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