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[Germany] The Day after the Coronation


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

The Kaiser would wake up in his bed, alongside his wife. He would yawn, as he turned the alarm of. He knew he had to speak with the Chancellor for their first audience, which would happen every week, on a Monday. He would do his daily routine, eating breakfast, showering and dressing up a formal Prussian blue suit. He would look at the time as he would adjust his cuffs. The audience was going to begin in around 30 minutes. He would sigh, and walk towards his meeting room, in the Royal Palace. Kissing his wife on the way out.

In his official residence the Chancellor would also wake up, extremely early, grumbling, and being almost forced out of bed by his wife, as she said "Come on, time to get up, you have your first audience with the Kaiser in 2 hours." Brandenburg would answer in a sarcastic tone. "Oh yes, that will definitely put me in a good mood. You know, I had this meeting every Monday with Ferdinand, barring always in a non-formal way. But to do this in-" He would be rudely interrupted by his wife again. "Come on, I'll make you breakfast this time." He would, do his daily routine, eating his food, dressing up in a formal ware, in a grey suit, but he would immediately light a cigar, being an avid smoker, not to mention a drinker. He would sit his his chair, reading some of the points he would have to bring up with the Kaiser, while drinking whiskey and smoking a cigar. He would look at his watch, the meeting would start in 30 min, he would walk strongly towards his driver and into his government car, and off they went to the Kaiser Residence.
The Chancellor would arrive exactly five minutes before the meeting would start, he would walk up to the door of the palace where he would be escorted by the Imperial Guard, up to the Kaiser audience room, upon reaching the door, two more guards would open the double doors. He would see the Kaiser standing in front of the door, in what you could call a small greeting area. The guard would position himself next to the Chancellor and announce him. "The Imperial Chancellor, your Imperial Majesty!" They would both bow, and the Chancellor would walk forwards, as the doors would be closed behind him. "Good Morning your Imperial Majesty" Brandenburg would say, and he went to shake the Kaisers hands, to which the Kaiser would answer, "Good Morning Chancellor, its a fine morning, I was informed previously that this audience is to be done every week on a Monday correct?". The Chancellor would answer as he would put both his hands behind his back. "Yes, your majesty, in order to speak about current events of the state, or just meet and talk". The Kaiser would nod, and offer the Chancellor to sit by his side on the chairs. The Kaiser would begin by saying "So, ahm.. I think you should begin, and I'll give you my opinion on each matter". Brandenburg would nod, and he would begin detailing the currents events of the nation, alongside the internal and external agendas and ideas, they would sit alone in the audience room as Brandenburg would begin to speak to him first, about his plans to reformulate the Industry of the German North, while improving the current infrastructure in the south, he would inform him of some possible bills and possible laws that could result in the decrease of crime, and finally his foreign policy agenda, detailing him the that it would be in Germany best interests to build a strong relationship with the United Kingdom, United States and most of Europe, while also reassuring the commitment towards the Global Assembly. After the audience was done, it would be tradition for the Kaiser to say his goodbyes, while the Chancellor would never turn his back on him until he would be out of the Audience room.

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