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Imperial Deliberations


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
Everything in this thread (Including additional posts) is TOP SECRET


Thérèse looked out over the balcony as Versailles turned to night. The view over the woods and Palace grounds was always impressive, despite being in the heart of the country it still felt as quaint as being on the countryside. It was why despite certain options inside Paris being more efficient, she still had opted to keep Versailles as the primary Imperial residence. She liked to come out here whenever important decisions needed to be made, something about the nature surrounding her always gave her an increased appreciation of the environment and tended to ground her. Even when emotions would compel her to take more drastic action. Caught up in thought she hadn't even heard her close friend and personal bodyguard Jeanne walk in.


"Your Imperial Majesty, the War Cabinet has arrived and is awaiting your attendance" The young blue-haired woman spoke. While her face would imply lack of experience, that was a deception as in many ways she had been with Thérèse since day one, already childhood friends as her father was also the bodyguard of the late father of the Empress, after she had defected from the Republican side at the outbreak of the Civil War.

"Thank you Jeanne" Thérèse spoke as she stepped away from the balcony and towards her friend. "What is your take on this Turkish mess?"

While Jeanne was not officially an adviser, or even particularly knowledgeable of politics or diplomacy, Thérèse always appreciated her insights. So often, due to the lack of usual political intrigue modifying them, they were often the most valuable input available to her. As both women walked from the Empress' Chambers to the Cabinet room there would be enough time to receive the inputs.

"Frankly, I am not sure what they are thinking. This crisis is entirely of Turkish making and could have been avoided entirely, I'm not sure what motivated them to act like this but they have left you no choice. Both as a Christian Empress and the Empress of the French you cannot show any weakness to the Turks." Jeanne answered, initially being asked about these topics had made her uncomfortable but after numerous attempts failed to stop her Empress from asking in the past, she had simply decided to just answer her.

As they entered the Cabinet Room it was noticeably emptier than usual. The room was designed for the full Cabinet, the War Cabinet however was a much smaller body consisting of only those Cabinet members and other advisers relevant to the Empire's ability to wage war.


In this case in addition to the Empress the people in attendance would be the Prime Minister, Duchess Marie Lefebvre, the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Sophie Dubois, the Minister of the Armed Forces, Duchess Léa Moreau, the Minister of the Interior, Marquis Julien Lambert, and the Minister of Justice, Professor Claire Martin. As soon as Thérèse had entered the room the Cabinet members and Cabinet and Palace staff would stand at attention while the ten Azure Guards providing security saluted her.

"Please all be seated" She spoke as she took her seat at the head of the table. "I have asked you all here to formulate a strategy with regards to Turkey's recent actions, the Holy Father's call for crusade and the status of our citizens and other Christians in Turkey" She added, opening the floor.

"Your Imperial Majesty, Turkey's actions can be considered nothing less than the highest level of provocation. At any other time in history they would have given us grounds for war. We must however act more cautiously considering the interests of not just our citizens within their borders still, but also the Christians inside the country." Marie began her response.

"Additionally we need to consider the interests of Israel. So far the Turks have not gotten too heavily involved with the Palestinian matter, if we act too harshly it may encourage the Turks to act in support of the Palestinian cause more directly out of revenge" Sophia added, representing the interests of the French diplomatic corps.

"That is all nice and well, but we aren't the provocateurs here. The only thing we've done is refuse a diplomatic meeting because of their betrayal of Rome. They decided to expel our ambassador and break of all communication channels. We need to show Ankara that they screwed up big" Léa said, adding a more hawkish perspective.

"What do you propose, Your Grace?" Thérèse asked of her military Minister.

"Close all our diplomatic missions, freeze all their assets in France and prepare a show of force operation. Ideally in cooperation with Israel and any Christian nation willing to act"

"And what is that going to do for Christians in their territory? Short of taking your show of force into an all out invasion and occupation of their territory that does nothing but make us feel good about ourselves. If I may I would like to suggest a more covert approach" Sophie countered the initial proposal. Thérèse nodded, granting her permission to continue.

"Leave our diplomatic missions open but shut down most operations. Evacuate any embassy and consular staff not required and all French citizens. Combine this with an Imperial Decree granting asylum to all Christians and other minorities inside their borders, and maintain our diplomatic missions as safehouses for covert operations. As both a show of force and to reinforce our commitment to their cause attach one of the Horizon Class Frigates to the Israeli Mediterranean Fleet. That way we show the world a measured response and actually do something productive for the Christians inside Turkey"

Léa wanted to counter the proposal, but the look on the Empress' face had pretty much already given away that this was the plan she liked most.

"Is everyone in favour?" Thérèse asked.

"Oui" Marie would be the first to vote.

"Oui" Julien followed.

"Oui" Claire then added.

Léa still didn't like it, but realizing she was outvoted she relented. "Oui"

"Excellent, Sophie please inform the Holy See of our response and pass the required measures within your Ministry. I will address the Imperial Court tomorrow, so you have until then"

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