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Operation Złote Słońce(Golden Sun)

Who Wins The Combat Exercise

  • RedFor

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • BluFor

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Personnel Quantity


GA Member
May 22, 2020



Warsaw Military District & Szczecin Military District

Training Exercise

Secured and Encrypted



With recent troubles in the world originating in the humanitarian crisis in Haiti and the ongoing war between the Republic of the Congo and the Empire of the Congo, it was decided that the Kingdom of Poland would send the Warsaw Military District to undergo training to become better acquainted with the rigors of combat as well as the aftermath that follows battle. During this exercise the 18th Mechanized will participate in a simulated combat exercise along with the Szczecin Military District. The Operation will be held in the area between Triblinka and Malkinia Gorna, utilizing Bug River as an amphibious assault barrier.

Primary Objectives

1. Engage Enemies in open combat utilizing Infantry, Tanks, and IFVs
2. Perform Amphibious assaults across Bug River
3. Engage Enemies in Urban Combat Environment utilizing Infantry, Tanks, and IFVs
4. Simulate Triage for wound infantry
5. Simulate Vehicle Recovery of simulated damaged vehicles




21st Podhale Rifles Brigade


All Vehicles Assigned to Unit

1st Warsaw Armoured Brigade


All Vehicles Assigned to Unit

19th Mechanized Brigade


All Vehicles Assigned to Unit

7th Pomeranian Coastal Defense Brigade


All Vehicles Assigned to Unit

2nd Legion Mechanized Brigade


All Vehicles Assigned to Unit

12 Mechanized Brigade


All Vehicles Assigned to Unit
Details: Each Unit has the below mentioned equipment and weapons, per soldier, All Weapons will be loaded with simunition and dummy rockets. Vehicles will be utilizing blanks with blank firing adaptors.

Equipment: 3x Field uniform wz. 93(Flag, unit, rank, and name patches worn on uniform; Pantera Camouflage), 1x combat gloves, 1x KMW-01 Protective Vest, 1x Helmet wz. 2005, 2x Cold Weather Balaclava, 1x Maglight, 1x RRC9210(Per Radio Operator)
Weapons: 1x FB Beryl wz. 96B(5x 30 round Magazines), 1x Military knife wz. 98, Eotech Holographic sight, 1x SWD-M per 8 men(6x 10 round magazines), 1x UKM-2000P per 8 men(2x 100 round boxes, 1x 200 round box), 1x RPG-7 per 8 men(2x Fragmentation Rockets, 2x Tandem Stage HEAT, 1x Thermobaric), 2x Dummy Grenades



Deployment Orders


Warsaw Military District

The units assigned to the Warsaw Military District, nicknamed BluFor, will establish a headquarters within the town of Triblinka and begin setting up defensive perimeter around the town in anticipation for an enemy attack. Utilizing guidance systems for the artillery and the Command and control systems on the tanks and IFVs, they would begin plotting artillery strikes, using judges to score hits instead of actual artillery shells and rockets. Before the exercise begins, troops will be allowed two days of leisure time to simulate an unexpected attack, they will not be informed of the start date or time of the exercise. This also allows them to be well rested and well fed.

Szczecin Military District

The units assigned to the Szczecin Military District, nicknamed RedFor, will establish a headquarters within the town of Malkinia Gorna and begin setting up a defensive perimeter around the town in anticipation for an enemy attack. Utilizing guidance systems for the artillery and the Command and control systems on the tanks and IFVs, they would begin plotting artillery strikes, using judges to score hits instead of actual artillery shells and rockets. Before the exercise begins, troops will be allowed two days of leisure time to simulate an unexpected attack, they will not be informed of the start date or time of the exercise. This also allows them to be well rested and well fed.
The peaceful streets of Triblinka and Malkinia Gorna would be interrupted by the rumbled sounds of tracked vehicles and the rumble of diesel engines as military vehicles took their places throughout the countryside. Officers would begin barking orders over radios and to hard of hearing privates to begin establishing their respective base of operations. Once the headquarters were establishing and communication avenues were set up, the soldiers were given two days of leisure time. During these days the soldiers would partake in alcohol, games, sports, and other extracurricular activities to lull them into a sense of false safety before the attacks begin.
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GA Member
May 22, 2020




The peaceful pre-dawn morning was interrupted by the blaring klaxon of the air-raid sirens that had been set up to announce the start of the exercise. The high pitched whine echoed throughout the countryside which served to bring both encampments to life. Soldiers clambered from tents and cots, pulling on half-off uniforms as they made their way to their designated spots. Body armor was pulled over heads before helmets were fastened. These soldiers were certainly out of practice for their duties and the exercise would do them good in getting them prepared for battles and exercises in the future. Roughly thirty minutes after the klaxon sounded, diesel engines rumbled their way to their starting rally points in anticipation for the attack. IFVs and Tanks stood, idling in fields waiting for the first sign of the enemy so they could begin the engagement. Reconnaissance companies were stationed along the water front to watch for encroaching enemies.

As the first RedFor Rosomaks crossed into view on the left flank, BluFor forces got on their radios and began radioing coordinates for fire missions and for armored support. 21st Podhale Rifles artillery position began calling our accurate fire while judges watched on the command and control screens and the battlefield to get accurate hits for the artillery. Using computers to calculate trajectories and casualties, calls went over the radio every time there was a hit. Red flags symbolized immobilization and white flags symbolized destruction. Of he one hundred and sixty five Rosomaks that started the attack, twenty were destroyed and another 15 were rendered immobilized.

On the right flank, one hundred and ten Rosomaks, twenty-three PT-91 Twardys and thirteen K1A1 Panteras began approaching the river bank. As simulated artillery fire came over the radio for the RedFor forces, the tanks and Rosomaks began returning fire on the suspected positions of the Reconnaissance forces, causing mass casualties as the simulated 125mm cannons and 30mm guns began firing blanks, filling the air with smoke. More casualty calls came over the radio. Red and white flags went up. As the left and right flanks were pressured, the 2nd Reconnaissance Company from the 2nd Legion Armored Division began crossing the train bridge under the cover of darkness.

During the dual pressing flanking attacks, RedFor artillery began firing their simulated rounds and casualties started rising among the BluFor forces, utilizing the accurate callouts from the advanced forces. As these artillery strikes were carried out the RedFor 2nd Reconnaissance Company started an engagement with the BluFor 30th Reconnaissance Company. Beryl rifles and UKM-2000Ps began barking automatic gunfire as the ambush got underway. The battle would continue for eight hours before lunch was called and forces were recalled to base camp to rearm, refit, and refuel. While the soldiers that partook in the engagement rested Engineering companies from BluFor and RedFor set out to do their job and recover 'damaged' equipment and return them to base. Vehicles that were considered destroyed were placed in a stockpiling area to sit until the mission was finished. Soldiers that had been killed in action were assigned to perform maintenance and clean the vehicles for the return home. Soldiers that were wounded in the engagement were placed in a makeshift hospital area to allow medics to train in the triage of wounded patients. They practiced investigating wounds, triaging patients using START. Once triaged, medics would begin 'operating' on patients under supervision of doctors and nurses assigned to the exercise as observers.

After a two hour break, the war games were back on and soldiers began the offensive again. This time, RedFor was repelled away from the engagement zones by accurate artillery fire using preexisting coordinates established during the first half of the day. RedFor's 2nd Reconnaissance Company ended up winning their ambush and progressing further into BluFor territory and began calling in artillery strikes on the reserve forces of the 19th Mechanized Division. During these artillery strike, limiting reinforcements for BluFor forces as they engaged encroaching RedFor forces. RedFor also chose to bring their own reserve forces into the battle, the 12th Mechanized Division. This allowed RedFor to gain momentum and give two battalions across the river and begin engaging the enemy with infantry forces as well as their Rosomaks. By the time of the final call for the day, RedFor had pushed BluFor back from the river and gained a major foothold there, allowing them to set up camp on the BluFor side of the river. Small engagements would continue throughout the night as BluFor forces attempted night raids on the RedFor forces in an attempt to push them back.

By the end of the first day, RedFor had forced BluFor forces back three quarters of mile, near their headquarters, and getting five Mechanized Battalions across the river to provide an advanced guard for the push on the second day.


GA Member
May 22, 2020
One hour before dawn, the peaceful night air was suddenly, and brashly, interrupted by the klaxon of the air raid site signaling the beginning of the new day of military exercise. This time BluFor quickly move into the offensive. With the 21st Podhale Rifles receiving a special operations capable classification, due to their training exercises with Polish Special Forces, had been given special permission to perform night maneuvers in an attempt to curb the onslaught of RedFor. With thirty minutes of the siren sounding through the night air, tanks and Rosomak IFVs were signaled to be disabled or destroyed thanks to the anti-armor weapons carried by the light infantry. This sent the western flank of the RedFor forces being pushed back as the light infantry was reinforced by additional Podhale rifle forces IFVs and tanks.

On the eastern flank, the RefFor forces attempted to cross the river while BluFor forces brought them to a stalemate at the attempted crossing with artillery fire and barrages from the 152mm cannons of the tanks and 30mm cannons of the Rosomak IFVs. Vehicles and personnel on both sides began being signaled as wounded or destroyed as the simulated battle took place. The tide was turned as BluFor forces began being reinforce by armored units from the reserve BluFor forces. This also allowed Mechanized forces to reinforce the eastern flank in attempt to push back the enemy forces across the river. By the mid day break in fighting, BluFor forces forced RedFor forces across the river and were beginning their own advance through the river utilizing mobile bridge layers and amphibious Rosomaks while the central forces began crossing over the train bridge.

During the break, engineering forces once again began removed injured and destroyed vehicles off the field of battle and placing them under in ‘graveyards’ while damaged vehicles were delivered to improvised mechanic spots. While this was going on Medics on both teams were rallied to begin running simulated triage and perform basic medical procedures while also walking through judges on more advanced life saving procedures.

At the start of the second half the exercise for the second day, BluFor forces began their offensive with renewed vigor, with the 21st Podhale Rifles leading the way on the western flank. Being the first BluFor forces to cross the river, they immediately set out advancing the beachhead, to allow more friendly forces to advance across the river. The central BluFor forces began advancing across the river via mobile bridge layers and the train bridge, assisting in establishing the beachhead for the eastern flank, still at a stalemate with the Eastern Flank. The advancing BluFor forces on the central flank began a flanking maneuver on the Eastern RedFor forces, turning the tide of the battle. This allowed the Eastern BluFor forces to establish a beach head of their own.

By the end of the second day, BluFor forces had pushed the RedFor forces back to their headquarters and were beginning their plans for urban warfare within the town of Malkonia Gorna.


GA Member
May 22, 2020
On the third day the siren began blaring its morning songbird tune once again signaling the beginning of the day's activities. During the beginning of the day, BluFor forces began escalating their aggression with the RedFor forces, pushing them back into the town of Malkonia Gorna. Then came the grueling urban combat portion of the training exercise. With IFVs and Tank limited in field of view by buildings and debris, infantry forces made their way out of their armored carriages and began clearing houses and places of business one at a time. This would allow them to garner training dealing with entrenched enemies within close quarters while also relearning the basics of clearing buildings.

Outside of the city where the 21st Podhale rifles were performing their Urban Combat Exercise, the other forces were still waging armored warfare against each other. Judges would continue to call hits, damage, and destruction of vehicles and personnel during the entire operation. At the midday siren, the 21st Podhale Rifles would retreat from the city and another force would maneuver their way to the starting point to begin training Urban Combat. This would continue throughout the day and halfway into the fourth day, allow each force to garner experience fighting in an urban environment.


GA Member
May 22, 2020
The latter half of the fourth day would be given as free time for the combatants to rest and recuperate from the heavy fighting experienced during the urban warfare section of the training exercise. During this half day break, medical personnel and mechanics would be required to perform their duties such as triaging wounded personnel and performing maintenance and repairs on vehicles that experienced damage during the simulated battle. While these forces were busy, judges and engineers would move throughout the town and begin evaluating damage caused, casualties, and other factors before making their reports for that day's activities. At the end of the day the siren would sound and forces would be pulled back to their HQ's and presented with the goal of the next day. BluFor would return to their city and begin setting up defenses to allow RedFor forces to garner experience invading an urban environment while BluFor would gain experience in defending an urban environment.

On the commencement of the fifth day, RedFor forces would begin maneuvering through BluFor's town, combating the forces there. While the urban combat trial was ongoing, remaining forces would continue their armored combat outside of the city limits. Again, at the half day mark, another force would move in to invade the town while the other force would rejoin the armored combat outside the town. This would continue until the halfway point on the sixth day, where the forces would once again be given a half day reprieve to rest and recuperate from the never ending combat. Once again, medics and mechanics would start their jobs of triaging wounded under the simulated sounds of battle and explosions. On the beginning of the sixth day, the judges would announce the winners of the simulated combat before the fourth phase would begin.


GA Member
May 22, 2020
On the beginning of the sixth day, just as the golden sun was beginning its ascent over the Polish countryside, the peaceful dawn was once again interrupted by the haunting wailing of the siren. The soldiers had come to understand this siren meant the beginning of an increasingly hard day within their jobs as soldiers for the Kingdom. Of course, there would be no more fighting for the infantry forces as they were waiting for the results from their continuous battles across the landscape. Unlike in real war, the landscape was not made barren by the explosions and destruction, however some farmers would not need to till their fields do to the amount of vehicles that turned the once solid dirt fields into mushy swamps.

Wearing their cold weather gear, the infantry forces of those assigned to war games were given strict instructions to perform physical training for the first half of the day, running through the snow that had floated down during the night. The brisk air eliciting shivers as the soldiers managed to exit their tents before the sun was fully up, casting warm rays to hopefully melt the thin smattering of snow on the ground. Controversially, medics from each of the forces were called together to begin a series of triages and combat injury care on both live patients and dummies brought in to simulate patients. The soldiers had been given clear instructions by judges about how to act during their exercise and soon the medical tents were filled with screaming and begging. For some of these soldiers, if the Army did not work out there would be a career in acting awaiting them.

Through the day, the encampments were filled with the sound of screaming patients as medics went about their duty in triaging patients and then treating those they could treat. Everything form simulated amputations to setting broken bones and bandaging gunshot wounds was gone over for the Polish Medics. Each patient was graded on a scale and points would be awarded to the medic. At the end of the day, judges would calculate the scores of the medics from both teams. Once a clear winner was decided, the judges would mark the top three names down and begin discussing the exercise for the seventh day. One of the harder exercises to judge in and of itself. Mechanical competency for the engineers servicing the Polish equipment.


GA Member
May 22, 2020
Just as the first vestiges of pink and golden light of the sun crept above the eastern horizon of Poland, the morning songbirds were silenced by the warbling call to arms of the siren that had been doing this job for the last seven days. Soldiers had grown accustomed to this and many were already awake and in the process, or already at their stations, at the signal of the day's games beginning. Today, there would be no simulated fighting. Today was the mechanical expertise exercise designed to test the knowledge and skill of Polish mechanics in a simulated combat environment. And they were eager to prove their worth today and earn their units honor and esteem with their abilities.

For the exercise several vehicles had been put in various states of disrepair throughout the combat field. Vehicle crews would begin calling out for tows and field repairs throughout the day and the Mechanics would have to perform their own triage and designate what, and who, would get repaired first as well as what vehicles were losses and which vehicles were to be left on the field of combat. Distant sounds of gunfire could be heard as the first set of mechanics were called to work with their WTZ-3 Armored Recovery Vehicles. The first objective was to inspect and get as many wounded Rosomaks back on their feet and into the fight as possible. By the midday mark, RedFor was in the lead with the number of Rosomaks back in the fight with BluFor trailing behind by a very slim margin. Soon came the call for tank recovery operations. Tracked PT-91s and K1A1 Panteras began called for evacuation and mechanical help as they neared the sounds of simulated explosions and gunfire. Utilizing their WTZ-3s, the BluFor were able to overcome the small margin of difference and tie the RedFor forces for the moment.

At the end of the day, the mechanical forces were sat down and were forced to take a written exam that asked hypothetical questions and tested various points of their knowledge ranging from changing tires and what to do if a diesel vehicle was given gasoline to tracked armored vehicle repair and replacing ERA panels. By the closing siren, there was a clear winner, which would be announced the following day at the ending ceremony.


GA Member
May 22, 2020
On the final day there was no droning siren to awaken the soldiers before the sun crested the horizon, though that did not stop a majority of the soldiers to begin their early morning routine as they had grown accustomed to. They would perform their morning PT, in lieu of no wargames happening during the day, and once finished they would be allowed to consume their breakfast which was actual cooked food instead of MREs that had been eating during the wargames. At noon they received the call to assemble outside of the designated headquarters for the BluFor team to receive their commendations and for the winner of the wargames to be announced.

An hour long ceremony where the soldiers had to sit through boring speeches finally ended with one hundred men from each unit being awarded the Medal of Merit for National Defense for their work during the wargames. An additional 10 men from each unit were promoted do to efforts taken during the Wargames that included turning the tide of battle utilizing strategy and using their own personal wellbeing to protect and save fellow soldiers during the wargames.

Finally, after all awards and promotions were handed out, the winning team was announced. The units comprising RedFor were announced as the winners for their tactical abilities to push into the enemy's headquarters before the end of the day. The winning units were awarded a thirty day liberty that would begin the day after they returned from to their home bases under subject to be recalled at any time should anything arise.

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