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Papal Wednesday Addresses


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
It was the Wednesday after the official announcement from Thailand of the annexation of New Caledonia, and the Pope ascended to the balcony of St. Peter’s for his weekly address. He stood for a moment allowing the crowd to hush before speaking.

“Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

We will depart from my usual pattern of speaking about things of a more dogmatic and theological bent to speak to a matter of grave importance to all Catholics and indeed all Christians worldwide. The Infidel Government of Thailand has utilized its military to illegally invade and occupy the Catholic Nation of New Caledonia. This cannot be allowed to stand! We urge Catholics and any true Christian the world over to take to the streets to Protest this illegal occupation and indeed subjugation by the infidels. We also encourage you all to write to your government representatives and the Global Assembly calling for their intervention in ending what truly amounts to the Subjugation of our Brothers & Sisters of New Caledonia. We also encourage all Catholics in New Caledonia and Thailand to openly oppose the Infidels by ANY MEANS AVAILABLE without fear of spiritual repercussions. Know you have the full support of your Pope and Holy Mother Church!

In the eyes of Holy Mother Church this illegal occupation is no different then when the Saracens occupied Spain and the Holy Land. And should this not be resolved in a timely and appropriate fashion that restores the legitimate government of New Caledonia, the Infidels will have forced us to respond in the SAME kind as we did in Jerusalem and Spain. I also encourage all parishes the world over to pray the Leonine Prayers after every mass for the Liberation of New Caledonia. I will now lead you all in the Rosary for the suffering Catholics and Christians in New Caledonia…”

The Pope then knelt and lead the crowd in the prescribed prayers.
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The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023
The Pope stood on the Balcony of the Apostolic Palace for his regular Wednesday address, but today he was dressed in traditional black and silver vestments. The same that are worn during the funeral Masses of the Tridentine Rite. His eyes were puffy and red from crying, and his voice still trembled as he spoke.

“Our Sons and Daughters, it is with great melancholia that we address you today. For a major blow was struck not only against the Church, not only against Christendom, but against the Holy Mother Herself. Turkey has chosen to rescind its word in regards to the restoration of the Hagia Sophia, and openly lied to not only Us but the World as a whole. All while claiming ‘Secularism’ and ‘Neutrality’. Turkey also tried to categories their relations with the Holy See as far better then they historically have been.

First off all, we here by Condemn Turkey and revoke our recognition of them as a Legitimate Government, and encourage all Faithful Catholics and indeed all of Christendom to not engage with them in any regard. We also call upon the Global Assembly to address this situation and what it will truly mean for the future of a UNESCO world heritage site, that we remind the World the Turkish Predecessors and even the current government has desecrated and damaged already and promised to do so again. As such they have proven that they cannot be trusted with the Historic Patrimony. We quote an article by The Irish Times written by one of their foreign correspondents who recently visited the Hagia Sofia.

‘A 160km drive north in the Black Sea city of Trabzon, Hagia Sofia, a church for much of the last 800 years and a museum from 1964 until last year, today has its splendid, centuries-old Christian frescos concealed. It is now a mosque.
The local tourist board is catering to an audience with little interest in its history. Two coach-loads of Arab athletes arrive to pray.
Outside, construction is under way to build trinket shops, according to a security guard. At the entrance, adverts for hajj to Mecca and donations for Gaza are pinned against the door among other Arabic-language literature.
In Hagia Sofia’s prayers section all iconography has been covered by roll-up blinds and screens with a small section of Christian frescos visible only in the tourist bay. Fresco faces have been destroyed wholesale and four plaques with the names of the prophet Mohammad’s closest confidants have been freshly attached to the church’s ancient pillars.’

We also remind the world of their appalling stance on the Genocide, for that is the only word that applies, though Ethnic Cleansing comes closer to the atrocities that were committed against the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Christians within their dominion. An act that to this day they deny. For from 1914-1923 around 2.5 million Christians were Exterminated and much of the religious and cultural heritage of the victims was destroyed. The Author Raffi Bedrosyan stated in his article entitled Bedrosyan: Searching for Lost Armenian Churches and Schools in Turkey:

'As the Armenian population got wiped out of Anatolia in 1915, so did these churches and schools. Along with the hundreds of thousands of homes, shops, farms, orchards, factories, warehouses, and mines belonging to the Armenians, the church and school buildings also disappeared or were converted to other uses. If not burnt and destroyed outright in 1915 or left to deteriorate by neglect, they became converted buildings for banks, radio stations, mosques, state schools, or state monopoly warehouses for tobacco, tea, sugar, etc., or simply private houses and stables for the Turks and Kurds.'

And this is just one example of the countless destructions that hang about the necks of the Turkish People and Government. Another is that of the Armenian St. Bartholomew Monastery, which has little more then a wall remaining today. After the Turkish Government encouraged the locals and treasure hunters to ransack it. In fact, as We researched records for this address, it came to Our attention that there are innumerable historic churches and monasteries within the Turkish boarders that are used as ‘Warehouses’ stockpiling everything from stolen Christian artefacts to weapons. All while they remain on the Turkish Ministry of Cultural and Tourism’s list of Cultural Properties, while the same cannot be said for the Mosques within the country. We also bring to the attention of the world that Turkey’s penchant for cultural destruction is still alive and well, now they have dedicated it to their Illegal Occupation of Cyprus, in which they have been carrying out a systemic destruction of the cultural heritage of the area. In fact, if one was to look, there is not a single Greek name in use for any of it’s historic Areas, Towns, and Villages. All of which have been illegally and forcibly changed to Turkish names. The following is quote from a document by the Vatican Archives;

‘The churches (within the illegally annexed Cyprus Region) have been subject to the most violent and systematic desecration and destruction. More than 500 churches and monasteries have been looted or destroyed: more than 15,000 icons of saints, innumerable sacred liturgical vessels, gospels and other objects of great value have literally vanished. A few churches have met a different fate and have been turned into mosques, museums, places of entertainment or even hotels, like the church of Ayia Anastasia in Lapithos. At least three monasteries have been turned into barracks for the Turkish army (Ayios Chrysostomos in the Pentadactylos Mountains, Acheropoiitos in Karavas and Ayios Panteleimonas in Myrtou). Marvelous Byzantine wall-paintings and mosaics of rare artistic and historical value have been removed from church walls by Turkish smugglers and sold illegally in America, Europe and Japan. Many Byzantine churches have suffered irreparable damage, and many cemeteries have been desecrated or destroyed.’

As well during the 2nd Turkish Invasion in 1974 the Monastery of the Prophet Elias was targeted and savagely destroyed from the air by the Turkish Air Force, resulting in fire and extensive damage to the historic site. Then it was subsequently looted and desecrated by ground forces, and what remains of the complex is now a stable for Livestock… but yet the Islamic sites within Cyprus were spared this kind of mistreatment by Turkish Forces… and yet they have the nerve to say that they are interested in ‘Peaceful Coexistence’ and ‘Secularism’… though they say in the same sentence as “Secularism” that they are ‘Pan-Islamic’ which shows their true preferences in regards to religion, and by the very nature of that statement undermines… in fact destroys their image of ‘Peaceful Coexistence’ and ‘Secularism’.

They have also historically caused difficulties for Christian Leaders within their boarders. Including the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople & Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople, whom they refuse to recognize as the heads of their respective faiths. They also have Laws that make it difficult, at best, for Catholic Bishops to be legally recognized and exercise their Apostolic Ministry. These laws also frequently bring the ownership of churches into question. In fact this problem extends to all Christian Sects in Turkey, one great example of this was the forceable seizure and closure of the Greek Patriarchs Seminary by the Turkish State.”

The Pope took a moment to center himself before continuing.

“As such it is with great sadness that We hereby order all Catholic Clergy and Religious in Turkey to go underground, for their own protection. We refuse to pull them out as doing so would leave the Christians, of all denominations, at risk of reprisal from the untrustworthy and illegal government of Turkey. We also encourage all Catholics within the nation and most especially Our Clergy and Religious to offer up a resistance, in the mean of the Noble French Partisans of World War II. Till liberation of the Hagia Sophia and all of Christendom within the former state of Turkey is achieved. In closing we will paraphrase the words of our Blessed Pope Urban II

We say it to those who are present. We command that it be said to those who are absent. Christ commands it. All who go thither and give their last full measure of devotion, be it on the road or on the sea, or in the fight against the pagans, will be granted immediate forgiveness for their sins. This is a grant to all who will march, by virtue of the great gift which God has given me.”

The Pope then knelt and as was his custom lead the faithful in prayer.

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