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[Poland-France] Operation Hurynowicz

Personnel Quantity


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Operation Hurynowicz
Top Secret

With the ongoing humanitarian crisis within the French territory of New Caledonia and the terrorist attacks occurring on the mainland, His Majesty's Government, after negotiation with the French Government, has decided to send Humanitarian and Peacekeeping forces to operate within Caledonia. Being the first Humanitarian mission that Poland has undertaken, Operation Hurynowicz will be the test bed for Polish tactics when dealing with Humanitarian and Peacekeeping missions in the future. The operation will utilize the Royal Navy, Royal Medical Services, and Royal Special Forces during this operation. Utilizing the newly purchased Mercy-class Hospital Ship and will be accompanied by two Yi Sun-sin-class Destroyers, the Royal Navy will provide a staging ground for ground operations and as a mobile supply station, utilizing assigned helicopters.

New Caledonia Naval Task Force
Mercy-class Hospital ShipOKP Miej Litość1,277
Yi Sun-sin-class DestroyerOKP Dąbie300
Yi Sun-sin-class DestroyerOKP Jamno300
Lublin-Class Minelayer-Landing ShipOKP Lublin37

Mercy-class Hospital Ship: Fully Fueled, Aviation Reserves fully fueled; Non-perishable food and water for 3 month journey; Crew well rested, fed, and properly uniformed
Small Arms: 100x FB Mini-Beryl; 300x Fully loaded magazines, 100x MAG 98c pistols, 200x MAG 98c Fully loaded magazines
Complement: 63x Civilian Sailors; 1,214 Royal Sailors
Aircraft: 2x PZL W-3A Sokol Helicopter
Vehicles: 2x RHIBs

Yi Sun-sin-class Destroyer: Fully Fueled, Aviation Reserves fully fueled; Non-perishable food and water for 3 month journey, Crew well rested, fed, and properly uniformed;
Armament: 32-cell Mk-41 VLS: 32x SM-2 Block IIIA; 1x 30mm Goalkeeper CIWS; 1x RAM Block 1 CIWS; 8x SSM-700K Haeseong Anti-ship Missile
Complement: 300x Royal Sailors
Small Arms: 100x FB Mini-Beryl; 300x Fully loaded magazines; 100x MAG 98C Pistols, 200x MAG 98c Fully loaded magazines
Aircraft: 2x PZL W-3A Sokol Helicopter
Vehicles: 2x RHIBs

Amsterdam-class Replenishment Tanker: Fully Fueled, Aviation reserves fully fueled, 40 tons of non-perishable food, 100 tons of potable water, forty tons of medical supplies, full reserve tanks of diesel fuel, full reserve tanks of aviation fuel, and 20 tons of ammunition; Non-perishable food for 3 month journey for crew; Crew well rested, fed, and properly uniformed
Armament: 1x 30mm Goalkeeper CIWS; 6x crew-served M2-HB 12.7mm HMG
Small Arms: 50x FB Mini-Beryl, 150x Fully loaded magazines; 50x MAG 98C Pistols, 100x MAG 98C fully loaded magazines
Decoys: 4x Mark 36 SRBOC chaff; 1x Nixie towed torpedo decoy system

New Caledonia Land Task Force
Commanding Officer of Naval Detachment: Komandor Monika Kozioł
Commanding Officer of Special Operations: Podpułkownik Dawid Malon​
JW GROM5010x Skorpion 3(borrowed from Royal Land Forces); 3x PZL SW-4; 5x Military Working Dog
Royal Medical Services250(25x Doctors; 25x Surgeons; 175x Nurses; 25x Anesthesiologists)10x KTO Rys(Borrowed from Royal Land Forces)

Apparel: 1x Helm wz.2005; 1x field uniform wz. 93(Pantera Camouflage); 1x dual tube Night Vision; 1x HK416-D14.5RS, 5x Fully loaded magazines; 1x Glock 19x, 2x Fully loaded magazines; 1x Team-level Radio system; 1x First Aid Kit; 1x MP-5 Gas Mask
Weapons: 1x HK416D14.5RS, 5x Fully loaded magazines; 1x Glock 17, 2x Fully loaded magazines; 1x FRGO-88 Grenade, 1x UGD-200 Smoke Grenade; 1x military knife wz. 98
Note: 1 man out of 10 carries 1x SR-25 Marksman Rifle and 5x fully loaded magazines; 1 man out of 10 has a military working dog and equipment to utilize the dog such as leash, muzzle, treats, and ball toy. Military Working Dog wears kevlar dog vest that has carry handle and leash attachment point.

Royal Medical Service:
Apparel: 1x Helm wz.2005; 1x field uniform wz. 93(Pantera Camouflage); 1x dual tube night vision; 1x Arm Band Bear a red cross; 1x Medical Field Bag(full of first aid and field surgery supplies)
Weapons: 1x WIST 94 pistol; 2x fully loaded magazines

Fully fueled; 2x Pilots, fully rested and properly uniformed; compasses and all necessary maps/equipment; all necessary onboard equipment inspected to be within working order; Full loadout of standardized equipment and countermeasures for PZL W-3A.

Following a recent diplomatic outreach to the French government following the terrorist attacks within France and the attempted insurrection, Poland has been given permission to deploy Humanitarian forces to the New Caledonia territory to provide relief supplies and medical attention to those that have been affected by the rise in violence. The Special Operations Force attached to the Humanitarian force has been tasked with providing assistance to the French authorities on the ground should they require their skills. While Humanitarian in nature, the special forces tasked to the Operation have a secondary goal of eliminating terrorists and insurrectionists where possible if given clear indication of their loyalties. Commanders on the ground have been given clearance as to whether or not to capture suspects or eliminate them at their discretion. The OKP Baltyk would insure their cargo was safely and securely positioned within the cargo hold and properly sealed to ensure their survivability.

Royal Navy ships participating in the Operation would leave port normally and with proper protocol to adhere to the strictest safety standards in order to avoid running aground or colliding with other ships or with other natural or artificial obstructions. During their travel, the ships would not enter into territorial waters of foreign nations. The ships would also avoid all natural and artificial obstructions during their travels to avoid a collision. All ships would travel at the speed of 16 knots unless it was unsafe to do so. The two destroyers would sail on the flanks of the OKP Baltyk and the OKP Miej Litość, providing a lateral screen of protection for the two less armed vessels while the . All vessels would take on the normal complement of resources needed for a 90 day deployment except for the OKP Baltyk which would take on extra supplies to replenish the ships as well as to provide to the refugees in New Caledonia. The vessels would be spaced apart enough to not allow any accidental collisions to occur while also keeping the less armed ships in their defensive envelope. The ships would maintain this formation unless needing to refuel or resupply, in which case they would carefully separate the formation to allow easy access to refueling stations and equipment transfers before reforming the defensive formation. The ships would refuel with foresight so as to not need to enter into foreign territory unless deemed an emergency. During the travel, they would operate under all maritime laws they are beholden to.

JW GROM would be stationed onboard the OKP Lublin, OKP Dabie, and the OKP Jamno. There, they would perform training exercises and go over maps and plans of their operating area of New Caledonia. Those Grom commandoes that were trained in the French language would brush up on the language utilizing books and videos as well as utilizing conversations between themselves.


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GA Member
May 22, 2020
Secured and Encrypted

As the small convoy of Polish vessels reach international waters, Commander of the Naval Task Taskforce would issue orders to all ships in the formation to activate their active and passive sonar as well as their air defense radars to better locate threats before they became as such. The ships would move to two miles distance to better extend their sonar ranges and radar ranges, as well as to extend their air defense network to better protect the ships that were less likely to be able to defend themselves. They would maintain this formation where possible, closing in to safe distances to each other when required by natural and artificial hazards such as the Danish Straits and the


GA Member
May 22, 2020

New Caledonia Task Force
After a long journey from Poland to the Pacific Ocean, the Task Force finally had sights on their destination. The island known as New Caledonia. The vessels comprising the Task Force would carefully maneuver themselves to a mile off the south western shore, near the port city of Nouméa. A last mission briefing would be held before the ships would maneuver closer to the troubled island, which would highlight the core mission of their involvement as well as the general rules of engagement that they would be restricted to. The ships that carrier helicopters would begin performing their pre-flight inspections while members of the Special Forces unit attached as security would perform gear checks and ensure their ammunition and weapons were in good order while also ensuring they were well-fed and rested before reporting to their commanding officers at the required time. The Royal Medical Service personnel would perform checks on all stations aboard the Mercy-class Hospital ship as well ensure all medical equipment was properly sterilized and all medications were stocked, inspected, and expiration date checked.

Before deployment would begin the commanding officer of the lead ship, OKP Dąbie, communication would attempt to be established with Thierry Lataste over secured satellite communications.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Warning - Warning - Warning

Expect increased aggression from AINC forces. Thai claims of occupation of the Island of New Caledonia may stir unrest. Proceed with caution and operate under status one deployment. ROE will remain as fire if fired upon.

Warning - Warning - Warning

As the message from their home country began displaying itself on the screen of the station, a call went out to the Commander of this ship. It was not long after the message was received and read by Commander of the OKP Dąbie that klaxon of the ship sounded off, calling the men to arms. The ships of the Polish detachment became home to furious activity as sailors and special forces operators began arming themselves and equipping body armor for the anticipated possibility of conflict.

Deep within. The ships’ bellies the sonar and air radar operators would switch their devices from passive to active, allowing them a clear sight of the surrounding waters and airspace.

Two PZL W-3A helicopters would be brought out onto the flight deck of the OKP Jamno and begin preflight checks as a squad from the GROM detachment onboard prepared themselves for a reconnaissance mission over the port city of Nouméa, where they had chosen to use as their base of operations during the Polish forces inhabitation of the Island. It would not take long for the helicopter to be cleared for flight, special operators to board, and for the helicopter to take off in a safe manner with all electronic countermeasures and radar active, utilizing GROM forces as a reconnaissance element for the time being.

The sonar operators would ping several ships sat in international waters as well as a single aircraft flying from those ships and a ship to ship broadcast would be sent to them.

“This is the Komandor Monika Kozioł of the Polish Royal Navy ship Dąbie to the unidentified vessels to our north in International Waters off the coast of Nee Caledonia. We are tracking an aircraft leaving your vessel via Air Radar and flying into New Caledonian airspace. Please identify yourself.” Jamie


GA Member
May 22, 2020
The tension on the bridge of the lead Polish ship was palpable as they awaited response from the unidentified vessel sitting just outside of New Caledonian waters as they received consistent updates from their CIC about the movements of the vessels and the lone aircraft. When the response came, the bridge gave a unified release of anxiety as the tension melted away. The British were a welcome sight but confused. They had not been aware of British involvement in the crisis.

“HMS Devonshire this OKP Dabie. We welcome you to New Caledonia with friendship. We are like you and operating within these waters as a Humanitarian force, on invitation of the French Government, assisting the local populace with medical services as well as food and potable water. We are a Yi Sun-Sin Destroyer. Accompanying us is another Yi Sun-Sin destroyer under the name OKP Jamno as well as a replenishment ship under the name OKP Baltic, a landing ship under the name OKP Lublin, and a Mercy-class hospital ship under the name OKP Miej Litość. We are operating several PZL W-3A aircraft, with one performing reconnaissance of the city of Noumea at the current time. Our force mainly comprises of medical personnel with a small detachment of Special Forces to act as security on the ground.

We were unaware of British involvement in peacekeeping matters here but you are a welcome sight after being notified of the Thai situation on the ground.” Jamie


GA Member
May 22, 2020
As the British reply was transmitted and received by the Polish ship, communications specialists would begin transmitting a secured and encrypted message to Polish Naval Headquarters regarding the situation with the British warship as well as the incoming open broadcast from the Thai ships docked in the harbor of Nouville. The Polish Commander would reply, first to her British counterpart of encrypted, ship-to-ship communications

“HMS Devonshire this OKP Dabie. I wish to apologize for the lack of transparency for those involved on behalf of our French counterparts. I have also relayed the information back to Warsaw so that our superiors are apprised of the new situation we find ourselves in. We will be conducting an aerial reconnaissance over the port facilities of Noumea in order to gain detailed analysis of port facilities capable of handling the OKP Miej Litość and OKP Lublin. As you have said, we are happy to cooperate with yourself to avoid any escalation or collision. We will also freely share information gained on Thailand’s intentions as well as any change in directives and mission planning. Over.”

As they spoke the single PZL W-3A helicopter carrying ten GROM operatives would approach the port facilities of Noumea while the operatives would behind a detailed analysis of the region and which docks could support the arrival of the Polish Task Force.

Once the message was relayed to her British counterpart, Kommandor Monika Kozioł would relay a reply back to the Thai over an open frequency.

“HTMS Naresuan this is OKP Dabie. We are a Yi Sun-Sin Guided Missile Destroyer operating under orders of the Polish Royal Navy in conjunction with French authority for humanitarian means. We are accompanied by another of the same class under the name OKP Jamno. A replenishment vessel under the name OKP Baltyk, a landing ship under the name of OKP Lublin, and a hospital ship under the name OKP Miej Litość. We will be offering medical aid and supplies to all citizens of New Caledonia. Please be advised that we do have an aircraft providing reconnaissance at this time.”

Jamie Bossza007


GA Member
May 22, 2020
Alert - Alert - Alert

Be advised. Maintain state of readiness. Continue to expect increased threat from AINC radicals. Expect Thai withdrawal from theater. High-level talks ongoing.

Alert - Alert - Alert

Kommandor Monika would read the message from the encrypted terminal twice before deleting the encrypted message per protocol. She would then begin an encrypted ship-to-ship broadcast to the HMS Devonshire.

“HMS Devonshire this is OKP Dabie. Please be advised we have been ordered to maintain state of readiness due to possible increase of tensions from Thai occupation of the island. We are advising you to alert your bird of the possible threat as we will be doing. We have also been advised that there is a possible Thai withdrawal happening. Over”

After the broadcast was sent to the HMS Devonshire, the Kommandor would issue an order for CIC to send the same warning to their own helicopter flying over Nee Caledonia of possible increase of threat from AINC radicals.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Secured and Encrypted

Polish forces would update their BluForce tracker to include the Thai and British ships in the area, utilizing their own domestic Topaz system. From CIC, utilizing sonar and air radar, the Polish forces would monitor the beginning of the Thai withdrawal.

During the initial withdrawal the PZL W-3A helicopter would mark strategic locations that would allow the Polish forces to set up a base of operations and begin offloading supplies to establish the base. The helicopter would return to the ship with 20% fuel remaining to insure they would be able to land safely.

The ships would begin offloading supplies at the Cruise Ship terminal and utilize it, and the surrounding parking lots as its base of operations, setting up a food and triage ward within the building proper. Rys armored ambulances and Skorpion 3 vehicles would be establish to the flanks of the building, facing the street. From there, PZL SW-4 Helicopters would fly one at a time over the city of Noumea to provide reconnaissance for the garrison while ground commanders of the GROM detachment would look over maps and select a spot further inland to operate an additional medical and food delivery facility.

Kommandor Monika would keep their British and Thai Allie’s of their progress and proposed ideas in regards to additional facility establishment.

Jamie Bossza007


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Maintain alert status. Following message is top secret for Commander of Task Force eyes only. Repeat Commander of Task Force Eyes Only. American Ships in vicinity of New Caledonia. Proceed with Caution. USS John S. McCain, Arleigh Burke-class Guided Missile Destroyer; USNS John Lenthall, Henry J. Kaiser-class Replenishment Oiler; USCGC Munro, Celestial-class Cutter; USCGC Kimball, Celestial-class Cutter; USCGC Midgett, Celestial-class Cutter ; USCGC Stone, Celestial-class Cutter; USCGC Calhoun, Celestial-class Cutter; USCGC Friedman, Celestial-class Cutter.

Captain Elliot Clark is American Point of Contact. Maintain Radio Silence regarding American Ships. Log activity regarding American Ships on Coalition communication channels.


Komandor Monika would read the full message once secure in her ready room on a secured console to insure no leaks of information would occur. She would make no notes and mark the priority message for destruction from the ship's servers. Once the message was read and exited, the message would be deleted from the harddrives as far as removed any hexkey code mention of it within the databanks. From there she would return to the bridge and Operate as normal.


GA Member
May 22, 2020
With the recent hustle and bustle of activity regarding the approaching American ships from the Thai forces, the commander of the Polish Task Force would perform her duty and relay all relevant information to her superiors back in Warsaw via encrypted and secured channels while also requiring her sonar and radar equipment working around the clock to monitor the situation as it developed. Several times she found herself wishing she had requested a Reconnaissance ship to assist them on their voyage so she could listen in on radio chatter that wasn't through an open broadcast. But she had not and at the present time did not feel comfortable requesting additional ships to make way from Poland, especially while their refueling ship was with them and not in Poland.

While, the naval component of the task force set out listening to traffic and monitoring the broader situation as it developed, the doctors and nurses sent by the Royal Medical Service set about setting up their clinics and distribution centers under the watchful eye of the GROM units assigned to protect them. Clinic Alpha would be established within the La Tontouta International Airport, utilizing one of the hangers to house and distribute supplies and to set up a makeshift medical clinic, utilizing the two PZL W-3W helicopters to airlift supplies and personnel to the location. Medical Clinic Bravo would be established in Yate and would utilize the sports complex there to establish their clinic and distribution center, utilizing their Rys ambulances and Skorpion 3s to bring supplies and personnel. The final medical clinic would be established in the north at La Foa, utilizing the Hippodrome to establish their medical clinic and distribution center, utilizing the two Rys vehicles and two Skorpion 3 vehicles to transport their personnel and equipment, supported by the free SW-4 aircraft not patrolling around Nouville.

OKP Jamno would break off from the rest of the group and move southeast towards coordinates, -22.45773, 167.22435, to monitor the situation of incoming ships better while also using the surrounding islands to better hide their location from enemy radar and sonar reports. From there they would operate under radio silence and at a slow speed to avoid detection, documenting radio traffic, sonar, and radar. They would send a ten second burst message containing encrypted communications over a secured network to the OKP Dabie to inform them of the days findings. The ship would be careful to avoid any other vessels and subsurface objects.

One SW-4 aircraft manned by two GROM operators would fly over the city of Nouville to provide over watch for the citizens and Polish forces within the city.


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Reports of large explosion in Bangkok, Thailand. Early reports indicate Polish Embassy destroyed. American and British Embassies also reported as being targeted. Initiate General Quarters and issue orders for Thai Military to stand at ease until situation is resolved.


The message was immediately decrypted and sent to the Commander's terminal who let out an audible gasp moments before shouted General Quarters. The bridge stood stunned for a second before the executive office grabbed the shipboard intercom and allowed his deep baritone to sound over the ship.

"General quarters, general quarters. All hands man your battle stations. Up traffic is restricted to starboard and down to the port. General Quarters, general quarters, general quarters."

As the Executive office hung the intercom up he pressed the red button and the alarm began sounding over the ship and into the peaceful night air. While this was going on, the communications officers were entering into communications with the other ships who would also initiate general quarters of their own. Soon, the entire Polish Naval Task Force was a beacon of activity as weapons safeties were taken off of safe mode and missiles and torpedoes were armed and loaded. The two Yi Sun-Sin destroyers were the most heavily armed vessels at the current task force and began getting targeting packages regarding the ships the Thai ships they knew the location of while the rest of Polish Combat ships broke away. The Mercy-class hospital ship, a designated non-combatant would stay at its anchor point while the OKP Baltyk and the OKP Lublin would maneuver themselves two hundred miles to the Southeast of New Caledonia, well out of the range of most ship-based anti-ship missiles.

"Attention all Thai ships in the immediate area. You will deactivate your sonar and radar operations and deactivate engines. Please cooperate with the Polish Royal Navy until the situation within Bangkok has been resolved. I will repeat this order one last time. Deactivate all sonar and radar operations and deactivate your engines."

Polish Radar and Sonar would still be running passively, but their gunners would use coordinates for the targets given to them by the Polish helicopter that is currently flying over Nouville.

"British and American Forces, this is the Polish Navy issuing a stand down order to all Thai personnel within New Caledonia."

Both messages would be open broadcasts, to allow any ears within listening distance to hear the command issued to the Thai forces.

Bossza007 Odinson Jamie

With the bombing of the Polish Embassy within Bangkok, the Polish Ministry of National Defense would call the three remaining three remaining Yi Sun-Sin Destroyers, the Celestial-class Frigate, and the F123 Brandenburg Frigate to duty and bringing their crew to readiness while plans of travel were advised and sent towards allies to allow refueling.


GA Member
May 22, 2020
The Polish Navy would not resist the removal of the Thai vessels from the New Caledonia area, and would provide an escort of Two Yi Sun-Sin-class Destroyers until they were outside of the New Caledonian territorial waters before returning to their Port within New Caledonia. From there, with no communication from the French government, Polish forces would act with French gendarme forces to protect local citizenry from the rebels still believed to be on the Island while clarification for orders were sent to the Ministry of National Defense for clarification on their intended term of deployment by the Commanding Officer of the task force.

Medical Personnel would continue to operate their make-shift hospitals in the various regions of the small island, offering assistance to British forces should they require it, and they would utilize Thai forces to assist them in transporting equipment to and from the harbor should it be required, as dictated in the terms set forth by their nation's respected Prime Minister's

Bossza007 Jamie


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Inform OKP Baltyk to immediately get underway to Mediterranean for rendezvous with additional forces. Maintain posture within region until otherwise notified. Utilize local ports to refuel and local markets to feed crew.


The message would be immediately decrypted and the orders would be immediately transmitted to the OKP Baltyk which would begin making its headway towards the Suez Canal, and the Med after that. With the orders given to the OKP Baltyk, the remaining ships would form up at the mouth of the port in preparation for their orders. The OKP Baltyk would insure each ship was full of fuel and provisions before leaving and making its way towards the Suez Canal under its own power. Upon arriving at the Suez, if the trip would be uneventful, the ship would dock at the Egyptian Port of Port Said to replenish its fuel and rations, as well as its reserve tanks of fuel and rations as well.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
The OKP Baltyk would continue its voyage across the Indian Ocean, heading towards the Suez Canal. As it neared the southern coast of India it would post armed lookouts along the railing to insure that pirates would not interfere with their voyage. During the transit, if any suspicious vessel approached them, they would utilize their ship-to-ship communications to broadcast a warning that they were a Polish warship and to clear the way. While it was a replenishment vessel, it was capable of defending itself against pirates.

Transit: MJ-LK-KL-KM


GA Member
May 22, 2020
The OKP Baltyk would proceed through the Suez Canal under a cautious speed of 7 knots while maintaining distance from other ships and either side of the canal. Once through the canal the replenishment vessel would dock at Port Said where they would replenish their stocks of provisions and fuel while also topping off their stores for other vessels, paid for by the Government of Poland. Once all provisions were safely on board and the vessels own fuel tanks and storage tanks were topped off and secured safely, the vessel would leave the port and join the 1st Flotilla stationed at 33.69841, 25.37732 where they would begin replenishment procedures for the vessels in attendance.


GA Member
May 22, 2020
With the message that the French Government would be installing a new governor for the island and the joint UK-Polish task force would be expected turn over the reigns, the Polish contingent would begin preparations for withdrawal from the area. The Polish contingent would slowly phase out their medical clinics starting from the furthest from their base camp at Nouméa. All resources brought by the Polish contingent would be returned to their respective ships. Equipment utilized by the GROM forces would be the last pieces to be removed from the Island as they continued to operate with the Gendarme forces hunting down rebels. Once the order to withdraw from the island was finalized, the SW-4 helicopters and Skorpion 3 vehicles would be loaded safely and securely aboard the Lublin-class minelayer-landing ship. Once the forces were ready to leave the island, the commander of the detachment on the Island would meet with the new governor to begin the official changing of hands and inform him of all pertinent information regarding the island.



GA Member
May 22, 2020





With the increase of their alert status to ready, the GROM forces set to work in establishing a secure perimeter around the Island. With the removal of British forces and Thai forces from New Caledonia, Poland was the only true defenders for the French island full of civilians. They had been given orders to defend the island and that was what they were intent on doing. Working with the local gendarme and councils, the GROM forces would establish checkpoints on the major roadways with five GROM personnel per station and a Military Working Dog. They would also establish supply caches and medical clinics in their prior locations while also working to establish more medical clinics where the previous British ones were located. Without the assistance of the British or Thai forces, the meager vehicles of the Polish forces would not be enough and they would work with locals to utilize lorries and other delivery vehicles to insure the supply routes remained opened.

Whilst the ground forces set to work establishing supply routes, medical clinics, and checkpoints the OKP Jamno would maneuver itself to the northern(-19.92032, 165.22377) side of the island where it would anchor and maintain active aerial radar, surface radar, and sonar to monitor for approaching fleets. The OKP Dąbie would position itself south of the island(-22.42490, 165.50942) to establish its own cordon with its own active aerial radar, surface radar, and sonar to maintain a defensive posture on that side of the island. The Mercy-class hospital ship would maintain its position within the safety of the harbor and the Lublin-class ship would maneuver itself to the eastern shore(-22.49089, 167.71767) to better anticipate the arrival of warships involved in the war utilizing its own aerial radar, surface radar, and sonar to monitor the waters around them.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Private and Encrypted
The forces on New Caledonia would continue prior operations, utilizing the Port of Noumea to refuel and resupply when possible. Medical Clinics would continue to provide services to the population of New Caledonia while Special Forces would continue to provide security assessments and assistance to the local police forces in their attempts to capture the insurrectionists thought to call the islands home. The naval ships would maintain their positions when possible, leaving only to refuel and rearm when necessary.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
Please read this notice thoroughly before you continue roleplaying.


This Military Roleplay thread, along with the others that were frozen having to do with the Canadian-France conflict, been unfrozen. Effective immediately, all Canadian troops have returned home from their deployments and are no longer deployed abroad. If you have any questions about this, please create a support ticket.

Happy RPing!

Best regards,


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