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Polish Royal Decrees


GA Member
May 22, 2020

Royal Decrees
From His Majesty the King
To the Kingdom of Poland

Security of the Line of Succession Royal Decree of Protection
Security of Journalistic Freedom and Freedom of Religion
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GA Member
May 22, 2020

Security of the Royal Line of Succession
Royal Decree of Protection

By sovereign decree by His Majesty, King Stanislaus Grabowski and the Queen Consort Zofia Grabowska,
With the troubling events that have transpired around the world and within Poland during the attempted assassination of the Queen Consort, His Majesty issues the following royal proclamation in recognition of the paramount importance of the heir to the throne and the Grabowski nobly family.

  1. Protected Custody during Public Addresses:
  • It is mandated that from this point in time and forward that the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Poland shall be placed into protective custody during all public addresses, ceremonies, and events where large gatherings are expected.
  1. Designation of Royal Guards:
  • A specialized unit of the Royal Guards shall be assigned the responsibility of ensuring the safety and security of the heir during public appearances. These guards shall be selected for their unwavering loyalty, skill, and commitment to the protection of the Royal Family.
  1. Secure Transport Arrangements:
  • Adequate Transportation shall be taken to ensure the secure transportation of the heir to and from public appearances. A designated convoy, equipped with the latest security protocols and equipment, shall be employed for these purposes.
  1. Collaboration with Security Agencies:
  • The Royal Security Service shall collaborate closely with relevant national security agencies to stay abreast of Potential Threats and to implement the highest standards and protective measures.
  1. Training and Preparedness:
  • Regular training exercises shall be conducted for the Royal Security Service to enhance their readiness and capabilities in handling various fluid security situations. Emergency response protocols shall be established and practices to ensure a swift and effective response in any situation that may unfold.
  1. Communication and Coordination:
  • Improved communication channels shall be established between the Royal Security Service, relevant governmental authorities, and intelligence agencies to facilitate the exchange of information and coordination in matters pertaining to the security of the heir.
  1. Penalties for Breach of Security Protocols:
  • Any breach of security protocols outlines in this decree shall be subjected to severe penalties, such as dismissal from duty, legal consequences, and loss of privileges.

This decree has been enacted with the utmost consideration for the well-being and security of heir to the throne and continued prosperity of our great nation.

HRM King Stanislaus Grabowski
Święty Król Polski
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GA Member
May 22, 2020

Security of Journalistic Freedom and Freedom of Religion
Royal Decree of Protection

By sovereign decree by His Majesty, King Stanislaus Grabowski and the Queen Consort Zofia Grabowska,
With the rise of Intelligence Operations both domestically and with Foreign Powers, His Majesty hereby issues the following royal proclamation in recognition of the paramount importance of journalistic freedom and freedom of religion.​

Article 1: Prohibition on the Use of Journalists and Religious Clergy by Intelligence Agencies

1.1. The Kingdom of Poland strictly prohibits the use of journalists and religious clergy by intelligence agencies for any covert or intelligence-gathering purposes.​

1.2. Journalists and religious clergy, in the pursuit of their professional and sacred duties, shall be granted the protection and independence necessary for the free exercise of their roles within the Kingdom.​

Article 2: Protection of Journalistic and Religious Freedom

2.1. The Kingdom of Poland recognizes and upholds the principles of freedom of the press and religion as fundamental to a just and open society.​
2.2. Journalists shall be free from interference or coercion by intelligence agencies and shall not be compelled to engage in activities contrary to the ethics of their profession.​
2.3. Religious clergy shall be free from any involvement in intelligence activities and shall be allowed to carry out their spiritual duties without fear of undue influence.​

Article 3: Legal Framework and Oversight

3.1. The Kingdom of Poland shall establish and maintain a robust legal framework explicitly prohibiting the recruitment, coercion, or use of journalists and religious clergy by intelligence agencies.​
3.2. Effective oversight mechanisms shall be implemented to ensure compliance with this Royal Decree, and any violations thereof shall be subject to legal consequences.​

Article 4: Implementation and Enforcement

4.1. All relevant government agencies and authorities shall take immediate and necessary actions to enforce this Royal Decree and prevent any misuse of journalists and religious clergy by intelligence agencies.​
4.2. Any person found in violation of this Royal Decree shall be subject to legal consequences, including but not limited to prosecution and penalties as determined by the laws of the Kingdom.​

Article 5: Reporting and Accountability
5.1. Government agencies involved in intelligence activities shall regularly report to the Crown on measures taken to implement and enforce this Royal Decree.​
5.2. The Crown reserves the right to take further action to ensure the protection of journalistic and religious freedoms within the Kingdom.​

In witness whereof, We have set Our Royal Hand and Seal on this 1st day of June, in the year 2003 of Our Reign.

Stanislaus Poniatowski Grabowski
King of Poland
Święty Król Polski

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