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[POR] Union in Purpose - (Approved by Staff)


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
In the annals of history, the rise and fall of the Portuguese Empire stand as a testament to the ebb and flow of power, marked by both virtues and flaws, that characterized its existence for nearly half a millennium. From its inception in the 15th century with the conquest of Ceuta to the poignant moment of relinquishing Macau to China in 1995, it remains one of the longest-lasting global empires, with each chapter contributing to its eventual decline. The initial signs of decline manifested with the death of King Sebastian, an event that echoed as a proverbial nail in the coffin of the empire, and subsequent centuries saw the nation weather the Napoleonic Wars, leaving it severely broken and indebted. The empire, once a symbol of grandeur, turned into open revolt, marked by the regicide of King Charles and his eldest son, leaving the younger heir to grapple with a nation in open rebellion. The establishment of the republic in 1910 did little to quell the unrest, as Salazar's dictatorial rule ushered in an era of reorganization, transforming the empire into core states. The tumultuous four decades that followed, with ten years of colonial war, saw the empire crumbling under the weight of rebellion. A quest for democracy and freedom, coupled with external influences such as the Soviet Union's involvement against Portugal, led to the dismantling of the empire. Yet, the aftermath was far from peaceful; a tribal war ensued among warlords in Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, and São Tomé e Principe, plunging these newly formed nations into chaos marked by famine, disease, and mass genocide. Cape Verde, however, harbored a distinct sentiment. Despite attempts to negotiate its status within the Portuguese Nation, such efforts were repeatedly thwarted, and with the Carnation Revolution, the democratic leadership opted to abandon the ultramarine territories to their own fate, granting hasty independence.

Fast-forward to the present, a backdrop laden with historical intricacies, and the current Portuguese government extends an olive branch to Cape Verde. Rafael Pereira, the ambassador of Portugal in Cape Verde, embodies this diplomatic mission. A humble man who spent his formative years in Cape Verde, Pereira understands the struggles the nation faced post-independence. With poverty, famine, and a decline into irrelevancy casting shadows over Cape Verde, Pereira, fueled by a deep love for the nation, embarks on a diplomatic endeavor.
In the confines of his car, alongside his trusted driver Carlos, Pereira contemplates the challenges ahead. A man intimately familiar with the nuances of Cape Verde's history, he envisions a future where the nation can once again thrive under the Portuguese umbrella. The proposal on his lips entails Cape Verde becoming an autonomous region within Portugal, akin to Madeira and the Azores, and other states within the nation.

As he entered his state-car, he would see, from the windshield, his private driver, Carlos, he had known Carlos ever since he had been appointed to the office of ambassador, there was only another person he trusted more than him. His wife.

“Hello Carlos, how are you today?” Said the Ambassador.
“I'm good friend! How's Helena? I hope you didn't forget your anniversary tomorrow” He chuckled.
“Ah!" He exclaimed, hitting his own palm into his own forehead. "Good thing I thought it was today! I already bought her a gift! Always once step ahead!”

They both laughed, exchanging quips at each other.

“So where to Sir?” Asked Carlos Still trying to contain his laughter.
“Onwards to the Ministry of Mrs. Veiga, hopefully she is in good mood today”
“Hopefully!” HE said, as he drove towards the building.

As they approach the Ministry of Mrs. Veiga, the atmosphere is charged with anticipation. Pereira, ever the optimist, hopes to find her in a favorable mood as he initiates this delicate diplomatic dance to reunite Cape Verde with its colonial past, not as a subordinate, but as an equal partner under the banner of peace, democracy, freedom, and prosperity.

"Carlos, let me ask you a thing, and be honest please...." Pereira told Carlos, worryingly and asking for advice.
"Anything friend? What's wrong?" Asked Carlos, knowndly looking at Pereira, noticing a tint of worryings.
"What is.. What do you think, speaking in if's of course… My Portugal would try to reunite with your Cape Verde?"
Carlos looked at Pereira, first with a firm thought, then unleashing a big smile.
"Sir don't take this the wrong way, but why would a nation like Portugal or any other want anything to do with Cape Verde? Theres no food to go around... medice is for those who can afford it... and security is mostly handled by the rich to the rich. We got to many problems to deal with, no nation would care."
Pereira would be saddened, but still hopeful. He would intrude again before leaving the car. "Do you think, the people are better now.. or before the war?"
Carlos would look at Pereira, the big smile would turn into a frown and sadness.
" be honest, at least before, we had food on the table, and police on the streets. I'm lucky I have a good paying job that supports my kids, my wife.. I have a good house in the safest parts of Praia..." He would pause. "Its like my old father used to say...It's like I can still hear him... During the strife, he always exclaimed to outsiders who tried to steal his hens.." He would pause and raise his fist. "If only the tugas were here!" With that, he would nod to Pereira.
Pereira would answer with a question. "You never did told me what happen to your father, Carlos."
And Carlos would retorque. "That will be a story, to tell you when you come back."

With that Pereira nodded, say goodbye to his friend for now, close the door, and turn towards the Ministry.​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Pereira, looked on to the Ministries office, he was a humble building, built for its purpose, the flag of Cape Verde flew on one of its flag poles. He climbed the staircase heading towards the main entrance. He would be stopped by two officers, but after showing him his ID, they would have let him enter. As he entered inside he felt the cold air of the AC, as it was scorching hot outside, he felt relieved by this, even years after being in the country, and just couldn't get used to the humid heat. He walked towards the receptionist, and talked with him.

“Hello, I'm on a diplomatic mission by the Portuguese Government, as the ambassador of Portugal I would like to request a formal audience with the Minister. Is it possible?”
“Of crouse! Welcome! Now the Minister is right now on a meeting regarding current world events, but I believe she will finish within 30 to 40 minutes, I'll inform her of your arrival and schedule you to talk to her next.”

He smiled. “Thank you! I'll wait in the lobby then.” He would, sit in the corner of the lobby, waiting for his turn, he wasn't nervous, just excited, he would run down again all if documents regarding the proposal, to really know what to say. After about twenty minutes, he would raise up from the chair, and go to the washing room, to relieve himself. After he came back and washing his hands, he would be surprised by the receptionist waiting for him right outside.

“Excuse me sir. She is ready to meet you, please follow me.” He would nod, and follow the girl, through the hallways until he reaches the ministers' office. He would thank her and move in. They would be alone.

“Ah!” exclaimed Mrs. Veiga. “Long time no see Mr. Pereira! Please sit down, pull a chair, be comfortable!” She said, with a wide open smile. Pereira felt relieved, she was in a good mood. On bad days, she could be extremely uncaring and very assertive.
“So good to see you, Mrs. Veiga. Long time no see indeed! How's the kids?”
“They are just beginning school at the end of the month. So they are really make sure they take the opurtunity to really fell the last days of summer!”
“Just like we did, in your youths! Now we get 22 days of vacation and that's it!” They would both laugh.
“So, what bring you here, is Portugal in need of some assistance?”

“Well, sort of… I'm going straight to the point. Our history with Cape Verde since the 80s have been a good and strong one. But, the feeling at home is that we could do better. We all know that the war did left a few marks, however Portugal knows that Cape Verde's always tried to amend things.”

“I'm well aware, yes… since '74, we have tried to negotiate a few agreements, but it was a hard pass. The internal struggles after your revolution did put quite a damper on things.."

"This is why we have a proposal, and I thank you for the opportunity to discuss this. This proposal could significantly benefit Cape Verde. This is on the same vein as Cape Verde's proposals before, envision with me, if you will, Cape Verde rejoining Portugal, not as a relic of the past, obviously! But as an autonomous region, a state in our union, with representation. This isn't about submission but collaboration, a partnership grounded in shared destiny. Economically, the advantages are substantial. Partnering with Portugal could propel Cape Verde into a new era of prosperity, offering opportunities for infrastructure development, increased investment, and access to Portuguese and other markets. The elusive economic stability we've sought could become a reality! And also.. Security... equality.... just this morning I talked with my driver and old time friend, and he said, with a heartfelt sorrow, that things outside the city are tenuous at best, and dangerous at the worst. You and I remember, that back them, we could safely walk these streets without fear... It was a dictatorial security.. yes. But now imagine one which is set of freedom and democratic values! Under the Portuguese umbrella, Cape Verde could reclaim its global standing. Together, we could tackle challenges like climate change and regional security. Our shared history could serve as a foundation for a resilient future. Cape Verde, like a phoenix, could rise from past struggles, preserving and celebrating its cultural identity within the broader Portuguese framework, and Portugal would also grow with this union, richer in culture, values... and melting pot of cultures and ideals! This proposal isn't about surrender; it's an opportunity for Cape Verde to thrive alongside Portugal, and Portugal to thrive alongside Cape Verde! , I urge you to consider the profound implications not only for our generation but for those that will follow. Let us embark on a journey of shared destiny, where the benefits for Cape Verde are nothing short of monumental, and our collaboration with Portugal becomes a beacon of hope and prosperity for our beloved nation. Consider this vision not just for us, but for future generations." He would pause making his words be felt by her, he was being extremely honest with her.

She would say, with a smile. "For how long did you train these Pereia?" she said, tongue in check.
He would answer also with a smile. "Well since the day before yesterday with a few pauses in between." They would both chuckle, before she answered with the follow, she had a expression of doubt, but she was interested nonetheless, she was an informal lady, much to the despair of the Prime Minister of Cape Verde. But her heart was massive.

"Mrs. Pereira, thanks for laying out the whole idea... It’s been a wild ride, hasn't it? But, as we shuffle around with the idea of Cape Verde jumping back into the Portuguese caravel, I got a few things going through in my head. First, what's Portugal really eyeing in this reunion, and why Cape Verde, right now? The talk about economic perks sounds great, I'm honest, but let’s be real here, Cape Verde isn't exactly flexing its biceps in the economic gym... And we're not exactly the heavyweight champions in the markets. And speaking of the past, the colonial war chapter of our history was, to put it lightly. Messy, no doubt." She would pause, they both knew what she meant, during the colonial war period.

"I'm not downplaying it, but let's admit, both sides got their hands dirty... and sometimes... filthy, so I'm not sure how the overhaul population, especially the old section of the population would take it. Now, as we fast-forward to today, and Cape Verde’s got a decent-sized population for its patch of land. How's that going to be handled by the Portuguese Financial teams? Especially on the economic and logistical fronts? So, spill the beans, Mr. Pereira. What's the lowdown for Portugal? What's the playbook for tackling the economic hurdles and the logistics of bringing Cape Verde back into the fold as an autonomous region? And why the sudden interest now? Let both of us dive into the details, and figure if this reunion’s a solid move or just a trip down memory lane." She would pause, but Pereira stood firm and would retorque in a more formal way, as this... was his style.

"Allow me to provide you with a comprehensive perspective from the Portuguese side. And a honest perspective of our intentions. Our primary interest in the potential reintegration of Cape Verde into Portugal stems from a strategic standpoint. The geographical location of Cape Verde offers a pivotal position in the middle of the ocean, providing a strong foothold for maritime activities. This strategic advantage aligns with Portugal's broader geopolitical interests, contributing significantly to our global standing. Cape Verde is like the door for the North Atlantic, which the enemies of our state seek to exploit, understand that the current politics of Europe, require this assessment, due to outside incursions to our policies. Economically, Portugal envisions substantial benefits through investments in Cape Verde. While we acknowledge the economic challenges currently faced by the nation, we see these as opportunities for growth and development. The prospect of mutual economic prosperity, with both nations unlocking their potentials, is at the core of our interest in this proposition. This is not merely about Cape Verde joining the Portuguese family, it is about forging a meaningful partnership that fosters long-term economic growth for both." Pausing and drinking a glass of water he would continue.

"I understand the historical concerns, truly, we understand the complexities of the colonial war era. However, our focus lies firmly on the future, where Portugal and Cape Verde can stand as partners, unburdened by the shadows of the past. From a demographic perspective, the infusion of a younger population from Cape Verde into the Portuguese demographics is seen as a positive demographic rejuvenation. This not only injects fresh energy into our nation but also provides an opportunity to cultivate a larger and highly skilled workforce. Our aim is to nurture individuals who can contribute significantly to raising the competitiveness of the Portuguese market on a global scale. Why now? The timing of our interest is driven by the alignment of our strategic and economic interests, this is the perfect moment where both nations can embark on a path of mutual growth and prosperity. I trust this clarifies the Portuguese perspective on the matter?" He looked towards her, redading her body language, this last part was a hail mary. She would answer in a short way.

"Thanks for the rundown on Portugal's take... and a very honest take, if this is to be brought to the Prime Minister, it needs to be sincere. it's been helpful in wrapping my head around things. The whole economic boost sound pretty appealing, and I'm leaning toward seeing this as a potential win-win. But, let's keep it real, we've got to make sure this is a decision that the Cape Verdean population agree on. So, a referendum is non-negotiable to gauge the people's feelings on this. Without interference or propaganda from the Portuguese side, of course." She would look towards him, she didn't mean covert interference in the referendum, she meant no pamphlets or propaganda."

"Yes, obviously." Said Pereira.

"Now, the past isn't always the best predictor of the future, but we can't ignore it either. We need solid assurances that Portugal's committed this time around, no backing out like last time. It's got to be a decisive situation, and a meaningful decision for this to work."

"The President, sent me here Mrs. Veiga, I believe that is a good assurance, that this time. We wont have cold feet. He is a man of his word. Which is rare these days."

"And let’s not forget the need for a good old heart-to-heart between the Head of State and Government here in Cape Verde and the President of Portugal. Plus, bringing in our Prime Minister and President into the mix is a must, because we need everyone on the same page. I'll bring this to him today, and he will speak with the President too."

Pereira would be visibly happy with the outcome, but he would not set the fireworks before the party.

"How do you think he will recieve it." Asked Pereira.

"I'm not inside his head Pereira." She said with a smile and mocking him in a fun way... " But he is... a very understanding man."
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The positive exchange imbued Pereira with a sense of optimism as he bid farewell to Mrs. Veiga. A glimmer of hope illuminated his thoughts, trusting that she would adeptly convey the essence of the proposal in her upcoming discussions. Stepping towards the awaiting car, Pereira contemplated the upcoming task of articulating the intricacies of the proposal to the Head of State. His aspirations for an affirmative response lingered in his thoughts, buoyed by the warm embrace of the sun as he stepped into the open air. Carlos, a constant companion, stood ready in the parking lot. As Pereira entered the car, a reflective sigh escaped him.

“So, Mr. Pereira... how did it go?” inquired Carlos.

“It went even better than I had hoped for! She embraced the idea positively. Now, I will have to wait for the Prime Minister to weigh in, and then the President,” Pereira responded, exuding hopefulness.

The drive towards the embassy unfolded with a mix of conversations. Upon arrival, Pereira's first order of business was to seek refuge in a refreshingly cool drink, offering clarity from the warmth outside. Post-refreshment, he promptly initiated contact with the Department of State, eager to converse with Secretary Jaime Gama and provide a comprehensive update on the unfolding events.

Secretary Jaime Gama, deeply engrossed in his office, welcomed the call from Ambassador Pereira with anticipation. After exchanging pleasantries, Pereira conveyed the details of his meeting with Mrs. Veiga.

“Pereira, my friend, how did it go?” inquired Gama, a smile evident in his voice.

“It went remarkably well, Jaime! Mrs. Veiga embraced the idea. Now, I'm waiting to hear from the Prime Minister and, eventually, the President of Cape Verde. She shares my optimism that the Prime Minister will receive it well; it's truly a win-win scenario for both nations,” Pereira shared, his optimism palpable.

“That's fantastic news! Your efforts are truly paying off. I knew I chose the right man for the job. You understand the nuances, the customs, and the history. Honestly, between us, not many politicians and diplomats can be considered 100% honest during these discussions. However, you are a golden idol for this occasion” responded Gama, genuinely pleased. “What should be the next step in our diplomatic dance? Share your thoughts.”

Eagerly, Pereira suggested, “I was thinking, perhaps you could pay a visit to the Prime Minister. A face-to-face conversation might further solidify the positive reception we've received so far. What do you think? Additionally, considering the ongoing tensions between Canada and France, it might be worth discussing. While they are a remarkable nation, the world keeps destabilizing, and Portugal could offer them a better sense of security, even if we aren't the biggest players. But it beats being 100% alone.”

Considering the suggestion, Gama replied, “An excellent idea, Pereira. A personal touch can often work wonders in diplomacy. I'll schedule a meeting and make my way to Cape Verde at the earliest opportunity. I'll also discuss with the President, he also has a knack for diplomatic work.”

“Great! And perhaps, once the ball is rolling, we can arrange for the President to reciprocate the visit, meeting his counterparts in Cape Verde. Strengthening these ties at the highest levels could be instrumental,”
Pereira added, mapping out a broader strategy.
Gama, fully onboard with the proposal, affirmed, “Absolutely, Pereira. Let's foster this dialogue at every level. I'll make the arrangements for my visit, and we can plan the subsequent steps accordingly. Now, you also need to show me the best restaurant in the area!”

The conversation continued as they strategized on how to navigate the diplomatic landscape ahead, united in their pursuit of fostering a stronger relationship between Portugal and Cape Verde. After an hour-long encrypted and private conversation with Secretary Jaime Gama, Pereira sat down at his desk to formulate a strategy for approaching the Prime Minister and make necessary arrangements for the Secretary's upcoming visit. With the preparations underway, he glanced at the clock, contemplating whether to inform Mrs. Veiga of the developments. Deciding it was worth the effort, he dialed her number, initiating another secure and private call.

"Hello Pereira! I was just about to call your embassy! I have news!" Mrs. Veiga exclaimed, her excitement evident.

"As do I. I just concluded a conversation with my Secretary of State, and he has agreed to come and meet with the Prime Minister. He's already preparing to depart tomorrow. Do you think this is feasible?" Pereira inquired.

"Well, that's a coincidence. I spoke with the Prime Minister. He was initially skeptical about the idea, but he's willing to hear the proposal and ponder on it. I believe he's available tomorrow, so I can inform him accordingly," Mrs. Veiga responded, presenting a synchronicity of positive developments.

Pereira, pleased by the alignment of their efforts, continued the conversation with Mrs. Veiga.

"That's excellent news, Mrs. Veiga. I'm glad the Prime Minister is open to the discussion. Now, regarding the Secretary's visit, I'll ensure everything is set for his arrival. If there are any specific arrangements or protocols the Prime Minister prefers, please let me know. We want to make sure the visit goes smoothly and leaves a positive impression,"
Pereira suggested, eager to ensure a seamless diplomatic encounter. Mrs. Veiga, appreciative of the proactive approach, responded, "Thank you, Pereira. I'll convey the Prime Minister's preferences to you shortly. We want this visit to be constructive, and I'm hopeful that the Secretary's presence will help elucidate the potential benefits of the proposal."

Pereira nodded in agreement, "Absolutely, Mrs. Veiga. The Secretary is well-versed in diplomatic intricacies, and I believe his personal touch will further solidify our intentions. Let's keep the lines of communication open and transparent, If there's anything you need or if the Prime Minister has any questions beforehand, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're all working towards the mutual benefit of our nations. And thank you again for meeting with me."

Mrs. Veiga expressed her gratitude, "Indeed, Pereira. I appreciate the spirit in this endeavor. It's a significant step, and I'm optimistic about the potential outcomes. We'll continue our preparations on this end and look forward to the Secretary's visit. Thank you to to come and meet me, it gets awfully boring in this office all day."

As they concluded the call, both Pereira and Mrs. Veiga knew that the upcoming diplomatic exchanges held the key to shaping the future relationship between Portugal and Cape Verde.
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

The new day had dawned in Portugal, as Secretary Jaime Gama prepared to depart for Cape Verde, on the Airbus A330-200 VIP.
As Secretary Gama boarded the plane, he engaged in brief conversations with his accompanying team members. They discussed the intricacies of the upcoming meeting, exchanged perspectives on the political climate, and reaffirmed the importance of maintaining open lines of communication. Gama, with his characteristic affability, sought input from his advisors, valuing their insights as he prepared for the diplomatic engagement ahead.

During the flight, Gama took the opportunity to have a private conversation with his Chief of Staff, a trusted confidant who had been instrumental in shaping Portugal's diplomatic strategies.
"So, what do you think of the upcoming meeting Andrade? I honestly believe that it will go well, however we really need some, conving to do" Said Gama, while sitting at his desk inside the airplane.

"To be prefectly honest I thought it would be a hail mary! But here we are, Mrs. Veiga really started the domino effect!" Said Andrade, he worked with Gama, for a long time, so they knew what eachother way of thinking was.

"Andrade, considering the historical context of Cape Verde's position, what key points do you think we should emphasize during the meeting? The Deparment of Defence already gave me a few pointers by I also want to hear from you" Gama inquired, recognizing Andrade's strategic acumen.

Andrade leaned in, his gaze focused on Gama he pulled up a small notebook and started pointing towards a few lines. "Firstly, Secretary Gama, highlighting the mutual benefits of collaboration will be crucial. We need to stress the economic opportunities, the potential for infrastructure development, and the strategic advantage for both nations. It's about presenting a vision that transcends historical challenges," Andrade advised.

Gama nodded, appreciating the insight. "True... true... Andrade. And we must address any concerns they might have, we can't beat around the bush especially regarding the past. Acknowledging history while emphasizing a shared future will be pivotal! We can't really deny slavery...or the atrocities perpetuated by the Estado Novo." Gama added while raising his eyebrows contemplating the balance required in diplomatic discourse. As they continued their discussion, the duo seamlessly blended strategic analysis with a touch of camaraderie

In the bustling corridors of the Portuguese embassy, Ambassador Pereira was orchestrating the final details and necessary arrangements for the Secretary's visit. With meticulous attention to every aspect of the upcoming diplomatic encounter, Pereira ensured that all protocols and logistics were in place. Pereira's team diligently coordinated the finer points of the visit, from transportation logistics to accommodation arrangements. Pereira reviewed the briefing documents meticulously. He wanted to ensure that the Secretary had a comprehensive understanding of the proposal, the historical context, and the aspirations for future collaboration between Portugal and Cape Verde. The documents, carefully curated and approved by the Department of State, were set to be dispatched to Mrs. Veiga's office for her analysis too,

As the paperwork was finalized, Pereira took a moment to glance at the clock. The Secretary's departure was imminent, and the weight of the diplomatic significance hung in the air. Satisfied with the preparations, Pereira contacted Mrs. Veiga to provide a brief update and confirm the dispatch of the necessary documents.

"Mrs. Veiga, good morning! I trust you're well. I wanted to inform you that the arrangements for Secretary Gama's visit are in their final stages. The briefing documents are being sent to your office. We've taken every measure to ensure a smooth and productive visit. If there are any last-minute considerations or specifics you'd like to discuss, please feel free to let me know," Pereira conveyed with assurance and confidence.

Mrs. Veiga, appreciating the proactive communication, responded, "Good morning, Pereira. I appreciate the update. I'll make sure the Prime Minister is briefed accordingly before the meeting. We're committed to making this visit as constructive as possible. If there are any specific details or preferences the Secretary has, we'll do our best to accommodate them. Let's make this a successful diplomatic encounter."
With both sides working diligently to create the optimal conditions for the meeting, the diplomatic tango between Portugal and Cape Verde was reaching a crucial juncture. Like a peacock courting his mate, the next steps would unfold in the hands of the Secretary and the Prime Minister, with the hopes of forging a path towards a strengthened and collaborative future.


After a few hours in the air, the plane arrived, smoothly touching down on the tarmac of the Cape Verdean airport. Secretary Gama, impeccably composed, gathered his belongings and prepared to disembark, alongside his cheif of staff. The anticipation of the diplomatic mission ahead lingered in the air as the cabin doors opened, revealing the warm Cape Verdean breeze.
Stepping onto the stairs, Gama was meet by Ambassador Pereira and Mrs. Veiga, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cape Verde. The trio exchanged warm smiles. Pereira extended a respectful handshake, "Secretary Gama, welcome to Cape Verde. We are honored to have you here!" Mrs. Veiga, with an air of enthusiasm, added, "Indeed, Secretary Gama, your visit is a significant step towards fostering stronger ties between our nations. And with a bright sunny day no less!" The exchange set a positive tone, hinting at the camaraderie that would define the upcoming diplomatic discussions. "Thank you, thank you both! I can already feel like I am at home! Especially with this sun!" Gama said warmly.

As they made their way towards the terminal, the trio engaged in casual conversation, sharing insights about the cultural richness of Cape Verde and the historical connections that bound their nations. These initial moments of mutual understanding not only reflected the warmth of Cape Verde's welcome, but also foreshadowed the collaborative and respectful atmosphere that would prevail throughout the diplomatic journey.


Escorting Secretary Gama in a VIP convoy, the diplomatic entourage made its way through the streets of Cape Verde, greeted by the vibrant colors and rhythms of the local culture. Many people gathered outside with Portuguese and Cape Verde flags, a reassurance to Gama, that the people, after all, did not feel resentment towards Post-Estado Novo Portugal. As they approached the official residence of the Prime Minister, anticipation heightened, Gama was starting to feel his heart throb, and he knew this meeting would set the tone for the discussion. The convoy slowed to a stop, and as the doors opened, Secretary Gama, Ambassador Pereira, and Mrs. Veiga stepped out.

Awaiting them by the entrance was the Prime Minister, standing with a regal presence, flanked by Ceremonial Guards and the sweeping melodies of an orchestra playing in the background. The scene was painted with colors of formality and cultural richness, both Flags standing tall in the courtyard. The Prime Minister extended a gracious welcome, setting the stage for the crucial discussions that would unfold in the coming hours. The blend of ceremonial splendor and genuine warmth symbolized the bridge they aimed to build between Portugal and Cape Verde, as the diplomatic journey entered its next significant chapter..


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

As Secretary Gama and the Prime Minister settled into the elegant surroundings of the official residence, a sense of formality mingled with anticipation. They exchanged pleasantries, with Gama expressing gratitude for the warm welcome extended to him and his delegation. The Prime Minister, though cordial, maintained an air of reservation, curious about the purpose of Gama's visit.

"Secretary Gama, I must admit, your proposal of Cape Verde joining Portugal as one of its states has piqued my interest," began the Prime Minister, his tone measured. "But forgive me for being cautious. The idea of such a significant shift in our nation's status raises many questions and concerns."

Gama nodded, acknowledging the Prime Minister's apprehension. "I understand your hesitation, Prime Minister. This is indeed a monumental decision, one that requires careful consideration. However, I urge you to consider the multitude of benefits that such a union could bring to Cape Verde." Pouring himself a glass of water, Gama continued, "Firstly, let us discuss the economic advantages. As a state within Portugal, Cape Verde would gain access to a larger market, enhanced investment opportunities, and increased economic stability, and access to possible future venture into European Markets. If Portugal can establish good investments, this would also greatly improve Cape Verde local economy. This would pave the way for sustainable growth and development, offering our citizens greater prosperity and security."

The Prime Minister listened intently, nodding thoughtfully as he processed Gama's words. "I see the potential benefits, Secretary Gama, I do see them.." he replied, taking a sip of his own drink. "But what assurances can Portugal provide that Cape Verde's unique identity and autonomy will be respected within this union? We are proud of our heritage and culture, and it is essential that they remain preserved."

Gama leaned forward, his demeanor earnest. "Rest assured, Prime Minister, Portugal values and respects the cultural diversity of its regions. In joining Portugal, Cape Verde would retain its distinct identity and autonomy, much like the autonomous states of Madeira and the Azores. Our union would be one of collaboration and mutual respect, where Cape Verde's cultural heritage is celebrated and preserved and expanded on. Tourism would flow in to Cape Verde, mind you, controlled Tourism, to still preseve the quality of life of Cape Verdians.

The conversation continued, punctuated by pauses as they exchanged viewpoints and explored the intricacies of the proposal. Gama elaborated on the strategic significance of Cape Verde, highlighting its pivotal position in the Atlantic Ocean and its potential to bolster Portugal's geopolitical influence. He also addressed concerns about the colonial war, acknowledging the complex and painful history that had strained relations between Portugal and its former colonies.

"Prime Minister, it is undeniable that the colonial war left deep wounds, scars that continue to affect our collective consciousness," Gama admitted, his tone somber. "But we must not allow the mistakes of the past to dictate our future. By forging a new path of cooperation and partnership, we can transcend the divisions of history and build a better tomorrow for both our nations."

The Prime Minister, reflecting on Gama's somber acknowledgment of the colonial war's lingering impact, paused before responding. "Secretary Gama, you speak truths that resonate deeply with our nation's history and collective memory," he began, his tone measured yet resolute. "Indeed, the wounds of the past run deep, and the scars of that tumultuous era continue to shape our present reality, however." He continued, his voice gaining strength, "we cannot ignore the weight of history, nor can we erase the suffering endured by our people during those turbulent times. The wounds may heal, but the memories endure, serving as a solemn reminder of the need for vigilance and reflection. Yet, in acknowledging our shared past, we also recognize the potential for reconciliation and renewal. Your vision of forging a new path of cooperation and partnership offers a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows of the past. It is a vision worth considering, one that holds the promise of a brighter future for both our nations. So, while the scars of history may never fully fade, let us endeavor to build bridges of understanding and solidarity, embracing the opportunity to chart a new course together. In doing so, we honor the sacrifices of those who came before us and pave the way for a more prosperous and harmonious tomorrow."

Gama nodded in understanding, his expression reflecting a blend of empathy and determination. "Indeed, Prime Minister, acknowledging the past is the first step toward shaping a more promising future. My own grandfather, may he rest in peace, also perished in the turmoil of that war. It is a reminder of the profound personal toll that history can exact. Yet," he continued, his voice carrying a note of resilience, "it is through our shared resolve to transcend the burdens of the past that we can truly honor the sacrifices of those who came before us. Let us embark on this journey together, guided by a shared commitment to reconciliation and progress."

As the evening wore on, Gama introduced the Prime Minister to the broader geopolitical landscape, discussing the growing instability in the world, exemplified by the sudden conflict between France and Canada. He emphasized the importance of unity and solidarity in the face of global challenges, underscoring the potential of a strengthened partnership between Portugal and Cape Verde to navigate these turbulent waters. With each passing moment, the Prime Minister's initial reluctance began to soften, replaced by a growing sense of optimism and possibility. As the discussion drew to a close, Gama sensed a shift in the Prime Minister's demeanor.

"Secretary Gama, I must admit, your arguments are compelling," conceded the Prime Minister. "While there are still details to be ironed out, I am increasingly inclined to consider this proposal further. Let us continue this dialogue and work towards a brighter future for Cape Verde within the Portuguese family. But I would also prefer that both our Presidents meet for a final discussion, and then I believe our highest ranking member of government and head of state should convene to iron out details."

Following their discussions, Prime Minister and Secretary Gama embarked on a tour of key sites in Cape Verde's capital, immersing themselves in the vibrant culture and rich history of the nation. They visited bustling markets, where local artisans showcased their crafts, and met with community leaders to gain insight into the aspirations and challenges facing Cape Verdean society. At each stop, they were greeted warmly by the people, whose optimism and resilience served as a testament to the nation's spirit. From historic landmarks to bustling neighborhoods, they witnessed firsthand the dynamic energy that permeated every corner of the city.​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Upon their arrival at the Embassy, after a long day, Secretary Gama and Ambassador Pereira found themselves enveloped in an aura of anticipation. Pereira greeted Gama with a respectful nod.
They retreated to a secluded office, where Pereira, ever the meticulous strategist, wasted no time in setting the stage for their forthcoming meeting with President Guterres.

"Secretary Gama," Pereira began "our rendezvous with President Guterres marks a critical juncture in our diplomatic endeavors. We now must proceed with utmost caution, talking with the President will request some finesse and carisma, and above all else, honesty.."

Gama offered a reassuring nod. "Indeed. The path ahead is now cleared for the President to arrive and spearhead the diplomatic talks, however his honesty might also be an opportunity. Our task is to present a compelling case for Cape Verde's reintegration into Portugal, grounded in pragmatism and vision, which I believe this is where the President will shine the most."

Pereira's gaze turned thoughtful, with optimism in his eyes. "President Guterres's personality presents a golden opportunity. He is known for his astute judgment and openness to innovative idea."

"Yes." Said Gama. "He is the best spearhead we got in this, he will manage to convince Cape Verde President." He would finish the sentence while trying to lit his cigar. With their preparations complete, and the room filled with documents, guidelines and formalities procedures, Gama dialed President Guterres's number on a encrypted and private line, his hand steady despite the anticipation coursing through his veins.. Finally, the line connected, and Guterres's voice filled the air, a steady cadence that bespoke wisdom and resolve. Gama looked towards Pereira. And Pereira nodded.

"President Guterres," Gama began, "we find ourselves at a crucial moment in our diplomatic journey. Ambassador Pereira and I have deliberated at length on the proposal to reintegrate Cape Verde into Portugal, and we are in unanimous agreement regarding its potential benefits. We also have the Prime Minister on board, and his cabinet too. The last challenge will be the President. Which is why we believe the time has come to take the next step. We need your support to convince Persident of Cape Verde to join us in this endeavor."

There was a small pause, during which Gama and Pereira exchanged hopeful glances. Then, President Guterres spoke again, his voice filled with sincerity and determination. "Jaime, Pereira, I've always trusted both of your judgments.If you both believe in this proposal and the time is right, then count me in. Let's make it happen."

"Thank you, Mr. President," Gama responded. "Your support means everything to us. With your backing, we can approach President of Cape Verde."

Pereira, ever the diplomat, chimed in, "Indeed, Mr. President. Your endorsement lends credence to our efforts and underscores the importance of this endeavor. We are committed to seeing it through." Guterres's response was characteristically pragmatic yet tinged with optimism. "I have full faith in your abilities, Jaime, Pereira. Keep me updated on your progress, and let me know if there's anything else I can do to assist. For now I'll have start the preperation here for my arrival to Cape Verde tomorrow."

"We will, Mr. President," Gama assured him, a sense of determination resonating in his voice. "Thank you again for your unwavering support."

With the call concluded, Gama and Pereira exchanged a look of shared relief. The path ahead was clear, and they were ready to start on the next phase of their diplomatic journey. They would begin by informing Mrs. Veiga of the arrival of the President of Portugal tomorrow to discuss the integration of Cape Verde with the President of Cape Verde.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The President's arrival to Cape Verde, two days later, aboard the Government Airbus A330-200 VIP, known as "Luso 1," was a moment of grandeur and significance. As the aircraft descended gracefully onto the runway, its polished exterior gleaming under the sunlight, it symbolized the arrival of leadership ready to embark on a journey of diplomatic engagement. The Cape Verdean officials, standing at attention on the tarmac, watched with admiration and respect as the aircraft taxied to a stop, marking the beginning of a pivotal moment in their nation's history.

Stepping off the aircraft, President Guterres was greeted by a contingent of government officials, led by Ambassador Pereira, Secretary Gama and Minister Veiga. "Welcome to Cape Verde, Mr. President," Ambassador Pereira said, extending a hand in greeting. "We are honored to have you here," added Minister Veiga, her voice tinged with excitement. President Guterres reciprocated their greetings with a nod of appreciation and he also extended his pleasentrie, his presence was exuding a quiet confidence and admiration.

As they made their way towards the waiting convoy. The convoy, consisting of sleek vehicles adorned with the national flag, stood as a symbol of the nation's readiness to host its esteemed guest. "I must say, Ambassador Pereira, Cape Verde is truly a sight to behold," remarked President Guterres, taking in the panoramic view of the landscape. "Indeed, Mr. President," replied Pereira, a sense of pride evident in his voice. "We are honored to showcase the beauty and hospitality of Cape Verde."

The journey to the official residence of the President of Cape Verde was punctuated by lively conversations and camaraderie among the delegation. Minister Veiga shared insights into the cultural heritage of Cape Verde, while Ambassador Pereira provided historical context for their diplomatic endeavors. "It's moments like these that remind us of the importance of diplomacy and dialogue," remarked President Guterres, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "Indeed, Mr. President," replied Pereira, his tone earnest. "It is through mutual understanding and cooperation that we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead."

Arriving at the official residence, the delegation was greeted with elegance. Ceremonial guards stood at attention, their uniforms resplendent in the sunlight, while the strains of an orchestra filled the air with melodious harmony, the moment the Portuguese President stood out of the convoy, the orchestra started playing. President Guterres couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the grandeur of the surroundings. "Truly magnificent," he murmured, his eyes sweeping over the scene before him. As they stepped inside the residence courtward, President Guterres and his delegation were met with gracious hospitality by the President of Cape Verde, warm exchanges were established and they were ushered inside. The President of Portugal gaze lingered on the ornate furnishings and exquisite artwork adorning the walls, marveling at the richness of Cape Verdean culture. "It is an honor to be here," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "Indeed, Mr. President," replied The Cape Verde President, his expression reflecting a sense of pride. "We are grateful for the opportunity to host you and to further strengthen the bonds of friendship between our nations."

President Guterres and his delegation prepared to engage in discussions that would shape the future of Portugal and Cape Verde. As they took their seats around the table, the weight of responsibility hung heavy in the air. But amidst the formality and protocol, there was an underlying sense of camaraderie and shared purpose. Together, they were poised to chart a course towards a brighter tomorrow, united in their commitment to cooperation and collaboration.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
As President Guterres and his delegation settled into their seats around the opulent conference table, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. The President of Cape Verde, flanked by his advisors, exuded with confidence tempered with humility as he prepared to engage in dialogue with his esteemed guests. "I must say, Mr. President, your hospitality is truly remarkable," remarked President Guterres, his eyes lingering on the tapestries that adorned the walls of the conference room. "It's evident that Cape Verde's rich cultural heritage is reflected in every detail of this magnificent residence. I really love the tapestry, have you ever been to Portugal?"
The President of Cape Verde smiled graciously, acknowledging the compliment with a nod of his head. "Thank you, President Guterres. We take great pride in showcasing the beauty and diversity of our nation to our esteemed guests. And Yes I have been before, I studied there in my youth, in Lisbon, your street tapestries are remarkable, a work of art!"

"Thank you very much, many skilled hands did those. I'm happy to know you studied there."
Remarked Guterres.

With a gesture, the President of Cape Verde signaled for the discussions to commence. Around the table, diplomats and advisors leaned in attentively, ready to contribute to the dialogue. As the conversation unfolded, President Guterres and his delegation presented their vision for the future relationship between Portugal and Cape Verde, emphasizing the benefits of closer cooperation and integration. "The World is changing, Mr. President.". Guterres would being speaking softly and passionately.

"As leaders of our respective nations, we are tasked with guiding our people through a world that is in a state of profound transformation. The challenges we face are numerous and complex, and yet, they are also opportunities for us to demonstrate our resilience, our ingenuity, and our unwavering commitment to the values that unite us. In recent years, we have witnessed a troubling trend towards division and discord, with conflicts erupting in regions far and wide. From the escalating tensions between major powers to the resurgence of authoritarian regimes, the fabric of global stability is fraying at the seams. Wars and conflicts seem to proliferate with alarming frequency, threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions of people around the world.
The winds of change blow fierce and unforgiving, and the specter of uncertainty looms large ever on the horizon.

Yet in the face of adversity, we must not falter, but rather let us rise to meet the trials of our time with courage and determination. For it is in moments of crisis that true leadership shines brightest, and it is through unity and solidarity that we shall overcome the obstacles that stand in our path. Together, Portugal and Cape Verde can forge a new path forward, a path of prosperity, peace, and progress. Let us harness the power of cooperation and collaboration to build a better world for ourselves and for future generations. Let us stand shoulder to shoulder, united in our purpose and steadfast in our commitment to a shared vision of a brighter tomorrow. Let us be a beacon of hope, we need to be a symbol of unity, and how unity can elevate us towards more than we are now."

The President of Cape Verde listened intently, his brow furrowed in thought as he considered the implications of the proposed partnership. He raised questions and voiced concerns, probing the details of the integration plan with a discerning eye.

"Forgive me, President Guterres, if I appear cautious," he said, his voice measured yet firm. "The decision to pursue closer ties with Portugal is not one to be taken lightly. We must ensure that any agreement serves the best interests of the Cape Verdean people and upholds our sovereignty and cultural identity."

President Guterres nodded in understanding, acknowledging the President's concerns with respect. "I appreciate your candor, Mr. President. Rest assured, our aim is not to diminish Cape Verde's unique identity, but rather to enhance it through collaboration and mutual respect. We wish to make it part of us, part of Portugal, and make Portugal part of Cape Verde, we do not seek to subplant you. We are family, and the best families do not supplant each other, but tries to mold into becoming more than we are. Our best."

As the discussion continued, both leaders engaged in a lively exchange of ideas, exploring avenues for cooperation in various sectors, including trade, tourism, and education. Despite the complexities of the issues at hand, there was a palpable sense of optimism in the room, fueled by the shared commitment of both parties to finding common ground.

As the sun began to set outside, casting a warm glow through the windows of the conference room, President Guterres and the President of Cape Verde exchanged a meaningful glance. Though the path ahead would undoubtedly be challenging, they were united in their determination to forge a brighter future for their nations, hand in hand.

The discussions would continue late into the evening, as both leaders worked tirelessly to hammer out the details of the integration plan. But amidst the complexity of the negotiations, there was a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect that boded well for the future of Portugal and Cape Verde. Many breaks were taken, food was constantly served, a long with water.

As the discussions progressed into the late hours of the evening, the mood in the conference room remained focused yet congenial. President Guterres and the President of Cape Verde, alongside their respective delegations, delved deeper into the intricacies of the integration plan, exploring potential challenges and opportunities with a keen eye for detail.

"Mr. President, if I may," began one of President Guterres' advisors, leaning forward to address the Cape Verdean leader. "One of the key benefits of closer cooperation between Portugal and Cape Verde lies in the realm of infrastructure development. With Portugal's expertise and resources, we have the opportunity to modernize and expand vital infrastructure projects across Cape Verde, from transportation networks to renewable energy initiatives."
The President of Cape Verde nodded thoughtfully, considering the implications of such investments for his nation's future.

"Infrastructure development is indeed a pressing need for Cape Verde," he acknowledged. "But we must ensure that any projects undertaken are aligned with our long-term goals and priorities. Sustainability and inclusivity must be at the forefront of our efforts."

President Guterres nodded in agreement, emphasizing the importance of sustainability and community engagement in infrastructure projects. "Absolutely, Mr. President. Our aim is not simply to build infrastructure, but to create lasting solutions that benefit all Cape Verdean citizens, now and for generations to come. By involving local communities in the planning and implementation process, we can ensure that our efforts are both effective and equitable."

As the discussion shifted to other areas of cooperation, including education, healthcare, and cultural exchange, a spirit of optimism pervaded the room. Both leaders recognized the potential for Portugal and Cape Verde to achieve great things together, leveraging their shared history, values, and aspirations to build a brighter future for their nations. And at last, we was agreed, Cape Verde would join Portugal, as one of its states.

"Mr. President, may I offer a toast?" President Guterres proposed, rising from his seat and raising his glass. "To the enduring friendship between Portugal and Cape Verde, and to the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. May our partnership be a beacon of hope and prosperity for all who call these beautiful islands home."
The President of Cape Verde smiled warmly, lifting his own glass in response. "To friendship, cooperation, and shared destiny," he echoed, his voice tinged with emotion. "May our collaboration bring prosperity and happiness to our people, and may our nations continue to stand side by side, united in purpose and resolve."
As the clink of glasses echoed through the conference room, President Guterres and the President of Cape Verde exchanged a meaningful glance, their mutual respect and admiration evident in their eyes. Though the road ahead would undoubtedly be challenging, they were united in their commitment to building a stronger, more prosperous future for Portugal and Cape Verde, hand in hand.

With the conclusion of the toast, the discussions drew to a close, and the delegates began to make their way out of the conference room, their hearts brimming with hope and optimism for the journey that lay ahead. Outside, the stars twinkled in the night sky, the moon bright as daylight, casting a soft glow over the landscape, a symbol of the bright future that awaited Portugal and Cape Verde, bound together by friendship, cooperation, and shared destiny.

Over the course of twodays, diplomats would continue to exchange ideas. Meetings were held, documents were drafted and redrafted, and countless hours were spent poring over the finer points of the agreement. At long last, after much deliberation and debate, the Integration Treaty was finalized. This historic document outlined the terms and conditions of Cape Verde's integration into Portugal as an autonomous state, with provisions similar to those enjoyed by Madeira and the Azores.

The treaty affirmed Cape Verde's status as an integral part of Portugal, granting it representation in the Portuguese parliament and ensuring its citizens equal rights and protections under Portuguese law. It also outlined measures to promote economic development, social welfare, and cultural exchange between the two nations. Preparations began for a momentous ceremony to mark its signing. Leaders and dignitaries from both Portugal and Cape Verde gathered in the grand hall of the presidential palace, where the stage was set for a historic occasion.

Amidst a backdrop of fluttering flags and the strains of national anthems, Presidents Guterres and his Cape Verdean counterpart took their places at the center of the room. With solemnity and solemnity, they affixed their signatures to the Integration Treaty, sealing the bonds of friendship and cooperation between their respective nations for generations to come.

The ceremony was followed by speeches extolling the virtues of unity and collaboration, as well as expressions of hope and optimism for the future. As the assembled guests applauded and cheered, there was a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation in the air, as Portugal and Cape Verde embarked on a new chapter in their shared history. Cape Verdians all across the nation come out to the streets to celebrate with Cape Verde and Portuguese Flags, an overhwelming support for the decions as polls were made, 91% of the nations population was in favour in the referedum held before the signing, which gave legal authority for the President of Cape Verde to sign it.

Integration Treaty between the Republic of Portugal and the Republic of Cape Verde

Affirming their commitment to strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation between their respective nations, the Republic of Portugal and the Republic of Cape Verde hereby enter into this Integration Treaty.​

Article I: Sovereignty and Autonomy

1. Cape Verde shall hereby be integrated into the Portuguese Republic as an autonomous region, akin to the status of the Azores and Madeira. Despite this integration, Cape Verde shall retain its internal autonomy, including legislative, executive, and judicial powers within its territorial jurisdiction.
2. The Republic of Cape Verde shall be granted representation in the Portuguese parliament, with elected representatives serving as respresentatives to advocate for the interests of Cape Verdean citizens, akin to the the Azores and Madeira representatives.

Article II: Legal Framework

1. Cape Verdean citizens shall be granted equal rights and protections under Portuguese law, including but not limited to civil, political, and economic rights. As will be considered henceforth as Portuguese Citizens.
2. The legal systems of both nations shall be harmonized to ensure consistency and coherence in matters of law and justice.

Article III: Economic Development

1. The Republic of Portugal shall provide financial assistance and support for the economic development of Cape Verde, including infrastructure projects, job creation initiatives, and investment opportunities.
2. Cape Verde shall benefit from access to Portuguese markets and resources, facilitating trade and commerce between the two nations.

Article IV: Social Welfare

1. The Republic of Portugal shall collaborate with the Republic of Cape Verde to improve social welfare programs and services, including healthcare, education, and housing.
2. Special provisions shall be made to address the unique needs and challenges faced by Cape Verdean citizens, particularly in rural and underserved areas.

Article V: Cultural Exchange

1. The Republic of Portugal and the Republic of Cape Verde shall promote cultural exchange and cooperation, including initiatives to preserve and celebrate Cape Verdean heritage and traditions.
2. Educational and cultural exchange programs shall be established to foster mutual understanding and appreciation between the peoples of Portugal and Cape Verde.

Article VI: Defense and Security

1. The Republic of Portugal shall provide defense and security assistance to Cape Verde, in equal measures as across the rest of the Portuguese Republic territories and exclusive zones. While Cape Verdians citizens will be able to serve in the Portuguese Armed Forces.

Article VII: Implementation and Review

1. The provisions of this Integration Treaty shall be implemented gradually over a period of five years, with regular review and assessment by both parties to ensure compliance and effectiveness.
2. Amendments to this treaty may be made by mutual agreement between the Republic of Portugal and the Republic of Cape Verde, with the consent of their respective governments.

Done in duplicate, in the Portuguese language, both texts being equally authentic, in the city of Praia, on the 30 day of April, in the year 2004.
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