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Thailand | Operation Egypt I

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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


Title: Operation Egypt I
Document Number: RTAF-EGYPT-001/2003
Classification: TOP SECRET
Security Level: Maximum Secure
Date: May 31, 2003
XI. IntroductionX

1.1 Background
After the attempted assassination on the Thai Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, by the Egyptian Chief of International Affairs and a confidant of Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II, Moustafa Asker, the NIA had concluded that the directive for such an attempt came directly from the head of their authoritarian regime. The fact that such the late and pitiful Moustafa, who was supposed to be the head of foreign affairs of an entire nation, sacrificed his vulnerable life by the order of such a shameful man is nothing but a best practice of a terrorism. To ensure that the world is safe and to continue and advance the global commitment to war against terrorism, the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) must step it to learn about the intention of the current Egyptian Government.

1.2 Objective
Operation Egypt I is one of the many measured that will be taken by Thailand to ensure that the Middle East is a place of peace, stability, and security. The main objective of this mission is to send the NIA agents to work in Egypt, contributing to their economy, and learn about their culture, lifestyle, governance value, and the beauty of them natives. The agents participated in this mission is expected to be open-minded, versatile, and adaptive to various foreign environment. To ensure that this mission not only deter terrorism threat but contribute to the growth of Egyptian nation, the operatives deployed are selected from the brightest mind of the NIA.

XII. Command and ControlX

2.1 Guidance
This operation is conducted on the approval of the Prime Minister of Thailand and the Director of the National Intelligence Agency. A strict guideline is placed by the Prime Minister that any decision taken within this operation must ensure the economic growth of Egypt, the military modernization of Egypt, and the reduction of terrorism organization in Egypt.

XIII. Operational ForcesX

  • [5] NIA Secret Agent
    • Banking Specialist
    • Telecoms Specialist
    • Engineering Specialist
    • Real Estate Specialist
    • Retail Specialist

XIV. ExecutionX

4.1 Initial Deployment
All agents would be report to the NIA headquarters to learn about the Egyptian language, which they have already fluent at, and to learn about their culture, society, the value they place on their sultan, and how important it is that they must respect it.

4.2 Communication
They would keep an effective communication between each other and the Thai Government. Furthermore, because they have to work in Egypt to contribute to their economy, they need to ensure that they must maintain a positive relationship with their manager, employer, colleagues. Each of them must have an Egyptian friend so they can learn about their culture firsthand and understand the good of their country and human interaction.

4.3 Support
The support of their live within Egypt should be made by themselves since they are a growth adult working abroad, so it is their business. If they have injuries, pregented, or got illness, the one they should contact is their employer to secure their worker's rights. They need to ensure that any romantic relationship they form with Egyptian must be interdependence or healthy relationship, and must not scarify their boundary for the bad nature of their partner

XV. CoordinationX

5.1 Inter-agency
The communication between each department within their workplace must always be consistent to ensure minimal disruption to the flow of work within that work culture.

5.2 International
In case that they get an opportunity to travel aboard, they must ensure that the reason for that is to further advance the practice within Egypt.

XVI. ConclusionX

6.1 The National Intelligence Agency (NIA) has formulated Operation Egypt I as needed to ensure that the world, including Egypt, is free, fair, and have no terroism threat.

Approving Authority:

Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister, Republic of Thailand

Document Clearance:
The Office of the Prime Minister
The National Intelligence Agency

Distribution List:
The Office of the Prime Minister
The National Intelligence Agency


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret unless contextual possible.

The five elite agents of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) convened in a secure conference room at the NIA headquarters, nestled in the bustling center of Bangkok, to strategize for Operation Egypt I. These agents, selected as the brightest minds in Thailand, had undergone a rigorous year-long training regimen, complemented by continuous drills designed to prepare them for any conceivable situation they might encounter in their careers.

Each agent was not only a genius in their respective field of expertise but also boasted exemplary health and mental soundness. Their fitness and psychological resilience were regularly assessed, ensuring they remained at the pinnacle of their capabilities. As part of their operational preparedness, they had recently undergone comprehensive health evaluations, including mandatory HIV testing—a prerequisite for obtaining the Egyptian Work Permit.

The agents’ expertise was backed by extensive field experience. Each had dedicated over a decade to serving in leading Thai corporations, honing skills that were now critical to the success of their mission. Their track records were not just impressive; they were a testament to their unwavering commitment and unparalleled proficiency in intelligence operations and professional development.

When the agents fully grasped their pivotal role in securing a prosperous and strong future for Egypt, they immediately recognized that countering the threat of terrorism was their foremost priority. They acknowledged that life in Egypt, though challenged by the presence of terrorism, was a responsibility they were uniquely equipped to handle. With a deep understanding of the socio-political landscape, they were more than competent to comprehend that their diligent contributions to Egyptian society and economy were not just necessary but instrumental in paving the way for success.

Their expertise in intelligence and counter-terrorism strategies, coupled with a thorough knowledge of local cultures and languages, allowed them to operate effectively within the intricate fabric of Egyptian life. They were aware that their actions, though sometimes unseen, played a crucial role in maintaining the nation's stability and fostering a sense of security among the Egyptian people. This understanding fueled their dedication, ensuring that each decision and action taken was aimed at reinforcing the country's resilience against threats and nurturing its path towards enduring prosperity.

Each of them had devoted weeks to meticulously crafting their resumes, ensuring every line reflected their vast array of skills and achievements. Their resumes were not just documents but testaments to their professional journeys, tailored with precision to highlight their unique strengths and experiences. They also rigorously rehearsed their interview skills, transforming nervous energy into confident articulation, their responses polished to peak eloquence. Having navigated the application process previously, they were acutely aware of the competitive landscape. They understood that their combined competence and comprehensive industry knowledge made them standout candidates, leaving no doubt in their minds that unemployment was a temporary and swiftly passing phase in their otherwise illustrious careers.

Wichayaporn Pongpai, who had established herself as a reputable branches project manager at Kasikornbank, leveraged her extensive experience in managing multiple bank branches and her deep understanding of the Thai banking sector. With this expertise, she applied for a similar role at the Commercial International Bank (CIB) in Egypt, aiming to bring her valuable insights and management skills to an international banking environment.

Thitirat Posamran, previously a renowned Customer Value Management (CVM) Unit Manager at Advanced Info Service (AIS), had a track record of implementing successful customer retention strategies and enhancing customer value. Utilizing her experience in Thailand's leading telecommunications company, she sought the same role at Telecom Egypt, ready to apply her innovative approaches to customer management in a new market.

Supitcha Sorapinij, an exceptional Market Research Senior Engineer at GlobalTech Infrastructure Solutions, had contributed significantly to groundbreaking infrastructure projects with his analytical skills and market insights. Seeking to expand his expertise globally, he applied for a similar position at Elsewedy Electric, an Egyptian company known for its substantial presence in the energy sector.

Kemika Kittisompong, a leading Facility Manager at Pruksa Real Estate, was recognized for his excellence in managing large-scale real estate projects and maintaining high operational standards. He pursued the same role at Talaat Moustafa Group Holding (TMG Holding) in Egypt, intending to apply his comprehensive facility management skills to some of the largest real estate developments in the region.

Nattadech Chartpipak, who had been a successful Marketing Manager at The Mall Group, was instrumental in devising innovative marketing strategies that significantly boosted retail sales. With this background, he applied for the same role at Metro Markets in Egypt, eager to employ his marketing expertise to enhance the company's market presence and drive sales growth in a new cultural context.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
In the offices of The General Department of Passports, Immigration, and Nationality in Cairo, an employee looked at the five informational packets that had arrived that morning with a perplexed look. They each detailed what seemed to be exceptional human beings- managers of vast corporate systems, jumping from colossal names in Thai industry like it was nothing. In fact, each of them seemed like the ideal candidate for immigration into Egypt- they could provide so much for the country's developing economy that they could make real change.

However, she couldn't get over the oddness of five dominant personalities like these, all at the same time, becoming unemployed and wanting to leave the enormous, booming Thai economy for Egypt. Especially, she thought, at a time when Thailand was officially a terrorist organization in the eyes of the Egyptian government, and the Thai people were being discriminated against at an astounding rate in the country.

She marked each for FURTHER REVIEW with a red stamp and recommended them to the intelligence office.

On a higher level of the building, the papers once again came to review, weeks later. The man at this desk, more spacious than that of the lower-paid worker floor below him, did not give the files a second chance. As with all papers from Thailand and its neighbors that had come in since the murder of Moustafa Asker, he filed them in the "Special Consideration" cabinet. Many files had entered it in the last months; none had left.


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