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Thailand | Operation Resolute Falcon


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Operation Resolute Falcon: Covert Reconnaissance and Intervention in Myanmar


In response to the escalating humanitarian crisis and mounting instability in Myanmar, the Royal Thai Army has devised a classified covert operation, codenamed Operation Resolute Falcon. This mission's paramount objective is the meticulous reconnaissance and intelligence gathering within Myanmar's conflicted territories, with a particular focus on the Kayah State region. The Royal Thai Army endeavors to ascertain the extent of the ongoing conflict, the operational capabilities and intentions of the military junta, as well as to identify key strategic points and assets that may prove crucial in future diplomatic or military interventions. The secondary objective is to assess and, if necessary, facilitate the safe passage of refugees fleeing the strife-ridden region and seeking refuge in Thailand.

The Royal Thai Army's top echelons, in conjunction with the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) of the Republic of Thailand and other pertinent military and intelligence entities, have meticulously crafted Operation Resolute Falcon. This operation has been tailored to address the myriad complexities and challenges associated with conducting a high-stakes covert mission in a volatile and unpredictable environment. The Royal Thai Army and its partner organizations acknowledge the significant risks involved in this undertaking and have taken exhaustive measures to ensure the mission's success while minimizing the possibility of collateral damage or unintended consequences.​


Operation Resolute Falcon constitutes a pivotal, high-priority mission for the Royal Thai Army and the broader national security apparatus. The unfolding events in Myanmar have far-reaching implications for regional stability and, by extension, the security and well-being of the Thai nation. The Royal Thai Army, under the direct supervision of the highest-ranking military officers and in close coordination with the NIA, has assembled an elite task force consisting of the most seasoned, capable, and discreet operatives available.

These operatives, each possessing a wealth of experience and expertise in conducting covert reconnaissance missions in hostile territories, have been meticulously vetted and rigorously trained to ensure that they are adequately prepared for the immense challenges that lie ahead. The task force will be equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry, cutting-edge communication devices, and the most advanced surveillance and reconnaissance tools currently available. This formidable array of assets and resources is specifically designed to enable the operatives to execute their mission with precision, stealth, and efficiency while minimizing the risk of detection or capture.

In the interest of safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of Operation Resolute Falcon, all relevant information, including the specific operational details, the identities of the operatives involved, and how the mission is to be conducted, has been deemed highly classified. Access to this information is strictly limited to those personnel with the requisite security clearance and an indisputable need to know. It is incumbent upon all individuals involved in this operation to exercise the utmost discretion and vigilance in safeguarding the mission's sensitive nature and ensuring that its objectives are realized with maximum efficacy and minimal risk.

The successful execution of Operation Resolute Falcon will not only serve to bolster the security and stability of the region but also exemplify the Royal Thai Army's unwavering commitment to the defense of its national interests and the preservation of peace and order in Southeast Asia.​


Republic of Thailand v.
State Peace and Development Council

Mar02/RSL/PP/01 - Complete - Selection and training of elite task force members, ensuring optimal physical, mental, and technical readiness for deployment in hostile territory.
Mar02/RSL/SV/01 - Complete - Procurement and pre-deployment preparation of specialized equipment, gear, and loadout necessary for optimal performance in Kayah State's unique environmental and tactical conditions.
Mar02/RSL/OP/01 - Active - Covert insertion and extraction of task force members into and out of Myanmar, utilizing land, air, and sea assets as necessary to maintain discretion and minimize detection.
Mar02/RSL/OP/02 - Pending - Conduct detailed reconnaissance and surveillance missions to assess the extent of the conflict, the operational capabilities and intentions of the military junta, and identify key strategic points and assets within Myanmar.
Mar02/RSL/OP/03 - Pending - Establish and maintain secure lines of communication between task force members and supporting agencies, ensuring timely exchange of information and coordination of efforts.
Mar02/RSL/OP/04 - Pending - Blend in with the local population, gather human intelligence, and establish a network of local informants to provide valuable insight into the situation on the ground.
Mar02/RSL/OP/05 - Pending - Assess and facilitate the safe passage of refugees fleeing the conflict zone, providing humanitarian assistance and coordinating with international organizations where necessary.
Mar02/RSL/OP/06 - Pending - Post-operation debriefing, analysis, and evaluation, focusing on operational performance, lessons learned, and recommendations for future covert missions in Myanmar or similar environments.
Mar02/RSL/IT/01 - Active - NIA tasks, including the collection, analysis, and dissemination of actionable intelligence to inform operational planning, decision-making, and ensure the mission's success while minimizing risks.


Royal Thai Army
2nd Infantry Division​
[90x] 1st Long Range Reconnaissance​
[16x] Team Leader
[16x] Designated Marksman
[16x] Communications Specialis
[16x] Intelligence Analyst
[16x] Medic​
Royal Thai Air Force
401st Fighter Squadron "Thunder"​
[8x] F-16AM Block 20 MLU​
[8x] Pilot
[8x] Crew Chief
[16x] Avionics Technicians
[16x] Aircraft Maintenance Technicians
[24x] Weapons Load Crew
[16x] Ground Support Crew
[4x] Flight Line Supervisor​
National Intelligence Agency (NIA)
Intelligence Agency Officer​
[3x] Administrative Officer​
[1x] Human Resource Operator​
[3x] Operation Reporter​
[3x] Operation Reporter (Cyber Security)​
[4x] Secret Agent​

Additional Information



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
Operation Resolute Falcon
Ministry of Defence
Classification: Top Secret
Encrytped Method: Maximum Secure
Date: March 04, 2002​
Location: Kayah State, Myanmar​
Participant: Thailand​

Within the clandestine shadows of the National Intelligence Agency's headquarters, a hushed atmosphere of anticipation and urgency enveloped the operatives preparing for a mission of unparalleled significance. The air was thick with the weight of their collective responsibility, as each individual meticulously assembled their equipment, the final pieces of a puzzle that would come together in the treacherous terrain of Kayah State, Myanmar.

The operatives moved with deliberate precision, their hands deftly securing each item of Personal Protective Equipment as if rehearsing a well-choreographed dance. They donned lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing in earthy tones, blending with the hues of the forests they would soon traverse. Upon their feet, they laced up the sturdy, waterproof boots that would support and protect their every step. Wide-brimmed hats and locally worn headscarves concealed their identities while protecting them from the unforgiving sun. The operatives' fingers slipped into the tactical gloves that would facilitate their delicate work in this perilous environment.

In the hallowed halls of the NIA headquarters, the echoes of whispered conversations reverberated through the air as operatives tested their specialized communication devices. The encrypted satellite phone, a lifeline to the outside world, crackled with the faintest of voices, a reassuring reminder that they were not alone. Covert earpieces nestled discreetly within the operatives' ears, a hidden connection to their comrades. The portable signal jammer, a last line of defense, lay dormant, awaiting the moment it would be called upon to shield them from their adversaries.

As the operatives continued their meticulous preparations, they examined their surveillance and monitoring tools, the very instruments that would empower them to pierce the veil of secrecy in Kayah State. Compact binoculars with image stabilization lay poised to reveal distant targets, while covert cameras disguised as mundane objects stood ready to capture crucial intelligence without arousing suspicion. Audio recording devices, small yet powerful, were carefully concealed and prepared to document the whispers of intrigue that filled the air. And for the darkness that would inevitably descend, night vision goggles lay in wait, prepared to illuminate the unseen world that surrounded them.

Among the final items to be secured were those critical to the operatives' ability to blend into the fabric of Kayah State seamlessly. Local currency, false identification, and a deep understanding of the language and cultural customs would provide the operatives with the necessary camouflage to navigate this foreign land. A compact first aid kit, multi-tool, and portable water purification system ensured their self-sufficiency and resilience in the face of adversity. And to sustain them through the grueling days ahead, rations of non-perishable, high-energy food lay packed and ready for consumption.

In this somber sanctuary of the NIA headquarters, a profound sense of purpose coursed through the veins of each operative as they completed their preparations. The gravity of their mission weighed heavily upon their hearts, the enormity of their task a burden shared by all. And as they gazed upon the meticulously assembled equipment that would accompany them into the heart of Kayah State, they knew that the fate of nations lies within their hands, the outcome of their actions forever etched into the annals of history.


In the dimly lit depths of Fort Chao Khun Nen, Headquarters of the 7th Infantry Division, the air hung heavy with anticipation. The silence, thick with unspoken thoughts, was occasionally broken by the rustling of equipment as the elite soldiers of the 2nd Long Range Reconnaissance Company meticulously prepared for the most dangerous and critical mission of their lives: infiltrating the heart of Kayah State, Myanmar.

The solemn faces of the Reconnaissance Personnel, illuminated by a faint glow, were set with determination as they donned their camouflage-patterned uniforms, specifically designed to merge with the surrounding landscape of dense forests and rugged terrain. Like shadows, they moved with purpose, adjusting lightweight, low-profile body armor that hugged their torsos, providing life-saving protection without impeding their mobility.

Gloved hands, steady and precise, inspected every piece of equipment, ensuring that the recon soldiers were well-prepared for the treacherous journey ahead. Their boots, waterproof and sturdy, were crafted to withstand the harshest environments, carrying them through the unforgiving terrain of Kayah State.

Each member of the elite unit was armed with a compact assault rifle, suppressed and deadly, accompanied by a high-capacity pistol, also silenced for utmost stealth. The weapons, extensions of their bodies, would act as the final line of defense when the situation called for it. A combat knife, glinting in the faint light, provided a silent companion for close-quarters combat.

With encrypted radios secured to their vests and covert earpieces nestled discreetly in their ears, the Reconnaissance Personnel would maintain constant communication with their comrades and command, a lifeline in the heart of the enemy territory. The vital information exchanged through these devices would be the key to their survival and success.

As each soldier checked their survival gear, they ensured that rations, portable water purification systems, and compact first aid kits were in place. The multi-tool and paracord, a testament to their resourcefulness and adaptability, were tucked away, ready to serve when the need arose.

The reconnaissance equipment, the very essence of their mission, was meticulously prepared. Binoculars, compact spotting scopes, and night vision goggles were essential tools, allowing the soldiers to observe, identify, and report enemy activities from a safe distance.

With their tactical backpacks brimming with additional tools like camouflage netting, compact shovels, maps, compasses, and GPS devices, the 2nd Long Range Reconnaissance Company was ready to face the treacherous terrain and ever-present danger of Kayah State.

As the Reconnaissance Personnel stood on the precipice of their mission, their hearts swelled with the weight of the responsibility entrusted to them. They knew that each step they took would bring them closer to the edge of uncertainty, but their unwavering resolve and unyielding spirit would guide them through the trials that lay ahead. For they were the 2nd Long Range Reconnaissance Company, and they would face the unknown with courage, determination, and an unwavering commitment to their mission.


The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a final, ephemeral glow across the sky as it surrendered to the approaching darkness. An air of trepidation enveloped the NIA operatives and Recon personnel, their hearts pounding in unison as they embarked on a clandestine journey that would forever define their lives. The whirring blades of 15 Kamov Ka-226 helicopters, meticulously camouflaged and brimming with the promise of stealth, cut through the night sky, forging a path to the village near the Thai-Myanmar border at 18.827022, 97.934022. The air inside the helicopters was thick with tension, the unspoken thoughts of each soldier dancing in the shadows. The roar of the engines reverberated through their bones, echoing the intensity of their mission. Each man and woman, clad in the uniform of duty and responsibility, braced themselves for the uncertainty that lay ahead. Their eyes, glistening with determination, were fixed on the horizon, seeking the distant village that would serve as the gateway to their perilous endeavor.

As the helicopters carved through the darkness, the Recon personnel and NIA operatives clung to memories of home, the faces of their loved ones, and the conviction that their sacrifice would not be in vain. Each breath, laden with the weight of their duty, fueled their resolve and steeled their hearts for the trials that lay before them. The moon, casting its ethereal light upon the earth, bore witness to the formation of Kamov Ka-226 helicopters, their shadows dancing like specters across the terrain. As the village near the border began to emerge in the distance, time seemed to stand still, the world holding its breath as it awaited the arrival of these elite warriors.

Cloaked in darkness, the helicopters descended upon the village, their blades whispering a solemn hymn to the night. The Recon personnel and NIA operatives, their hearts pounding in anticipation, prepared to disembark and step into the heart of uncertainty. The wind, now a gentle caress, carried with it the promise of adventure and the whispers of destiny. As the helicopters touched down, the Recon personnel and NIA operatives disembarked, their boots kissing the earth as they stepped onto foreign soil. The village, bathed in moonlight, lay before them, a silent testament to the hardships and resilience of its inhabitants. The soldiers, their hearts aflame with purpose, moved with precision and grace, blending seamlessly with the shadows as they prepared for their deployment.

At this moment, as the Recon personnel and NIA operatives stood on the threshold of their mission, the world seemed to hold its breath, the air pregnant with the unspoken tales of courage and sacrifice that were about to unfold. In the face of adversity and insurmountable odds, these brave men and women would forge a legacy that would echo through the ages, their spirits burning brightly in the hearts of those who would follow in their footsteps. As the moon continued its silent vigil, watching over the warriors of the night, the Recon personnel and NIA operatives steeled themselves for the journey ahead, their hearts beating in unison, a symphony of courage and determination that would reverberate through the annals of history. And so, they stepped into the heart of darkness, their souls alight with the flames of hope, duty, and unwavering resolve.


In the deepest hour of the night, when shadows and moonlight conspired to weave a tapestry of secrecy and stealth, the Reconnaissance personnel and NIA operatives, their souls ablaze with purpose and determination, stood poised to cross the border of Mae Hong Son into the heart of the enigmatic land of Myanmar. At coordinates 18.800328239931176, 97.40005033382971, they would breach the invisible barrier, the line in the sand that separated two worlds, and embark on a journey that would etch their names in the annals of history.

As they traversed the border, each step laden with the weight of duty and destiny, the Reconnaissance personnel and NIA operatives were cloaked in an armor of cutting-edge technology and unwavering resolve. With equipment, tools, and gear crafted from the pinnacle of innovation available to date, these elite warriors were prepared to face the challenges and dangers that lurked in the darkness of Myanmar.

Clad in lightweight, camouflage-patterned uniforms tailored specifically for the dense forests and rugged terrain of Kayah State, the soldiers blended seamlessly into the shadows, their very presence obscured by their meticulously crafted attire. Beneath this deceptive facade, their bodies were adorned with low-profile, lightweight body armor, plate carriers, and ballistic plates offering protection without hindering their mobility or stealth.

At their sides hung their trusted weapons, meticulously maintained and engineered for efficiency and adaptability. Compact assault rifles, such as the Heckler & Koch HK416, fitted with suppressors and advanced optics, ensured accuracy and discretion during engagements. For close-quarters combat and backup, they carried reliable, high-capacity pistols, such as the Glock 17, equipped with suppressors for silent lethality. A survival or combat knife completed their arsenal, a testament to the adaptability and resourcefulness of these elite warriors.

The Reconnaissance personnel and NIA operatives were equipped with advanced communication devices, such as encrypted radios, ensuring secure and efficient communication between the teams and their command. Discreet earpieces allowed for stealthy communication in the field, their voices carried by the wind, undetectable to all but their comrades.

With their survival gear, including compact rations, portable water purification systems, first aid kits, multi-tools, and paracords, they were prepared for the trials and tribulations that awaited them in the unforgiving wilderness of Myanmar. As they ventured deeper into the heart of darkness, their night vision goggles, a marvel of the latest technology, transformed the night into day, revealing the secrets of the shadows that enveloped the land.

Their reconnaissance equipment, including lightweight binoculars with image stabilization and rangefinding capabilities, and compact spotting scopes, allowed them to monitor their surroundings, gather intelligence, and remain vigilant against the ever-present dangers that lurked beyond their sight. Camouflage netting, compact shovels, tactical backpacks, and non-electronic navigation tools further complemented their arsenal, ensuring their preparedness for any eventuality.

As the Reconnaissance personnel and NIA operatives stepped across the border, their hearts pounding with the intensity of their mission, they were carried by the winds of destiny, their spirits illuminated by the moon's ethereal light. With their state-of-the-art equipment, tools, and gear, these elite warriors were the embodiment of courage, determination, and unwavering resolve. As they disappeared into the darkness, their footsteps etched in the sands of time, they embarked on an odyssey that would forever be remembered, their legacy a beacon of hope for generations to come.

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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
Operation Resolute Falcon
Ministry of Defence
Classification: Top Secret
Encrytped Method: Maximum Secure
Date: March 12, 2002​
Location: Kayah State, Myanmar​
Participant: Thailand​

The NIA operatives, having successfully infiltrated Myanmar, set their sights on the city of Loi Kaw in Kayah State. Their mission: to gather intelligence regarding the Karenni National People's Liberation Front (KNPLF) and their activities, a task that would test their skills in subterfuge, adaptability, and cunning. The operatives first traveled along winding forest trails, carefully avoiding military checkpoints and staying off main roads to evade detection. They maintained radio silence, communicating only through subtle hand signals and facial expressions, a testament to their mastery of nonverbal communication.

Upon reaching the outskirts of Loi Kaw, they changed into civilian clothes, adopting the local attire to blend seamlessly with the indigenous population. They concealed their advanced equipment within their modest garments, hiding their true identities beneath a façade of simplicity. In separate groups of two or three, the NIA operatives entered the city, each group tasked with a specific area of intelligence gathering. They would frequent teahouses, markets, and other public spaces, their ears attuned to the whispers and murmurs of the populace, seeking any information on the KNPLF.

One group, posing as traveling merchants, approached local shopkeepers to inquire about the flow of goods in and out of the city. They carefully steered the conversation towards the KNPLF, subtly probing for information on the group's influence on the local economy and their potential sources of funding. Another group, disguised as laborers, ventured to the outskirts of the city, where they sought employment at construction sites and farms. Amidst the toil and sweat, they forged bonds with their fellow workers, gaining their trust and learning of their experiences with the KNPLF, their support or opposition to the group, and any recent activities they may have witnessed.

In the evenings, the NIA operatives would reconvene at a pre-designated safehouse, sharing the information they had gathered throughout the day. They utilized their encrypted radios and covert earpieces to relay their findings to their command, ensuring that the intelligence would reach the right hands without the risk of interception. As the days went by, the NIA operatives continued their covert intelligence-gathering operation, each piece of information a puzzle piece in the intricate tapestry of the KNPLF's activities. With patience, determination, and unwavering resolve, they pieced together a comprehensive picture of the group's intentions, capabilities, and vulnerabilities.

The NIA operatives' mission in Loi Kaw, fraught with danger and uncertainty, was a testament to their prowess in the shadows. Their meticulous and methodical approach, coupled with their adaptability and courage, had unveiled the secrets of the Karenni National People's Liberation Front, paving the way for the Royal Thai Army's next strategic move.

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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

Kayah State, Myanmar


Kayah state was one of near anarchy, barely controlled by the government of Myanmar and divided among the ethnicities and their various militia groups. There was the Karenni Army, Karenni National People's Liberation Front, and the Karen National Defence Organisation which controlled the western and central parts of the state and then there was the competing forces of the the All Burma Students' Democratic Front and the Karen National Defence Organisation who dwelled within the eastern mountains of the state. Whether it was to travel home, train in the jungles, prepare their defences against government forces, or plan small offensives, there was approximately 11,100 soldiers moving through the state at all times.

The actions of the junta government and the killings and bombings of all those who did not comply had placed everyone on high alert, watching for anything out of place, anything that could be a potential danger. Situations like these made people paranoid and it was not the more than 200 kilometers the Thai scouts had traveled that would get them caught, but instead it was their questioning of the locals, stirring up their paranoia that had placed a target upon their backs and it certainly didn't help that their accents were off. As the scouts, the strangers to those of the region, went about questioning the locals it was one of those very locals that contacted the People's Liberation Front to notify them that they believed a Myanmar government agent had infiltrated into the village and was hoping to gain vital information about the militias.

Such accusations were not taken lightly and a squad of nine militiamen had been dispatched to the location within minutes. Armed with their AR-10s they approached the suspected spy, guided by the local. The leader of their squad, Thura Ye, addressed him in Pwo Karenic. "You there. What's your name? Where are you from?"

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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The Thai scout from the 1st Long Rang Reconnaissance Company, which work in a teal of five, including a Team Leader currently armed with M1911 pistol, a Designated Markman armed with SIG Sauer SSG 3000, and Communication Specialist, Intelligence Analyst and Medic, all have their own equipment with the same pistol, yet none of Thai solders were in their uniform. Being rigorously trained and currently in a vulnerable position, they would observe the higher number of the nine militiamen approaching closer. As the man introduced himself, Sergeant Prasat would put his feet forward as the other saluted.

“Sir, please let me offer our peaceful and good-willed stance, I will be handling my pistol to you.” He uttered before reaching out his M1911 to the opposite leader. His language was more fluent than every member, yet still recognizable. “The name is Sergeant Prasat of the Thai Army, sir, what’s your name? We are here for a talk about the Myanmar Government.”



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The moment the militia men saw the firearms, they pointed their battle rifles at the Thai. It was one thing to sneak past the border into their lands, it was another thing to do so while armed to the teeth. "Everyone out!" Ye commanded and the citizens quickly dispersed. The man then hastily grabbed the firearms. Once the firearms were at a safe distance, across the room, Ye signaled for his men to place all the Thai under arrest.

Without handcuffs, the militia men used zip-ties and tightly tied each of them around their wrists, their arms placed behind the backs. "You'll not have my name." He told them plainly. "You'll sit there and wait." With the others keeping their battle rifles trained on them, Ye briefly exited the building to speak to his commanding officer over the radio, out of earshot. "Lieutenant-Colonel?"

"Yes, what's the issue? Over."

"Locals were right, there's armed men here. But they're not federals. Over."

"Who are they then? Over."

"They say they're from the Thai army. They also tell me they're here "peacefully" and for "good-will", yet they've come armed. I've placed them under arrest and took their firearms. Over."

There was a long pause before his commander's next order came through. "Keep the place cleared of locals. I'll be there shortly. Over."

"Copy, over." Ye re-entered the building. "You'll be here a while, make yourselves comfortable." As he awaited the arrival of his Lieutenant-Colonel, Ye proceeded to walk back to the table where the firearms of the Thai had been placed. There, he emptied them of bullets, both magazines and chamber, and placed them in an empty crate. The guns then followed, each within the crate, to be brought back to base to arm other fighters.

Roughly eleven minutes later, the Lieutenant-Colonel and eight others arrived by truck, storming in through the front door. "Which ones the leader?" He asked Ye, who pointed at the Sergeant. The Lieutenant-Colonel crouched before him. "So... you've crossed the border illegally. You've crossed armed. You made no attempts to contact us or any other group within the state. And yet you want me to believe you're here for peace? Give me one good reason not to toss you all in a cell right now."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
As the Myanmar militias began putting the Thai team under arrest, they would maintain a calm demeanor, fully cooperating and even giving out their firearm or performing to capture themselves in advance for the militia’s convenience. Sergeant Prasat would make eye contact with the Lieutenant-Colonel in the manner suggesting non-aggression and willingness to cooperate. When was asked a question, Prasat would answer with ease, deprived of any malicious intent.

“What you’ve said is true. See, the Federal has been a pain lately, not only by the local militias or the Myanmar civilian, but our border has also been stormed by refugees recently as well. They have locked up the border, aren’t they? They capture civilian and even children to join the army, and anyone dares to disobey will be executed by the firing squad. Isn’t this being something we agree upon that shouldn’t exist in this country we the people has the right to democratic and peaceful governance?” He paused, looking at the Lt. Colonel with a genuine concern.

He sighed before continuing speaking, “The high-ranking officials of the Thai Government, which they are committed to the regional peace and stability, has fully backed on this operation and they have a high hope to discuss the current situation with local populace and the militias to understand this dilemma. If there is one thing I can suggest, arresting us might lead to a diplomatic complication that neither of us want, don’t you agree?” He let out a soft chuckle and a grin of sincere compassionate intent.

“From what I see, the Federal has been sending soldiers to the local and get rid of those who don’t comply with them, don’t they? We are here for peace and good-willed, and I have no problem if you would like to our arms. Actually, it is not ours, it’s just a newly produced one for us to carry, in which our actual equipment is still in the warehouse. In fact, it’s not even registered, so you have all the right to take it.” He smiled, gazing at the Lt. Colonel again.

“How about we have an agreement? We are looking for an intelligence of what in the actual fuck the Federal is trying to do with their country. Gunfire have been daily occurrence now to our border community and it isn’t something out higher authority would ignore. We are willing to supply your army as long as we agree on intelligence-sharing of the Federal. We are soon to have a diplomatic outreach to them to discuss the current situation in Myanmar. You aren’t alone. The highest authority in Thailand has your back, fully.”



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
A chuckle came from the Lieutenant-Colonel. "You poor souls." The soldier found himself back to his feet, looking down on the Thai men. "You really should have done some proper intelligence before coming here, Sergeant. But I'll humor you, you want to know what's going on?" He paused, signaling his men to ready their weapons. "I'm Lieutenant-Colonel Tun Khine of the Karenni National People's Liberation Front and as of 1994, I lead its armed wing as the border guard of the region for the State Peace and Development Council—the federal government of Myanmar." With a movement of his hand, the soldiers pointed their rifles at the Thai troops. "You're here illegally and you're all officially under arrest. Load them up into the truck."

"Yes, sir!" A few of the Burmese soldiers acknowledged before grabbing the Thai and marching them off towards the military truck the Lieutenant-Colonel had arrived in.

"Staff Sergeant!" Khine called out.

"Yes, sir?"

"Secure their weapons, bring them to your company's outpost. Have your people begin in-depth patrols."

"Yes, sir!"

The Thai soldiers were mounted into the back of the truck with seven KNPLF troops to keep them under guard as the Lieutenant-Colonel and the driver entered the cab. Starting the engine, the truck began making its way south and west, towards Yangon. It was a two hour journey and with any prisoner, if escape was attempted, they were to be shot dead.

On telephone, the Lieutenant-Colonel dialed his contact in the federal government. "General Aye." He paused to await acknowledgement. "I'm coming to the capital from Loikaw. I have five prisoners for you. They illegally crossed the Thai-Myanmar border—armed. Worst of all, they're members of the Royal Thai Armed Forces. We've taken their weapons and we'll be there in roughly two hours to begin interrogations."

"Understood." With that, the Vice Chairman hung up.

"Speed it up." The Lieutenant-Colonel told the driver, the truck speeding up to 100km/h.

In the capital of Myanmar, the Vice Chairman of the Council, Muang Aye informed the Chairman of the situation. Quickly, Than Shwe sent out an order to the Armed Forces and all the militia groups allied with the government to be on high alert and to begin mobilizing. This situation could very easily devolve into open warfare.

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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
With a slap in the face to the Thai squad, Sergeant Prasat would murmur under his breath in Thailand. "You have a chance, and you forsaken it." With a chuckle, he let his head down. "This isn't something the Chief of Defense Force would like to hear, haha."

With the communication cut from one of fourteen squadrons, all would be ordered to return to Thailand, where most were in the forest. Every Thai personnel would return to Thailand and debrief the situation.


Within the confine of the Thai Armed Forces Headquarters, an encrypted message was relayed to the Control and Command Center of the RTAF.

"Sir, you must look at this." An officer abruptly called his superior.

"What is---" His tongue was metaphorically cut as she saw the message. "This is bad." He paused, looking around. "Liason with the special force, I will be the one facing him."

Thud! The man left the room, walking straight to the next room.

Click! An encrypted communication was established. "Supreme Commander, Operation Resolute Falcon has been compromised. Then Karenni National People's Liberation Front. They are working under the State Peace and Development Council." He concluded, feeling the air around him suffocated.

Ping! A sound reverberated from another side. "And? What is the plan for the SAR mission?" He asked and went silent.

With a breather, the officer replied. "The Special Force Commander is on the line, sir. Would you like to connect?" A long pause happened.

"Haha." The Supreme Commander laughed. "Why not?" Click!

Knock Knock Knock. "Sir, the NIA is requesting an infiltration mission. What should we do next?" The same man in the previous room addressed him.

"Reject it, he wouldn't be delighted to see the government watchdog included even more.


"Halt!" The order sounded from the vast Don Mueang Air Port.

A military officer walked in front of them. "I'm going to address this one last time now before we are taking out with the 601 Transport Squadron and head straight to Chiang Mai." His movement ceased with the jarring sound of his boots.

"We are part of the Operation Resolute Falcon. This operation has been previously compromised and a squadron of five personnel of the 1st Long Range Reconnaissance Company and the second Infantry Division has been captured."

"Due to the gravitas of this operation, it has been deemed necessary that conventional forces couldn't handle this mission. So, it is our mission now to rescue and infiltrate into Myanmar."

"People's Sabre (10), Naga Strike Force(15), Elephant's Eyes(65), Highland Sentinels(25), Forest Falcon(25), and Shadow Masters(10). You are all the best if the Thai Army could offer any mission of their like. 150 from 4500 of all special force personnel have been selected for this mission, so don't make your superior regret it. Let's go."

"Yes Sir!"

After that moment, 150 Thai special forces would depart from Bangkok to Chiang Mai Airbase using the aircraft of the 601 Transport Squadron.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

At the border

After the order from the capital came, some 2,000 military border guards quickly mobilized to form road blocks and secure the border outposts and crossings. Alongside them, just over 10,000 militia border guards were deployed along the main highways, the jungle, and the mountains. Their orders were to arrest anyone attempting to leave the Karen border into Thailand, to arrest anyone acting strange, and to shoot dead anyone resisting arrest.

Unlike the Thai soldiers, who were on foot, these Myanmar border guards had trucks and cars at the disposal and were able to set everything up before they had even left the outskirts of Loikaw. There was no way they would get through the barricades and even if they chose to risk the jungle and the mountains, they would be encountered with the many militias that call these areas home.


In Yangoon

The Lieutenant-Colonel and his troops reached the capital of Myanmar, pulling up to the infamous Insein Prison. It was Myanmar's most secure prison, hundreds of military troops guarding over 15,000 inmates. The truck was let through the front gate and once they reached one of the many buildings—the one housing the most dangerous and high-risk prisoners—the Thai soldiers were pulled out of the truck, stripped, searched, hosed down with ice cold water, given only basic clothing and then dragged inside.

Each of the Thai soldiers were placed in a concrete cell, their doors thick steel, with only a tiny hole in one wall to act as a window—offering only a tiny glimpse of the sun. Within these rooms were nothing more than a wood bucket to shit and piss in and a hard, thin mattress without blankets. It was a horrible place to be in, but it was what these criminals deserved.

"You'll be brought out once the court's ready for you." Each of them were told.

Once over, the Lieutenant-Colonel and his soldiers returned to his headquarters, to continue leading the KNPLF.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
With no response as to the actions taken by the Thai troops attempting to leave the country it would now be assumed that the Thai soldiers were spotted, tracked, found, and arrested by the border guard, army, or militia allied with the government. These soldiers would have all their equipment seized before being loaded onto trucks and sent off back to the capital where they would join their comrades in the max security prison in Yangon.

This would bring the total number of Thai soldiers arrested to: 95. Like their brethren, they would be locked in empty cells.

The border guards would continue their diligent observation of the border, assuring that no military movement on the Thai side of the border occurred.

All future posts of the conflict will now occur in the following operation:


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