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Thailand to India | Bilateral Relationship


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; CC: Duke Arvind Kumar, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Federal Union of India> mikhail2001
From: <>
Subject: Arrangement of Official Visit from Thailand to India
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of India,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand extends its warm greetings to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Federal Union of India. We are writing to formally notify your esteemed Ministry of Thailand's intention to dispatch diplomatic envoys to India with the aim of revitalizing bilateral relations between our two nations. Leading this delegation will be Tongruedee Makbun, Director General of the Department of Asian Affairs, an esteemed senior diplomat of Thailand. We anticipate engaging in discussions covering the status of diplomatic missions, opportunities for enhancing trade relations, sustainable development, as well as addressing concerns pertaining to democratic institutions, human rights, and potential avenues for strategic collaboration between our countries.

Thailand extends its sincere commitment to enhancing diplomatic relations with India, expressing utmost consideration in this endeavor. Upon India's favorable acceptance, we respectfully request clarification regarding the established diplomatic protocols your esteemed nation adheres to, with the expectation that our visiting diplomats will observe them diligently. Our delegation will consist of eight members from Thailand, and we are also exploring the feasibility of including three armed guards for their protection. However, we fully respect India's discretion in this matter and are prepared to withdraw this request if deemed unnecessary. In lieu of armed escorts, we trust that appropriate security measures will be provided to safeguard the well-being of our delegation during their visit.


Tongruedee Makbun
Director-General of the Department of Asian Affairs
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


GA Member
Apr 20, 2024
Federal Union of India
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India

Encryption: Encrypted
Recipient: Director General of the Department of Asian Affairs, Tongruedee Makbun
Sender: Duke Arvind Kumar, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India
Arrangement of Official Visit from Thailand to India

Esteemed Director-General Tongruedee Makbun,

Greetings from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Federal Union of India!
We are delighted to learn of Thailand's intention to dispatch diplomatic envoys to India for bilateral discussions. Your initiative to revitalize relations between our nations is welcomed with enthusiasm.
India values its partnership with Thailand and shares your commitment to strengthening trade ties, fostering sustainable development, and addressing common concerns regarding democratic institutions and human rights. We eagerly anticipate constructive dialogue and collaboration to enhance our bilateral relationship.

Regarding diplomatic protocols, rest assured that India adheres to internationally recognized norms. Our team stands ready to assist your delegation throughout their visit.
We will ensure the safety of your delegation during their stay. However, we are fine with you coming out with personal security team.

Thank you for your efforts to strengthen our ties. We look forward to welcoming you and your delegation to India.

Warm regards,

Duke Arvind Kumar
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Federal Union of India



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand would accept the recipient of the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. After necessary arrangement being discussed and implemented between Thailand, the Thai delegations of eight diplomats and three security detail would take off from the Suvarnabhumi Airport using the RTAF charted aircraft, heading toward the Indira Gandhi International Airport. The aircraft would head toward the international airspace, avoiding being cruising close to Myanmar.



GA Member
Apr 20, 2024
Foreign Minister Duke Arvind Kumar stood at the Indira Gandhi International Airport, ready to welcome the Thai delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand. He greeted them warmly as they disembarked from their RTAF-chartered aircraft.
"Welcome to India," Duke Arvind Kumar said with a smile. "We're excited to host you and engage in productive discussions during your visit."
Duke then led the delegation, along with police and Thai security, to a waiting private car, which would take them to Rashtrapati Bhavan.
Upon arrival, they passed through numerous security checks as they approached the heavily guarded citadel areas.
After ensuring that the Thai security was accommodated, the delegation was given a brief respite in a luxurious visitor's room, adorned with a wide array of ornaments.
Inside Rashtrapati Bhavan, a sense of feudal charm permeated the air, with the nobility displaying whiter skin tones compared to the city's populace, and a blend of European cultural influences evident in their attire alongside Indian garments.
As dinner was served, the delegation was welcomed to the table by Arvind and his ministry colleagues, all of whom were nobles. One member, in particular, belonged to the House of Chakri, which held a significant presence in India.
"Among the many topics we could discuss with our Asian brothers, I'm curious to hear your impressions of India," Duke Arvind Kumar remarked thoughtfully. "India's unique nation-state structure fosters a cosmopolitan environment among our elites, including those from royal houses such as yours. How does this experience compare to your expectations?"
He awaited their response with genuine interest, eager to engage in meaningful discussions during their visit.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Director-General Tongruedee of the Department of Asian Affairs disembarked at Indira Gandhi International Airport after her fellow senior diplomats had exited the cabin. Flanked by three security officers, each armed with an FN Five-Seven pistol, she descended the aircraft stairs gracefully. At the foot of the staircase, she was greeted by Duke Arvind Kumar, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Federal Union of India.

"Mr. Arvind, it’s a pleasure to meet you," Tongruedee said, extending a firm handshake. Her voice carried both formality and sincerity as she added, "Thailand appreciates your country's hospitality and looks forward to our forthcoming discussions which we hope will be both constructive and substantial."

As the Thai delegation made its way to Rashtrapati Bhavan, they displayed a calculated humility and friendliness towards the local populace, often engaging more with common citizens than with the elite.

Upon their arrival at the once opulent official residence of the President of India, now repurposed for such diplomatic gatherings, the atmosphere changed subtly. The event proceeded smoothly until a member of the Thai Chakri Dynasty entered the room. This arrival sparked a palpable shift in the demeanor of the Thai delegates, who straightened their backs and adopted a more assertive stance, a stark contrast to their previously reserved behavior.

When the Indian Foreign Minister inquired about the Thai delegation's impressions of the current state in India, a noticeable gravity settled among the group. Director-General Tongruedee took it upon herself to respond. Adjusting her glasses, she began, "Thank you for your question. We are indeed keen to exchange views with our Asian counterpart."

She paused before continuing, her voice steady and deliberate. "To speak frankly, Mr. Arvind, there are pressing concerns. The current state of governance in India desperately needs modernization. Moreover, the inclusion of a member from Thailand's former royal family at this dinner is deeply troubling. This decision does not foster a conducive atmosphere for our discussions."

Tongruedee’s tone conveyed the gravity of her words. "This oversight complicates matters, suggesting a disregard that might impede the very relationship our peoples, not our elites, seek to build. It is in our best interest to move past this incident, ensuring it does not hinder our mutual goal of a fruitful collaboration." She concluded, her expression one of solemn hope that they could indeed navigate past this diplomatic faux pas.



GA Member
Apr 20, 2024
Indian nobility present would find themselves confused. Not until Timothé Masson, a local noble, albeit not a diplomat by profession, scolded Arvind. "I told you dumbass this was a horrible idea!".

An argument quickly erupted. "Fuck off, Masson. I shouldn't have brought you to the table. Besides, your manners are truly horrible," was shouted back at Masson.

Krita Rojumanong, the Chakri in question, stood from the table, shrugged at the whole scene, stared at the Thai delegation, and left calmly without saying a word.

Other Indian nobles started to worry and chat among themselves; obviously, not everything was going to plan, and the glamour of the aristocratic luxury was cracked by the whole scene.

Masson then spoke over Arvind, "Honored Tongruedee, I hope you understand that this was more of a personal mistake by Arvind than any honest people here. I am aware of your long..."

Indian diplomats around Masson gasped, and Dimitri, also a noble and diplomat sitting next to him, started pulling Masson's hand and silently swearing at him in Russian, "Sit down, you degenerate! Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up!"

Arvind was ready to punch Masson, but Dimitri allowed the scene to diffuse a bit after Masson sat down.

Arvind made a long pause as he stood before the Thai delegation. "Ms. Tongruedee, um, yeah, I hope we can continue this friendly chat of ours. Mr. Krita has left of his own volition. I understand the depth of my blunder here. But, we can continue on. I hope you understand that Krita's presence was out of our best intentions." Arvind still felt totally uncomfortable from the way the whole thing had escalated, so he signaled to Dimitri with his eyes to take over talking. To his ease, Dimitri took the cue and stood up and spoke in fluent Thai.

"I hope you understand that things don't often go as planned here, due to many differing viewpoints and unique backgrounds."

As he spoke, Masson started fighting with Arvind, with one cursing in French and another in Hindi, until Masson was escorted by the two other Indian diplomats.

Dimitri did his best to ignore all of this and continue speaking.

"I do not want our dear friends to think that we are some aristocratic backwater! No! We are not mere reactionaries... Well, maybe some of us are, but I can assure you that I don't deny the need for modernization. The plight of the Indian workers is great! That is why we want to talk to our neighbors in the first place, to help the people of our nation through ensuring economic cooperation and regional stability."

As Dimitry spoke, whole scene calmed down, with Arvind trying to get some breath after the fistfight, and Dimitri taking a lead of diplomats present.

Dimitri continued: "Im sure that India can offer Thailand a lot, even where our views might differ on issues like domestic politics and governance of a nation. Im again sorry for behavior of some of our delegates, and hope we can start addressing some point of the meeting. First of which would be perhaps, the issues of Chakris in India? Why not start with that? Im open to understanding your concerns on this matter."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Director-General Tongruedee and the seven Thai delegates remained composed as the Indian dignitaries caused a scene before them. Despite the escalating tension, the Thai side observed silently, unaffected by the piercing gaze of one of the Chakri members.

There was a brief moment where it seemed the Indian Foreign Minister might address the situation, but it was swiftly followed by another altercation. After the removal of the Indian noble called Masson, Dimitri continued to address the room. The Thai delegation listened calmly yet attentively, their focus eventually turning to Tongruedee.

"Mr. Dimitri," she began, "Thailand holds no particular reservations concerning the former Chakri family. Our only expectation is that as the holder of Thai citizenship and they must fulfill their duties to the Republic, much like the current head of the family who has been actively involved in grassroots initiatives through the Progressive Movement."

Tongruedee subtly signaled to her team, hinting at a change in plans. "Thailand can handle these theatrics from the Indian nobility, but I'd rather have a private chat with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of India, right, Mr. Arvind?" She fixed him with an expectant stare.

"Thai diplomats aren't usually known for being aggressive, Mr. Arvind. We expect professionalism from our counterparts. But if they prefer a more casual approach, we can adapt. Could you please show me to a private room where we can discuss our bilateral relations?" Tongruedee concluded with a firm tone.

In a private meeting room, both the Thai Director-General and the Indian Foreign Minister were dressed in suits. Tongruedee adjusted her glasses before speaking plainly. “The incident was unintentional, and Thailand has no issue with it. However, we hope India learns from this diplomatic mistake and approaches interactions with other nations more sensitively to cultural nuances,” she remarked.

After a brief pause, Tongruedee resumed speaking. “Thailand envisions a collaborative and equal partnership with India. While we're eager to build a strong relationship, we can't align ourselves with a country indifferent to human suffering,” she said firmly.

“We're open to discussing trade, education, culture, sustainability, and environmental efforts, but those are the limits of our dialogue. We're committed to fostering a positive relationship within these bounds,” she continued, her posture straightening.

“Thailand prides itself on its egalitarian values and robust democratic institutions, established by our revolutionary founders. Our political landscape leans heavily towards the left, emphasizing the importance of finding common ground to progress. While our stance is clear, I encourage any questions you may have to deepen mutual understanding. And if you have insights into India's domestic affairs, please share; it would benefit both our nations,” she concluded.


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