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The Prime Ministerial Address


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Full transcript of the Prime Minister delivering a speech to the Congress of Deputies setting our his agenda.

Spain's foreign policy for the next four years will prioritize strengthening relations with our fellow European friends. It will also promote economic partnerships in Latin America, the Mediterranean basin, and the Asia-Pacific region. Spain wants to expand its diplomatic presence in Africa and the Middle East to improve security and cooperation. The country will continue to support multilateralism and international organizations, advancing the global agenda towards sustainable development, peace, and human rights. Furthermore, Spain wants to enhance its engagement with the United States and Thailand using this to mitigate strategic rivalry and fostering stability.

We will also be building a new transport policy for the next four years which aims to increase investment in sustainable modes of transportation, such as cycling and public transport. Under this government, we will be rolling out our new high-speed rail network which has received twenty-five billion dollars worth of investment. The government is committed to prioritizing the electrification of the commuter and medium distance rail services and promote the use of electric and low-emission vehicles, including through subsidies.

Over the next four years, the government of Spain aims to focus on promoting sustainable economic growth by investing in infrastructure, innovation, and education. To achieve this, we will offer tax incentives and procedures to encourage foreign investment. We will also prioritize the reduction of unemployment rates, particularly amongst youth and women, by providing training programs. The government also plans to strengthen policies in strategic areas such as tourism, energy, and industry. Additionally, Spain will focus on promoting internationalization, expanding its trade relations, and attracting foreign investment to boost its economy. Under this government, we have just completed the Cuatro Torres Business Area which we will be using to attract foreign investment.

Our policy for the next four years on defence and security will focus on strengthening national security and enhancing cooperation with international partners. The policy involves increasing funding for law enforcement agencies, improving border control measures by opening a dedicated agency to perform border control duties and investing in new technology to prevent cyber attacks. We will prioritize strengthening military capabilities to respond to security challenges, such as terrorism and illegal migration, through increased investment in technology, research, and development. Additionally, Spain will work towards improving the well-being of military personnel, including enhancing healthcare and support for veterans. Finally, the policy will strive to uphold international humanitarian law, ensure greater transparency in the defence sector, and enhance public awareness of national security issues.

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