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Watchful Eyes, the Paris Connection


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

In Moscow, the Federal Security Service would be executing numerous warrants against Russian officials who had contacts with the previous French Government. Several diplomatic cables were seized, public databases on the Franco-Canadian front were saved, as well as documents and transcripts provided by French officials. Additionally, Russian Intelligence had acquired several documents shared through German intelligence.

The Russian Investigation Team led by Colonel Katarina Romonova in Canada was underway, a second investigative team led by Colonel Nikolayev Aleskeevich would be sent to Paris to interrogate French nationals who were persons of interest. In Moscow, the FSB had compiled a comprehensive list of information on France during the 1990s and was reviewing it. This included a few bits of intelligence intercepted shared by the German BND and other Russian Agencies which had conducting active operations against France.

Following approval, a team of eighteen Federal Investigators would leave Moscow in a Aeroloft flight to Paris to be driven to Fontaine's detention. The Russians would arrive in their black uniforms, with armored vests, their sidearm, and six officers carrying Vityaz-SN sub-machine guns. Colonel Aleskeevich would introduce himself to the DGSI when his team had arrived in Paris. Along with the Federal Investigators, three Russian intelligence officers from the SVR were embedded. The eighteen Russian officials would, in their blackened vehicles, be driven to the prison where Fontaine was held. Once inside, they would sit down while the Russian medical examiner would perform a basic check-up on Fontaine to corroborate his condition.

Once complete three officers, one SVR agent, a younger man with hazel eyes and light brown hair in his police uniform, and a Federal Investigator, a younger woman with green eyes and ginger hair, and Colonel Aleskeevich himself would sit and perform the interrogation. The younger woman would ask the following questions and would not follow up until all answers were given. The SVR agent would watch Fontaine's movement while Aleskeevich observed silently. Officer Yurlova placed a recording decide on the table while Agent Olegovich placed a video recorder on the table.

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "For the record, please state your full name, title, and age for us."

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "For the record can you please describe your current health situation, detainment, and preservation of your rights as a prisoner."

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Mr. Fontaine, at any time did you serve in the French Government, and if so what was your official title, rank, and date of appointment."

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Mr. Fontaine, it says here in this cable shared by French Intelligence, that you served as Vice President of International Affairs. Do you accept this characterization?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "According to shared intelligence from Germany, in fact, you were not Vice President of International Affairs however you served within the Ministry of Interior's internal security organization. Which at the time was the predecessor of the DGSI/DSGE. Is that correct?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"According to your interview with the DSGI, when you were asked have you ever had any interactions with any current senior official within the Imperial government you responded with no...that you did not know their names. However, the former French government had actively attempted to neutralize opposition to its regime, including attempting to assassinate the current Empress. As a member of the French Interior Security Services surely you would've had knowledge of, or at least were reasonably aware of current officials in the French Government.

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "You said in your interview with the DGSI, when asked about contacts with groups designated as separatists or terrorists by the Canadian government, was approximately six years ago. Is that correct?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Do you accept this characterization, that the groups you allegedly attempted to aid were separatists and terrorists?"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "According to your interview with the DGSI, you said you only ever sought to serve the French people. How does arming the Quebec Insurgent group accomplish that goal?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Were you instructed by your government in your official capacity as a member of French intelligence to carry out this operation? If so. Please indicate who ordered you to carry out this operation."

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"When you financed and supplied weapons to these groups, how did you deliver them. Did you use any French territories or vessels to do so?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "As a member of French intelligence were you not given access to a considerable number of French weapons, would it not be reasonable to persuade that in your official capacity you were able to simply receive and distribute arms without having to steal them?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "As a member of French intelligence were your goals to overthrow Canada's government?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "According to your interview with the DGSI, you said "our people needed protection. I gave it to them." How did your actions offer them protection, what did you mean by our people, and was France actively involved in the Quebec insurgency?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"As a member of French intelligence were your actions your own or did they represent that of your government?

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "As a member of French intelligence did you directly oversee the operation or did you delegate this authority to anyone?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"As a member of French intelligence were you directed to create the Oriflamme Society?"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "As a member of French intelligence why did you mascaraed as a member of the French diplomatic corp? Was this your official cover?

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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
Fontaine looked up as the medical examiner came in to do a check-up, as the records indicated he would find no injury or any sign that the prisoner was abused in anyway, except maybe some marks near his wrists from the handcuffs when he was arrested. French law had long implemented a ban on all torture and as such investigators were limited to verbal means of interrogation only.

When the two Germans came in the man would display a massive grin.

"First they send me a hot French brunette, now a hot German, maybe if I'm lucky I get a Jap next. I should have gotten myself arrested years ago"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "For the record, please state your full name, title, and age for us."

"Sure honey, Jean-François Fontaine, Citizen of France, 48"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "For the record can you please describe your current health situation, detainment, and preservation of your rights as a prisoner."

"Everything is in perfect condition, and everything works fine" He said with a wink. "They didn't do anything to me and gave me my medication for my back. I have been informed of my rights and have been in contact with a lawyer who will defend my interests at Court"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Mr. Fontaine, at any time did you serve in the French Government, and if so what was your official title, rank, and date of appointment."

"I mean, I worked in the Ministry of the Interior but I'm not sure I was ever high up enough to be considered Part of the French Government. I was an analyst, it wasn't a military structure so we didn't have ranks, and I joined in I think 1990"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Mr. Fontaine, it says here in this cable shared by French Intelligence, that you served as Vice President of International Affairs. Do you accept this characterization?"

"I put that on my messages to look better. The title and the entire organization were made up by me and a few like-minded people who unfortunately share this prison with me"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "According to German Intelligence, in fact, you were not Vice President of International Affairs however you served within the Ministry of Interior's internal security organization. Which at the time was the predecessor of the DGSI/DSGE. Is that correct?"

"Yes, though the DGSI already existed. It just was less independent at the time. Who told you that?"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "According to your interview with the DSGI, when you were asked have you ever had any interactions with any current senior official within the Imperial government you responded with no...that you did not know their names. However, the former French government had actively attempted to neutralize opposition to its regime, including attempting to assassinate the current Empress. As a member of the French Interior Security Services surely you would've had knowledge of, or at least were reasonably aware of current officials in the French Government.

"I was out of the DGSI by that time. I was already tired of the High Kingdom of France and the screw-ups that came after that were even worse so I resigned. Of course I know who the Empress is, but I couldn't for the life of me name you every Minister"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "You said in your interview with the DGSI, when asked about contacts with groups designated as separatists or terrorists by the Canadian government, was approximately six years ago. Is that correct?"

"Yes, sunshine"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Do you accept this characterization, that the groups you allegedly attempted to aid were separatists and terrorists?"

"No, they were people looking to defend their rights against a fascist government"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "According to your interview with the DGSI, you said you only ever sought to serve the French people. How does arming the Quebec Insurgent group accomplish that goal?"

"They're French, if the screw-ups in Paris had any sense they would have tried to use chaos in Canada to restore New France to its rightful place"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Were you instructed by your government in your official capacity as a member of French intelligence to carry out this operation? If so. Please indicate who ordered you to carry out this operation."

"No, I went to my superior with the request to provide aid to facilitate a French resistance organization but was shot down. It should be in my records that the morons have undoubtedly shared with you"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "When you financed and supplied weapons to these groups, how did you deliver them. Did you use any French territories or vessels to do so?"

"There was a French cargo ship leaving from Marseilles with Quebec as its final destination. I can't recall the name of the ship for sure, I think it was the Gallois, but I gave a member of their crew 50,000 Francs to add the weapons and two of my friends to the cargo area of the ship. It flew the French flag but it was owned by a private corporation"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "As a member of French intelligence were you not given access to a considerable number of French weapons, would it not be reasonable to persuade that in your official capacity you were able to simply receive and distribute arms without having to steal them?"

"I was an analyst not a field agent or investigator, I had no need for weapons so I didn't have access to them. Even if I were there is no way they would let me have 5,000 rifles without authorization from the Director.

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "As a member of French intelligence were your goals to overthrow Canada's government?"

"My goals were to protect the French people under oppression of a Canadian fascist government"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "According to your interview with the DGSI, you said "our people needed protection. I gave it to them." How did your actions offer them protection, what did you mean by our people, and was France actively involved in the Quebec insurgency?"

"They are French so they are our people, if they had weapons they could defend themselves when the fascists came for them. I wish France had the balls to get involved, but no they were not"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "As a member of French intelligence were your actions your own or did they represent that of your government?

"They were entirely my own, I am kind of surprised they didn't catch me at the time but looking at how chaotic the DGSI was I shouldn't be surprised"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "As a member of French intelligence did you directly oversee the operation or did you delegate this authority to anyone?"

"I was in charge, but I worked with other people. A police officer, a corporal and a group of well-meaning citizens"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "As a member of French intelligence were you directed to create the Oriflamme Society?"

"No, the Oriflamme Society was something we created to add legitimacy and feign the illusion that we were some large organization"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "As a member of French intelligence why did you mascaraed as a member of the French diplomatic corp? Was this your official cover?

"It wasn't an official cover, the DGSI doesn't work with those. Only the DGSE does and only for agents involved in foreign countries. Pretending to be a member of the diplomatic corps got me into rooms I otherwise wouldn't have been able to. It was a means to an end."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Agent Yurlova raised her eyebrows, jolting down a few notes and then proceeding with her follow ups. Ignoring Fontaine's remarks as she continued to focus on her task.

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Mr. Fontaine. At the time of your employment at the French Interior Ministry the respective intelligence agency which was active was not the was the R-COMPSS. The Royal Commission for the Preservation of Public Security. Were you not aware of this?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Mr. Fontaine, you said you were an analyst. What exactly did you do in your government, what did you analyze and what division were you apart of."

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "If you were an analyst, within the French intelligence services, not in the Ministry or in the International Affairs division, yet you used the cover of being a part of the French International Affairs division, who exactly did you meet during your time?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"Who were these like-mined people to whom you are referring to?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "You said you were aware of the Empress. When were you made to be aware of the Empress, how were you made aware, and was it in your official capacity as an analyst?

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"You previously stated you didn't know any one in the current government and were specifically asked, about the Empress. Why did you change you answer here."

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "You said these groups were defending their themselves from a fascist government. What exactly was this fascist government doing?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Is it not true that at the time of your employment with French intelligence, that France had actual cut diplomatic relations with Canada and was in-fact not supportive of it?

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"If this were the case, why did the French Government not try to support these rebels? You said there were screw-ups in Paris. Whom exactly are you referring to?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"Based on your remarks is it reasonable to say that members of the French Government were indeed aware of your plan?

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Alongside the base officers, the crew of the ship, who else did you pay to allow for this operation to succeed."

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Your director was in a position to authorize this operation correct?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Are you related to Marc Fontaine, the current Minister Delegate to Italy and the Holy See?"

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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
"Aww, no love sugar? They always say French men are irresistible" Fontaine said, continuing to taunt the interrogator.

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Mr. Fontaine. At the time of your employment at the French Interior Ministry the respective intelligence agency which was active was not the was the R-COMPSS. The Royal Commission for the Preservation of Public Security. Were you not aware of this?"

"As you should know by now France has a lot of Intelligence Agencies. I think we have like 7 right now if I recall correctly from the news a few weeks back. The DGSI wasn't the dominant agency, but it did exist.

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Mr. Fontaine, you said you were an analyst. What exactly did you do in your government, what did you analyze and what division were you apart of."

"I was a part of the Persons of Interest Monitoring Division. My job was tracking the activities of persons identified as persons of interest by any investigative or security agency. We intercepted their communication, movements, etcetera."

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "If you were an analyst, within the French intelligence services, not in the Ministry or in the International Affairs division, yet you used the cover of being a part of the French International Affairs division, who exactly did you meet during your time?"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Who were these like-mined people to whom you are referring to?"

"The people in this wretched prison with me, I'm sure if you ask nicely they'll let you see them too"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "You said you were aware of the Empress. When were you made to be aware of the Empress, how were you made aware, and was it in your official capacity as an analyst?

"It was all over the news when someone tried to stab her when she was still an infant. So I guess I was made aware of her over 25 years ago. And at the time I had no official capacity"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "You previously stated you didn't know any one in the current government and were specifically asked, about the Empress. Why did you change you answer here."

"I stated I had no interactions with them and that I barely knew their names, which is still the case"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "You said these groups were defending their themselves from a fascist government. What exactly was this fascist government doing?"

"They were oppressing the rights of minorities, I wouldn't be surprised if remnants of those devils were the ones behind the terrorist attacks those cowards attacked us for"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Is it not true that at the time of your employment with French intelligence, that France had actual cut diplomatic relations with Canada and was in-fact not supportive of it?

"Do you think I keep track of who those idiots recognized or didn't recognize? All I knew is they were too screwed up to take advantage of the situation"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "If this were the case, why did the French Government not try to support these rebels? You said there were screw-ups in Paris. Whom exactly are you referring to?"

"Maybe ask the idiots that did, some should still be alive I think. We should have done something, I know for sure if we had struck then with all we had we wouldn't be in this position now. As for who I am referring to, the entire corrupt pile.from the so-called King down"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Based on your remarks is it reasonable to say that members of the French Government were indeed aware of your plan?

"If they were aware they certainly never let me know about it, and I'm not sure how they would be. Our policy was to involve as few people as possible. Kept things a lot more secret. If they had known I would have been in a cell a long time ago"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Alongside the base officers, the crew of the ship, who else did you pay to allow for this operation to succeed."

"Two customs officials in the Port of Marseilles to look the other way"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Your director was in a position to authorize this operation correct?"

"Yes, he would have been in the position to authorize the operation. But I never heard of any proposal being approved despite multiple being made"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Are you related to Marc Fontaine, the current Minister Delegate to Italy and the Holy See?"




GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Mr. Fontaine. At the time of your, the DGSI did not exist. It was replaced by Royal Intelligence and the Royal Security Bureau alongside the Royal Committee. You stated that you worked in the monitoring division. Can you name your director, staff members, or anyone who can corroborate you did in fact work for French intelligence?

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Repeating my previous question, If you were an analyst, within the French intelligence services, not in the Ministry or in the International Affairs division, yet you used the cover of being a part of the French International Affairs division, who exactly did you meet during your time?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "You stated that you worked in the persons of interest. Was your government simply not aware of the dissident group including the Empresse family?" Surely you would've tapped their communications?

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Regarding the designation. My point is, you were personally invited into the Canada portfolio despite it not being part of your official work, based on your statements, yet you didn't have any knowledge on France's own position on Canada? Is that an accurate assessment?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "How were the weapons intercepted? The Quebec rebels claimed they never received the weapons. Why was that?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"Why would they arrest you? In fact based on your own testimony you stated that you approached the French Government who rejected your plan. Surely they had to be aware, about the plan which you shared with them?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"Your operations included Marseille, did you operate in any other facilities?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Are you related to Camille de la Fontaine, CEO of the now defunct PMC Group Poseidon in France?

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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Mr. Fontaine. At the time of your, the DGSI did not exist. It was replaced by Royal Intelligence and the Royal Security Bureau alongside the Royal Committee. You stated that you worked in the monitoring division. Can you name your director, staff members, or anyone who can corroborate you did in fact work for French intelligence?

"I do not know where you got your intelligence from but the DGSI absolutely was the one sending my salary to my bank account. If you want corroboration that I work for them just look up the damn personnel file"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Repeating my previous question, If you were an analyst, within the French intelligence services, not in the Ministry or in the International Affairs division, yet you used the cover of being a part of the French International Affairs division, who exactly did you meet during your time?"

"I claimed to be part of the International Affairs Division of the Oriflamme Society, not the French government. I met with no one in that capacity, I just sent messages to Canada"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "You stated that you worked in the persons of interest. Was your government simply not aware of the dissident group including the Empresse family?" Surely you would've tapped their communications?

"They weren't considered persons of interest at the time, if you ask me the High Kingdom wanted the then Princess gone just as much as any dissident group did. She was a threat to the usurper's power. Something that I guess turned out to be true as she is the one sitting on the throne now instead of him"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Regarding the designation. My point is, you were personally invited into the Canada portfolio despite it not being part of your official work, based on your statements, yet you didn't have any knowledge on France's own position on Canada? Is that an accurate assessment?"

"I was never invited into any portfolio, but departmental compartmentalization wasn't really a thing at the time. I looked up some basic information I needed, whether or not we worked with them quite frankly didn't matter"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "How were the weapons intercepted? The Quebec rebels claimed they never received the weapons. Why was that?"

"I don't know how they knew, but I assume the Canadians were monitoring their communications and when they intercepted them they had all the data needed to intercept the shipment.

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Why would they arrest you? In fact based on your own testimony you stated that you approached the French Government who rejected your plan. Surely they had to be aware, about the plan which you shared with them?"

"Are you seriously asking why they would arrest me for going behind the government's back and without their permission steal weapons from an Army depot, bribe customs officials, and ship weapons to a foreign group? Yes they knew of my plan, yes they saw my proposal. But when it was turned down they assumed I would be a good boy and fall in line"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Your operations included Marseille, did you operate in any other facilities?"

"The first few years I was in Paris"

Federal Officer [Karina Beckhardt]: "Are you related to Camille de la Fontaine, CEO of the now defunct PMC Group Poseidon in France?

"De la Fontaine and Fontaine are different surnames, so definitely not"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Mr. Fontaine. I wish to push deeper on your time at the intelligence community. As internal intelligence, what exactly did your area of operations expose you to French foreign-policy making. Did you interact with French diplomats, overseas directors, and the sorts?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "On the same note, as internal intelligence, what exactly did your area of operations expose you to French defense-policy making. Did you interact with French military officials, overseas regional commanders, and the sorts?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "How did you assess the FLQ and the decision to support them. Walk me through the process and your rationale."

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "In your professional capacity, what was the likelihood of success had the FLQ received your weapons that they would have succeeded?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "In your professional capacity, what are the security implications of French officials willfully selling government equipment which can be used by terror groups like the FLQ?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "In your professional capacity, would you retaliate the Balearic Islands, if they were used to supply terrorists in France with weapons which they used for an attack?

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "If you decide to retaliate or if you didn't decide to retaliate, what in your professional capacity, would influence such a decision?

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Now, onto more questions relating to your time in the PoI division. Did you ever defect or work as a double-agent for another government of the Empress' family?

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Did you ever kill anyone as part of the persons of interest project?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"Did your activities within the PoI lead you to spy on top government officials of the previous government?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Lastly, you stated that you heard about the Empress some 25 years ago. Did she never come up again during your time at persons of interest?"



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Mr. Fontaine. I wish to push deeper on your time at the intelligence community. As internal intelligence, what exactly did your area of operations expose you to French foreign-policy making. Did you interact with French diplomats, overseas directors, and the sorts?"

"I don't know how they handle things in Russia or for that matter currently in France, but when I was employed there was a strict separation between departments, branches and responsibilities. As an analyst my official duties were primarily analysis of information provided by all kinds of investigatory methods. Interacting with government officials was not something that happened at my level.

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "On the same note, as internal intelligence, what exactly did your area of operations expose you to French defense-policy making. Did you interact with French military officials, overseas regional commanders, and the sorts?"


Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "How did you assess the FLQ and the decision to support them. Walk me through the process and your rationale."

"There were only so many movements fighting for the rights of French-speaking people and in light of their fascist government even fewer capable of even forming any kind of resistance. Quite frankly the decision to go with them was because there wasn't an alternative"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "In your professional capacity, what was the likelihood of success had the FLQ received your weapons that they would have succeeded?"

"Depends on the objective, I could have never secured enough weapons to bring about the independence of Quebec, but I could have given them the means to protect themselves against their tyrannical government"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "In your professional capacity, what are the security implications of French officials willfully selling government equipment which can be used by terror groups like the FLQ?"

"That is not my area of expertise"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "In your professional capacity, would you retaliate the Balearic Islands, if they were used to supply terrorists in France with weapons which they used for an attack?

"At no point did I ever control military forces or for that matter have the political power to order a military response against another country. So I cannot comment what I would do in a professional capacity as that kind of decision was never part of my duties"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "If you decide to retaliate or if you didn't decide to retaliate, what in your professional capacity, would influence such a decision?

"Again, I cannot answer this question professionally"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Now, onto more questions relating to your time in the PoI division. Did you ever defect or work as a double-agent for another government of the Empress' family?

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Did you ever kill anyone as part of the persons of interest project?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]:"Did your activities within the PoI lead you to spy on top government officials of the previous government?"

Federal Officer [Viktoria Yurlova]: "Lastly, you stated that you heard about the Empress some 25 years ago. Did she never come up again during your time at persons of interest?"

At this stage a young woman dressed in a navy pantsuit would walk in. "This line of questioning is over. My client has agreed to discuss matters relating to the weapons shipment, as the French state is currently still investigating him for his activities under previous administrations I cannot let him incriminate himself" Jacqueline Bouchard, Fontaine's lawyer stated. Fontaine clearly wanted to speak still but he wisely opted to listen to his legal representation.

Once the lawyer had made her position clear the lead investigator for the DGSI, Samuel Allard, would also step into the room. "Perhaps it is time to take a short break so mister Fontaine may be able to confer with his representation. The Director has asked me to share evidence we have collected with your delegation anyway"

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GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Yurlova held her pen in her hand as she prepared to scribble her notes for her next line of question. But before Fontaine could speak the door open followed by a petite French lady walking in. Putting her pen down she turned to Fontaine and whispered. "They said French men are here they are hiding you from me." Officer Yurlova said quietly as the men were too focused on the sudden arrival of a lawyer. She said it with a smile as the tape recorder was turned off. Agent Yurlova then turned to the female lawyer. "I hope it is well understood that this incident will be recorded in our final report."

Colonel Aleskeevich who had stood up to would turn Lead Investigator Allard. He spoke to Oleg in Russian before turning to Allard. "I need not remind you your Government invited us here to investigate the truth. I hardly can say that this will reflect positively that Mr. Fontaine was either unduly denied legal services which arrived late or that his legal representation was secretly listening unbeknown to his interrogators. He said as he looked at the glass plane he could only assume that they were being watched from by others.

"Though, I need to stretch my legs. Perhaps a break is for the best. Wouldn't you agree Director Fontaine." He said before switching to Russian telling the other two to come with him. He then turned back to Fontaine and turned to Allard saying, "Lead the way Lead Investigator." Oleg had gathered the Russian's equipment as Viktoria stood up to follow them.

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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
Jacqueline would respond swiftly to the Russian. "I do not care what you put in your report, I represent mister Fontaine. Not the French state"

Samuel for his part would respond to Alekseevich. "Yes, I need not remind you that we informed your government beforehand that as a prisoner in France mister Fontaine maintained his full civil rights under French law. The right to legal representation is one of the most sacred rights enjoyed by suspects under French law. My superiors have informed yours of this."

Seeing as no one in the room on the French side had the director rank and Fontaine certainly never had it in any official organ of the French state that final comment would be ignored.

Once they were outside the room Allard would turn to the Russians once more. "At my request all the original samples of the intercepted communications, shipment manifests, logs and all other data as published has been delivered to this location for your agents to review and authenticate. If there are any other documents you require access to these can be delivered within 24 hours"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Colonel Aleskeevich observed the room as his team ignored Jacqueline while they left the room, looking at Fontaine who did not react before leaving the room himself. Outside the room Aleskeevich's team would comb through the original samples that were provided to them as Aleskeevich spoke with Allard.

"Thank you for providing the original information. It is more appreciated Lead Investigator." Aleskeevich said with a pause before continuing. "Was Mr. Fontaine's lawyer present the entire time?" Aleskeevich asked with a pique of curiosity.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
Allard nodded in confirmation before stepping aside from the door he was leaning against and opening it revealing a room connected to the one Fontaine was being held in. "French law is rather inflexible when it comes to questioning suspects. As a result even when a suspect wants to talk they still need legal representation. Miss Bouchard was in this room monitoring the conversation, normally she should have approached one of us to let us know to halt the questioning but instead she decided to take that on herself" He continued. The room was fairly simple, inside was a table with several monitors on it and the window side of a one-way mirror, currently darkened as attorney-client conversations were considered confidential as well.

"Miss Bouchard's firm has been in negotiations with the Parquet for a few days now. They know how important this investigation is to France and I suspect they are trying to leverage its importance into some kind of full immunity agreement. In addition to the weapons shipment to Canada several years ago we suspect Fontaine of having committed various murders, including the assassination of the Empress' late father. As you can likely understand in light of that legal immunity has been a tough sell. But I do think we can pursue an agreement that nothing said by Fontaine to your team can be used by the parquet to prosecute him. That way you can still do the full investigation and we don't have to give a murderer a get out of jail free card"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I can not comment on a domestic matter." Aleskeevich, a former prosecutor himself, said as he listened to Samuel speak. "I believe we have most of the information we needed to write our report. Needless to say, Fontaine has not provided much outside of what we had already figured out from other sources." He conceded with a sigh.

Aleskeevich paused as he tried to word his next statements carefully.
"Fontaine mentioned that he had others in the prison here with him. We would like written statements from them. Aside from that, unless Mr. Fontaine wishes to make any more statements, I do not see any more value in continuing with this form of questioning."


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