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Watchful Eyes


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Darkness clouded Moscow as a convoy of black SUVs silently made its way through the city streets. Things were quieter since the anti-government protests had simmered down in Moscow. The convoy converged on a private terminal of Moscow International Airport. The Russian Federal Security Service's (FSB) Special Operations Unit, designated Alfa, clad in tactical uniforms, assembled on the tarmac carrying bags with weapons, tactical armor, and other equipment for their mission packed. Their equipment would be cataloged and faxed in advance to the Canadian Government to keep track of weapons entering their country.

At the tarmac, a sleek Aeroflot aircraft awaited, engines humming with restrained power as they did their final checks before their flight. The investigators from the Federal Security Bureau's counter-espionage office would be, dressed in formal attire, joined the Alfa team. They brought personal bags as well as professional equipment including encrypted computers, cameras, hard drives, and their standard issue side-arm. The Alfa would bring tactical vests for all the investigators as well.

As dawn began to break over the Russian capital, the sky painted in hues of orange and pink, meant time was coming close. The teams began to board the plane as they prepared for whatever awaited them in Canada.

Inside the aircraft, an eery silence enveloped the cabin as the teams settled into their seats. Alfa members, with their tactical expertise, occupied their section of the aircraft, doing a final check of their equipment. As they settled in the remaining FSB investigators took their seats as they waited for take off.

The hum of the engines intensified as the plane taxied down the runway, marking the beginning of their journey. The atmosphere inside the cabin was tense as the experienced members of the group quietly rested knowing this may be their last safe night while the in-experienced members were gripped with either a sense of excitement or fear that plagued their sleep. Berlin's city lights faded below, and as the plane became silhouetted against the glow of the rising sun some looked back at their homeland one last time.

The Chief Investigator, Colonel Katarina Romonova of the FSB, would sit in her chair as she reviewed the reports given to her by her supervisor. She had additional information prepared by her team before she arrived to keep herself informed. She would consult both French, German, and Canadian sources as she completed her preliminary reading.

Captain Dimitry of the Alfa unit would speak with Romonova as the two discussed the best way to keep their members safe. There was an active war going on in Canada after all and it would be expected that their investigations may make them targets for foreign or rebel groups.

As the aircraft soared over the vast expanse of the Atlantic, the two discussed in-depth best practices to share with the inexperienced members of their team. With the Atlantic waves fading into the distance, the aircraft began to descend into Canada where the BKA and their Canadian counterparts would meet.


As the aircraft approached its descent over the Canadian landscape, the atmosphere within the cabin shifted. The hum of the engines was accompanied by a heightened sense of anticipation among the Alfa members. The time for preparation had come, and the operators seamlessly transitioned into a ritual of gearing up for the imminent mission.

In the confined space of the aircraft, the Alfa operators moved to their private section where the soft glow of overhead lights illuminated their cabin. An array of tactical gear was neatly arranged on their seats. Each operator, clad in dark uniforms, began the process of donning their equipment. Kevlar vests, tactical gloves, and masks were donned. As the operators laced their boots the captain would indicate they would be landing soon.

Across the cabin, the clinks of magazines being loaded into weapons resonated, an echo that turned the stomachs of those still apprehensive about going. The metallic click of rifles being chambered reverberated through the confined space as the Captain began to speak. As the operators conducted final equipment checks, the plane descended further, closing in on the Canadian soil that awaited them.

As the aircraft approached the landing, the Alfa operators sat in a state of alert readiness. The hum of the engines lowered as the wheels touched down on Canadian soil, marking the beginning of a mission that demanded the utmost vigilance.

In the dimly lit cabin, the Russian operators, fully geared and armed, awaited the moment when the cabin doors would open, and they would step into the unknown. The anticipation in the air was tangible, a silent prelude to the challenges that awaited them as they disembarked, ready to navigate the complexities of an investigation on foreign soil.

As the doors opened, the Alfa operators would be the first to exit, securing the exterior of the aircraft as Colonel Romonova excited with them to greet her Canadian counterparts. Expressing her deepest sorrows for the tragic events that had transpired, Colonel Romonova extended her hopes that these investigations would reveal the complete truth.


With her team assembled and the FSB investigators exiting the plane, the Russians would follow the Canadians to be presented with various pieces of evidence and prepare to conduct their own investigation and questioning. Adorned with the emblem of the Russian FSB, vehicles part of the Convoy would be taken to the ongoing Canadian investigation allegations of French involvement in the Canadian conflict.

The investigators had secured their confidential documents including foreign documents and intelligence briefings, they would await whatever the Canadians would present them. Bringing cameras, audio recorders, transcribers, and so forth. Interrogation questions would be prepared as they anticipated to be asking some questions.

The Alfa operators remained vigilante as they monitored their surroundings, their weapons armed and ready. Some of whom had just served in Afghanistan and others still fresh, nonetheless, all acutely aware the necessity to avoid failure.

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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

From CFB Uplands, the Canadian military and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police used police vans to escort the Russians there to where the evidence was currently being held in the M. J. Nadon Government of Canada Building some ten minutes west of the airport. Once there, they were led into the basement of the building and through various checkpoints and finally into a vault where everything was held.

"It is here," Commissioner Zaccardelli gestured to the weapon crates, television and VHSs, and the physical letters that were protected by laminated plastic. "Please wear gloves when inspecting everything and avoid touching crucial spots such as grips, triggers, bolts, and barrels as to preserve as many fingerprints as possible. When inspecting the letters please avoid bending them, keeping them as straight and flat as possible. I'll be here for any questions or conserves."

Within each metal crate were roughly five FAMAS assault rifles with their magazines stored beside them, though all ammunition was stored elsewhere for obvious reasons. Roughly nine-hundred crates were placed up against the walls of the large underground room, taking up more than half of the total space in the room. On the far side of the room stood a television and two VHS atop a VCR. Within the VHS were the recordings of the Quebec City port when the containers of the ships arrived with the weapons, the timestamp of these videos were marked as occurring roughly six months ago (though beyond the knowledge of anyone these dates had been altered by the CSIS). Lastly, there were the physical letters, sent to the terrorists by the French (though, once again, these had been slightly altered by the CSIS).

"The letters are the printed versions of the e-mails sent to Mr. Villeneuve, a previous terrorist currently in custody. We do have the e-mails on copy if you wish to read and investigate them in that fashion."

Each of the physical letters were as follows, printed out:
To Whom It May Concern,

Recent events in Canada have lead to my concern for occupied Quebec and other Francophone Canadians. While your organizations and mine might all have our various political differences, I believe that in this trying time it is necessary for us to come together. I am seeking your organizations, either together or apart, to become go-betweens in the establishment of an off-the-books paramilitary force in Quebec, designed to protect Francophone and Catholic Canadians from threats both inside and outside of Canada. We are willing to deliver several shipments of FAMAS G2s, PAMAS G1s, Hecate IIs, PGM Ultima Ratios, AA-52s, as well as act as a go-between to purchase third party firearms. We also have access to a wide range of consumer vehicles we can smuggle in.

I am interested in providing you monetary, military, material, or political aid wherever needed to protect the Francophones and the Catholics in Canada.

Peace be Upon You,

Jean-François Fontaine
Vice President, International Affairs
Oriflamme Society
Avignon, France

From: Raymond Villeneuve
To: Jean-François Fontaine
Re: Oriflamme Society

To Mr. Fontaine,

This proposition is an interesting one to say the least. Usually I would have ignored your e-mail, believing it to be someone attempting to make a joke out of me and my past or some sort of government wing of Canada attempting to catch me in a terrorist act or some other crime. However, from my personal research it seems that you are a legitimate business. Which begs the question: why would a foreign business wish to aid my movement? Let alone doing so by arming my people with weapons to combat against the illegal occupation of my homeland?

As the saying goes: this seems far too good to be true.

Raymond Villeneuve

Mr Villeneuve,

The rapid growth and political success of what amounts to be the Canadian Anglophone monarchy has proven to be a threat to the Francophones in Canada, and I am Afraid it could even be a threat to France's territorial integrity itself, should they gain true power and make moves on Ste Pierre. Now, my organization may not have the same Marxist roots as yours, in fact in many ways we are opposed, but just like 'De Gaulle brought together Catholics, Republicans, Monarchists, and Communists in the face of Hitler's invasion, I believe that we must work together to keep our people safe. And as far as I'm concerned, that includes the entire Francosphere.

Peace be Upon You,

Jean-François Fontaine
Vice President, International Affairs
Oriflamme Society
Avignon, France

From: Raymond Villeneuve
To: Jean-François Fontaine
ReRe: Oriflamme Society

To Mr. Fontaine,

I see and I understand your point of view. The growth of their power concerns me as well and I know it concerns many Quebecois and those within the Bloc Quebecois as well. With the proper equipment and financial aid from you, that is if you are truly ready to dedicate such aid, I could raise a proper group of French patriots. With a proper group and perhaps even the support of the Bloc Quebecois, we could formally declare our independence from the English occupiers.

If we are to work together and smuggle weapons into Canada then I believe that Quebec City is the best location to do so. Montreal is far too controlled by the Canadian government to allow us to safely bring these weapons in. However, Quebec City is the heart of the Quebecois separatism movement and I have contacts there from my days in the Front de libération du Québec who have strings in the ports who will be able to let these containers through.

Are you truly prepared to help us fight for a Free Quebec?

Raymond Villeneuve

Mr Villeneuve,

I have taken your information under consideration and agree. I will arrange for 5,000 FAMAS G2s, 500 Hecate IIs, and 5,500 PAMAS G1s to be delivered to Quebec City, post haste. This is for the Francophones of Canada, France, and of the world.

Peace be Upon You,

Jean-François Fontaine
Vice President, International Affairs
Oriflamme Society
Avignon, France

From: Raymond Villeneuve
To: Jean-François Fontaine
ReReRe: Oriflamme Society

To Mr. Fontaine,

Very well. Let me know when the shipment is on its way.

I'll make the necessary preparations.

Raymond Villeneuve

"Raymond Villeneuve is also currently in custody, alongside various terrorist leaders if you wish to interrogate any of them on this matter."


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Outside of Nadon Building, the Russian Alfa Operatives stood next to their vehicles given that the facility was secured by the Canadians and they had no authority to operate around the facility. Some younger operatives took their helmets off, sitting on the sidebar of the vehicle or chat profusely with whatever poor Canadian was assigned to watch them.

Their broken English did not help for much, but there was one who spoke decent French. The other operatives kept a watchful eye on the remainder of their equipment to avoid any efforts to monitor it. Looking with disappointment as one of the younger operatives shoved his AK-103 rifle into the hands of a Canadian to let him see it as they laughed.

Inside, the FSB investigators would be presented with the evidence that Canada had collected. Inside the investigators would wear gloves and begin walking around as they looked at the weapons. From a distance they seemed all clean, as if they were taken out of the assembly line or an arsenal. Russian Intelligence had previously indicated that it was more likely the weapons were drawn from the French Military as opposed the manufacturer.

One of the female investigators would turn her attention to the Canadians, speaking in English, with a hint that she had studied in England due to her accent,
"Have you identified any prints on the weapons?" She said, seeking to avoid smudging the evidence for other investigators who followed as she picked up the weapon. Another male investigator held the weapon from its butt with his fingers on the barrel as he held it closely. Speaking in Russian he told those taking photos to take a look at this one. More photos were taken of the weapons as the Russians examined what looked to be clean and unused weapons.

The Russians noted the 900 creates placed upon he walls, and the five rifles in front of them. The male investigator who had previously held the weapon would turn to the female investigator and beacon he something in Russian. She would then turn her attention to the Canadians and ask
"Are these all the weapons captured? It appears that there are 4,500 rifles here not the 5,000 promised in the letter." She said holding up the third letter. "The Hecate IIs and PAMAS G1s, are they located elsewhere or in the crates?"

"The letters are the printed versions of the e-mails sent to Mr. Villeneuve, a previous terrorist currently in custody. We do have the e-mails on copy if you wish to read and investigate them in that fashion."

Another group of investigators watched the VHS tapes regarding the raid on Quebec City port. The agents watched as the Canadian counter-terrorism unit arrived at the Port and set up a cordon. They saw as four men, including the POI Raymond Villeneuve himself exited the vehicle. They watched the footage that showed the Canadians inspecting the shipment to find the Famas rifles, but did not see any videos of the Snipers and pistols promised. Again the agents spoke to the female investigator who then relayed the information to the Canadians.

"May we take a copy of these tapes for further analysis?" She asked as the Russians seemed interested in the tapes. "How did the Canadian Government come to be aware of the plot and the plans intended by the Quebec Terrorists?" She asked as she took a copy of the emails comparing them to the ones the French had publicized.

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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

"Aye," the Commissioner told the female investigator. "Some of the prints point to terrorists already in custody, though some of the rifles have prints which we can't identify—possibly French. Or maybe Canadians not in the system. Though we've printed all those currently in custody and none of their prints matched the ones we're scratching our heads on, so... we've decided they're likely French prints."

He answered her other question. "These are all the French weapons we've captured and confiscated. There's some five-hundred FAMAS rifles, five hundred sniper rifles, and over five thousand pistols currently unaccounted for. Best bet is they have another warehouse out there somewhere in the wilderness, maybe set up incase their coup attempt failed. We've yet to find anything, though. But if we do I'm certain our government will inform yours."

The Commissioner signaled one of his men to make a copy of the VHS for the Russians. On the VHS was a video of Villeneuve and his people receiving and reviewing the firearms from the French before they stored them in a nearby warehouse. "Villeneuve is a known terrorist, a mastermind behind the FLQ which attempted to form a independent Quebec with the help of the Soviets. As such, when the coup attempt occurred—and failed—we received a warrant for his detainment and access to his home and all electronics as we believed he might have had a finger in the situation. We found the emails on said electronics and Villeneuve was promptly arrested for being a member of the Heritage Front and smuggling firearms into Canada."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Would it be possible to have a list of prints with picture identifications and then the list of unidentified prints. We may be able to run the information down in our database to see if there are many matches." The Female Agent said before the older male investigator she had been translating for said something causing her to follow up with, "Though unlikely." She said with a smile.

"If you are comfortable. We can also share the information with our investigators in France who can confirm with French officials to capture potentially more actors who are involvement." She said as she followed the Commissioner as he drew attention back to the weapons case.

The female investigator translated once again for the others, as the Commissioner spoke about the weapons.
"With those numbers you could have between 1,000 to 1,500 potentially more terrorists out there. That is indeed...very concerning. You captured these containers at a shipyard. Was there perhaps a previous delivery or are the weapons located on French islands nearby?" She asked as she walked around once again.

"We would definitely like the opportunity to investigate Villeneuve if possible. As well as the other FLQ operatives and other nationals who were captured at the weapons site. She said as she received the copy which she handed to a younger agent to be processed.

"Does your Government know if the FLQ or French intelligence have attempted to make communications recently and did the electronic intelligence provide any insight into their methods?"



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The Canadian Investigator looked at their Russian counterparts and spoke "I can get someone to get a list of the prints and pictures for you however I would need to run up the chain of command regarding the investigate to Villeneuve." the Canadian would pause before speaking again "Not that we are aware, with the change over in administration there is some gap within communication however I'm hoping this picks up once everything is settled." the Canadian would look to the Russians allowing them to speak


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"That would be appreciated. Please take your time. We understand these changes come with some bureaucratic readjustments. In the meantime, we will send back the information we have to Moscow for additional review. I am sure we are at the last stages of our investigation and we understand that Canada is looking for closure in this regard."


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