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Recent content by Grant

  1. Grant

    [IEA]: Hunting Rats

    FOB Zulu Sulaiman Mountains, Afghanistan-Pakistan Border 05:22 AFG (UTC+4:30) Morning arrived, yet the air remained crisp, carrying the biting chill of the Afghan mountains. The sun crept higher, its light stretching across the rocky plateau, slowly working to chase away the night’s lingering...
  2. Grant

    [Al-Qaeda]: No Safe Haven

    Jamal and Omar sat quietly as the bus rumbled along the highway, taking them from the airport into the heart of Moscow. The vehicle was packed with a mix of weary travelers, bustling locals, and eager tourists, all crammed together in the dimly lit interior. The scent of damp coats and stale air...
  3. Grant

    France | Covert Message to Afghanistan

    - ENCRYPTED MESSAGE - To: Pierre Brochand, Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure Alexander From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Subject: War against al-Qaeda Dear Mr Brochland, First and foremost, please accept my sincere...
  4. Grant

    [Al-Qaeda]: No Safe Haven

    Jamal’s mind raced as he scrambled for an excuse, all while keeping his expression calm and neutral. He stole a glance at Omar, then spoke with an air of confidence. "My friend and I are embarking on a grand world tour, starting in Moscow and crossing Europe. My family was unfortunately killed...
  5. Grant

    [IEA]: Hunting Rats

    The team huddled in the crevice, scanning their surroundings for any sign of movement. They had just landed in one of Afghanistan’s most dangerous regions, where friendly faces would be scarce for days. Pressing himself against the rock wall, Adrian gripped his G36C, raised it to the ready, and...
  6. Grant

    [IEA]: Islamic National Army

    Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Afghanistan National Army - Regional Corps Security Classification: TOP SECRET
  7. Grant

    [IEA]: Contacting Syria

    - ENCRYPTED MESSAGE - To: Muhammad Qasim, Leader of the Islamic Liberation Army Drivindeath From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Subject: Opening Communication Dear Muhammad Qasim, Thank you for your recent communication and for...
  8. Grant

    Thailand to Afghanistan | Opportunity to Thrive

    - ENCRYPTED MESSAGE - To: Surakiart Sathirathai, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bossza007 From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan Subject: Proposal for Strengthening Bilateral Relations and Scheduling High-Level Dialogue Between Thailand and...
  9. Grant

    [Al-Qaeda]: No Safe Haven

    Jamal awoke from his slumber to the familiar voice echoing through the cabin: the pilot announcing yet another flight update, but this one took Jamal's interest. It was the start of their initial descent towards Sheremetyevo International Airport, and they estimated they would land within the...
  10. Grant

    [IEA]: Hunting Rats

    Vanguard HQ, Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan - 19:30 AFG (UTC+4:30) The Vanguard team spent the next several hours meticulously preparing their gear for the arduous mountain operation. This wasn’t a casual trek—it would test their endurance, resilience, and planning to the limit. With...
  11. Grant

    [Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan] Personnel

  12. Grant

    [Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan] Personnel

  13. Grant

    [Al-Qaeda]: No Safe Haven

    Jamal was jolted awake by the startling sound of his alarm piercing through the silence of his room. He gently gazed towards the bedside table where his phone rang out, the screen's light illuminating the room. He led there for a moment, letting it ring out. He couldn't believe it was 5 a.m...
  14. Grant

    [IEA]: Hunting Rats

    Hours had passed, and Adrian leaned over the table in the planning room, his keen eyes scanning the array of maps and reconnaissance photos. Documents from Javed lay scattered across the surface, each holding a vital piece of the puzzle he needed to solve. Methodically, he cross-referenced the...
  15. Grant

    [IEA]: Hunting Rats

    Afghan Defence Minister Javed Karim sat behind his desk, the operation brief spread open before him. He had reviewed it several times, each glance deepening his sense of urgency. The details were all there, but his mind wouldn’t rest until he was entirely sure. Vanguard, the private military...