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[IEA]: Contacting Syria


Jul 1, 2018



To: Muhammad Qasim, Leader of the Islamic Liberation Army Drivindeath
From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: Opening Communication

Dear Muhammad Qasim,

As-salamu alaykum, esteemed brother of Islam.

I write to you with the sincere hope of creating an ever-strengthening bond between our nations and affirming a shared commitment to the unity of the Muslim Ummah. In the wake of the recent Al-Qaeda terror attacks in London, our faith and people have come under increased scrutiny, leading to a troubling rise in Islamophobia worldwide. Acts of harassment, discrimination, and violence against Muslims have created an atmosphere of fear and mistrust, distorting the true essence of Islam.

Now, more than ever, it is imperative for all Islamic nations to stand together in solidarity. By fostering unity and collaboration, we can counter misconceptions and ensure that Islam is rightfully recognized as a faith of peace, compassion, and justice. Through concerted efforts, we can challenge false narratives and protect the dignity of Muslims across the world. Your leadership presents a vital opportunity to strengthen ties among Muslim nations and advocate for a collective response to these challenges. Together, we can uphold the values of our faith, defend the rights of our people, and work towards a future where Islam is respected and understood, rather than misrepresented and vilified.

May Allah (SWT) grant you wisdom, strength, and success in guiding Syria towards peace and prosperity under just and righteous governance.

I look forward to your response and the prospect of working together for the betterment of the Ummah.


Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Temporary Governance

Encryption: Encrypted/Private
Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Grant
Sender: Muhammad Qasim, ILAL Commander
Subject: Re: Opening Communication

Dear Yusuf Agha,

Wa-alaykumu s-salam, my brother of Islam.

First let me state the joy I feel in having you write to me. My mistakes of the past haunt me. For years I fought on your lands as an invader to unify the country under Taliban rule. Now in my later years I see my faults. It brings me delight in knowing that I can now bring some good to our regions. The detestable attack in London brings tears to the Syrian people and I. To have called those monsters brothers of mine, brings me shame.

I whole heartedly agree that now, more than ever we Islamic Nations need to stand United against these foreign threats. I have been informed that Thailand may seek to Invade Syria. I will not allow this to happen. You have my support in word and prayer my brother that we stand united to defend Islam. However, I do have pressing internal matters to deal with.

The Russians have been granted safe passage through Syrian territory, to their respective bases, until the end of February. At which point I have told the Russians they must leave. If they fail to do so, I will order and attack on the bases to reclaim the territory. The Russians were an ally of the Assad Regime and are not to be trusted. I do not wish and ill will towards them, however, I will not allow them to dictate Syrian politics ever again.

Thailand is a bigger threat. They have openly declared war against Islam. I wish no war against them, but will not back down should they keep bolstering. The one positive is that it seems the Western World seems not to trust them as well. This may work towards my advantage. Despite my past in fighting the Western World, I have a favorable view of them and wish to work closer with them.

Last let me say that I am working with local officials to rectify a new Constitution for Syria. This includes a stable government and political offices. My largest threat to Syria is that of the Islamic Republican Guard of the Levant. The IRGL is fracturing each day, and control is becoming chaos. Groups continue to attack the Kurdish people. I've also heard rumors that certain groups may attack the Golan Heights. This worries me, if this happens the Syria may plunge into a third civil war. The ILAL isn't capable of fighting off the entire IRGL. The Kurdish more than likely will not side with me as their trust has been broken multiple times. The French have reached out in support and I fear they may be my only ticket to a peaceful transfer of power. I rather have this done by the hands of the Syrian people ourselves.

Thank you for your correspondence and I look forward to hearing from you.


Muhammad Qasim
Islamic Liberation Army in the Levant



Jul 1, 2018



To: Muhammad Qasim, Leader of the Islamic Liberation Army Drivindeath
From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: Opening Communication

Dear Muhammad Qasim,

Thank you for your recent communication and for expressing remorse regarding past actions. We firmly believe that anyone has the capacity for change and can become a positive force in the world, regardless of past interactions. Your dedication and commitment to protecting the Islamic faith are commendable, and we appreciate your willingness to assist us in addressing this issue.

We deeply sympathize with your current challenges in Syria. As you know, Afghanistan has faced difficulties recently, and we fully understand the necessity of prioritizing internal matters before seeking diplomacy outside your borders.

I feel I may be able to help you with your issue with Thailand. Their Minister of Foreign Affairs has contacted my department directly to propose an in-person meeting to discuss the ongoing problems contributing to global unrest, especially around Islam and the recent attacks in London. I intend to engage in a frank and direct conversation regarding the claims they have made against Islam and to ensure these concerns are addressed appropriately. Furthermore, I will do my utmost to support Syria by shifting their attention away from your nation and directing them toward the entities that warrant their focus. Fortunately, Afghanistan has maintained a long-standing relationship with Thailand, placing us in a strong position to influence their approach toward your situation positively.

In the meantime, as you work toward establishing a new constitution in Syria and as stability gradually returns, we would like to express our interest in mutually establishing embassies in each other’s capitals. This would enhance diplomatic communication and strengthen cooperation between our nations. I would also like to propose arranging a diplomatic visit once stability has been restored.


Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan​



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Temporary Governance

Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Grant
Sender:Muhammad Qasim, ILAL Commander
Subject: Re: Opening Communications

Dear Recipient Yusuf Agha,

Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. I will have to keep this message brief as I have many things to need my attention here.

On the prospect of an embassy I'm sure that can be arranged once an official government is established. When a diplomatic visit can be arranged, I'm sure it will be with an actual government official and not a soldier such as myself.

My primary concerns as of late are gathering key assets in the region before the rest of the IRGL does. The alliance is fracturing faster than anticipated. Currently my forces control all of Aleppo, Damascus, and Homs. The other entities of the alliance control the rest of the region. My issues are still that of money and manpower. Only 4 of the 20 groups align with my goals. They have pledged their full support. These groups are as followed: Syrian Relief Army (SRA), Islamic Front (IF), Syrian Nationalist Movement (SNM), and Aleppo Civil Guard Patrol (ACGP). The remaining groups are nothing more than a bunch of radicalized barbarians. With a bit more money, manpower, and time, I could send in forces to end these senseless attacks on the Kurdish controlled regions and restore peace. However, these other groups will need to be eliminated. I know that if I ally myself with western powers then most of these groups will stand down, as it would mean their imminent destruction.


Muhammad Qasim
Islamic Liberation Army in the Levant


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