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Recent content by Jay

  1. Jay

    Diplomatic Cable < Colombia>

    МИД РФ Ministry of Foreign Affairs AUTHENTIC COMMUNIQUE OF THE OFFICE OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted [Recipient]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs < Jovan > [Sender]: Embassy of the Russian Federation, Republic of Colombia < > [Subject]...
  2. Jay

    Пресс-служба и отдел информации | Press Service and Information Department

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation expresses its deepest condolences to the people and government of Colombia following the tragic and cowardly terrorist attack that took place this morning in the capital, Bogotá. The heinous bombing, which resulted in the loss of innocent...
  3. Jay

    Diplomatic Cable < Poland >

    МИД РФ Ministry of Foreign Affairs AUTHENTIC COMMUNIQUE OF THE OFFICE OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted [Recipient]: Minister of National Defense Antoni Macierewicz < ManBear > [Sender]: Minister of National Defense, Russian Federation <...
  4. Jay

    Slavic Affairs | Poland

    "On our sisterly relationship with Ukraine, I believe we can agree on," Boris said with a pause finding the right words before continuining. "I believe that we must be pragmatic with the fact not only in Kyiv but also in Türkiye, Columbia, and likely elsewhere socialist movements are emerging...
  5. Jay

    [Russia] Personnel

    <table class="fc_block_personnel"><tr><td>Country</td><td>Russia</td></tr><tr><td>Personnel Quantity</td><td>20,000</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>20,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>Completion Date</td><td>23//03/2025</td></tr><tr><td>Total Cost</td><td>-400,000,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>Private /...
  6. Jay

    In the shadows of Warsaw

    The older man raised an eyebrow as Long said he was a cultural analyst. "A lot of security for a cultural analyst in Poland of all places." The man chuckled, looking at Robert before gesturing to a seat. The man took the seat first, waiting for Robert to take a seat. "Mr. Long, I am here...
  7. Jay

    Diplomatic Call < United States >

    "Russia is supporting the legitimate government of Syria Secretary Adams," Lucie said. "When terrorists took Damascus, they beheaded the higher elements of Syria's Government, however, Russia was able to evacuate a large number of civil servants and members of government to Latakia, where the...
  8. Jay

    GEI | Message to Russia

    "My government would be eager to hold small and medium scale exercises with India and of course enhance our military capabilities together," Akhmetov said to Fernandes. "Please. Captain, you have the floor" Akhmetov sai,d looking at the GIN Group Captain. Basedcnt
  9. Jay

    State of Affairs | America

    "I am glad to hear President Sinclair," Boris said, rubbing his nose. "I will not keep you long, President Sinclair. Thank you for taking this call. I appreciate it. I hope you will keep me informed of any decisions Britain may make in Afghanistan given my nation's proximity and security...
  10. Jay

    GEI | Message to Russia

    "Yes Please," Akhmetov said taking them back to the main room where they could discuss the remaining points. "Please, Mnister, you have the floor." Basedcnt
  11. Jay


    Secret Over the last few days, servicemembers from Russia's air force stationed in Syria were a part of numerous briefing sessions which covered security, rules of engagement, and the general objectives of the deployment. Maintenance crews focused on checking all aircraft, carrying out any ad...
  12. Jay


    SECRET Staff from across the Navy and Fleet Support Division had spent the last few days working extensively to ensure all ships, equipment, and aircraft were ready for their deployment that was increasingly of concern to Moscow over hostile naval maneuvers in the region. The Servicemembers...
  13. Jay

    Military Recruitment

    I wanted to propose changing recruitment to follow the following model. I think the current system could be improved by creating more structure with the training program aimed at different levels of military and paramilitary personnel. The idea is that you can mass-produce paramilitary forces at...
  14. Jay

    [Australia]: Message to Russia [SEC=TOP SECRET]

    "Senator Faulkner, not at all." Pavlovsky said as he took a seat at the Minister's invitation. "I understand that things can be different in the land down under." He said with a smile as he crossed his legs and leaned back into his armchair. He listened to the Senator express Australia's view on...
  15. Jay

    In the shadows of Warsaw

    The chilly wind cut through the narrow streets of Warsaw, the city’s spring bite sharp enough to make Long pull his coat tighter around him. He moved at a steady pace as he scanned the bustling street. The small cafes and boutiques lining the sidewalks were a mix of the old and the new—brightly...