Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
President Benjamin V. Sinclair
April, 2006
"Good afternoon. Today unsettling news was published that revealed that the governments of the Russian Federation and India are each over 100-billion-dollars in debt. There have been reports from both Russia and India that...
TheWallStreetJournal BREAKING: The New York Stock Exchange has come to a halt after President Sinclair ordered the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) to suspend trading for the rest of today. The White House announced that the President will address the nation this evening during prime time...
The Russian and Indian governments are $120-billion and $103-billion in debt, respectively. President Sinclair has returned to the White House from a short vacation to Maine after news came through of a negative market reaction to even more Russian and Indian debt. Global...
"Portugal is a close partner and friend of the United States, but I will be honest with you and tell you that we have declined selling strategic weapons to them as well... Under current American foreign policy, we would not sell or transfer strategic weapons to anyone, even our allies...
"That is indeed concerning," Adams said.
"I'm hoping that you could elaborate more on Russia's position in Syria and what your government's objectives are there? Regardless, an international incident or escalation between Russia and France is certainly not desirable. Has your...
TO: Luis Amado, Secretary of State of the Portuguese Republic ( Bruno )
FROM: Luke Adams, Secretary of State of the United States of America
Secretary Amado,
I apologize for how long it has taken me to get back with you. I was able to speak...
Robert Long's official title was Cultural Analyst. As far as it was explained on paper, he was a State Department employee who was part of the embassy staff. This role conveniently offered him diplomatic immunity, but it was probably something that he would never need in Poland. The...
WashingtonPost President Sinclair has just given a State of The Union address where he has focused on the domestic accomplishments of his administration as well as international alliances abroad. Read more here. @WashingtonPost
The House Chamber
February 28, 2005
6:04 PM EST
President Benjamin Valentine Sinclair had now been President for over a year. This was Sinclair's first State of The Union since he had been sworn in as President. While the Gore Administration had to face countless...
ROLEPLAY NOTICEPlease read this notice thoroughly before you continue roleplaying.
Greetings participants of this thread. It appears that some great RP is going on here. From an OOC standpoint, I don't want to ruin that, but we also have to keep in mind some of the forum rules regarding the use...
In Washington D.C. it was the mid-afternoon. He had just eaten a shrimp Caesar salad for lunch on one of the rare days where he was able to eat lunch alone. He savored these days where he could sit back, eat, and relax... well, it was his version of "relaxing" for lunch. While he ate...
Operation Trident, while uneventful, was considered a success. The United States Navy had learned some lessons and returned to their home ports. The crews were given shore leave and to submarines went under for some temporary maintenance until...
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