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Search results

  1. Bossza007

    Thailand to the United Kingdom | Aspiration

    To: <Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland> Jamie From: <> <Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand> Subject: Re-normalization of the diplomatic relations between Thailand and the United Kingdom Security Type: NSST 1.0...
  2. Bossza007

    Thailand to the United States | Agreement

    To: <The Government of the United States of America> Odinson From: <> <Government of the Republic of Thailand> Subject: Next Step of the Diplomatic Relations between Thailand and the United States Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 To the Government of the United States...
  3. Bossza007

    Thailand State Visit | Japan

    Secret unless contextual possible. The new Empress of the Empire of Japan had formally invited the Thai Prime Minister to conduct a state visit, which the Thai leader eagerly accepted to fly out of his homeland. Necessary preparations for the state visit by Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to...
  4. Bossza007

    Thailand to Japan | Bilateral Relationship

    To: <Her Imperial Majesty Aimi, Empress of Japan> Tokugawa From: <> Subject: Diplomatic Relation between Thailand and Japan Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 Your Imperial Majesty, I have the honor of writing this formal electronic correspondence to extend my sincere...
  5. Bossza007

    Socialist Causes to New Zealand | Office

    To: <New Zealand Companies Office> basedcnt From: <> Subject: Application for the Establishment of NGO in Wellington, New Zealand Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 To New Zealand Companies Office, The Socialist Causes is seeking to establish its branch office in New...
  6. Bossza007

    2004 Thai Senate Election

    Vote Here! (First Round: District Level) ◤Democrat Party The Democratic Party stands as one of Thailand's primary contemporary political factions, with the Thai Rak Thai Party serving as its main rival since 1998. Rooted in the country's history, several influential figures within the Democrat...
  7. Bossza007

    Socialist Causes to Portugal | Office

    To: <Instituto dos Registros e Notariado> Bruno From: <> Subject: Application for the Establishment of NGO in Lisbon, Portugal Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 To Instituto dos Registros e Notariado, The Socialist Causes is seeking to establish its branch office in...
  8. Bossza007

    Socialist Causes to United Kingdom | Office

    To: <Companies House> Jamie From: <> Subject: Application for the Establishment of NGO in London, England, United Kingdom Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 To the Ministry of Justice of Russia The Socialist Causes is seeking to establish its branch office in United...
  9. Bossza007

    Socialist Causes to Egypt | Office

    To: <Ministry of Social Solidarity of Egypt> Kelly the Mad From: <> Subject: Application for the Establishment of NGO in Cairo, Egypt Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 To the Ministry of Social Solidarity of Egypt, The Socialist Causes is seeking to establish its...
  10. Bossza007

    Socialist Causes to Russia | Office

    To: <Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation> Jay From: <> Subject: Application for the Establishment of NGO in Moscow, Russia Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 To the Ministry of Justice of Russia The Socialist Causes is seeking to establish its branch office...
  11. Bossza007

    Socialist Causes to Poland | Office

    To: <National Court Register of the Kingdom of Poland> ManBear From: <> Subject: Application for the Establishment of NGO in Warsaw, Poland Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 To the National Court Register of Poland, The Socialist Causes is seeking to establish its...
  12. Bossza007

    Socialist Causes to Australia | Office

    To: <Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission> Owen From: <> Subject: Application for the Establishment of NGO in Sydney, Australia Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 To the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, The Socialist Causes is...
  13. Bossza007

    Socialist Causes

    Welcome to the Socialist Causes Empowering Communities, Transforming Economies About Us Socialist Causes is an independent, globally-minded non-governmental organization dedicated to fostering a peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism worldwide. We believe in a future where economic...
  14. Bossza007

    Thailand to France | Commitment

    To: <Her Imperial Majesty, Empress of the French Empire> Alexander From: <Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand> Subject: Terrorism in New Caledonia Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 Your Imperial Majesty, I have the honor to convey my highest regards on behalf of...