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Search results

  1. Odinson

    United States | Message to Russia

    THE WHITE HOUSE ENCRYPTED MESSAGE TO: Boris Nemstov, President of the Russian Federation ( Jay ) FROM: Benjamin V. Sinclair, President of the United States of America President Nemstov, Thank you for coming to the United States for my inauguration. I strongly feel that your visit here was...
  2. Odinson

    United States | The Devil's Canyon

    Private 5:13 A.M. PST Los Angeles, California A young and ambitious FBI special agent arrived to work early on a Monday morning. He was wearing a black suit white a white shirt and dark blue tie. His firearm was holstered on his right and his bronze FBI badge was barely hidden behind his suit...
  3. Odinson

    [Transfer] United States to Federal Reserve System

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>SENDER</td><td>United States</td></tr><tr><td>RECIPIENT</td><td>Federal Reserve System</td></tr><tr><td>VALUE</td><td>5,000,000,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>REFERENCE</td><td>Repayment</td></tr><tr><td>ENCRYPTED</td><td>No</td></tr></table>
  4. Odinson

    COMPLETE United States | Operation Trident

    OPERATION TRIDENT SECRET NAVY DEPLOYMENT SUBMARINE FORCES PACIFIC Vice Admiral Morgan Duran Ship ClassVesselComplimentHome Port Ohio-class (SSBN)USS Florida155Pearl Habor, Hawaii Ohio-class (SSGN)USS Georgia155Pearl Habor, Hawaii Seawolf-class (SSN)USS Jimmy Carter141Pearl Habor...
  5. Odinson

    [Purchase][United States] Ohio-class Submarine

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Submarines</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>United States</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Ohio-class Submarine</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  6. Odinson

    United States | Wire to Egypt

    OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE ENCRYPTED MESSAGE TO: Zero Jabour, Chief of International Affairs of the Sultanate of Egypt ( Kelly the Mad ) FROM: Luke Adams, Secretary of State of the United States of America Chief Jabour, President Sinclair has directed me to contact you and inform you...
  7. Odinson

    United States | ONI Dispatch to Pacific Allies and Partners

    OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE ENCRYPTED MESSAGE TO: First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff of The Royal Navy of The United Kingdom ( Jamie ) CC: Chief of The Navy of The Royal Australian Navy of The Commonwealth of Australia ( Owen ) CC: Inspector of The Navy of The...
  8. Odinson

    United States | Inauguration of President Benjamin Valentine Sinclair

    PRESIDENTIAL INAGURATION While the divisiveness of politics was not always pretty, and passions and tempers ran high during the campaigning season, President-elect Sinclair's political rivals conceded to him and publicly pledged their support for Sinclair and his soon-to-be administration...
  9. Odinson

    United States | Message to Poland

    OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT ENCRYPTED MESSAGE TO: His Majesty Stanislaus Grabowski, King of Poland ( ManBear ) FROM: Benjamin V. Sinclair, Vice President of the United States of America Your Majesty, I personally know that the Gore Administration and the American armed forces have worked...
  10. Odinson

    United States | 2004 Presidential Election

    2004 Presidential Election Fitzgerald|Edwards vs. Sinclair|Blumenthal vs. Sharp|Thune After long campaigns and two presidential debates, it had come time for the election between former Secretary of State Jackson Fitzgerald, retired Marine Corps General Henry Sharp, and Vice President...
  11. Odinson

    IMPLEMENTED New Emoji Reaction

    Howdy everyone, As most of you know, the "laugh" emoji was removed because people were using it in unfriendly ways to others. I think that the current range of emojis still reflect a wide range of feelings, however this is one that we don't have: wholesome/thankful. It is my belief that this...
  12. Odinson

    United States | 2004 Presidential Debates

    First 2004 Presidential Debate Foreign Policy & International Affairs On September 30, former Secretary of State Jackson Fitzgerald (Democrat), retired Marine Corps General Henry Sharp (Republican), and Vice President Benjamin V. Sinclair (Independent) gathered at the University of Miami in...
  13. Odinson

    United States | Dispatch to Australia

    Secret Nickolas House, the United States Secretary of The Navy, picked up the phone and called the Australian Minister of Defense, John Faulkner, after being advised to do so by the United States Secretary of Defense. Secretary House made sure to make the call during a time that both he, and...
  14. Odinson

    United States | Operation Blue Coral

    OPERATION BLUE CORAL SECRET NAVY DEPLOYMENT BATTLESHIP BATTLE GROUP ONE Rear Admiral Stanley French Ship ClassVesselComplimentHome Port Iowa-class BattleshipUSS WisconsinTotal: 1,932/// Compliment: 1,800 /// Pilots: 8 /// Marines: 120 /// NCIS Agents Afloat: 4Pearl Habor, Hawaii...
  15. Odinson

    [Purchase][United States] Ohio-class Submarine

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Submarines</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>United States</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Ohio-class Submarine</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  16. Odinson

    [Purchase][United States] Celestial-class Cutter

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Frigate/Replenishment Vessel</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>United States</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Celestial-class Cutter</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>5</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  17. Odinson

    2004 Independent Candidate For President

    STATE OF MAINE Dyce Head Lighthouse September 6, 2004 6:49 P.M. EST The town of Castine, Maine was normally a sleepy coastal community that had little to no excitement other than an annual festival or two, Sunday church services, and the occasional group of students from the local Maine...
  18. Odinson

    One More Time, One More Job

    Private MARYLAND Camp David September 1, 2004 7:31 P.M. It was 69 degrees outside, nearly perfect weather at Camp David. The Secret Service had the perimeter of the premises under very careful surveillance as well as a constant watch on President Gore, but here they were able to keep a bit...
  19. Odinson

    2004 Republican National Convention

    REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION New York, New York 2004 Republicans from around the United States gathered at Madison Square Garden in New York City for the 2004 Republican National Convention. While the Republicans did have some victories in the House, Senate, and some gubernatorial...
  20. Odinson

    2004 Democratic National Convention

    DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION Boston, Massachusetts 2004 Tens-of-thousands of loyal Democratic Party members along with hundreds of Democratic politicians and elected officials - along with many who hoped to be elected - gathered in Boston for the Democratic National Convention. Many...