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Search results

  1. Bossza007

    Thailand to Russia | Something Greater Than Ourselves

    To: <Presidential Executive Office of the Russian Federation> Jay From: <; Office of the Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Thailand> Subject: A New Chapter in Thai-Russian Relations: An Invitation to Dialogue and Renewal Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0 |...
  2. Bossza007

    Thailand | Republic Navy Routine Operation

    Title: Republic Thai Navy Routine Operation Document Number: RTAF-RTNRO-001/2006 Classification: Secret and Encrypted Security Level: NSST 1.0 Architecture Date: January 15, 2006 Public Section: I. | II. Secure Information and Intelligence Sharing: Empire of France (Alexander)XI. IntroductionX...
  3. Bossza007

    Thailand to Afghanistan | Opportunity to Thrive

    To: <Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan> Grant From: <; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Thailand> Subject: Proposal for Strengthening Bilateral Relations and Scheduling High-Level Dialogue Between Thailand and...
  4. Bossza007

    Thailand to Australia | We Are More Than Capable

    To: <Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen From: <; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Thailand> CC: <Honourable Martin Ferguson, Minister for Tourism of the Commonwealth of Australia> Subject: Proposal for...
  5. Bossza007

    Thailand to the United Kingdom | Let's Take Another Step Forward

    To: <Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland> Jamie From: <; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Thailand> Subject: Proposal for High-Level Diplomatic Engagement to Strengthen Thailand-UK...
  6. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] First Win Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP)

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>First Win Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP)</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>250</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  7. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] T.991-class Patrol Boat

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>T.991-class Patrol Boat</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  8. Bossza007

    Thaksin to Yi | Open Letter

    Thailand Electronic Mail Service Official Correspondence Encryption: Public Release Recipient: Ming Yi, President of the Republic of China Zebra Sender: Thaksin Shinawatra, National Level Coordinator and Facilitator (Prime Minister) Subject: Open Letter of Clarification on Thailand's Socialist...
  9. Bossza007

    BILLING IN PROGRESS Thailand | Republic Coast Guard Routine Operation

    Title: Republic Coast Guard Routine Operation Document Number: RTAF-RCGRO-001/2005 Classification: Semi-Confidential | Secret Security Level: NSST 1.0 Architecture Date: January 2, 2006 Public Section: I. | II. Secure Information and Intelligence Sharing: Empire of France (Alexander)XI...
  10. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] RTAF-6 Trainer

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>RTAF-6 Trainer</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>25</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>4,000,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>Private /...
  11. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] Kia KM250

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Kia KM250</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>480</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>4,800.00</td></tr><tr><td>Private /...
  12. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] First Win Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP)

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>First Win Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP)</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>250</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  13. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] Kia KM250

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Kia KM250</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>480</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>4,800.00</td></tr><tr><td>Private /...
  14. Bossza007

    Thailand to China | Support

    To: <Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China> Zebra From: <> Subject: SARS-CoV Outbreak in Guangdong Province Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture | Secret and Encrypted To the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of China, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the...
  15. Bossza007

    [Thailand] Personnel

    <table class="fc_block_personnel"><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Personnel Quantity</td><td>38,525</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>50,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>Completion Date</td><td>Wed, 26 Feb 2025 </td></tr><tr><td>Total...
  16. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand ] First Win Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP)

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand </td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>First Win Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP)</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>250</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  17. Bossza007

    Thailand to Australia | Thanks for Feedback

    To: <Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia> Owen From: <> Subject: Clarification on Australia Concerns Security Type: Official Diplomatic Clarification | Public Access To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia, The Ministry...
  18. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] Kia KM250

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Kia KM250</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>480</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>4,800.00</td></tr><tr><td>Private /...
  19. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] Dassault Rafale M F3-R

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Dassault Rafale M F3-R</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>30</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  20. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] Charles De Gaulle-class Aircraft Carrier

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Aircraft Carrier</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Charles De Gaulle-class Aircraft Carrier</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...