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Search results

  1. Stazz_Blood115

    Blood Nation messages to the united states

    [Encrypted][Private] My names is Obito Shiba and i am the president to the Blood Nation and i was curious if you would be interested in a deal i have thought to present to you if interested please contact me back...
  2. Stazz_Blood115

    (Blood Nation message to India)

    [Encrypted] [Private] Thank you for a speedy reply i am Nomo Pho Minsiter of defence of the Blood Nation we are Currently a new nation in the state you call singapore i apoligize for not Identifing myself clearly and our intentions is to establish a mutual beneficial alliance with you and...
  3. Stazz_Blood115

    (Blood Nation message to India)

    (Private) ( Encrypted): The blood Nation is contacting you to see if we can benefit from one another would you be open to secret talks until we come up with and allience or if we dont end up haveing a aliance i will not disclose anyhting said in the talks either way they end up.
  4. Stazz_Blood115

    Blood Nation News

    Head General of all blood Nations Military has divided it into 4 groups !: the Blood Nation Army, Navy, Air force and Blood Nations Special Forces and say " Even though we want to be peaceful with all we will not take acts of war lightly and take action after serious consideration's Before...
  5. Stazz_Blood115


    Awesome thank you
  6. Stazz_Blood115


    oh i wont b4e able to reply on wensdays and thursdays sorry i spend time wiht my family on those days so i apoligize in advance
  7. Stazz_Blood115


    Awesome Im ok with that and right now im doing some research for the state of singapore in the year you guys are in i have played roleplaying games before but nothinglike this so im happy for a chance to play this with you all
  8. Stazz_Blood115


    Thank you jake
  9. Stazz_Blood115


    i am as soon as i can and singapore is what I would like to play
  10. Stazz_Blood115


    Hi I look forward to play this game with all of you and hope we have fun and if i can get the nation i would like, hope to have a good game with all
  11. Stazz_Blood115

    [MN]: Singapore Registration

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>REQUESTED COUNTRY</td><td>Singapore</td></tr><tr><td>OFFICIAL COUNTRY NAME</td><td>Blood Nation</td></tr><tr><td>TAX RATE</td><td>400.00</td></tr><tr><td>JOIN THE GLOBAL ASSEMBLY</td><td>Yes</td></tr><tr><td>HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US</td><td>My Friend recomended...