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[Èire] Declaration of War Against The United Kingdom


32 County Republic of Ireland
Sep 1, 2018

For eight hundred years, we the people of Ireland, have had to endure the unwelcomed presence of an alien regime on our own soil, during the course of this most tragic eight hundred years we have witnessed the seizure of our land, the expropriation of our resources, the deprivation of our ancient liberties, the destruction of our native tongue, and the partition of our homeland. Throughout this eight hundred year period of misery and despotism, the Irish people have made it clear to this alien regime with its alien crown and parliament that it was by no means willing to give up on the restoration of Ireland's Sovereign Independence and that consequently, they were prepared to take up arms so that they might enjoy the self determination so frequently taken for granted by the other nations of the world. As it stands today, Ireland is no more free than she was previously, deprived and impoverished she is most bitter clamouring for what is rightfully hers, the Six Counties. Since 1921, she has wept and suffered in silence as her children faced discrimination and endless torrents of abuse but fearing the she their mother would be slain she reluctantly opted to maintain the status quo and so while the martyrs bled she remained silent. Today, is the end....the end of silence for assembled in The Dail, we her children announce that at this point in time a state of war exists between the sovereign thirty-two county democratic republic proclaimed from the steps of the GPO in nineteen-hundred sixteen and The United Kingdom of Great Britain.
