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تسعة و تسعون Saudi Arabia-Operation Damar دمار


Apr 8, 2021


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
المملكة العربية السعودية المقدسة


Armed Forces Deployment
انتشار القوات المسلحة
خاتم الله

Operation Damar

عملية التدمير

Military Engagement
TOP SECRET, Shared with the Republic of Turkey
August, 1999
Operational Background

Following increasing tensions and the clear Turkish Objective to procede with an invasion of Palestine-Israel the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has taken the moment to seize the opportunity to destroy one of the Kingdom’s longest standing foes. Therefore the 4th armored Division and the Saudi Special Forces Royal Guard Battalion will be deployed to the city of Haql only 51 km from the Israeli Port City of Eilat. The primary force of this deployment will be the 70 Astros II MLRS capable of firing rocket artillery at a range that covers a major portion of Israel, including the city of Jerusalem. These systems will be used for the attack of key infrastructure and Israeli Military Forces(as well as nearby sea fairing vessels traversing the Red Sea. following the steps laid out by the Joint Command made by the Turkish. Absolute Secrecy would be vital as the division is deployed to the city.

Operational Objectives

The Deployment of the 4th Armored Division and Royal guard Battalion the City of Haql


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Republic of Turkey



State of Israel

Deployed Forces

4th Armored Division

  • 1st Armored Brigade
  • 2nd Armored Brigade
  • 3rd Armored Brigade
  • 4th Rocket Artillery Brigade
(200) AMX-30 main battle tanks
  • 800 Crew
  • 24 Crew
(70) Astros II MLRS
  • 210 Crew
(10) Shahine SAM
  • 50 Crew
Deployment Area

City of Haql: KL

Axis12 Zak
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Apr 8, 2021

His majesty has made the decision and agreed with the Defense Ministry that this was clearly a strike by the Israeli Government against Saudi Arabia and it will not go unpunished in any regard whatsoever. The King originally never really had the heart for war, while he talked and Talked no progress was made and many knew within the government that nothing would come from the declaration of war but a peace deal later on where possibly the Turks might give his government a reward for allowing them to take out a loan and use their air bases. It was more symbolic in a way that the king once said that he didn’t plan to make any ground assault or otherwise, maybe an air strike or two to rally the Arab world but now things are much different. Tens of Thousands are dead and many more will die from a heinous act that was certainly committed by the Israelis. No Nation has a deep desire to kill civilians rather than military personnel than the Israelis and now it comes into focus that Saudi Arabia all along should have made sure to eradicate this foe. Operation Damar Therefore will commence with the mission to destroy Israel and it’s people in conjunction with the Turkish Government as fast as possible. All Oil Exports to North America and Europe are to be cancelled immediately and it is time to fight fire with fire. This means that the maximum amount of damage should be inflicted on the Israelis.

The Divisions involved would become active as the soldiers rallied from the horrendous news coming out of the east where many of the men had families affected in the cruel attack, even command had lost a top officer on vacation in Dammar which further invigorated the men. Tanks would roll out and begin to disperse into the nearby city of Tabuk under cover so that they could be deployed in a further operation but the main offense would be made by the Brazilian MLRS now stationed in Haql. These Launchers would be stationed in and around the city after the civilian population was evacuated. To ensure aerial protection, 10 Shahine SAM Systems equipped with a Doppler E/F-band radar vehicle and six Crotale missiles would be stationed around the town as well. The Astros would target the Israeli 5006th "South" Reserve Logistic Support Unit, 727th "Steadfast" Field Intelligence Battalion, LOTAR Eilat, 35th "Ocelot" Light Infantry Battalion, 776th "Avraham Adan" Combat Support Battalion, 7901st Reserve Artillery Battalion, and 7902nd Reserve Artillery Battalion all stationed in Eilat. This would to amount to a total target count of 8,800 Enemy targets confirmed in the city. The Astros II would be equipped with Universal Multiple Launcher Module 127mm – 450mm systems and would be fully equipped and supplied with all neccary equipment.
The Troops in the City would be the primary target while 10 Launchers would be dedicated to firing at the Uvda Air Base farther north. All would be ready and Saudi Arabia would be on high alert for any Israeli Response.

The Commander would notify all rocket launchers that firing will commence at the same hour the first missile struck Saudi Arabia(22:00) and all vehicles would fire their 4 SS-150 Rockets at their designated Targets(240 Rockets for Eilat, 40 Rockets for Uvda AFB. It was ordered that immediately after the successful launches of all missiles, reloading vehicles which are part of the system would begin to reloading as soon and as quickly as possible to prepare to fire another successive round of missiles at a TBD target, likely a farther northern Air Force base.

The watches of the MLRS commanders would quietly tick away and the men would wait readily for the retribution they all knew they deserved and when the hand hit 22:00 hell was let loose.
The Missiles would fire away creating a huge flashes of light in the dark sky as they began their very short arc to the City of Eilat, only a few km away and sleeping peacefully. Each system would fire a missile, recover, and in a few seconds fire again into the city until all four missiles were away. The systems were so close that the men could hear the explosions and flashes of light of Eilat as the SS-150s did their work, most definitely killing many and destroying whatever Israeli ground forces were stationed there. Targets also included highways up into the city and the port, in order to ensure no vessels would dock there anytime soon. Within two minutes all missiles would be away and the reloading proccess would begin, the men were ready for anything and thanked Allah that they weren’t on the receiving end of these deadly weapons. The Israelis would have less than 60 seconds to react before the first missile stuck.


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

The ships of the Royal Australian Navy would be sitting in the bay of Eilat with all weapons and systems on and operational. Straight as the rockets were launched from the MLRS the ships would all begin picking them up on radar. The radar operators onboard all ships would notice and tell their Commanders.

"Sir, several hundred missiles are currently on a trajectory towards the city."

All the ships Commanders would put the alert through the ships.

"Man battle stations. Man battle stations. Man battle stations." Would ring through the ships.

All the ships crews would head into their designated stations, donning flash masks and getting ready to engage. The Commander of HMAS Sydney who was the lead commander for the fleet would give the orders out.

"Close In Weapons Systems to fire on as many rockets as possible, priority to those closest to us."

As every ship in the fleet had at least one Phalanx CIWS, with the Perth-class Destroyers having two, they would begin firing on the missiles. As they had a maximum range of 5.5km this would be enough to cover the entire city of Eilat, but not all 240 would be able to be shot down. They would fire primarily on the missiles heading towards the Port of Eilat as they posed the greatest risk to the fleet.

They would not shoot down most of the barrage, but almost all of those heading towards the Port were shot down due to the effectiveness being greater due to the closeness of the ships. The port would remain relatively intact. The quiet would settle in from the first barrage. Commander of HMAS Sydney would begin orders for the counter-attack.

"Kanimbla and Manoora, land your forces three clicks west of here at Coral Beach."

HMAS Kanimbla and HMAS Manoora would head towards Coral Beach, their CIWS would remain operational to stop any rockets from hitting the ships. The 2 LCM-8 Landing Crafts would begin delivering the 600 SASR Operatives off the ships, along with their 32 Long Range Patrol Vehicles fully armed and with full ammunition for the machine guns on the vehicles. They would begin congregating at Coral Beach under the watchful eye of Kanimbla and Manoora. 100 Clearance Divers would also be delivered off HMAS Kanimbla. The 100 medics onboard HMAS Manoora would begin setting it up as a hospital ship, 50 of those would head across to Kanimbla on RHIBs and would begin doing the same there. Both ships would begin operating as hospital ships for the wounded. Once all forces were landed they would begin moving out around the outskirts of Eilat away from the rocket fire, setting up camp within the Amram Columns north of Eilat and awaiting further orders. They would be enough food and water on the men and the Long Range Patrol Vehicles to last them several days. As the most highly trained Special Forces in the Australian Defence Force, this was what their training had prepared them for.

Navy Clearance Divers landing in Israel

SASR on the outskirts of Eilat

Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet would begin their counter attack.

"Adelaide, Canberra and Melbourne, head towards to the Jordanian-Saudi border. Sydney and Perth station yourselfs somewhere on the half way point between the rest of the fleet and the Adelaide frigates. Warramunga, Ballarat, Stuart and Toowoomba remain where you are. Set turret coordinates to (coordinates found by the helicopter reconnaissance flight that identified the MLRS) and bring the rain."

Once they were all in position, which made them all within range of Haql, the one Mark 54 gun on each Anzac-class Frigate, the two Mark 42 guns on each Perth-class Destroyer and the one OTO Melara 76mm gun on each Adelaide-class Frigate would begin firing at the coordinates which the helicopter reconnaissance flight gathered which discovered the position of the 70 Astros IIs. They would move the positionings of the guns a small amount to keep hitting different positions. The Mark 45 guns would have a fire rate of 20 rounds a minute, the Mark 42 guns a rate of 28 rounds a minute and the OTO Melaras a rate of 85 rounds a minute. With the amount of guns there were that would amount to a whopping 391 rounds a minute hitting the point where the Astros IIs were gathering. As they hadn't moved at all during the post, the rounds would begin raining down on the launchers while they were being loaded up with a new round of rockets. The Commanders of HMAS Adelaide, Canberra and Melbourne would be in visual range and would watch through binoculars as the launchers were torn to shreds by a barrage of naval artillery and obviously the personnel who were reloading and operating them as well. Almost all of the MLRS, assuming they were positioned closely together as it wasn't stated otherwise, would be destroyed just within the first minute of the naval artillery barrage from the ships. They would keep firing until the Commanders of the Adelaide-class Frigates were satisfied all launchers within their visual sight were destroyed.

The Commander of HMAS Sydney would inform the Chief of the Defence Force and the Prime Minister about what was happening. The 3 AP-3C Orions which were out in the Mediterranean keeping the Congolese Emperor's yacht secured would head back into Israeli airspace and would land at Ramat David Air Base, refuel and would await further orders.

The three submarines, HMAS Collins, Dechaineux and Waller would begin heading away from Eilat and towards the entry of the Gulf of Aqaba, ready to sink any Royal Saudi Navy vessels which may come that way.

VBCFan Zak
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Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Israeli air raid sirens activating in towns and cities in Southern Israel

The Southern Air Defence Regiment of the Israeli Air Force would detect artillery fire from Saudi Arabia and would immediately activate the air defence sirens across Southern Israel which would warn people as they made use of the bomb shelters provided as the Israeli 1951 Civil Defense requires by law, all homes, military installations, residential buildings and industrial buildings in Israel to have bomb shelters. Those who couldn't make it into any of the bomb shelters would make use of buildings nearby.

Since in either the original post or the firing of missiles, there was no mention of a radar fire control vehicle or radar system to guide missiles into their targets and barracks, the missiles would be unguided but a hand full of missiles would land short of Eilat and Uvda Air Force Base and would rip through some communities causing injuries and causing damage to property. Missiles would also land in Eilat but would not be as many as stated in the above posts due to the fact they were unguided and fell short before they reached the Israeli coastal city of Eilat and the fact they had been shot down by the Royal Australian Navy. There had been thousands killed due to the Saudi Arabian military targeting military positions but also the civilian population had also been seriously injured, killed and affected by the bombing.

Local emergency service teams would deploy to Uvda Air Force Base which was a disused military facility but home to a civilian airport to treat injured civilians. They would also deploy across Eilat upon finding casualties. Fire crews would deploy with their equipment to put out any fires and isolate gas systems to counteract any potential gas explosions whilst the police would deploy to bring order to the cities and surrounding towns and would control traffic with some roads being damaged to to missiles landing near them. They would be joined by seven hundred and fifty personnel who would deploy from the 864th "Height" Search and Rescue Battalion who were able to provide search and rescue capabilities whilst offering support to paramedics and fire crews.

With the intelligence gathered by their Australian counterparts and passed through the United Coalition, it was decided that a retaliatory strike was to be made and under the cover of darkness, the men and women of the 67th "Bombs Away" Squadron would begin to mobilise and prepare for the deployment of Six Xian H-6's from Hatzerim Air Force Base which had been fully fueled, crewed with four personnel in each aircraft who had donned their safety equipment, checked for any safety or mechanical issues and fitted with weapons (2× 23 mm (0.906 in) Nudelman-Rikhter NR-23 cannons in remote dorsal turret, 6 KD-88 air-to-surface missiles) to strike targets which had been selected by senior Israeli officials with intelligence from the United Coalition. The aircraft would taxi out to the runway one by one and would speed down the runway one after another as they lifted into the sky and turned their course towards Saudi Arabia as they communicated with Israeli Air Force officials and air traffic controllers on encrypted channels. Being at 39,000 feet, two aircraft would head south-east towards Tabuk and would avoid surface to air missile systems based at Haql through Australian intelligence via the United Coalition whilst the other four aircraft would head in an easterly position towards Sakaka and in conjunction with the other aircraft, they would use distance to their advantage and would launch the six missiles from each aircraft (within Saudi Arabian territory) which they used the laser guidance system on each aircraft which guided the missiles into selected targets (airports, oil fields, military positions/bases) in each cities, avoiding built up areas, the missiles featured turbojet engines with cruising speeds of 0.8-0.85 Mach and carried a 320 kg warhead. Once they had launched their missiles, they would return towards Israeli airspace in the same pattern they had came from to avoid surface to air missile systems in Haql and would head back towards Hatzerim Air Force Base where they would land one after another.



Apr 8, 2021

(There are some issues with above posts Owen #1 Being that your Mark 45 and Mark 42 Guns are clearly out of range of the area of my deployment and since you have your vessels still in harbor they could not move anyway, this is taken from information you posted on Operation Accordion II. #2 being that the helicopter Intellegence was taken before any of my deployments even began so the Australians would not have the precise locations of my systems anyway and would be firing blind. #3, I mention that the systems are moved into the area of the town and it’s unreasonable to assume that all of these weapons are simply lined up next to each other ready to be fired on. There is also a major land obstruction between Eilat and my deployment so your commanders couldn’t have sight of the weapons.
As for Zak the Astros II system as a whole includes the radar vehicles and command vehicles as seen on Wikipedia and other sources and the purchase from Brazil was for the entire system so again it is unreasonable to assume that the missiles were unguided, instead they would hit their targets directly using coordinates that are public to the Saudi Arabian Armed forces on your armed forces page.)

It was unknown to the Saudi Commanders that the Australians were even in the port and the sudden explosions from their out of range guns would cause the commanders to retreat the Missile Systems inland and away from a potential strike by the Australians once they got out the docks. F-16 Aircraft from Operation True Color would deploy to Tabuk once recognizing the signature of an enemy aircraft nearing the city. Several F-16s would close in on the bombers and arm their sidewinder Missiles, targeting the Israeli Bombers.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Xian H-6 bombers flying home towards Israel

With the intelligence gathered by the Military Intelligence Directorate and tensions simmering now between Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the Congo, the Minister of Defence had ordered that the aircraft turnaround over Jordan and return to Hatzerim Air Force Base but with the detection of Saudi Arabian fighter jets being detected on the Southern Air Defence Regiment via their AN/FPS-117 which immediately caused the deployment of twelve General Dynamics F-16D Fighting Falcons from 107th "Knights of the Orange Tail" Squadron which had been previously fueled and armed with weapons (1 × 20 mm (0.787 in) M61A1 Vulcan 6-barrel rotary cannon, 511 rounds, 6 × AIM-9 Sidewinder, 3 × AIM-120 AMRAAM, Lockheed Martin Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod, SUU-42A/A Flares/Infrared decoys dispenser pod and chaff pod and AN/APG-68 radar) and would take off towards the border to escort the strategic bombers back home.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs was to contact his Saudi Arabian counterpart to explain the reasoning of Israeli strategic bombers approaching and entering Saudi Arabian territory, it was a diplomatic incident unfolding with the Congo now being the prime suspect in the Saudi Arabian bombing.



Jun 20, 2018

Hello VBCFan , Owen and Zak ,

• This operation was posted 11/11/2021, but Saudi Arabia did not deploy their units until 10/02/2022. This was shortly after the Congolese airstrikes in Operation Overflow. Australia gathered their intelligence on 01/02/2022 in Operation Accordion II using MH-60R Seahawks, but this was before Saudi moved their troops into the nearby city of Tabuk, with the MRLS now stationed in Haql. As a result, the Australians would not know the precise location(s) of the Astros II.

• I can also clarify that the MLRS were dispersed across the city of Haql, and not deployed as an entire group to one location as stated in Post #02.

• Based on the current location of the Australian Vessels (Heading towards the Jordanian-Saudi border), the Mark 45 and Mark 42 Missiles would reach Haql. The Mark 45 has a range of 13 Nautical Miles, and their current location would suggest the range between the Naval gun and Haql is 9 - 10 Nautical miles. Similarly the Mark 42 has a firing range of 23,691.2m, and their location to Haql is approximately 18,163.32m. As the intelligence gathering does not account for troop movement made on the 10/02/2022, it would be reasonable to conclude that plenty of MRLS would survive the attack, alongside those positioned outside the city because Australia targeted the same area with the assumption they were grouped.

• The Astros II comes as a System which includes the Radar Fire Control vehicle, Ammunition Resupply vehicles and Battery-level Command vehicles. Zak countermeasures the missiles in Post #05 by claiming they would be unguided, due to not having these vehicles to support them. This is a critical error on Zak's part, as this was quite the opposite. Even if the MRLS were not guided, they have a range of 29 - 150km with indirect fire ensuring that Eilat would be critically hit, but the exact locations they were aiming for might not be so accurate.

• As multiple players are involved in this thread, we must adhere to the posting order which is VCBFan > Owen > Zak. Exclusively in that order, therefore Post #07 by Zak is VOID as Owen is next-in-line to respond. You may go ahead and respond to the roleplay if they have not posted after twenty-four hours.

The Modern Nations Staff Team


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

As the intelligence was outdated and the Saudi Army had dispersed their MLRS around the city, the shelling would still go ahead, albeit not hitting many targets, but some were definitely hit and out of action. As the Australian ships were close enough to be within visual range the Commander of HMAS Melbourne would look out of the bridge of the ship at the city of Haql.

"Oh never mind, I think we just shelled a wheat crop. Some are damaged, but they're all over the place."

They would watch the remaining rocket launchers retreat away from the city. The three frigates would continue to get closer to the city, within a mere kilometre of the coastline.

"They're retreating." He would say to the Commander of HMAS Sydney.

As it wasn't a very big town and it was in a small flat valley with no vegetation around and it was stated they were stationed around, presumably in visual range if not obstructed by any buildings, the Commander would begin seeing the SAMs stationed around the town.

"Surface-to-air missiles, all around the town." They would begin attempting to identify as many as they could around the town, calculating their distance, their direction and making the best professional judgement on the calculations for another artillery strike. This would be relayed to the commanders on board the other ships.

"Fire on targets." The Commander of HMAS Sydney would radio out.

They would begin firing their naval guns again at the Surface-to-Air Missiles. They would unleash at least 4 shells on each target area to ensure damage. It would be assumed that those on the north, east and western sides of the town in visual range would be destroyed but not however those that were on the southern side of the town, obstructed by buildings and out of visual range.

Suddenly all the ships would begin detecting activity on their air search radars.

"You see that?" They would begin tracking the 15 F-16 Fighting Falcons from Operation Overflow which were deployed out of Tabuk Air Force Base closing in on the Israeli bombers. As the Anzac-class Frigates had at least a range of 474km on their aerial search radars they would be able to see all the aircraft deployed out of Tabuk and this intelligence was noted, but their attention was on the F-16s closing in on the Israeli bombers. Identification Friend Or Foe systems would ensure they were able to know which was an enemy aircraft and which was an Israeli aircraft.

"Not even taking any chances." The Commander of HMAS Sydney would say.

"Lock on targets and fire on my command."

The Perth-class Destroyers would be assigned for the task as they had the RIM-66 Standard MR missiles onboard. HMAS Sydney would take 8 targets, HMAS Perth would take the other 7 targets. As they were radar homing, they would know exactly what their targets were. The destroyers were capable of launching 1 missile per 8 seconds, so all targets would have a missile firing towards them in just a little over a minute.

As the F-16s got within the 74 to 167km range of the ships the Commander of HMAS Sydney would yell "FIRE!".

The desroyers would begin firing off their missiles every 8 seconds to a new F-16 target. The missiles would speed at Mach 3.5 to hit their targets within a matter of a couple of minutes. As it was not stated what countermeasures pods were on the F-16s, as they form apart of the armaments and are interchangeable, there would be none on them in accordance with the rules. There would be little the Saudis could do to counter the RIM-66s closing in on them and all would be destroyed.

Meanwhile the three Collins-class Submarines, detecting no activity would head further south from the entrance of the Gulf of Aqaba towards Jeddah at periscope depth. They would stop about 5km out from Jeddah and look at their periscopes back towards the naval port of Jeddah. They didn't want to repeat the same intelligence mistake the helicopters made and wanted to make sure their targets were still in position. As the ships from there had not been deployed or moved at all. Looking through the periscope, they would count 3 Udaloy-class Destroyers, 2 Al Madinah-class frigates and 1 Al Riyadh-class frigate. Noise onboard the submarines would be reduced to nothing to avoid detection, all submariners were prepared and trained for this. All the submarines would have all 6 torpedo tubes loaded with Mark 48 torpedoes. All the ships would be well within sonar range and would be docked, assuming none of their onboard systems were on to detect the submarines. As the guidance system for the torpedoes was the Common Broadband Advanced Sonar System, the submarines wouldn't even need to be facing their targets as the torpedoes homed in on them. The submarines would slip close to the area of Jeddah where the naval base was. Accordnig to Google Maps this meant they had to slip between Jazirat Abu Sa'd, Shi'b Bihar and Shi'b Abu Jundud in order not to be obstructed. This would put them at about 1.5km away from the ships.

On the command of HMAS Collins, they would each fire 3 Mark 48 torpedoes to each Udaloy-class destroyer which was docked in Jeddah. "Goodnight Irene." The Commander of HMAS Collins would say.

Once the torpedoes had hit their targets and there was still 5 torpedo tubes with torpedoes in them, they would change their targets to the other three ships, two taking a Al Madinah-class each and one taking a Al Riyadh-class. They would fire again on the new targets. (I'm not sure of the re-fire rate on a Collins-class, its not really public and I don't wanna be pinged by ASIO, I'm just gonna assume its instant if the torpedoes are already in the tubes). All the targets would be destroyed because they weren't deployed, still docked and had no crew onboard or systems switched on. The torpedoes merely splitting them in half and sinking them in the harbour. Not many people would die, maybe some from debris on the docks and undoubtedly there would be fires on the docks. The submarines would slip back into the Red Sea, this time diving to 500 feet, to become hard to be detected by retaliatory aircraft.

VBCFan Zak


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Xian H-6 bombers flying home towards Israel

With the intelligence gathered by the Military Intelligence Directorate and tensions simmering now between Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia and the Congo, the Minister of Defence had ordered that the aircraft turnaround over Jordan and return to Hatzerim Air Force Base but with the detection of Saudi Arabian fighter jets being detected on the Southern Air Defence Regiment via their AN/FPS-117 which immediately caused the deployment of twelve General Dynamics F-16D Fighting Falcons from 107th "Knights of the Orange Tail" Squadron which had been previously fueled and armed with weapons (1 × 20 mm (0.787 in) M61A1 Vulcan 6-barrel rotary cannon, 511 rounds, 6 × AIM-9 Sidewinder, 3 × AIM-120 AMRAAM, Lockheed Martin Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod, SUU-42A/A Flares/Infrared decoys dispenser pod and chaff pod and AN/APG-68 radar) and would take off towards the border to escort the strategic bombers back home.

VBCFan Owen


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

As 24 hours have now passed, all actions by Australian forces would be successful. The destroyers would have managed to shoot all 15 F-16s out of the sky with the RIM-66 Standard MRs. The Collins-class Submarine would sink 3 Udaloy-class Destroyers, 2 Al Madinah-class Frigates and 1 Al Riyadh-class Frigate. Nearly all the SAMs around Haql would be destroyed. The Collins-class submarines would have slip away into the Red Sea unharmed and would begin heading out of the Red Sea and into the Arabian Sea. They would set their course for the Persian Gulf taking course KK -> LK -> LL. By this point they were mere needles in a haystack. They would remain submerged at 500 feet. Once in the Persian Gulf, they would sit about 60km off the north coast of Qatar, remaining low and silent. They would begin to approach Ras Al Khair, Saudi Arabia, the location of the Royal Saudi Navy as per intelligence gathered by the Israelis. They would approach the port at periscope depth. The Commander of HMAS Collins would spot the three remaining vessels of the Royal Saudi Navy as per the intelligence given by the Israelis. They were 1 Udaloy-class Destroyer and 2 Al Madinah-class Frigates. Each Submarine had 1 target each. They would be about 4km out from the ships, there was no obstructions to their torpedoes path according to Google Maps. They would use the exact same Mark 48 torpedoes as in Jeddah. They were guided and able to hit their target without being directly aimed at it. Nevertheless for maximum fail-safe, the submarines would be pointing straight at their targets.

"FIRE!" The Commander of HMAS Collins would radio out. All three submarines would launch a Mark 48 torpedo at the three vessels. All would impact on the vessels and split them straight in half, sinking them in the harbour. The submarines would turn back and slip away back into the Persian Gulf. They would have orders to return to Diego Garcia for assessment, reloading and R&R. This would take transit route LL -> ML -> MK -> MJ -> MI.

Meanwhile the fleet in the Gulf of Aqaba would remain in position and would regroup into a single formation in the Bay of Eilat. They would remain there, vital to the defence of Israel. They would continue to scan for enemy aircraft from hundreds of kilometres away, ready to respond should there be any retaliation.

VBCFan Zak


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Home Front Command personnel during rescue operations in Eilat

With the Prime Minister being briefed by the Security Cabinet on the Eilat crisis, he would order for the reactivation of the Southern District of the Home Front Command which would see 750x Reserve Personnel from the Southern District Regional Logistic Unit, 750x Reserve Personnel from the Southern District Infantry Battalion, 750x Reserve Personnel from the Soroka Medical Center Military Unit, 750x Reserve Personnel from the Barzilai Medical Center Military Unit, 750x Reserve Personnel from the 1st Southern District CBRN Battalion, 750x Reserve Personnel from the 2nd Southern District CBRN Battalion, 1,500x Personnel from the 1st Southern District Rescue Brigade, 1,500x Personnel from the 2nd Southern District Rescue Brigade, 1,500x Personnel from the 3rd Southern District Rescue Brigade, 1,500x Personnel from the 4th Southern District Rescue Brigade deployed to Eilat and Uvda to begin search and rescue operations and to provide security to the local community.

Field hospitals had been set up to triage the seriously injured who would be rushed off to better equipped hospitals within Central Israel via recently acquired Bushmaster PMV ambulances which had been brought in from Tel Aviv. Personnel from the Southern District Infantry Battalion would assist with Israel Police to provide law enforcement capabilities whilst the Southern District Regional Logistic Unit would set up a field logistics hospital to begin the repair of Eilat which was going to take weeks and months. Those displaced within the two towns would be placed into hotels and hostels in other parts of the country as the Prime Minister and his cabinet would begin to discuss a finance package to help those affected by the tragedy.


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

Another 24 hours would pass and the submarines would have been successful in taking out the rest of the Royal Saudi Navy. They would slip away from the Persian Gulf and dock back at Diego Garcia for some R&R, to get refuelled and replenished with Mark 48 torpedoes. No further retaliatory actions would be taken for the time being, Australia had secured naval supremacy in the Middle East east of the Suez which was the goal for the time being. The Coalition members would be informed of this that their vessels could move freely east of the Suez without being attacked by the Royal Saudi Navy. The SASR and Clearance Diving Teams which were on the outskirts of Eilat would move into the city now that the rocket attacks have stopped. They would be assisting the IDF Home Front Command with rescue operations and treating the wounded.

Australian SASR arriving in Eilat

Navy Clearance Diver in the Port of Eilat inspecting damage
VBCFan Zak

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