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人民国防公司 | Chinese Defense Exports


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
CNDC | China National Defense Corporation
Chinese Defense Exports



China National Defense Corporation was established in 2000 at the order of Chariman Hu Jintao in order to boost Chinese Revenues and give all nations a chance to Defend themselves from violent foreign Actions. CNDC is unlike other defense companies in that it allows buyers to produce equipment domestically rather than waiting for an order than can take months to fulfill. This way buyers are responsible for their own purchases and can have more flexibility in how they want their product. CNDC is a state owned corporation and therefore under the guidance of the PRC, this means that actions by the PRC which include but are not limited to; Sanctions, Declarations of War, and Overall Hostile Relations can and will affect how CNDC Operates. CNDC Includes all defense manufacturers of China and Civilian manufacturing as well where we pledge to Give our customers the best possible deals.
With CDNC we don‘t hold our buyers liable for their use in any way, as long as it is used along the lines of the Terms of service buyers can feel free to use their product. Prices will all ways be the same no matter what, The Cost of the total # of product in exchange for the buyer to be able to produce the mentioned number of product. This is economic and easy for all, unlike other corporations such as ADL, Nexus, or Sparrow where there’s a chance you might never see your product!
CNDC also offers permanent production licenses and other exclusive offers so make sure to keep up to date with the latest CNDC news via our social media accounts!
1. What is a Chinese Production License (CPL)?
The Chinese Production license allows the buyer to produce purchased equipment domestically, if for instance Buyer A decides to purchase 5 Chengdu J-10A aircraft then after the transfer of funds they will be allowed to produce 5 pieces of equipment for the regular purchase price. The Buyer pays the production price x 2 in order to finally have the product. Note that the license is limited and will only last for two months before expiring.

2. Can my nation buy a CPL from Chinese Defense Exports?
To be allowed to purchase a CPL your Nation/Company must:
1. Have No International Sanctions on the People‘s Republic of China
2. Not be at war with the People’s Republic of China
3. Must not be a territory of/or any nation sanctioned by the PRC
4. Must not be a territory of/or the Unrecognized Republic of China
5. Must not have any territorial disputes with the People‘s Republic of China
6. Must not recognize the Chinese Territory of Taiwan
7. Must Recognize the PRC as the official and only China
8. Must not attempt to recognize the Autanomus regions of XingJiang, Tibet, Other

3. Can non-sovereign entities buy a China Production License (CPL) from Chinese Defense Exports?
Yes, any corporation, company, or private individual not sanctioned by the People’s Republic of China may buy CPLs.

4. Can my government resell items that I purchased with a CPL or CPPL (Chinese Permanent Production License)?
No, unless given explicit permission by a CNDC representative or the PRC

5. I'm not sure if my company/country can purchase from CNDC, what are my next steps?
Contact the Central Military Commission via Encrypted E-mail or Call.

6. I want a product which is not listed on the CNDC catalog.
You may make a request but there is a chance that certain products can’t/will not be sold to foreign Governments.
1. All requests are processed by the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China and subject to approval by CMC
2. The People’s Republic of China is under no obligation to accept any proposals submitted by a buyer
3. The States purchasing any of the listed items may not be in a diplomatic relationship with The Republic of China (Taiwan)
3. The States purchasing any of the listed items may not be sanctioned by the People’s Congress
4. The People’s Republic of China requires all buyers to hold their militaries accountable to the use of Chinese Weapons, any and all uses are not the responsibility of the PRC.
5. All buyers accept that CNDC is not liable for any damage to materials while en route to buyer, CNDC will only take action if damage is the result of actions by CNDC and not a foreign entity. (Only applies to Private Sales)
6. Under no circumstances can items purchased from the CNDC be resold, traded, or shared without the written, signed, consent from the Central Military Commission.
7. All non-listed items are available but not guaranteed.
8. The Chinese Government has the right to rescind active agreements until payment is received
9. The Chinese Government is not liable for any arms freezes imposed on the buyer by either China or the GA.
10. The buyer, if unable to clear up their arms freeze, will lose their title of equipment.
11. The CNDC subject to CMC and the People’s Congress, has the right to change the catalog and it’s sales system at any time.
12. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, buyers are waiving their right to sue the People’s Republic of China for any actions undertaken with regards to the CNDC.

13. Buyers are in their right to renegotiate current prices if they deem them too high by contacting the Central Military Commission.
14. Buyers Understand that a violation of any terms will mean immediate repercussions including but not limited to: Sanctions, Cease of all Arms Trade, Legal Suits, Fines, Military Action, ICJ Legal consequences, and GA punishment.
[CENTER][B][COLOR=rgb(226, 80, 65)][SIZE=4]C[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(250, 197, 28)][SIZE=4]N[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(226, 80, 65)][SIZE=4]DC [/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)][SIZE=4]International[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]

[QUANTITY] Product Name
[QUANTITY] Product Name
[QUANTITY] Product Name
[[COLOR=white][B]Would you like to purchase a permanent production license for $5,000,000,000 USD?(Per Product) [/B][/COLOR]] [I]("x" the correct)[/I]
[] Yes [PRODUCT(s) HERE]
[] No
[[COLOR=red][B]Do you accept all listed CNDC terms & conditions? [/B][/COLOR]] [I]("x" the correct)[/I]
[] Yes
[] No
[[COLOR=red][B]Do you and your government accept that no products sold will be reverse engineered, shared, sold, researched, or any other activity that could be implied as against terms and conditions? [/B][/COLOR]] [I]("x" the correct)[/I]
[] Yes
[] No

Weapons Systems

Image ReferenceSpecsImage ReferenceSpecs


CAC J-17A Thunder

This aircraft is the most advanced fighter you can find on the market, serviced in 2006 it competes with the most advanced Western and Russian fighters. As an Multirole aircraft with 8 hardpoints the J-17A can devastate enemy forces. While this aircraft is not a premium unit, an additional contract must be signed to ensure the protection of the design details. The PRC has the right to refuse any buyer if terms may be broken and if terms are broken by the buyer then aircraft can and will be repossessed.

Unit Cost: $25,029,169.20


HQ-7 Surface to Air Missile System

The HQ-7 is a short range surface to air missile system designed for mobile armies, capable of moving within minutes of firing it is your go to missile system. Comes with radar and control vehicles, range of 12km.

Unit Cost: $186,500.00


Al Zarrar Main Battle Tank

The Al Zarrar Main Battle Tank is a Joint venture between the Pakistani and Chinese Armed forces to create a 21st century third generation main battle tank Using the Type 59 Light Design. It is intended for export.

The Tank features Explosive Reactive Armor, Anti Tank Guided Missiles, and a 580HP main engine. It is by far one of the most advanced main battle tanks built in Asia with a future service date of 2004.

Unit Cost: $4,500,000


Al Khalid Main Battle Tank

The Al Khalid Tank is a joint export venture between the Chinese and Pakistani Armed Forces. The Tank is built to compete with the most advanced tanks to date with advanced features/

The Tank is operated by a crew of three and armed with a 125 mm smooth-bore tank gun that is reloaded automatically, the tank uses a fire-control system and night-fighting equipment. It‘s Service date is 2001, making it a highly advanced weapon.

Unit Cost: $5,800,000


Type 99 Main Battle Tank
Premium/Partnership Status Required

The Type 99 is the most advanced main battle tank in service by the PLAF and the most advanced piece of equipment available on the market. With a 76Kph(47MPH) top speed, 600 Kilometer range, 125mm auto loaded main gun, and Explosive reactive armor it is capable of combat with any armored vehicle with a high survivability rate.

Unit Cost: $2,610,000


Type 89 Tank Destroyer

The Type 89 Tank Destroyer is a heavy armored vehicle that is capable of inflicting massive damage on opposing armored vehicles. Capable of penetrating both ERA and Composite Armored Tanks. The Tank has a 460km range and a 120mm gun.

Unit Cost: $4,908,000


Type 62G Light Tank

The Type 62G is a advanced upgrade of the Type 62 Light tank, featuring a new welded turret, Explosive Reactive Armor, and a powerful 105 mm rifled main gun with fume extractor in centre of barrel, vertical stabilization system, modern fire-control system, and night vision equipment.

It’s Service date is 2000 and is a key addition for any army looking for a light armored tank.

Unit Cost: $1,224,470


Type 63A Amphibious Light Tank

The Type 63A is the weapon for your amphibious operations, capable of effectively fighting heavy armored vehicles despite it’s light tank status, the Type 63A is the frontline fighter for any marine force. The Tank has a range of 400km on land and 120km at sea, it also comes with ATGM capabilities and a 105mm Gun. The service Date is 1997.

Unit Cost: $2,882,210


ZBD-05 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Premium/Partnership Required

The ZBD-05 is the world‘s fastest landing vehicle, running at a record speed of 16 knots while in water. The vehicle Carries three crew and 8 fully armed passengers and is armed with either a 105mm gun or a ZPT-99 canon. It has an 500km range for combat operations. 2005 Service year.

Unit Price: $3,750,000


ZBD-04 Infantry Fighting Vehicle

The ZBD-04 is the land based all around IFV/APC for all your needs. Serviced in 2004, the vehicle is equipped with advanced weaponry such as it’s 30mm auto canon. The vehicle has a 500km range for up to 10 crew in total and is essential for heavy armored support. It also Carries ATGMs to defend against heavy armor.

Unit Price: $3,000,000

More coming soon!
Last edited:


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
All Products are 50% off for a limited time when making a purchase of 500 units or more

Offer ends January 1st

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
CNDC International

[Country] Imperial State of the Congo
[3,000] Type 62G light tank
[8,000] WZ-551, Type 92
[Would you like to purchase a permanent production license for $5,000,000,000 USD?(Per Product) ] ("x" the correct)
[] Yes [PRODUCT(s) HERE]
[X] No
[Do you accept all listed CNDC terms & conditions? ] ("x" the correct)
[X] Yes
[] No
[Do you and your government accept that no products sold will be reverse engineered, shared, sold, researched, or any other activity that could be implied as against terms and conditions? ] ("x" the correct)
[C] Yes
[] No
[DATE] 12/2000



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
CNDC | China National Defense Corporation
Thank you for your purchase of [3,000] [Type 62G Light Tank], [8,000] [Type 92 APC/IFV]. The total cost of your purchase is [$2,876,020,200] to be transferred to the People’s Republic of China. Following payment, your production of equipment may begin.
Please indicate your state’s recognization of the one China policy in the transfer, [yes] is sufficient.

Kelly the Mad


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
(The Congolese would be privately informed that they may begin production, as the purchase allows the buyer to domestically produce equipment as stated in Paragraph One of Information)
Kelly the Mad


Srpska is SERB
Oct 18, 2022
CNDC International

[COUNTRY/COMPANY] Republic of Serbia-Montenegro
[5] Type 62G Light Tank
[50] HQ-7 Surface to Air Missile System
[5] Al Zarrar Main Battle Tank
[Would you like to purchase a permanent production license for $5,000,000,000 USD?(Per Product) ] ("x" the correct)
[] Yes [PRODUCT(s) HERE]
[x] No
[Do you accept all listed CNDC terms & conditions? ] ("x" the correct)
[x] Yes
[] No
[Do you and your government accept that no products sold will be reverse engineered, shared, sold, researched, or any other activity that could be implied as against terms and conditions? ] ("x" the correct)
[x] Yes
[] No
[DATE] 04/2001]


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
CNDC | China National Defense Corporation
Thank you for your purchase of [5] [Type 62G Light Tank], [50] [HQ-7 SAM], [5] [Al Zarrar MBT]. The total cost of your purchase is [$37,947,350] to be transferred to the People’s Republic of China. Following payment, your production of equipment may begin.



Srpska is SERB
Oct 18, 2022
ooc (I don't wanna sound dumb but how do i send da money? v.v or is is sent automatically?)

We thank china for their cooperation and promise that the payment will arrive soon and promise that we too accept the one china policy.



Srpska is SERB
Oct 18, 2022
The money has been sent and will soon arrive. pleasure doing business with you


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
CNDC International

[COUNTRY/COMPANY] Kingdom of Greece
[54] A-100 MRL (Multi-Launched Rocket System)
[Would you like to purchase a permanent production license for $5,000,000,000 USD?(Per Product) ] ("x" the correct)
[] Yes [PRODUCT(s) HERE]
[x] No
[Do you accept all listed CNDC terms & conditions? ] ("x" the correct)
[x] Yes
[] No
[Do you and your government accept that no products sold will be reverse engineered, shared, sold, researched, or any other activity that could be implied as against terms and conditions? ] ("x" the correct)
[x] Yes
[] No
[DATE] 10/2001



Srpska is SERB
Oct 18, 2022
CNDC International

[10] CAC J-17A Thunder
[Would you like to purchase a permanent production license for $5,000,000,000 USD?(Per Product) ] ("x" the correct)
[] Yes [PRODUCT(s) HERE]
[x] No
[Do you accept all listed CNDC terms & conditions? ] ("x" the correct)
[x] Yes
[] No
[Do you and your government accept that no products sold will be reverse engineered, shared, sold, researched, or any other activity that could be implied as against terms and conditions? ] ("x" the correct)
[x] Yes
[] No
[DATE] 01/02

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