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1997 Irish Presidential Election


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020




From the Office of the President
Since January votes have been coming in from all over Ireland. Votes have come in by Official Voting Centre's, by Mail, and by Electronic Voting. 3,805,728 votes in total were counted. A 78% turn out for the entire population of Ireland.
Ten Candidates began running in early January. With 50.2% of the votes, Seán Barrett has won the election and has become the President of Ireland. President Barrett made a speech directly after the inauguration.

"Fellow Irishmen and Irishwomen, today is a historic day! I am proud to be your next president. I can say without a doubt I will make due on my promises that I made while on campaign. I know things have looked bad the last few months. The death of political leaders, the resurgence of the Irish Republican Army, schemes by our political leaders, raise in taxes, and civil unrest. THIS ENDS TODAY! As president I will weed out our corrupt politicians. I will rid of the IRA. I will build our relations with the United Kingdom. Taxes will remain the same, NO NEW TAXES! I will reduce spending on our military and use that money to improve the everyday lives of you the citizens!

I am being told that I need to get off the stage" He would chuckle. "I will make a more formal speech in the future, but for now Ireland can rest knowing they have elected a leader that will get results!"