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2000 Summer Olympics


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Gold Medal Events (September 24):

Diving - Women's 10 metre platform:

1. Sweden
2. Angola
3. Mexico

Athletics - Men's high jump:
1. Canada
2. United States
3. Great Britain

Athletics - Men's hammer throw:
1. Australia
2. Great Britain
3. Australia

Athletics - Women's triple jump:
1. Russia
2. Canada
3. Israel

Athletics - Women's heptathlon:
1. Mexico
2. China
3. Canada

Athletics - Women's marathon:
1. Canada
2. China
3. Macau

The women's marathon would get underway. The marathon would start in North Sydney and would make its way down the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The runners would go through the centre of Sydney, through the CBD before heading out west to the Sydney Olympic Stadium in Homebush where the finish line would be inside the stadium.

Mountain Biking - Men's cross-country:
1. Australia
2. Mexico
3. The Netherlands

Fencing - Men's team sabre:
1. Angola
2. Macau
3. Sweden

Artistic Gymnastics - Men's floor:
1. Israel
2. Russia
3. United States

Artistic Gymnastics - Men's pommel horse:
1. Russia
2. United States
3. Poland

Artistic Gymnastics - Men's rings:
1. Australia
2. Mexico
3. Israel

Artistic Gymnastics - Women's uneven bars:
1. Israel
2. China
3. Canada

Artistic Gymnastics - Women's vault:
1. United States
2. Israel
3. Great Britain

Rowing - Men's eight:
1. Canada
2. Sweden
3. Russia

Rowing - Men's lightweight double sculls:
1. Russia
2. Sweden
3. China

Rowing - Men's lightweight coxless four:
1. Canada
2. China
3. Great Britain

Rowing - Women's quadruple sculls:
1. Angola
2. China
3. Thailand

Rowing - Women's coxless pair:
1. Russia
2. Canada
3. China

Rowing - Women's eight:
1. Sweden
2. China
3. Canada

Rowing - Women's lightweight double sculls:
1. China
2. Mexico
3. Australia

Sailing - Men's Mistral One Design:
1. The Netherlands
2. United States
3. Sweden

Sailing - Women's Mistral One Design:
1. Canada
2. Great Britain
3. Poland

Sailing - Open Tornado:
1. Australia
2. Mexico
3. Canada

Table Tennis - Women's singles:
1. Hong Kong
2. Russia
3. Australia

Weightlifting - Men's 94kg:
1. Australia
2. Olympic Athletes from Palestine
3. Israel


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The Kingdom of Italy would request permission to submit a swift and emergency application in order to have their athletes compete in the remaining events.

"Dear whom it may concern,

Italy would be allowed to send a team with an application form not exceeding 124 points (the remaining gold medal events minus tournament events, for fairness purposes). Points should not be allocated for Swimming, Archery, Badminton, Slalom Canoeing, Track Cycling, Mountain Biking, Fencing, Trampolining Gymnastics, Judo, Rowing, Shooting or Triathlon as these sports have concluded. Furthermore all tournament sports where there has already been a pooling/grouping taken place should be excluded: Basketball, Water Polo, Football, Field Hockey, Handball, Indoor Volleyball. Also to maintain the equal 8 grouping within Softball and Baseball, Italy will also be excluded from these sports.

Michael Knight."



Aug 4, 2018

Country Name:

National Olympic Committee:

Points allocated to each discipline (300 in total):

  • Athletics [1]
  • Baseball [1]
  • Boxing [70]
  • Sprint Canoeing [1]
  • Road Cycline [30]
  • Diving [1]
  • Equestrian [1]
  • Artistic Gymnastics [1]
  • Rhythmic Gymnastics []1
  • Modern Pentathlon [1]
  • Sailing [1]
  • Softball [1]
  • Synchronised Swimming [1]
  • Table Tennis [1]
  • Taekwondo [20]
  • Tennis [1]
  • Beach Volleyball [1]
  • Weightlifting [1]
  • Wrestling [1]


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Gold Medal Events (September 25):

Athletics - Men's 400 metres:

1. Mexico
2. Angola
3. Great Britain

Athletics - Men's 10,000 metres:
1. Russia
2. The Netherlands
3. United States

Athletics - Men's 110 metres hurdles:
1. Poland
2. Mexico
3. Great Britain

Athletics - Men's triple jump:
1. Australia
2. The Netherlands
3. China

Athletics - Men's discus throw:
1. Russia
2. China
3. Russia

Athletics - Women's 400 metres:
1. Poland
2. United States
3. Poland

Athletics - Women's 800 metres:
1. Israel
2. Thailand
3. Canada

Athletics - Women's 5,000 metres:
1. Macau
2. Australia
3. Sweden

Athletics - Women's pole vault:
1. Olympic Athletes from Palestine
2. Sweden
3. Hong Kong

Artistic Gymnastics - Men's horizontal bar:
1. Australia
2. Russia
3. United States

Artistic Gymnastics - Men's parallel bars:
1. Poland
2. Israel
3. United States

Artistic Gymnastics - Men's vault:
1. China
2. Russia
3. Israel

Artistic Gymnastics - Women's balance beam:
1. China
2. Israel
3. Mexico

Artistic Gymnastics - Women's floor:
1. Angola
2. Angola
3. Canada

Sailing - 49er class:
1. China
2. Thailand
3. Canada

Table Tennis - Men's singles:
1. Australia
2. China
3. Hong Kong

Beach Volleyball - Women's tournament:
1. Angola
2. Great Britain
3. The Netherlands

Weightlifting - Men's 105kg:
1. Israel
2. Russia
3. Angola


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Gold Medal Events (September 26):

Diving - Men's 3 metre springboard:

1. Great Britain
2. Poland
3. United States

Synchronised Swimming - Women's duet:
1. Mexico
2. United States
3. Russia

Softball - Women's tournament (see below):
1. Great Britain
2. Canada
3. Poland

Road Cycling - Women's individual road race:
1. Italy
2. Australia
3. Italy

Equestrian - Team dressage:
1. Sweden
2. The Netherlands
3. Hong Kong

Beach Volleyball - Men's tournament:
1. Thailand
2. Sweden
3. Mexico

Weightlifting - Men's +105kg:
1. Russia
2. Australia
3. China

Wrestling - Men's Greco-Roman 54kg:
1. China
2. Australia
3. Angola

Wrestling - Men's Greco-Roman 63kg:
1. Olympic Athletes from Palestine
2. Russia
3. Australia

Wrestling - Men's Greco-Roman 76kg:
1. Great Britain
2. China
3. Poland

Wrestling - Men's Greco-Roman 97kg:
1. Angola
2. Poland
3. United States


Group Stage:

September 17:

- Great Britain

Sweden - Canada

Australia - China

Angola - United States

September 18:

United States - Australia

- Sweden

Angola - China

Great Britain - Canada

September 19:

Great Britain
- United States

Sweden - China

- Australia

Canada - Angola

September 20:

China - United States

Australia - Angola

- Poland

Great Britain - Sweden

September 21:

Australia - Sweden

Poland - United States

Great Britain
- Angola

China - Canada

September 22:

China - Great Britain

United States
- Sweden

Australia - Canada

Angola - Poland

September 23:

Australia - Great Britain

United States - Canada

China - Poland

Angola - Sweden

Final Rankings after Group Stage:


  1. Great Britain
  2. Canada
  3. Poland
  4. United States
  5. Angola
  6. China
  7. Sweden
  8. Australia

Semi-Final 1 (winner advances to final, loser to play for Bronze Medal) (September 25):

Great Britain - Canada

Semi-Final 2 (winner advances to Bronze Medal, loser is knocked out) (September 25):

Poland - United States

Bronze Medal Match (loser wins Bronze, winner advances to final) (September 25):

Great Britain - Poland

Final (September 26):

Canada - Great Britain


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Gold Medal Events (September 27):

Athletics - Men's 800 metres:

1. Russia
2. Macau
3. Great Britain

Athletics - Men's 400 metres hurdles:
1. Poland
2. Australia
3. Angola

Athletics - Women's 100 metres hurdles:
1. Great Britain
2. Russia
3. China

Athletics - Women's 400 metres hurdles:
1. Canada
2. United States
3. Russia

Athletics - Women's discus throw:
1. Poland
2. The Netherlands
3. Poland

Baseball - Men's tournament (see below):
1. Canada
2. Poland
3. China

Road Cycling - Men's individual road race:
1. Russia
2. The Netherlands
3. The Netherlands

Taekwondo - Men's 58kg:
1. Macau
2. China
3. United States

Taekwondo - Women's 49kg:
1. Italy
2. Italy
3. Mexico

Tennis - Men's doubles:
1. Mexico
2. Thailand
3. Russia

Tennis - Women's singles:
1. Australia
2. United States
3. Sweden

Wrestling - Men's Greco-Roman 58kg:
1. United States
2. China
3. Angola

Wrestling - Men's Greco-Roman 69kg:
1. Russia
2. China
3. United States

Wrestling - Men's Greco-Roman 85kg:
1. Poland
2. Australia
3. Angola

Wrestling - Men's Greco-Roman 130kg:
1. Russia
2. Great Britain
3. Poland


Nations and Qualification Method:
Australia - Host Nation
Canada - 1999 Pan American Games
United States - 1999 Pan American Games
China - 1999 Asian Baseball Championship
Angola - 1999 All-Africa Games, then defeated Guam in Africa Champion v Oceania Champion playoff
Sweden - 1999 European Baseball Championship
Great Britain - 1999 European Baseball Championship
Poland - 1999 European Baseball Championship

Group Stage:

September 17:

- Angola

China - Great Britain

Australia - Sweden

United States - Poland

September 18:

Great Britain
- Australia

China - United States

Angola - Poland

Sweden - Canada

September 19:

Sweden - China

Great Britain - Canada

Australia - Poland

Angola - United States

September 20:

Australia - Angola

Great Britain - United States

Sweden - Poland

China - Canada

September 22:

- China

Angola - Sweden

Canada - United States

Great Britain - Poland

September 23:

Australia - United States

- Angola

Poland - Canada

Great Britain - Sweden

September 24:

Sweden - United States

- Canada

Great Britain - Angola

- China

Final Rankings after Group Stage:

  1. Poland
  2. Canada
  3. China
  4. United States
  5. Angola
  6. Great Britain
  7. Australia
  8. Sweden

Semi-Final 1 (September 26):

Poland - United States

Semi-Final 2 (September 26):

Canada - China

Bronze Medal Match (September 27):

United States - China

Final (September 27):

Poland - Canada


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Gold Medal Events (September 28):

Diving - Men's synchronised 3 metre springboard:

1. Russia
2. Poland
3. Sweden

Diving - Women's 3 metre springboard:
1. Russia
2. China
3. Mexico

Diving - Women's synchronised 10 metre platform:
1. Angola
2. Canada
3. Mexico

Athletics - Men's 200 metres:
1. Russia
2. Israel
3. United States

Athletics - Men's long jump:
1. Great Britain
2. Canada
3. Russia

Athletics - Men's decathlon:
1. Sweden
2. Mexico
3. Russia

Athletics - Women's 200 metres:
1. Canada
2. Great Britain
3. Canada

Athletics - Women's 20 kilometre walk:
1. Poland
2. Mexico
3. China

Athletics - Women's shot put:
1. Angola
2. Poland
3. Poland

Equestrian - Team jumping:
1. Canada
2. Australia
3. The Netherlands

Football - Women's tournament (see below):
1. Israel
2. Sweden
3. Great Britain

Sailing - Men's 470:
1. Angola
2. Mexico
3. Canada

Sailing - Women's 470:
1. Mexico
2. The Netherlands
3. Poland

Taekwondo - Men's 68kg:
1. Canada
2. Mexico
3. Israel

Taekwondo - Women's 57kg:
1. Italy
2. Hong Kong
3. Australia

Tennis - Men's singles:
1. Canada
2. Israel
3. Mexico

Tennis - Women's doubles:
1. Israel
2. Thailand
3. Mexico


(Axis12 that was your own fucking fault as to how you didn't get into the original draw with China because you renamed it to Soccer, I do CRTL + F, if you change the writing on the form you fuck it up. I'm changing Palestine to China. The Sweden vs. Palestine game score remains.)

Group D:Group E:Group F:

  1. Sweden
  2. China
  3. Poland
  4. Macau

  1. Israel
  2. Canada
  3. Hong Kong
  4. United States

  1. Great Britain
  2. The Netherlands
  3. Australia
  4. Angola

Group D:

13 September 2000

Macau vs. Poland

Bruce Stadium, Canberra

13 September 2000

Sweden vs. China

Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

16 September 2000

Macau vs. China

Sydney Football Stadium, Sydney

16 September 2000

Poland vs. Sweden

Bruce Stadium, Canberra

19 September 2000

China vs. Poland

Sydney Football Stadium, Sydney

19 September 2000

Sweden vs. Macau

Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

Group E:

14 September 2000

Israel vs. United States

Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

14 September 2000

Hong Kong vs. Canada

Bruce Stadium, Canberra

17 September 2000

United States vs. Canada

Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

17 September 2000

Hong Kong vs. Israel

Bruce Stadium, Canberra

20 September 2000

Hong Kong vs. United States

Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

20 September 2000

Israel vs. Canada

Bruce Stadium, Canberra

Group F:

13 September 2000

The Netherlands vs. Australia

Brisbane Cricket Ground, Brisbane

13 September 2000

Great Britain vs. Angola

Hindmarsh Stadium, Adelaide

16 September 2000

Angola vs. Australia

Brisbane Cricket Ground, Brisbane

16 September 2000

Great Britain vs. The Netherlands

Hindmarsh Stadium, Adelaide

19 September 2000

The Netherlands vs. Angola

Brisbane Cricket Ground, Brisbane

19 September 2000

Great Britain vs. Australia

Hindmarsh Stadium, Adelaide

Qualifying Finals - September 24:

- Canada

China - The Netherlands

Canada - The Netherlands

Semi-Final 1 - September 26:

- China

Semi-Final 2 - September 26:

Great Britain - Israel

Bronze Medal Match - September 28:

Great Britain
- China

Final - September 28:

- Sweden
Last edited:


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Gold Medal Events (September 29):

Synchronised Swimming - Women's team:

1. Poland
2. Russia
3. Mexico

Athletics - Men's 1,500 metres:
1. Sweden
2. Australia
3. Great Britain

Athletics - Men's 3,000 metres steeplechase:
1. Canada
2. Poland
3. Canada

Athletics - Men's 50 kilometres walk:
1. Poland
2. Australia
3. Canada

Athletics - Men's pole vault:
1. China
2. Great Britain
3. China

Athletics - Women's long jump:
1. Great Britain
2. Australia
3. Great Britain

Athletics - Women's hammer throw:
1. Canada
2. Angola
3. Hong Kong

Field Hockey - Women's tournament (see below):
1. Canada
2. Poland
3. The Netherlands

Sailing - Women's Europe:
1. Russia
2. United States
3. Sweden

Sailing - Open Laser:
1. Canada
2. Australia
3. Hong Kong

Taekwondo - Men's 80kg:
1. Australia
2. China
3. Great Britain

Taekwondo - Women's 67kg:
1. Italy
2. United States
3. Mexico


Pool A:

September 16: The Netherlands - Australia

September 17: Angola - Australia

September 17: United States - Sweden

September 18: The Netherlands - United States

September 19: Angola - Sweden

September 20: Australia - United States

September 20: Sweden - The Netherlands

September 21: The Netherlands - Angola

September 22: United States - Angola

September 22: Australia - Sweden

Pool B:

September 16: Macau - Great Britain

September 17: Poland - Great Britain

September 17: China - Canada

September 18: Poland - Macau

September 19: Canada - Great Britain

September 20: Poland - China

September 20: Canada - Macau

September 21: Macau - China

September 22: Great Britain - China

September 22: Poland - Canada

Pool A:Pool B:

  1. Sweden
  2. Australia
  3. The Netherlands
  4. United States
  5. Angola

  1. Poland
  2. Canada
  3. China
  4. Macau
  5. Great Britain

September 24: Sweden - Canada

September 24: The Netherlands - China

September 24: Australia - Poland

September 25: Sweden - Poland

September 25: Australia - China

September 25: The Netherlands - Canada

September 27: Australia - Canada

September 27: The Netherlands - Poland

September 27: Sweden - China

Pool C:

  1. Poland
  2. Canada
  3. The Netherlands
  4. Sweden
  5. Australia
  6. China

Bronze Medal Match (September 29):

The Netherlands
- Sweden

Final (September 29):

Poland - Canada


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Gold Medal Events (September 30):

Diving - Men's 10 metre platform:

1. Sweden
2. Sweden
3. Great Britain

Athletics - Men's 5,000 metres:
1. Poland
2. China
3. The Netherlands

Athletics - Men's 4 x 100 metres relay:
1. Sweden
2. Great Britain
3. Australia

Athletics - Men's 4 x 400 metres relay:
1. Israel
2. The Netherlands
3. Great Britain

Athletics - Women's 1,500 metres:
1. Sweden
2. Sweden
3. Thailand

Athletics - Women's 10,000 metres:
1. Great Britain
2. Russia
3. United States

Athletics - Women's 4 x 100 metres relay:
1. Poland
2. China
3. Israel

Athletics - Women's 4 x 400 metres relay:
1. Canada
2. Sweden
3. Israel

Athletics - Women's high jump:
1. Great Britain
2. Sweden
3. Australia

Athletics - Women's javelin throw:
1. Great Britain
2. The Netherlands
3. China

Basketball - Women's tournament (see below):
1. Russia
2. Canada
3. The Netherlands

Boxing - Light flyweight:
1. Thailand
2. Italy
3. The Netherlands
3. Italy

Boxing - Bantamweight:
1. Poland
2. Italy
3. The Netherlands
3. Great Britain

Boxing - Lightweight:
1. Italy
2. Italy
3. Italy
3. Italy

Boxing - Welterweight:
1. Great Britain
2. Italy
3. The Netherlands
3. Thailand

Boxing - Middleweight:
1. Thailand
2. Israel
3. Russia
3. Angola

Boxing - Heavyweight:
1. Thailand
2. Israel
3. Italy
3. Thailand

Sprint Canoeing - Men's C-1 1000 metres:
1. United States
2. United States
3. Australia

Sprint Canoeing - Men's C-2 1000 metres:
1. Great Britain
2. China
3. Sweden

Sprint Canoeing - Men's K-1 1000 metres:
1. Angola
2. Australia
3. Australia

Sprint Canoeing - Men's K-2 1000 metres:
1. China
2. Mexico
3. Poland

Sprint Canoeing - Men's K-4 1000 metres:
1. Australia
2. United States
3. Mexico

Sprint Canoeing - Women's K-4 500 metres:
1. Mexico
2. The Netherlands
3. United States

Road Cycling - Men's time trial:
1. The Netherlands
2. Italy
3. Israel

Road Cycling - Women's time trial:
1. Sweden
2. Italy
3. Italy

Equestrian - Individual dressage:
1. Australia
2. Italy
3. Hong Kong

Field Hockey - Men's tournament (see below):
1. The Netherlands
2. Australia
3. Canada

Football - Men's tournament (see below):
1. China
2. Great Britain
3. Sweden

Rhythmic Gymnastics - Women's individual all-around:
1. Angola
2. Canada
3. Israel

Handball - Men's tournament (see below):
1. Russia
2. Australia
3. China

Modern Pentathlon - Men's:
1. Mexico
2. Poland
3. Canada

Sailing - Men's Finn:
1. Canada
2. Russia
3. Mexico

Sailing - Open Star:
1. Sweden
2. Australia
3. Great Britain

Sailing - Open Soling:
1. Poland
2. Sweden
3. Canada

Taekwondo - Men's +80kg:
1. Olympic Athletes from Palestine
2. Australia
3. Macau

Taekwondo - Women's +67kg:
1. Mexico
2. Italy
3. Israel

Indoor Volleyball - Women's tournament (see below):
1. Russia
2. Thailand
3. The Netherlands

Wrestling - Men's Freestyle 54kg:
1. United States
2. Poland
3. Poland

Wrestling - Men's Freestyle 63kg:
1. United States
2. Australia
3. China

Wrestling - Men's Freestyle 76kg:
1. Russia
2. United States
3. Russia

Wrestling - Men's Freestyle 97kg:
1. Russia
2. Great Britain
3. Angola


Group A:

September 16: Great Britain vs. Canada

September 16: United States vs. Russia

September 16: China vs. Poland

September 18: Great Britain vs. Russia

September 18: United States vs. China

September 18: Canada vs. Poland

September 20: China vs. Canada

September 20: Russia vs. Poland

September 20: Great Britain vs. United States

September 22: United States vs. Canada

September 22: Poland vs. Great Britain

September 22: Russia vs. China

September 24: Russia vs. Canada

September 24: United States vs. Poland

September 24: China vs. Great Britain

Group B:

September 16: Australia vs. Sweden

September 16: The Netherlands vs. Angola

September 16: Hong Kong vs. Macau

September 18: Australia vs. The Netherlands

September 18: Sweden vs. Hong Kong

September 18: Angola vs. Macau

September 20: Australia vs. Macau

September 20: Sweden vs. The Netherlands

September 20: Hong Kong vs. Angola

September 22: Australia vs. Hong Kong

September 22: Sweden vs. Angola

September 22: The Netherlands vs. Macau

September 24: The Netherlands vs. Hong Kong

September 24: Australia vs. Angola

September 24: Sweden vs. Macau

Group A:Group B:

  1. Russia
  2. United States
  3. Poland
  4. Canada
  5. Great Britain
  6. China

  1. Macau
  2. The Netherlands
  3. Angola
  4. Sweden
  5. Hong Kong
  6. Australia

Quarterfinals (September 27):

vs. Sweden

The Netherlands vs. Poland

United States vs Angola

Macau vs. Canada

Semifinals (September 29):

vs. The Netherlands

Angola vs. Canada

Bronze Medal Match (September 30):

The Netherlands
vs. Angola

Final (September 30):

Canada vs. Russia


Pool A:

September 16: Macau vs. Canada

September 16: China vs. The Netherlands

September 17: Angola vs. Canada

September 18: The Netherlands vs. Macau

September 18: China vs. Canada

September 19: Angola vs. The Netherlands

September 21: China vs. Angola

September 25: The Netherlands vs. Canada

September 25: Macau vs. Angola

September 26: China vs. Macau

Pool B:

September 16: Great Britain vs. Poland

September 16: United States vs. Sweden

September 17: Australia vs. Great Britain

September 18: Sweden vs. Poland

September 18: United States vs. Great Britain

September 19: Australia vs. United States

September 21: Australia vs. Sweden

September 25: United States vs. Poland

September 25: Great Britain vs. Sweden

September 26: Australia vs. Poland

Pool A:Pool B:

  1. The Netherlands
  2. Angola
  3. Canada
  4. China
  5. Macau

  1. Australia
  2. Poland
  3. Great Britain
  4. United States
  5. Sweden

Pool C:

September 27: The Netherlands vs. Australia

September 27: Angola vs. Poland

September 27: Canada vs. Great Britain

September 28: The Netherlands vs. Poland

September 28: Great Britain vs. Angola

September 28: Australia vs. Canada

September 29: The Netherlands vs. Great Britain

September 29: Angola vs. Australia

September 29: Poland vs. Canada

Pool C:

  1. The Netherlands
  2. Australia
  3. Canada
  4. Poland
  5. Great Britain
  6. Angola

Bronze Medal Match (September 30):

vs. Poland

Final (September 30):

Australia vs. The Netherlands


Group A:Group B:Group C:

  1. Israel
  2. The Netherlands
  3. Poland
  4. United States

  1. China
  2. Angola
  3. Great Britain
  4. Macau

  1. Sweden
  2. Hong Kong
  3. Australia
  4. Canada

Group A:

13 September 2000

Israel vs. Poland

Hindmarsh Stadium, Adelaide

13 September 2000

United States vs. The Netherlands

Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

16 September 2000

Poland vs. United States

Hindmarsh Stadium, Adelaide

16 September 2000

Israel vs. The Netherlands

Sydney Football Stadium, Sydney

19 September 2000

Israel vs. United States

Hindmarsh Stadium, Adelaide

19 September 2000

Poland vs. The Netherlands

Sydney Football Stadium, Sydney

Group B:

14 September 2000

Angola vs. China

Hindmarsh Stadium, Adelaide

14 September 2000

Great Britain vs. Macau

Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

17 September 2000

Macau vs. Angola

Hindmarsh Stadium, Adelaide

17 September 2000

Great Britain vs. China

Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

20 September 2000

Great Britain vs. Angola

Hindmarsh Stadium, Adelaide

20 September 2000

Macau vs. China

Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

Group C:

13 September 2000

Australia vs. Sweden

Brisbane Cricket Ground, Brisbane

13 September 2000

Hong Kong vs. Canada

Bruce Stadium, Canberra

16 September 2000

Hong Kong vs. Australia

Brisbane Cricket Ground, Brisbane

16 September 2000

Sweden vs. Canada

Bruce Stadium, Canberra

19 September 2000

Sweden vs. Hong Kong

Brisbane Cricket Ground, Brisbane

19 September 2000

Canada vs. Australia

Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne

Qualifying Finals (September 21):

Poland vs. Great Britain

Great Britain
vs. Australia

Poland vs. Australia

Quarterfinals (September 23):

vs. Angola

China vs. The Netherlands

Sweden vs. Poland

Great Britain vs. Hong Kong

Semifinals (September 26):

Israel vs. China

Sweden vs. Great Britain

Bronze Medal Match (September 29):

Israel vs. Sweden

Final (September 30):

vs. Great Britain


Group A: Great Britain (2) Canada (2) Poland (4) Australia (2) Sweden (1)

September 16: Great Britain vs. Canada

September 16: Poland vs. Australia

September 17: Sweden vs. Canada

September 18: Great Britain vs. Australia

September 18: Poland vs. Sweden

September 19: Canada vs. Australia

September 20: Great Britain vs. Sweden

September 20: Canada vs. Poland

September 22: Great Britain vs. Poland

September 23: Sweden vs. Australia

Group B: The Netherlands (10) China (1) Angola (4) Russia (15) United States (2)

September 16: The Netherlands vs. China

September 16: Angola vs. Russia

September 17: United States vs. China

September 18: The Netherlands vs. Russia

September 18: Angola vs. United States

September 19: China vs. Russia

September 20: The Netherlands vs. Angola

September 20: Russia vs. United States

September 22: United States vs. The Netherlands

September 23: China vs. Angola

Group A:Group B:

  1. Sweden
  2. Poland
  3. Australia
  4. Canada
  5. Great Britain

  1. The Netherlands
  2. United States
  3. Russia
  4. China
  5. Angola

Quarterfinals (September 26):

Sweden vs. China

United States vs. Australia

Poland vs. Russia

The Netherlands vs. Canada

Semifinals (September 29):

China vs. Australia

vs. Canada

Bronze Medal Match (September 30):

Canada vs. China

Final (September 30):

vs. Australia


Pool A:

September 16: Russia vs. China

September 16: Great Britain vs. Hong Kong

September 16: Thailand vs. The Netherlands

September 18: Russia vs. Hong Kong

September 18: Great Britain vs. Thailand

September 18: China vs. The Netherlands

September 20: China vs. Hong Kong

September 20: Russia vs. Thailand

September 20: Great Britain vs. The Netherlands

September 22: Thailand vs. China

September 22: Russia vs. Great Britain

September 22: The Netherlands vs. Hong Kong

September 24: Russia vs. The Netherlands

September 24: Great Britain vs. China

September 24: Thailand vs. Hong Kong

Pool B:

September 16: Australia vs. Poland

September 16: Sweden vs. Canada

September 16: United States vs. Angola

September 18: Australia vs. Angola

September 18: Canada vs. United States

September 18: Sweden vs. Poland

September 20: Angola vs. Poland

September 20: United States vs. Sweden

September 20: Australia vs. Canada

September 22: Angola vs. Canada

September 22: Sweden vs. Australia

September 22: Poland vs. United States

September 24: United States vs. Australia

September 24: Canada vs. Poland

September 24: Sweden vs. Angola

Pool A:Pool B:

  1. Thailand
  2. Russia
  3. The Netherlands
  4. China
  5. Great Britain
  6. Hong Kong

  1. Canada
  2. Poland
  3. Sweden
  4. Angola
  5. United States
  6. Australia

Quarterfinals (September 26):

vs. Angola

The Netherlands vs. Poland

Russia vs. Sweden

China vs. Canada

Semifinals (September 28):

vs. The Netherlands

Russia vs. Canada

Bronze Medal Match (September 30):

The Netherlands
vs. Canada

Final (September 30):

Thailand vs. Russia
Last edited:


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Gold Medal Events (October 1):

Water Polo - Men's tournament:

1. The Netherlands
2. Canada
3. Great Britain

Athletics - Men's marathon:
1. Angola
2. Sweden
3. Russia

Basketball - Men's tournament:
1. The Netherlands
2. Great Britain
3. Russia

Boxing - Flyweight:
1. Italy
2. Angola
3. The Netherlands
3. Israel

Boxing - Featherweight:
1. Italy
2. Thailand
3. Italy
3. Italy

Boxing - Light Welterweight:
1. Italy
2. The Netherlands
3. Italy
3. Italy

Boxing - Light Middleweight:
1. Thailand
2. Israel
3. Italy
3. Thailand

Boxing - Light Heavyweight:
1. Italy
2. Thailand
3. Russia
3. Thailand

Boxing - Super Heavyweight:
1. Thailand
2. Russia
3. Italy
3. Australia

Sprint Canoeing - Men's C-1 500 metres:
1. The Netherlands
2. Poland
3. Canada

Sprint Canoeing - Men's C-2 500 metres:
1. Canada
2. Sweden
3. United States

Sprint Canoeing - Men's K-1 500 metres:
1. Russia
2. Australia
3. China

Sprint Canoeing - Men's K-2 500 metres:
1. Mexico
2. United States
3. Angola

Sprint Canoeing - Women's K-1 500 metres:
1. China
2. The Netherlands
3. The Netherlands

Sprint Canoeing - Women's K-2 500 metres:
1. Russia
2. Mexico
3. Mexico

Equestrian - Individual jumping:
1. Hong Kong
2. United States
3. Hong Kong

Rhythmic Gymnastics - Women's group all-around:
1. Great Britain
2. Angola
3. Israel

Handball - Women's tournament:
1. China
2. Russia
3. The Netherlands

Modern Pentathlon - Women's:
1. Canada
2. Russia
3. Canada

Indoor Volleyball - Men's tournament:
1. Thailand
2. China
3. The Netherlands

Wrestling - Men's Freestyle 58kg:
1. Russia
2. Australia
3. Russia

Wrestling - Men's Freestyle 69kg:
1. Sweden
2. Poland
3. Angola

Wrestling - Men's Freestyle 85kg:
1. Italy
2. Angola
3. China

Wrestling - Men's Freestyle 130kg:
1. Sweden
2. Poland
3. United States


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Closing Ceremony (October 1):

Just before the Countdown, a slapstick skit was performed showing what could have gone wrong in the opening ceremony. A groundskeeper loses control of his buggy and causes havoc over the stadium and the pomp and ceremony. In one scene, Birch appears on a bike with an inflatable kangaroo featured in the 1996 closing ceremony. Finally his vehicle is dismantled in a comedic way.

A recording of the countdown composed by Richard Mills performed by Sydney Symphony Orchestra that was played before the beginning of the Opening Ceremony played again for the closing ceremony. The large screens counted down from 60 to 1. Starting at 23, footage from previous games appeared. On 0, footage of fireworks was shown followed by an image of a Ken Done drawing with the phrase "Let's Party!"

After a brief fanfare composed by David Stanhope, Christine Anu performed with Torres Strait Island dancers her rendition of the Warumpi Band's song "My Island Home" written by Neil Murray. She performed on the Geodome Stage, with several Aboriginal dancers atop the stage, around which several hundred umbrella and lampbox kids created an image of Aboriginal dreamtime. The version performed was the recently released Earth Beat mix, which compared to previous versions of the song, identified the island as Australia itself. Near the end of the song, Anu was hoisted on part of the stage, which was folded into a giant 8-sided octagonal figure called The Geode, which had the globe projected on it. Audience members were encouraged to wave their flashlights.

The flags from all countries entered with their flag bearers before placing their flags on the Geode stage. Then, after the flags all entered, athletes ran in from all entrances onto the field, while an fanfare 'Olympic Fireworks' by David Stanhope and orchestral piece 'Journey of Angels' by Chong Lim played. Savage Garden performed their hit song 'Affirmation' on the Geode stage while wearing indigenous flag t-shirts. The Geode stage was projected different words relating to what people might affirm about their beliefs. One of the words included Sydney's famous graffiti, Eternity.

The last time Australia hosted the Olympics games in 1956, a young Melburnian, John Ian Wing, suggested that during the closing ceremony, instead of marching as separate teams, behind their national flags, the athletes mingled together as they paraded into and around the arena for a final appearance before the spectators. It was implemented then and has been an Olympic tradition that has been followed ever since.

Children from both the Millennium Children's Choir of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and Sing 2001 Choir arrived in white and cream attire and spread themselves around the Geode stage. The Millennium Children's Choir performed "Hymn to Liberty", the National Anthem of Greece, conducted by George Ellis. The Greek flag was raised as protocol to recognise the birthplace of the Olympic Games. Afterwards, with the raising of the Australian Flag the Sing 2001 Choir performed "Advance Australia Fair", the national anthem of Australia, conducted by George Torbay.

President of the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games, Michael Knight, made a closing address thanking the volunteers, the organising committee and the people of the City of Sydney. He stated:

"All Australians are entitled to feel proud of our athletes, our country and themselves for what our nation has achieved during this period."

As he was introducing Juan Antonio Samaranch, he noted that this would be his last Olympics as President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and would be a special night for him, although his experience of the games came amid personal tragedy. Juan Antonio Samaranch gave a speech echoing Knight's thanks to all those who helped organised the games. He then declared:

"I am proud and happy to proclaim that you have presented to the world the best Olympic Games ever."

Samaranch then awarded the on behalf of the IOC the Gold Olympic Order to both Michael Knight, as an expression of gratitude for a perfect organisation, and John Coates, President of the Australian Olympic Committee for fulfilling the promise of making these games the athletes games. In addition, he also gave on behalf of the IOC, the Olympic Cup to the people of Sydney for their enthusiastic and unpartisan support of athletes from all countries.

As the Olympic Flag was lowered, on a separate stage near the flagpole, Australian soprano Yvonne Kenny performed the Olympic Hymn in English, composed by Spiros Samara with lyrics by Costas Palamas. The Sydney Olympics was the first time the hymn was performed in both the IOC's preferred languages. Chong Lim's 'Journey of Angels' was then played. The final flag bearers were 8 young Australian champions:
  • Lori Munz (swimming)
  • Melissa Rippon (water polo)
  • Anna Mcllwaine (diving)
  • Mathew Belcher (sailing)
  • Neil Dennis (rowing)
  • Stefan Szscurowski (rowing)
  • Kerrie Meares (cycling)
  • Mark Renshaw (cycling)
‘We'll Be One’ was performed by Nikki Webster and the Sing 2001 Choir where she performed the song on a high platform underneath the Olympic Cauldron. The song is about all of humanity coming together and becoming one. The Olympic Flame was then captured by a F-111 from No. 1 Squadron, RAAF and flew out from Olympic Park representing the start of its long journey back to Athens (the F-111 actually performed a dump-and-burn).

The Ceremony ended with an hour long party and dance mix, featuring well known Australian artists and performers.

The first two songs in the dance mix were Absolutely Everybody by Vanessa Amorosi, who performed with dancers in sci-fi europop attire, and Love Is in the Air, performed by John Paul Young and ballroom dancers as a reference to the Baz Luhrmann film Strictly Ballroom. Both performed on the Geode stage.

The next part, the Heroes Medley was a collection of Australian rock songs, performed on two custom stages on the left and right of the stadium, as well as the Geode stage. The stages were designed and influenced by the work of Reg Mombassa, a key Mambo artist.

"(Back on the) Terra Firma" – Performed by Phil & Tommy Emmanuel
"What You Need" – Performed by INXS with Jon Stevens
"Working Class Man" – Performed by Jimmy Barnes
"Beds Are Burning" – Performed by Midnight Oil
"Treaty" – Performed by Yothu Yindi



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

The parade of icons section of the dance mix began with a callback to the beginning of the opening ceremony, where the hero girl (Nikki Webster) took a day off at the beach. A large number of Surf Life Savers arrive with Kylie Minogue, dressed as a much older hero girl on a thong (Australian slang for a flip flop) before singing the ABBA song "Dancing Queen" on the Geodome stage.

Then, surrounding athletes, the parade of icons began, showing celebrities of Australiana. Each celebrity arrived on a float with performers surrounding them. The celebrities were Greg Norman, the characters of Bananas in Pyjamas, Elle Macpherson, Paul Hogan as Crocodile Dundee, and Drag Queens from The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.

The remix track during the parade included samples from:
  • "Theme from Jaws" - John Williams
  • "Howzat" - Sherbet
  • Bananas in Pyjamas theme song (Dance Mix)
  • "Don’t Call Me Baby" - Madison Avenue
  • "Great Southern Land" - Icehouse
  • "Shout" - Johnny O'Keefe
  • "Finally" - Cece Peniston.
Finally, Minogue performed from the Geodome stage her recently released single "On a Night Like This". The show ended with the whole cast performing on the Geodome Stage with Men at Work the Australian classic, "Down Under". Finally, Slim Dusty with guitar in hand performed an acoustic version of "Waltzing Matilda" as a singalong with the cast, athletes, and crowd. The Geode had projectedt the line: "Bye from Oz".

The 'Closing Night Harbour Spectacular' marked the end of the ceremony, with a 25-minute fireworks display starting at Homebush Bay following the Parramatta River eastward, before reaching the Sydney Harbour Bridge. After the spirit of the flame (a F-111 from earlier with the Olympic flame) flew over the Harbour Bridge, the harbour erupts with fireworks. It is the largest fireworks display staged ever in the world, and required the work of five different pyrotechnic companies, headed by Foti Pyrotechnics.
  • Olympic Fireworks - David Stanhope
  • Overture to Tannhäuser - Richard Wagner
  • Arrivals: Movements I to V - Peewee Ferris
  • Symphony of a Thousand - Gustav Mahler


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