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2005 New Year Celebrations Moscow


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

President of Russia Boris Nemtsov: Citizens of our beloved Federation, guests of our beloved Motherland, and cherished friends, We are bidding farewell to 2005. Very soon it will become part of history and we will have to move forward and create the future. We have worked very hard and accomplished a lot over the past year. We were proud of our common achievements and happy about our successes. And we were firm, protecting the national interests, our freedom and security, and our values which continue to be our unshakeable foundation. We are excitedly awaiting the sound of the chimes of the Moscow Kremlin, and we feel the march of time and the approaching future more clearly than ever before. We experience this only during these moments, during this wonderful and beloved holiday.

The main thing which has united us is the destiny of the Motherland. There is a deep understanding of the importance of the historic period Russia is going through, the ambitious goals society faces, and the colossal responsibility for the Motherland that every one of us feels. We are acutely and clearly aware of how much it depends on us during this period, on our positive attitude, and on our aspiration to support each other in word and deed. This kind of generational kinship and love of one’s home fosters devotion to the Motherland.

We are united in our thoughts, deeds, and in battle, on weekdays or holidays, displaying the main traits of the Russian people – solidarity, mercy, fortitude. Our perseverance for the common good has united society. To do this we simply need to treat our parents with love and gratitude, take care of our children and families, respect our colleagues at work, nurture our friendships, defend truth and justice, be merciful, and help those who are in need of support. This is the whole secret.

The main thing is that we believe in ourselves, in our strengths and in our country. We are working, and working successfully, and we are achieving much. I would like to thank you for the victories and achievements, for your understanding and trust, and for your true, sincere care for Russia. We have a vast, unique, and wonderful country. We are united by common concerns and common joys, by our long-standing good tradition of meeting the New Year with our families and with hope for the best.

But not everyone is at the holiday table today. Many of our citizens are away from home, ensuring Russia’s security, working at enterprises, on duty in hospitals, and operating trains and aircraft. They are serving their nation and their fellow citizens.

I would also like to address our military personnel, everyone who is serving their Motherland, who is on the front lines fighting for truth and justice. You are our heroes. Our hearts are with you. We are proud of you and we admire your courage. I know that right now you feel the love of your nearest and dearest, the powerful and sincere support of millions of Russian citizens, the support of the entire people. We have proved over and over again that we are able to tackle the most difficult tasks and we will never back down as there is no force that can divide us, make us forget the memory and the faith of our fathers, or stop our development.

I would like to convey my very best wishes for the new year to all Russian families. After all, the history of our huge, wonderful, and beloved Motherland is made up of the history of each family. We, the multinational people of Russia, shape its future. We are one country, one big family. We will ensure the steady development of the Motherland, and the well-being of our citizens, and we will become even stronger.

Happy New Year, friends! Happy 2005! Slava Rossiya!

Ladies and Gentlemen that was His Excellency President Nemtsov's New Year's Address to the Motherland. We join him in wishing for prosperity and good health for the Russian People. To all the heroes of the federation serving their nation dutifully, to all the healthcare workers tiring into the night, to everyone who makes Russia better, a blessed New Year to you all. Join us now for a count down as we say goodbye to 2004 and say hello to 2005.

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