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Thailand to Vietnam | Communist Relations


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Trần Đức Lương, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam> HeadlessSeeker
From: <Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand>
Subject: Bilateral Relationships between Thailand and Vietnam and the Future of Communism
Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0

President Lương,

I hope this message finds Your Excellency in good health and high spirits. On behalf of the government and people of the Republic of Thailand, I extend our warmest greetings and reaffirm the enduring bonds of friendship between our two nations.

Thailand and Vietnam are united by a shared commitment to democratic principles and the ultimate realization of communism. Our dedication to fostering peace, stability, and prosperity in our regions reflects our shared vision of a classless, stateless, and moneyless society. In light of the challenges posed by the rise of authoritarianism, the unchecked spread of globalized capitalism, and threats to our socialist ideals, it is imperative that we deepen our cooperation across key sectors such as economic development, trade, climate change mitigation, public health, and mutual defense.

Thailand holds in high regard Vietnam’s efforts to reform the Association of Southeast Asian Nations during the early years following our revolutions. Though the endeavor did not fully succeed, it is this spirit of collaboration that I wish to build upon. I propose that our governments engage in further dialogue on these pressing matters, with the goal of advancing initiatives that will not only strengthen our nations but also promote the global socialist movement and reinforce worker solidarity worldwide.

As we look forward, I am confident that our partnership will continue to yield meaningful results for our peoples. I welcome the opportunity for continued dialogue and anticipate with great enthusiasm the possibility of a state visit to Vietnam, where we can engage directly on these critical issues.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration and esteem.


Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
To: <Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand> Bossza007
From: <Trần Đức Lương, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam>
Subject: Re: Bilateral Relationships between Thailand and Vietnam and the Future of Communism

Prime Minister Shinawatra,

Thank you for your warm greetings and on behalf of my people I in turn wish to offer our warmest of greetings. It is my hope that we are able to build a long lasting friendship between our nations. One built off of mutual respect and a mutual goal.

We should work together to garentee regional stability and combat the threats of authoritarian fascism. If we can tackle those challenges then working together to build Communism this century should be possible. We have a long road ahead of us, but we owe it to those that will come after our time.

I do appologize as I have been out of the loop due to internal matters. But what are your relations with nations in our region and have you found any bad actors?

I would also very much like to invite you for a state visit.


Trần Đức Lương
Socialist Republic of Vietnam​
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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Trần Đức Lương, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam> HeadlessSeeker
From: <Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand>
Subject: Bilateral Relationships between Thailand and Vietnam and the Future of Communism
Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0

President Lương,

Thank you for your prompt and considerate response. My administration is pleased to hear that Vietnam is open to hosting my forthcoming state visit to Hanoi. It is heartening to reaffirm that your government remains steadfast in its commitment to the realization of communism, a system in which true freedom can only thrive when built upon the principles of communal ownership and collective responsibility.

I understand the necessity of prioritizing internal matters, especially given the ongoing pressures from global capitalism and imperialist exploitation that both our nations continue to face. My own approach to socialism is deeply influenced by the writings of Karl Marx and Rosa Luxemburg, particularly the emphasis on Soviet Democracy, where worker councils play a crucial role in democratic participation. While I may hold reservations regarding the Marxist-Leninist framework guiding your nation, I believe that our divergent models share a common goal—a future rooted in socialist ideals.

The global order has indeed shifted during your period of focus on internal affairs. Thailand now stands as a world power alongside the United Kingdom and the United States, marking our third consecutive year in this position. We have forged robust alliances with France, Poland, Sweden, and New Zealand, and have seen a significant increase in trade with Spain and Portugal. My administration is also actively working with the British government to restore our diplomatic ties.

Although my administration has not formally designated any nation as a bad state actor, we recognize the threats posed by capitalist powers such as Australia and Russia. However, it is important to clarify that my concerns do not lie with the Russian President personally, whom I admire for his diplomatic acumen and restraint. Rather, my apprehension stems from elements within his administration that I fear he may not fully control. His potential successor could act unilaterally, endangering global peace and stability.

I look forward to our upcoming state visit to Vietnam. I will be accompanied by my Defense Minister, Sutin Klungsang, and a delegation of seven officials. For security, I will have three unarmed bodyguards from our special forces contingent.

I anticipate our meeting with great eagerness, Comrade, and look forward to our discussions.


Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
To: <Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand> Bossza007
From: <Trần Đức Lương, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam>
Subject: Bilateral Relationships between Thailand and Vietnam and the Future of Communism

Prime Minister Shinawatra,

Lets plan on a state visit this Thursday if possible? Rather short notice yes but I believe having a chance to discuss this all in person would be greatly beneficial.

I congratulate Thailand on achieving the status of a great power and it is reassuring to hear how Thailand has used such status to build and strengthen ties.

You mentiomed why Russia is concerning to you at this time but what has Australia done?


Trần Đức Lương
Socialist Republic of Vietnam​


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Trần Đức Lương, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam> HeadlessSeeker
From: <Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand>
Subject: Bilateral Relationships between Thailand and Vietnam and the Future of Communism
Security Type: NSST Architecture 1.0

President Lương,

I acknowledge the importance of our upcoming meeting on Thursday, despite the short notice, as it presents a crucial opportunity for us to engage in meaningful dialogue on shaping a future world order founded upon equality, justice, and the inherent dignity of all. I genuinely appreciate your recognition of Thailand's commendable use of its international standing.

Regarding the concerns expressed by Australia towards my administration, it is essential to recognize the complexities underlying this issue. On numerous occasions, Australia has demonstrated a disregard for our sovereignty and the principles of international cooperation. The current Australian administration has adopted a notably hostile stance towards Thailand, including an incident where their Prime Minister subjected our former ambassador to verbal harassment after an official summons. Furthermore, the Australian Foreign Ministry attempted to exert undue pressure on our government to censor a domestic media outlet reporting on the potentially detrimental impact of excessive military expenditure on their economy. The accuracy of this prediction was later affirmed by the Global Assembly's report on the dire living conditions in Australia, highlighting a clear and deliberate attempt to undermine press freedom in Thailand, an affront to our democratic values.

Nonetheless, I will be departing Bangkok for Hanoi on Thursday as planned.


Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​

Secret and secure unless contextually possible. | NSST 1.0 Architecture

After finalizing arrangements between the Thai and Vietnamese governments, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and Defense Minister Sutin Klangsang prepared to depart for Hanoi. They would leave Suvarnabhumi Airport aboard a chartered plane, accompanied by three special forces agents and seven high-ranking officials.
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Secret & Encrypted

At Noi Bai International Airport preparations for the arrival of the Thai Prime Minister abd Defense Minister would be made. A section of the airport secured for their arrival and blocked off by security. A convoy of two limousine would be prepared for transport and await arrival.

President Trần Đức Lương and Minister of Defense Phạm Văn Trà would with both a plane clothes security squad in the area and a on sight security detail there would await the arrival at the jet bridge.

Priority would be given to the Thai aircraft and directed to the assigned jet bridge.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

As Thaksin disembarked from the plane with Sutin, his defense minister, he approached the Vietnamese President with a warm embrace and a firm handshake. "Comrade Lương, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. How has your country been faring?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

President Trần Đức Lương and Minister of Defense Phạm Văn Trà would exchange greetings with their guests. A bow and then handshakes. Though not against the offered embraces."It has been fairing well. There have been some reforms within the nation. Or rather, a restablishment of party plurality." The President would state.

"We have begun an effort to have a entirely Motorized and Mechanized military." The defense minister would state.
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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret and secure unless contextually possible. | NSST 1.0 Architecture

Thaksin and Sutin listened intently as the Vietnamese President and Defense Minister spoke. Thaksin was the first to respond, his tone warm yet resolute. “I'm glad to hear your nation is thriving. Our countries share a bond that goes beyond mere diplomacy. The stability of one will always influence the other. Your reforms are bold, but I believe they are the right path forward. Socialism is nothing without democracy. After all, we hold it as the highest form of democracy for a reason.”

He paused, his expression earnest. “My administration is eager to rebuild a cordial and comprehensive relationship with Vietnam. Like-minded nations such as ours must stand together, showing the world that a system built on equality, justice, and human dignity is not just possible, but necessary. Wouldn't you agree?” He smiled warmly, inviting agreement.

Sutin then joined the conversation with measured confidence. “It’s encouraging to see your military modernization. We must be ready to defend against capitalist threats. But this shouldn't come at the cost of the working class. The Republic Armed Forces stands ready to support your military should the need arise.”



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Secret and Secure

"Well. Not everyone in Viet Nam believes the reinteoduction of multiple parties within the fatherland front is the right path forward. There is a fear that it might allow for infiltration by outside influences. However, as nothing like that has happened so far I am hopeful that these reforms will indeed make Socialism within Viet Nam stronger." The President would state.

"Regardless I and my colleagues are in agreement. Pursuing relations with like minded nations such as yours is important to our goals. So we are in agreement there. It is our hope that our combined success will allow others nations to pursue Socialism."

The Defense Minister would speak."Not to worry. There are no plans to burden the workers with extra costs to afford an effective military. Indeed, our path forward is one of reasoned and gradual growth. So it is encouraging to hear that you are willing to help should the need arrise."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret and secure unless contextually possible. | NSST 1.0 Architecture

Thaksin and Sutin exchanged respectful nods with the Vietnamese President and Defense Minister before gesturing for them to lead the way to a more formal setting. As the delegations moved through the bustling streets of Hanoi, the scene brought back memories for many of the Thai leaders of the early days of their Republic, when Thailand and Vietnam stood united as allies. The city’s vibrancy reflected the Vietnamese government's efforts to foster a thriving environment for its people, something the Thai delegation genuinely admired. Thaksin, in particular, engaged eagerly with the Vietnamese President, sharing a light conversation about football—his lifelong passion, and a sport he had played frequently during his early years as a police officer.

Once settled in a secure meeting room, Thaksin and Sutin bowed slightly in gratitude for the hospitality and camaraderie extended to them. With everyone seated comfortably, Thaksin began the discussion. “Mr. Lương, it is an honor for my administration to reestablish strong ties with the Vietnamese Fatherland Front,” Thaksin began. “I have the privilege of continuing the legacy of Chuan Leekpai, our Republic’s founding father, who now serves as my Government Secretary.” He paused, collecting his thoughts before continuing, “Thailand is forging a new path toward communism, embracing Democratic Socialism as our guiding philosophy. We may diverge from the concept of the Vanguard Party as interpreted by Stalin, but we hold fast to Marx’s view that the first step toward communism is the fight for democracy. That is why my administration is deeply committed to expanding democracy—not just in the political sphere but in the economic realm as well.”

After a brief pause, during which Thaksin carefully studied the expressions of both Vietnamese leaders, he continued with measured confidence. “Our countries share a long history of cooperation,” he began. “And we are united by a fundamental ideological commitment. I believe it’s time we move beyond partnership. I am proposing a military alliance, a free trade agreement, and a technological transfer between Thailand and Vietnam.” Thaksin’s gaze remained steady as he elaborated. “Under this arrangement, I envision Thailand and Vietnam forming a socialist bloc—one that we call the Socialist International. Our goal is to advocate for a peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism. This bloc won’t sever our ties with capitalist or free-market nations. Rather, it will demonstrate the strength of international socialist solidarity, a bond shared by both the Thai People’s Front and the Vietnamese Fatherland Front.” Thaksin paused briefly, allowing his words to settle. “This proposal is an extension of our shared ideology. While both of our nations will retain their autonomy and pursue independent foreign policies, we will remain steadfast in our mutual goal—the realization of communism. What are your thoughts?” he asked, his focus shifting to the Vietnamese President, his tone both curious and deliberate.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Secret & Secure

"There is wisdom in not allowing minor rhetoric and ideological differences get in the way of building Communism. Afterall, it has been shown again and again that one of the most dangerous things for socialists and communists is infighting that weakens the cause as a whole."

"Thus, I believe your offer of cooperation is the best path forward. I would however like some clarification on two aspects of your offer of alliance. Will the military alliance be more of a mutual defense pact or something more involved? When you say technological transfer what do you mean by that? Viet Nam is in need of modernization in some key areas. Would this transfer assist us in that goal?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret and secure unless contextually possible. | NSST 1.0 Architecture

Thaksin offered a warm smile before addressing his Vietnamese counterpart. “Your insight is invaluable,” he began, his tone measured and thoughtful. After a brief pause, he pulled out his tablet, ready to outline his proposal. “This treaty encompasses more than just a military alliance; it includes joint exercises and the sharing of strategic intelligence. Regarding technological transfer, I propose a comprehensive exchange that respects and safeguards intellectual property. This spans renewable energy, healthcare, education, and defense—areas where neither of our nations traditionally excel.” He handed the tablet to the Vietnamese President, his eyes steady and sincere. “Please review the details at your convenience. I've found that it's easier to make adjustments on a smart device. I’m open to revisions, especially since we both see the value in this alliance. I’m ready to compromise where needed.”


Treaty on the Establishment of the Socialist International​
Proposed by the Government of the Republic of Thailand

Treaty on the Establishment of the Socialist International Between the Republic of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

We, the Republic of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"),
Reaffirming our shared commitment to socialism, based on the principles of communal ownership, collective responsibility, and the ultimate goal of a classless, stateless, and moneyless society;
Acknowledging our mutual interest in fostering democratic participation of workers, economic equity, and sustainable development in accordance with socialist ideals;
Recognizing the necessity of solidarity among like-minded nations to counter the influence of authoritarian and exploitative systems;
Desiring to strengthen our bilateral relationship through the creation of a formal bloc, the Socialist International, that embodies our shared values and ensures mutual security, economic cooperation, and technological advancement;
Determined to pursue a peaceful and just transition from capitalism to socialism for the benefit of our peoples and the global community;
Hereby agree to the following provisions for the establishment of the Socialist International.

Article I: Establishment of the Socialist International
  1. The Socialist International is hereby established as an international alliance of socialist states committed to advancing the goals of socialism and international solidarity.
  2. The founding members of the Socialist International are the Republic of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  3. Membership in the Socialist International is open to other states committed to socialist principles, whether it is Social Democracy, Democratic Socialism, Ethical Socialism, Marxism–Leninism, Libertarian Socialism, and other left-wing tendencies committed to the eventual realization of Communism, subject to the unanimous approval of the founding members or supermajority of seventy-five percent of all members.
Article II: Military Alliance
  1. The Parties agree to enter into a mutual defense pact whereby an armed attack against one Party shall be considered an armed attack against both.
  2. In the event of an armed attack, the Parties shall immediately consult and coordinate their response, including the use of armed forces to restore peace and security.
  3. The Parties commit to the principle of peaceful resolution of disputes and will use military force only in defense and in accordance with international law.
  4. The Parties agree to conduct joint military exercises and share strategic intelligence to ensure the readiness and effectiveness of their armed forces.
  5. The Parties shall establish a joint military command structure to coordinate defense activities, under the authority of a Socialist International Defense Council.
Article III: Free Trade Zone
  • The Parties hereby establish a free trade zone between the Republic of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, eliminating tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers on goods and services exchanged between the two nations.
  • The Parties agree to harmonize customs procedures and regulations to facilitate the free flow of goods, services, and capital within the free trade zone.
  • The Parties shall cooperate to ensure that trade relations within the zone are conducted in a manner consistent with the principles of economic democracy, fair labor standards, and environmental sustainability.
  • The Parties reserve the right to protect sensitive industries and sectors deemed vital to national security or socialist development, subject to mutual consultation.
  • The Socialist International Trade Commission shall be established to oversee the implementation of this free trade agreement and resolve any disputes that may arise.
Article IV: Technology Transfer
  1. The Parties agree to cooperate in the research, development, and exchange of technologies that advance the goals of socialist development, including but not limited to renewable energy, public health, education, and defense.
  2. The Parties commit to sharing technological innovations and knowledge, ensuring equitable access to technological resources and expertise for mutual benefit.
  3. The Parties shall prioritize technology transfers that enhance the collective welfare of their populations, reduce dependence on capitalist economies, and promote environmental sustainability.
  4. The Socialist International Technology Council shall be established to facilitate technology transfers, coordinate joint research initiatives, and promote the dissemination of technological advancements across sectors.
  5. The Parties shall ensure that technology transfers are conducted in a manner that protects intellectual property rights in accordance with socialist principles, prioritizing communal ownership over private monopolization.
Article V: Governance and Institutions
  1. []The Socialist International shall be governed by the Socialist International Council, composed of representatives from each member state. Decisions of the Council shall be made by consensus.
  2. The Socialist International Defense Council, Socialist International Trade Commission, and Socialist International Technology Council shall operate under the authority of the Socialist International Council and report regularly on their activities.
  3. The Socialist International shall convene an annual summit of heads of state and government to review progress, set strategic priorities, and promote unity among member states.
  4. The Socialist International shall respect the sovereignty and independence of its member states while promoting the principles of international socialist solidarity and mutual cooperation.
Article VI: Accession of New Members
  1. States that share the values and principles of socialism as outlined in this Treaty may apply for membership in the Socialist International.
  2. The accession of new members requires the unanimous approval of the founding members or supermajority of seventy-five percent of all members., who shall assess the applicant's commitment to socialism and willingness to contribute to the bloc's goals.
Article VII: Amendments
  • This Treaty may be amended by the mutual consent of the Parties. Any proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Socialist International Council for consideration and approval.
  • Amendments shall enter into force upon ratification by all member states.
Article VIII: Duration and Withdrawal
  1. This Treaty shall enter into force upon ratification by both the Republic of Thailand and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and shall remain in effect indefinitely.
  2. Either Party may withdraw from the Socialist International by providing written notice to the other Party. The withdrawal shall take effect one year after the date of notification, during which time the withdrawing Party shall fulfill its obligations under the Treaty.
Article IX: Final Provisions
  1. This Treaty is concluded in the spirit of international cooperation and is governed by the principles of equality, mutual respect, and non-interference in internal affairs.
  2. The Parties commit to resolving any disputes arising from the interpretation or application of this Treaty through dialogue and negotiation.
  3. The official languages of the Socialist International shall be Thai, Vietnamese, and English.

Signed on this nineteenth day of January, 2005, in Hanoi, Vietnam.

For the Republic of Thailand

Thaksin Sinawatra
Prime Minister

For the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Trần Đức Lương

The Government of Thailand​



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Secure & Private

"Thank you. Reading it I do love the direction. However, I will need to have it ratified by the national assembly and the party may want certain changes. But I think we are on a good track.

Also I would like to discuss with you a matter involving a nation that is interested in our region. Russia wishes to extend a hand towards us and has apparently shown 'concern' in regards to Thailand. If you could explain what exactly happened between Thailand and Russia from your nation's perspective it would be helpful in our efforts as... peace makers."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret and secure unless contextually possible. | NSST 1.0 Architecture

Thaksin smiled warmly as the Vietnamese President spoke. “I’m glad to hear that. It’s truly inspiring to see our socialist comrades standing together against the exploitation that has plagued workers around the world. My administration is ready to make compromises to ensure the core principles of human dignity, freedom, and solidarity—values deeply rooted in communism—are upheld globally.” He paused briefly, maintaining his pleasant tone, but his words became more measured.

“If memory serves, exactly a year ago today, there was a diplomatic incident in Bangkok. According to reports, though they might be biased, a Russian Deputy Minister seemed shocked that her country—burdened with the second-highest debt globally and a collapsed economy—no longer held the influence it once did as the Soviet Union. I extended an invitation for her to meet with me, should she feel dissatisfied with the response from our Director-General of European Affairs. However, she appeared to overlook this opportunity for meaningful dialogue. Later, a malfunction at her hotel’s registration system led the staff, adhering to our egalitarian practices, to mistakenly believe the Russian delegation had used the facilities without authorization. The police were called, sparking a diplomatic incident. The Russian Foreign Minister, upon learning of the situation, reacted aggressively, showing no initial interest in clarification. It almost felt as though their administration had been waiting for such a situation to arise—perhaps to undermine our nation.”

After a brief pause, Thaksin continued, his demeanor calm but purposeful. “Our talks are progressing well. I’ve presented the Socialist International proposal, and I think we’ve made great strides. Could you share when your National Assembly might review it? And is there anything my administration can do to improve its chances of acceptance?” His tone remained warm, inviting collaboration.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
Top Secret/Private

With the Polish Office of State Protections continued monitoring of Thai communications channels, the previous communications would have been securely intercepted, categorized by nature of communication, and then filed within secured servers within the headquarters of the OSP for further analysis. Analysts would then carefully comb through any such communications for actionable intelligence before they would be escalated up the chain of command where leadership would look over the results. From there they would determine if the intelligence contained was immediately actionable. Actionable intelligence would be passed along to the Ministry of National Defense and the Council of Ministers where they would decide on the national stance for the information.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"That sounds like a bad situation to have. If I may suggest something. Allow Viet Nam to send investigators as a third party. That way we can be a neutral third party and help ease tensions.

As for when the national assembly will review it. I'd say that can be as soon as next week. So long as they have enough time to review it."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Secret and encrypted unless contextually possible. | NSST 1.0 Architecture

Thaksin met the Vietnamese President's gaze, his expression softening from diplomatic gravity to genuine warmth. "I accept with profound appreciation," he said, measuring his words with characteristic thoughtfulness. "Your offer of neutral investigators speaks to the deep bonds between our nations and our shared vision for a more equitable world." He gestured subtly with one hand, a habit that emerged when articulating complex ideas. "This gesture exemplifies Vietnam's commitment to regional stability and the advancement of progressive ideals that benefit all our people."

His smartwatch caught the afternoon light as he glanced at it briefly, but his attention remained focused on the meaningful exchange. The technology on his wrist—a symbol of Thailand's technological progress—served as a quiet reminder of how far their societies had evolved. "The Vietnamese National Assembly will have ample time for their democratic review process," he added, his tone reflecting both respect for their institutional procedures and quiet confidence in the outcome. After a moment's reflection, he leaned forward slightly. "Have we addressed all the crucial matters for today's visit?"
