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A Mysterious Call (A Side Story of 'Modern NARCOS')


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
A side story of (Modern NARCOS | Modern Nations)

Late one evening in early January after the offensive of Operation At-All-Cost (Operation A Toda Costa (At-All-Cost) | Modern Nations) a call would be placed directly to the presidents phone at the National Palace in Mexico City. President Fox would look puzzled as he was not expecting any calls today. Intrigued, he would answer.

"Hello, President Fox, to who am I speaking to?" President Fox would say.

The phone was quiet on the other end. A slight sound of someone breathing could be heard. President Fox would ask again who he was speaking to. After no response he would hang up. As soon as the phone made contact with the receiver, it would ring again.

"Hello, President Fox." He would say once more.

This time a deep male voice would speak. It would sound as if the caller was using a voice changer.

"Hello, Mr. President. You have exactly 24 hours to call off this attack, failure to do so will result in the deaths of multiple government officials. I currently have bombs placed in 11 locations across Mexico City. Failure to comply with my instructions will result in their detonation." The mysterious man would say and hang up the phone immediately.

President Fox would call the Secretary of Defence and other cabinet members to discuss his options.


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

President Fox would hold an emergency session with his advisory cabinet at the National Palace.

"This is a bluff Mr. President. The Cartels are on the run. Our Army has pushed them out of Jalisco and are pushing North. There is no way they have bombs planted in the city." Gerado Vega (Secretary of Defence) would say.

"Si, I agree Mr. President, although we should take this threat as a possibility." Alfonso Montaño (Secretary of Public Security) would respond.

"The MIC is currently tracing the call. It was located from inside the United States, and we suspect just over the border in El Paso. The current threat is possible and we should remain on high alert. All government officials should remain at their residences and have bomb squads search the perimeters. A temporary curfew should be placed for residence of Mexico City until the city is deemed safe by public officials. In worse case scenario of bombs going off, we should have an emergency assistance plan in place. Mr. Montaño please have our emergency services ready." Raphael Gomez (Chief of MIC) would say.

"So if the call came from within the United States are we really taking this as a serious threat Mr. Gomez?" President Fox would ask.

"Si, Mr. President. This threat is very real. There are cartel members in the United States as well. They blend in quite well with the local populous so they could very easily be in Mexico City. I believe we should take all available steps to prevent this and have the city on lock down until it can be deemed safe for normal day to day activities." Gomez would respond.

"No...No I can't do that Mr. Gomez. Shutting down the capital would have devastating effects on not just Mexico but the world. The economy would decline so rapidly." President Fox would sit back and ponder the situation. "Okay, this is how we will do this. The government officials will remain in their residences, I want bomb units to sweep their perimeters until they deem it safe. I want double, no triple checks on their residences. If the dog detects anything, then the official will be placed here until it is safe for them to return home. I want around the clock security on this place. No one in or out without my say so. After the 24 hours, we will begin sweeping every street with bomb units until the city is safe. Under no circumstances are the citizens to be placed in lockdown. I will not be known as a dictator! Understood?" President Fox would announce.

The entire cabinet would agree.
"Si, Mr. President."


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Just as the President thought. The next day no bombs went off. However, riots and protest did occur in Mexico City, although over the events in the Middle East. President Fox and the Secretary of Defense sat down to speak.

"See your Excellency no bombs."

"Yes, we are lucky. Although we need to deal with this protest. Send in the SUTF."

"Si, sir. What about the cartels though?"

"Get congress to hold a special session. I want to request a Declaration of War."

"Si, your Excellency. I'll have them meet and draft up the Declaration."


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Mexico City
Private Special Session of Congress is held
Presidente Fox ordered a special session of Congress to be held in early February. While the details were still unclear, the members of Congress would gather. Security was tight and no reporters were able to go inside. This raised questions but they kept their distance from the soldiers with guns.

Once all Congressmen arrived, they would take their seats and converse amongst themselves, questioning why they were there. Presidente Fox would make his arrival and the session would begin. Presidente Fox walked out to the podium and spoke.

"Gentleman, I have gathered you here today to discuss the current situation with the Cartels. As some of you have known, I have ordered a secret operation to target key leaders and recover high value areas of interest. I have activated the Army along with the Federal Police, without an Executive Order. I wanted this to remain on a need-to-know basis. However, things have escalated. The recent bomb threat in Mexico City, rumors that the Cartels made a deal with North Korean remnants, and the recent push back attacks in key cities like Guadalajara. The situation is not lost, however. If we can agree and declare an official declaration of war on the Cartels, then we can use our full military capabilities to drive this scum out of Mexico. It was brought to my attention when I first took office that the local police could not combat the Cartels. But now we have a chance to end this crime spree. I am not blind. Some of you have your pockets lined by the Cartels, others may have family members within their organizations. Whatever the case let me remind you. YOU swore an oath to protect Mexico, and right now you are letting her DIE! So, I am giving you the choice. Make the right call, or there will be a large-scale internal investigation into each and every one of you. If found guilty of working with the Cartels, there will be no pardon, no remorse, the sentence will be death. I open the floor to the Speaker of the Union."

Presidente Fox would step down from the podium and Speaker of the Union, Gabriel Iglecias would step up.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. Underneath your chairs is a copy of the Declaration of War between the United Mexican States and the Cartel Alliance. You will read this thoroughly and after 5 hours we will make a decision. In the event of a tie, I will break that tie. None of you will leave this chamber until an official verdict is reached. You may begin reading and making notes on the document."

Speaker of the Union Iglecias would take his seat and begin reviewing the document.




M.D.W. 001

February 2000
This is an official Declaration of War between the United Mexican States and the Mexican Cartel Alliance, consisting of 4 of the "Big Five" Cartels, to include the Cali Cartel, Guadalajara Cartel, Juárez Cartel, and Sinaloa Cartel, Whereas,
I. The United Mexican States and the Mexican Cartel Alliance will enter into a state of war.
II. The United Mexican States will have access to the entirety of the Armed Forces.
III. The Mexican Cartel Alliance has threatened National Security
IV. The Mexican Cartel Alliance has committed acts of Terrorism on the United Mexican States
V. Congress gives Executive Powers to Presidente Fox until the end of the war, at which point power will be returned into the hands of Congress. *Congress will reserve the right to veto an Executive Order.*


Vincente Fox
Presidente of the United Mexican States

Gabriel Iglecias
Speaker of the Union for the United Mexican States

Gerado Vega

Secretary of Defense of the United Mexican States
The members of Congress would review this document thoroughly and after five hours they would discuss the document. It seemed that the Congress was divided on a decision. The Speaker, Gabriel Iglecias would call for the vote. Each member would submit their ballot. After 3 hours of counting the votes, it was decided. 512 Votes in favor, to 116 opposed. Presidente Fox, Speaker of the Union Iglecias, and the Secretary of Defense Vega would all sign. Mexico was now at war with the Mexican Cartel Alliance.




M.D.W. 001

This is an official Declaration of War between the United Mexican States and the Mexican Cartel Alliance, consisting of 4 of the "Big Five" Cartels, to include the Cali Cartel, Guadalajara Cartel, Juárez Cartel, and Sinaloa Cartel, Whereas,
I. The United Mexican States and the Mexican Cartel Alliance will enter into a state of war.
II. The United Mexican States will have access to the entirety of the Armed Forces.
III. The Mexican Cartel Alliance has threatened National Security
IV. The Mexican Cartel Alliance has committed acts of Terrorism on the United Mexican States
V. The United Mexican States recognizes the Mexican Cartel Alliance as an official Terrorist Group, and not as civilian entities.
VI. Congress gives Executive Powers to Presidente Fox until the end of the war, at which point power will be returned into the hands of Congress. *Congress will reserve the right to veto an Executive Order.*



Vincente Fox
Presidente of the United Mexican States


Gabriel Iglecias
Speaker of the Union for the United Mexican States


Gerado Vega

Secretary of Defense of the United Mexican States
Last edited:


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
After the session passed Presidente Fox went home and gathered his things. He would be met with a security detail outside his residence. The Presidente and his wife would be escorted to the local Air Force Base just outside of Mexico City and they would proceed to meet with Global Assembly Officials.

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