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A Norwegian New Year


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I offer my greetings to you all from Oslo as we usher in a New Year. Things have been difficult across the year as we deal with a sickening and tragic terror attack which has rocked our capital city and sent shockwaves around the world. The world has also been rocked with the European economic criss which has devastated economies but under the leadership of the Norwegian Government, our country has prevailed through the thickness and we now move onto better things ahead whilst we support our country, better days are coming, for us, and for you.

I wish to also use this occasion of New Year to reaffirm my commitment to the people of Norway, especially the youth who need our collective encouragement and support. In securing this nation we need to secure the future of our youth. Our young people are our most valuable natural resource, at home and abroad. Their ingenuity, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit is evident to all. Many of our young people are excelling in various spheres of life including sports, entertainment, information and communication technology, commerce and are globally recognized as achievers. As a Government we are committed to actively engaging with the creative energies of our young people. In this regard, we will partner with the legislature to develop an enabling environment to turn their passions into ideas that can be supported, groomed and scaled across regions. This will create vast opportunities in technology, agriculture, business process startups and in the entertainment industry.

A little more kindness makes it easier for all of us to stay the course. There are many who deserve to be thanked after a year like this one, we have all come together as a country and supported each other, I would like to extend my appreciation to not only the excellent emergency services across Norway who keep us safe every single day, the excellent teaching staff who are providing wonderful education to the younger generation, the wonderful public service staff keeping the country moving, but the whole country as a whole deserves to be appreciated. Happy New Year and heres to a wonderful year in 1998."

New Years Eve was around the corner and that saw many families across Norway coming to Oslo to mark the New Year celebrations taking place, security was high with Armed Police patrolling the streets of the capital city which was on high alert after the recent terrorist attack on the city which wasn't deterring people from coming to the city to celebrate the incoming New Year. Lots of parties, where many people were going to dance the night away, eat, drink, and watch or light fireworks were also planned between family and friends. During the build up to the main event, it was common across the country for families to indulge in a feast consisting of stuffed and roast turkey with potatoes, sprouts, gravy and Waldorf salad which was usually served with a beer.

Most Norwegian cities and towns were ready host a large, public fireworks display in order to discourage, but not ban the private use of fireworks in built-up areas. Millions gathered across the many towns and cities to watch and celebrate the incoming New Year with their friends and families. The Prime Minister took the opportunity with her family to watch the celebrations in Oslo.

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