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A Presidential Welcome


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018

Security Classification:

Prime Minister Lawrence Adams had followed the US Election with great interest, like many in the government, he understood the importance of the outcome knowing that the 'special relationship' between the UK and US depended on the policies of any administration, something that works both ways. It always creates a sense of unease when any government seeks to change hand, the uncertainty behind it and the many questions that don't yet have answers. Adams knew this and opted to remain awake to watch the results live, alternating his attention between Twitter which provided quick, real time information from anyone and everyone, and the TV where the press fought to get the most views. The election drew to a close and the results became clear.

The Prime Minister begun preparations for what would be his congratulatory phone call to the new President-elect before retiring to bed for a few hours, allowing Sinclair to handle his internal affairs first. As the morning came in, Lawrence climbed out of bed and got himself ready. A shower and breakfast to get him ready for the work day despite only having a couple hours of sleep. Quietly, he went to the confines of his office and shut the door, picked up the phone and made an encrypted call to request to speak to Sinclair -- informing the call operator that it was a congratulatory phone call for their information. Odinson



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

When Prime Minister Adams called, it was approximately six in the morning in Maine. Vice President Sinclair was getting dressed and preparing to return to his residence at Naval Observatory One in Washington D.C. He flipped his necktie from the right to the left side of his torso as he tied it. There was a knock at his door, and Sinclair said for whomever it was to enter.

"Mister President-elect, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is on the secure line, he is calling to congratulate you," the staffer, who appeared to be somewhat hungover, said. Sinclair quickly finished tying his tie and then offered his hand to the staffer, who placed the cell phone in his hand. Sinclair took the phone off of mute.

"Hello? This is Vice President Sinclair."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
During the 'on-hold' period of been in his office waiting to be patched through to the President-elect, Adams started bobbing his head and humming the 'Imperial March' theme tune. Perhaps a flashback to the roots of the British Empire. It came to an abrupt stop as he heard the voice from the other side of the line introduce himself as Vice President Sinclair. "Ah good morning, Mr President-elect" he begun "This is Prime Minister Lawrence Adams from the United Kingdom, I hope you are doing well and have had some time to process last nights results. I just wanted to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on your victory. It was something I watched closely and I recognize the significance of the results you've received from the American people." There was a slight pause as Lawrence took the opportunity to take a sip from his drink that sat in front of him on the desk before continuing to speak.

"As you prepare to take on your new role, I just wanted to reaffirm the bond between our countries and look forward to working with you closely on not just the challenges, but the opportunities we face. Whether this be about economic ties or addressing security concerns, I'm excited to see what the future holds. Please know you have our full support and backing, personally and towards America itself and to wish you and your family all the best in the coming weeks and months. I would definitely welcome an opportunity to meet you in person when the chance becomes available." Odinson


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"Prime Minister Adams, thank you for calling. I appreciate you personally calling to reaffirm Great Britain's support for the special relationship between our countries, and I can tell you that the feeling is mutual. There is a lot of planning that has to be done by my the men and women who will make up my administration, but a part of it will be how we can work together. Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to meeting you in person as well... On that note, I wanted to invite you to my inauguration on January 20th. I am hoping that the Australian Governor General, the President of the Russia, and the King of Poland will be in attendance," he said.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Thank you for the invitation, I would be honoured to accept" responded the Prime Minister without a second thought, "I am sure you have much to do and look forward to attending, I just wanted to make sure I had the chance to congratulate you once again directly, rather than just sending an email. If there is anything you need, please do let me know." Lawrence concluded. It was only ever going to be a short call but he fell silent in case the President-elect needed to mention anything afterwards. Odinson


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I am happy to hear that, Prime Minister. I look forward to meeting you in person, President Gore tells me great things," Sinclair said. If there was nothing else to discuss, the call would be terminated. The Secret Service would then securely coordinate with Mi6 and Mi5 to coordinate the British visit to the United States for Sinclair's inauguration. This visit would not be an official state visit, however, the unique and high honor would be given for the British Prime Minister to stay in the Queen's Room of the White House Residence, which was a unique honor offered to only the very closest and most trusted allies of the United States.


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