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A Research Assistance Area


Apr 5, 2020
It might be interesting to have a Research Assistance Area on the forum.

We could have some pinned threads listing mod-approved free data bases/search engines, etc. For example, Alex pointed me towards Battle Orders for military structuring help and I've found Military Wikia helpful when searching for equipment and getting a better grasp on how militaries work in general. I'm sure newer players would also find them helpful starting points.

Of course, we should probably consider special rules for research regarding more sensitive topics ex: terrorist attacks, biological or chemical weapons (especially if someone is having a non-government entity making them in a basement somewhere...). Our FBI, NSA, MI6, and KGB guys are all suspicious of us enough as is lol.

My main idea is to just have a place where players could crowdsource when they're stumped trying to find a product, pricing, or political, legal, and cultural information. I kinda enjoy helping people out with these sorts of things and I'll still have access to my uni's library resources for a bit longer which might be useful for others. Sometimes I'm in need of assistance myself.

Finally, it could be a community building opportunity--but still optional, of course..



Jul 1, 2018
Yes, every once in a while I'll share some of my open sources over discord or DM, but it'd be really nice to be able to share some of the more useful ones with the mods so they can just slap them on a list or such.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
This is a fantastic idea and it's clearly drummed up a lot of support - within the Roleplay Think Tank we're able to open a thread with an 'INFORMATION' prefix which could serve as a source base.